Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)

fti'TT OLIS TRIBUNE: NOVEMBER 3 mi TUESDAY 'nunn 1 1 i r- a i li New York Bonds By ASSOCIATED PRESS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 New York Curb By ASSOCIATED PRESS 2 0 ifiT RULED BY HIGHER PRICES HUS5 WHU I SALtS DECLARED OVER i r. at. r.oviRVMfNT Fovnv Dollar, and 1 hlrlr-Scronds, I 'tlinus Hlghl I hds. IHtghl Iiw'ciose Sales I 1 hds. Hlghl Low'Close Low Close IRaleel I I hds.

IHIchl Low Cinsj .1 30. 49i 49 4' It Sup 6s 83A xw. AFRO SUP Alieah Oas A Oas. High Low JCln Cniint Cnuaii 4n Crnnr. th.ius Highi.Low Clow I a wi i ioi lop, 1 50, 50 25 100 100', ion1 20 100 100' 100 1 HS'a 99.

9, 5 2IV 21s, 31 3 89'. 89' 89 mp 54 Jan 5s 65 Jugo-Siav Ba 7 97' 9I4' 61; 85 I 83, 50 I 60 I Steam 5s 51. 8 A rig 5s 37 Tel 4'aS 39 Nidi Pow 5s 32 NLA.OP0W Ss 65 A Norf 80 5s 61 A 19 11 li 750 821.4! Si 3 80 I 79V 80 33 33 I 33 I 89 13 13 99-13 09-24 15(1 99. 3C 67 vjuvici uuvuy tu llcJillC OdV5 mum to Am Alum Co Am of MANS 8 1. 41 Mar Brasil 7s 58 Mendoxa Pr 7a 61 3t )1 4s 33-47, 6 394, 38 39 Alum Ltd IS 101-1 J101-l il'Jl-l 34 H'-10 101 101 i nn-s ioo-28 Reinvestment Demand Stimulates Market Rail and Utility Issues Advance.

Hi -J-4'. None Will Be Sold This 33 6'4' 64 31 '4' 58Wi sn 1 sn 66'i! 68 or: con 4s 90 PRUSSIA EL 641 88 I 81 88 2, 30 38 30 ll 33l 33 33 2, 35 I 35 S5 3' 464! 46 46 30 90, 88! nt4 2: 78 78 78 21. 86 85! 85 2' 1741 174i 114 4' 16; 15 16 36, 96 I 9414' 96 6 93 93 I 93 18: 88 88 I 88 1' 774! 7714! 77 2 401 101.17 101-12 101-13 i Nor Am Co Si SI. .1 35'. 35 I 35, 3141 3'.

Year.or Next. 3SI 3 3' 101 I.Nor Am Fd 5s 9 61 105-15 105 I Ohio A 6s47A 401 101-24 101-17 101-18 Nor 6s 3047 Am Bever I I Am PA-LA 3r Am Cit PALB lOnc Am Pow A lOpo fl I Am Corp 30h I Am Cyan Am Equities the Am A- Fgn war RUHR GAS As 58 A I Ruhr Hous 58. .) Rusa 6s 1921 IS' 4114' 41 I 41 10 41 I 39 41 li 2 I 3 I 3 1 2 US', 88 88 2 88 86 3 101 4 90. 90 71 59: 69 I 69 6 108 105 105 4 100 100, 100 1 5 6 KARSTADT 48 Kreuger A 6s 69; I.EIP SFG 7. 47 I Lombard 7s 52 xw! Lyons 6s 34 1 MARSEILLES Ra 841 Meriellin Iws 64i Meririinn 7s 57.

.1 Met Wat 5', a 60 Miag 7s 56 SIS 99-31 99-16 99-31 1 Nnr Pec gen 3s 304 1s' 31-47 r' 1 4th 4 .4 33-38 4-(, 4. T-ves 4.S Treas 4s 44-M 'Irffis 3.s 4f.B i Tl 3.l 40-43i Tre.u 3' 4.1-41.1 3'4 41-43Mr Trees 4R-49I Trees 3s 51-55. .1 11 5 I 1I 72 24 2 25! 97-2 9-20! 97-3 Nor St Pow 4IB 41 Toronto, Nov. 2. (By SAN CHILE 7s 49 Santiago Ch 7s 61 Nor 8t Pow 8' 1 Am Cmwlth 653 Am Cmwlth 6 40 Am Com 5'is 63: Am El 6 57 Ai Am GAE Sa 2028 Am A Pow 6s 39..

Am PAL 6s 2016 .1 Anpalach Gas 6s 45 Anpalarh Oas 6s 45B Appalach Pow 5s 56' Anualarh 6s 2024AI Ark 6s 66. I Arnold Pr Wks As GAE 5a 38 I ctl! Assn GAE 6s 60 I Asso GAE 5' as 71 Asso GAE 5s 68 I Aslio GAE 4s 49C! Asso Rayon 6s 80. Asso Tel Ut 5l 44C As A 6l 66 Al BF.I.L TEL 47 Si 584! Bell Tel Can 6 67BI CAN RY 7a Sfli El 16' 40 I XS141 40 144' 73'4! 70'4 73'i 13 101 11004 101 8 Ioij mm inii. 3, 30I4 30'-. 101 85 I 85 1 85 II 41'il 4I'4! 29WI 29': 31 70 I 20 18U! 17 17 92-2 I 96-34: 96-34 1)7-3 I 96-28.

fi-S8 Am Founders 14 I IS 4j 15: 16' 2i 63 I 60 I IS if 16 I 60 1JI 41 42 Canadian Press.) The Toronto Globe i Am 4 tf'ii' Sax Wks 6a 32.. 454 44 '1 r.osn AVFRACF.N. Cepjrlsbt, Standard Statistic. C. November 2.

fo Indly. Kr. Utll. Total 94 I 93-24! 9.7-31 I'll 65 11 ns I 65 I 93 320. 3-4 I 93 1 65 4641 47 54 I 64 4741 484 41! 43 35 47 io; 55 39 49 27! 43 today published a copyrighted cable! Jm from Its European corresDOndent.

I Am Ma.raraibo TERNI EL 8s 58 .1 1 60 I 6A tn ll 96 I 96 I 96 11 34,1 3f 31 12! 1, CORPORATION BONDS. 10 101'i'IMViAnai 1 101'. 1011. ini It J4 73.7 SO 90 5 Sl.T J4 34 59! 69! UN SV 7s iw Un Ins 6i 41 I 20 16'i 26 All 6' 4,102 1014 102', 85141 83 1, 10 Total stock aalea todav 970 000 1 lOl IOH4 101' 33 34 8 63l 63l 63 21 74 I 73! 74 14! MA4! 81! 94 161 94 93; 93 4 J4 38, 31 65 Mr I 1 7.1 5 Kil.5 73.2 s2.o 72.5 81.4 105. 29 i 29 95! 5 30, 4' 51 91.

75! 8 93 41 70 93 70 91 2 9" 4 S9.8 99.4 96.6 OHIO SVC 7a 47. .1 Otis Steel 6s 41 PAC 4f FL 6a 4J! Par. A 6s 37.. Pac TAT rfg 5s 52.. Pan-Am A Tr 6s34! Paramnt Bwy Par Lasky 6s 47.

.1 Par Pijbh.t 5'aS 50! Path Ex 7s 37 wwl Peon Dix 6s 41 A Penn 81l Penn RR gl(i 6'jS 3 Penn RR gen 6s 68! Penn RR 6s 64 Penn RR 44S 63 .1 81 4 81.9 Sl.S 98.9 96.7 100.4 Am Nat uaa which is, in part, as follows: Am Sup Pow .40 "It can now be said quite definitely! Am UAOB 'vtc that the Soviet union will export no' wheat this year or next. to.w.r "Thla statement was made to me ArmstrongGack Ai by M. Dovgalevsky, Soviet ambassa. 2-23 t' 93 70 RS 75 tt 3l 14! 111 Sl4! SPJI Bl'i 26' 52 I 51 'a 52 ADAMS EXP 4 48 .1 Aileeh 5s 44 AllfJh Com 49.. I Allfgh Corn 6s Allis Cha! 5s 37 Am Pore 5s 20301 Am Cham 6s 33 Am Cyan 5s 43 Am I Ch 5s 49.1 Am Nat 42...

I Am Smelt 5s 47 I 83 1 s.a 1 2 14 6 18'. 1 64 '4 75 40'4 I1 7S I 7S I 7S 47'ii 4'4j" 47 7 40 1 39 10' 37't 37 I 37 6: 87 I 87 I 87 4)0. 61 I 5 a i 60 li SS3 3 83 1 83 I 63 01 74'l 73'! 3 8 I 81 9 93 I 7 102'i 102'i 102'; 91.7 102.0 351 66 41 76 9 41 441 91 3 100 1001, 100 41 2. 6 102'4 Tort Trc'i-. rinv Wfck aci Month Year ago 2 years a so 8 yearn nso High 1931 I.ow 3931 High 1930 Low 193" His-h 1929 tow 1929 35! 83 Total stock sales year ago.

314,600 shares. Total bond aalea today, 83.900 000, Total bond sale! year ago, 61.968 050. as Actual aalea. Paid eo far this xd Ex-dividend. year.

xr Ex-rights. Partly stock. a Plus extra. Cash or stock. 3 Plus 10 in etock.

ur Under rule. Paid last year, wl When Issued 1 Payable In etock. ww With warrants. Partly extra. xw Without war- Plus 1 Inatock.

rants. 90'l 904 61 4P4 40 41 62 83 7414 2: 14. 151 Can Ry 4s 51. Can A dm 5s 53 Aww Caro A 5s 56.. 103', 1 1U2A'1()JV4 3 71 88 641 iwuan e'2S 52 Minas 58 Mln 6'2S 59 ctfs MMAA 7s 37 Mont 7s 62 Mont 6s 59 WALES Rt 67.

6s 68 Nord Ry sf 6'is 50. Lloyd 6s 47 Norway 6s 44 Norway 6s 43 Hyd 5'4s 57. Nurem 6s 52 Or Dev 6s 53 Or Dev Ltd 5'is 58. Oslo City 6s 55 Oslo 514s 46 PAN fij 63 a Par Ly 6s 58 5'4s 68. Peru 7s 59 Peru 1st 6s 60 3 8814 31 17', 95.1 306.2 90,4 305.7 301.5 69.7 80.1 89.

5 S4.9 109.8 101.4 S3. 3 97.3 96 D2 dor to France. The ambassador! Atlae Util war 10! 93 92 111 89 8814 70 304 73' a 72 li 89 83 '4 70 30'i 74,, 72W HO 96 91 8514 SSI 97 97 Cent Anr LAP 5s66 86! 95 93l 93 92 I 92 89 I 89 77 77 80.0 101.9 92.6 854 Am Sug 6 J7 Am 55 43 In TA-T it 62 1051 105', 1055 Penn RR con 4''jS 60! Cent 111 568Gi Cent 111 4s8H; 3' 89 77 41 78 S7 864 78'-4 Penn RR gen 4'jS 65' 9 Penn RR 4'4s 70 Dl 12 8614! 86'4 77V 8' IU 30'k II 744 51 72'3 III 80 271 9914 60 added that the decision to discontinue the policy of wheat dumping by his country was made following the signing of a new trade agreement with France. 793. 794 l' i'4! i'lt t'4 91 23j 23 43! 11 10i 10 ll 24 24 I 24 25: 24'il 24l 24 95.3 106.0 90.4 100.8 99.8 96.0 99.9 i Am T.T sf 5s 60.

36.3 Am Ti-T fs 65 I 773,1 77,,4 89l 89 89 Penn RR A 97i 991, BLUE RIDGE Blue Rid cvt pf 3rl Braj Tr A Lt 1 Buf NAEP Pt 160 Hunk Hill A 8 as I Burco war I Burma Ltd .278 EARNINGS 754 5i 7514) 75 1004 Peo GI.ACC 58 47 BAW cent III 4Vas67FI Cent Me 4s 57 Cent PAL 6s 56 Cent Serv 6i 49 Cent Bt El 5s 54.. Cent St 6s 48 rnt vjbi. si 26! 35 a 101 90 28! 91 '4 61 uu v.i 34 47 414 34 47 42 91'4 Phlla Co 6s 67 Phil Elec 4 87 Phil Eire 4s 71 97 10014 90 90 97 90 45V, 20 AOI i CV 1 11 JVI Am 5s 34.. I Am Wrl" 8s 47. Arm A Co Arm Co 4'-s89t Asso Oil 6s 35...

I ATVw-SF 4 Us 48... I ATiSP 4S 95,. .1 ACL-LiN 4s 67 67 1I 92 48 ll 2 6 6, 1I 1 VI I Chi El 4'fs 70 Al Kpw Tork, Nov. A re-Jnvesitmpnt demand arising from the distribution of more than in dividend ad interest rayments stimulated the bond market today. Hirher prices were the rule Phil Read CAI 6s49 73'.

73V. CAB TUB Tie CAM Co pf Can Marc Wlrel BO I 100'a'lOU'4 9541 9534 I 21 21 I 13 13 12 12 90 90 694 5914 I 544 65 I 58 58 11 47 41 43 31 57 341 74 21 69 65! 634 51 53 33 63 20 I Peru 2nd 6s 61 1 88 I 86 20; 97 31 21 13 15! 12141 II 90 41 594 311 55 11 58 1 57 58 '4 52 VI 90W 454 20 574 100V4 ll 71 31,1 4 Cent Pub A 5 DC i Cent 3 Del ....,1 un at car os 55 Cities Ser 6s 50 Cit Ser Gai 5'il 42 Cit Pow 5s 53 Cleve El Ilium 6s54A 63 62 63 11 10 I in I in Phil Ry 4s 37 Phil Pet 5'is 39 Pills Fl Mills 6s43 PCCASL 5s 75 PCCAStL 4s 57 Port Gen EI 4'is60 OB 98 52 62 103 throuchout the list. The average BALDWIN ISa rrrein is tz Poland 8s 60 Poland 7s 47 5 Poland 6s 40 Porto Aleg 7'4l 66.. Prussia 6s 52 Prussia 6'4a 61 1 103 103 331 3l 341 3 31 3l 3l 3 811 7l 7l 7 Cleve El Ilium 6s39l 2 10414 104 1410414 92 70H1 36 '4 43 1J 103 89 102Ji 102 51 1102' 22 110-. Ii4'-i 114'a 21 90 I 96 I 99 40 I 40 I 40 52i 62-! fl'i 41 70'E 7441 74'i IS In' 9, 91 1 91 II 71'4I 71Ui 71'4 5 22: 94 'at 93 I 94 88'i! 98'i 15: 2: 83 83 i 83 161 92741 927i 132! 69'i 68 I 68 8 86 I 86 30l 82'4i 8H4I 82'4 90 i 90 I 90 13 6H 65'41 65H 9 105 34 105 6 96'ai 97', 6 78'! 79', 74'i! 13'4 29 I 29 I 29 24 4i 15'il I514I 15'i 30! 344I 32'al 34, 32: 38 I 36 1.41 3614 31 92 131 72 37 211 44 16 68 lomw th Fd 5tc 36 '4 JJ 3.1 I 3S New York.

Nov. 2. Prairie Pipe Line Co. end subsidiaries today reported September quarter net prollt of 6343.000, equal to 8 cents a share, com. pared with 13.491.

150. or 86 centi a In the third quarter last year. Seaboard Oil Co. of Delaware, Mexican Seaboard Oil Co lor the Sep. tember quarter had net profit of 164 343.

113'63 10 th 'lk of Orand Union Co. for the quarter ended' October 3 reported net profit of 8358.116. equal to 48 centi a share, compared with' 6,104, 740. or 66 cents a share. In the corresponding quarter last year, Pullman, Ine today reoorted third quarter net income of 61,790.068.

equiil 'o 46 cents a share, compared with 1435 Comwlth 4s 67DI Lent st El lOpc I Centrif pi .60 Cit Service Cleve El 111 160 co*ckshutt Plow Colum OAG vtc Com A 80 war Cone GAEB 3.60 Cong Ut A 8 96 I (fil 96 5' 85! 94 I 95 13' 97 96 97 79; 84 824! 84 Ought to Aid Prices. "As the Soviet union exported a full 110,000,000 bushels last year, and the wheat crop in other European countries is decidedly of low grade this year, the announced change in the Soviet's iiolicy ought to result In considerable benefit to Canada, for the reduction of the wheat supply thereby obtained will be more than sufficient to absorb the heavy carryover shown at the close of tlie last crop year in the dominion. "As a result of Russia's proposed Inactivity on the one hand, and the demands of China on the other, wheat exports are most likelv tn he 6 6 2. I 2 674I 4 1 871, 98'i Cmwlth 4s 60E Cmwlth Ed 4s 81 QUEENSLAND 7l 411 3 98'4 98 '4 81 70 3 1 601 70 BUI 671 98'4I 97 I Queens 6s 47 64! 64 I 64 1.106 1064 3i ll 25! 65, 2' 375! 5 3: 12! 81141 89141 91H 80 80 I 80 61 7741 77 I 774 Porto A Tob6s42i Post TAC 5s 63 Press Stl Car 5s 331 Pllh 8 EAG 4'4 871 Pub Ser EAG 701 Pub Ser EAG 4s 711 Pure Ol! 5'3s 87 Pune Oil 5 'As 40 READ ren 4'is97AI Jer Cen col 4s51l Rem Arms si 6s37AI Rem 5'is 47 wwl 15! 90 price of 60 bonds consisting of 20 1 iSit lVIs issues each of the rail, public utility 5s 9 5... I and industrial proups closed three- Ifjjf tenths of a point hipher at On Bait A 4Us the whole, the market was rather 48 .1 narrow as tlie total sales of $10,405,.

St i 6s wS 50' 000 on the stock exchange indicate. 'BitO 4s TC div 59' Advare irrecular p. railroad and public utility loans Beth errri pm 5s3l experienced the best gains amonR got A 5s 7 doniestic issues and they were morel jjJJJ miu "li active than the industrials. The ad.iBklyn Ed gen 5s4a! 7I a 7 I 7 3 I 2 5-16' 5-16 70 70 46 I 43'i 9' 3341 133V, 63 I 61 17! 51 I 50 8 7 Com A 5s 67 Con Gas Balt5'is62E Cone Bait 4s 81.. Cons Util 6'aS 43A! Cons Pub 36 Cont A El 5s 68 A I Cont Oil 5s 37....

Crane Co 5s 40 Cudahy 8'is 37. I Cumb 4as56l 83'il S3 I 8.1'j, tons Ket st 1 Con 8hr cvt pf Cord Corp Creole Pet Cresaon Oold .04 Cuneo Press pf 6i Cusl Mex 89 90 20 I 10 80 I 80 68' 66 814; 834 94 94 84' 84 89 89 1 l'i 1 80 88 6' Bi 3 96 2 85 61 89 17 18 52 50 50'i 60 70 6014 46 33 '4 61 51 52 50 24 194 20', 73J, 93 40 60 8O141 80141 8ni4 19! as 11 aw 8214 1 70 RHINKLBE 7 48 Wat 6s 53 ....1 Rhine 7r 60 Rhine 6s 52 Rhine 6s 53 6s 55 ww Rio de Jan 8s 46.. Rio do 7s 67.. I Rio do 8 7s 66.. Rio do 6s 68..

Rome 6'aS 52 Rotterdam 8s 64 Ruhr Ch 6s 48 a .1 5' 111 1-16, 54 i 55 41 24 I 24 1941 18 I 20'a 19 134 8 55 3' 14 21 73 IU increased hv mnm vKh nnn nnh DARBY 1314' 13'4 72141 72 '4 PET 1 111 in. preceainer quarter and 86.767,331 or 11 76 a share a year ago. Net Income for the firt nine months was 63.865.154. equal to 74 cents a share, against 116 627 080. or 64 38 a shaist la the tame period of 1930, DETROIT 1 97 I 7 els.

This means that 'total exports i DwrTa'co vance in the foreign ohllcations Trans 6s 68 111 93 B2', 92 111 74 72V. 90 I 90 Bklyn K4-Sb 6s 41 81 55 65 87 87 8 4 65 90 961 34 ii urn me lour great wneat-produclng 'v rorest 97 97 8: 82 1 83 6 I'et 5S 50 li, Int 6s 62 J3.J jDix G6a37 A I 32 "A I 33 391 921'4! 92 II 40 I 40 I 21 60 60 Derby Oil 65 1100 I 98 90 Rumania Inst 7s 441 43J4I 43 16, 15 3 I 11. 21.1 2 10 i 10 1I 1 Blclyn Gas 5s 50. Bui Gen El 81B Bur CRN col 5s34 Bush Term 5s 55 100H 99 90 78 85 2 4 43 43 43 33 Richfield OC 6s 44. I I Ark A La4'iS34l ST JOS CO 54s 411 St 8 4'4s 78...

I St LSP 1 4s 50 Al St LSW T5s 62 Stl SW 2nd 4s 89... I SAAAP 1st 4s 43 San nAt PS 6s 52.. I Schulco 6'is Schutro 6's 46 8eab A Lc 6s 45... I Seab AL 4s 69 ctl somewhat Irreeular. Many bonds in all groups, reached new recent high levels.

Liberty fourth 41is and Treasury 4s of 1944-54 were active throughout 32 99 71 90 11 78 85 li 88 Det Aircraft Dom St A 2., Dubilier Con Shell Union OH corporation and nib. companies reoorted for the thl'd quarter this year a lots of 62. 881.830 1' 3341 334 AIT IT 1 6s 54 Ed Elec 111 6s 33 .1 illil SO 78 85 691 57! 36! 42i 45: 74 76'4 45 45 45 Bush Term 4s 63 I Bush Term Bide 6s60 Elec A' 5s 2030! l.i t1 SA I S5' 5 IO0H 100 100 22 64. 64 I 64 2 13i 73' 73 6 45 44! 44 1' 97', countries Argentina, United States, Canada and Australia will exceed 900,000.000. In Australia and the Argentine the wheat crop will be considerably lower, owintr to had weather, and the appearance of destructive parasites.

All these fac SAO 14a Sao Paulo St 8s Sao Paulo St 7s 8ante Fe Arg 7s Sax Pub Wka 7s iter ccquciions. compered with a loaa of 62 1 1 I 63 62 49'i! 49'4 43 44 the day. Moderately larpe sales ap iJuq oas Durant Mot PAST ST POW Bl East Ut Asso cv I PACK 5 40 74 7S 73 811 056 034 for the preceding quartr. For the third quarter of 1930 the report ahow ed profit, belore lederal. taxes, ol 81.

107.. 689. 2 4914 18' 44 19! 39W 2: 58 peared in a few other bonds of this 'can Nat Ry 5s wan nat Ky as li, amo El 5 62.. I OAH 5e 42.. S.

6 FD WAT fta 54. I Jl, Cot 5s 48. .1 iFiak Rub 31 sax pub Wks 3814 li 41 22: lli 3 8 3: 6: 18, 111 3: 3: 175. 2 6 181 a 151 ll 88'4I 88'4! 8834 70 Can Ry 4Ns 5B 4 84 6l 5 2l I 44 It. 44 I 48 56 08 proup atter noon.

The upward trend tisier Eiec Vlt, Bi I 82 90 I 90 i 90 66 I 66 I 66 Sax St Mtg I 7s45i Sax St I 61is46 Seine 7s 42 1 48'4I 484 10 49 tors improve Canada's situation, and! El Bond a toc'ii 2 18! 18' 18'4 30: 49'i! 40V, I 4914 8 67 I 67 31 7'4I 7'4I 7'i 21 74l 741 74 II 84l 8, II 3 I 3 I 3 24' 77 I 7541 77 171 6614! 64 I 6514 351 65 '4 66 10! 3141 3ia 31,4 II 4 .1 4 .1 4 9 90 89' i 89' Can Ry 5s 69 July Can Ry 5s 69 Oct! Can Nor sf 7a 40.. Can Nor deb 6'is 48 make it more than likelv that the B.01?, 80 Pisk 8s 31 codl BOSTON STOCKS Serbs. Ct 7 2 61 I 50', 100H 1 Fla A 61 54 65 Canadian cmr. tM. 1 u.

0 Shinyetsu 6'is 53 20'i 19 80 i 80 65 I 65 I 10' 10'4 9 II 61 "41 81'4 611, 14 103 102'4 102' Silescia Prov 7s 58 4014 40 7i 90 fc.i.r. jro. n.u hit- row AS 1 carry-over of last will be disposed As a 1 By 894. 88T, 31 90 401, 33 II 5014 23! 93 November Associated fcai-s. 701 30 32 32 60 '4 1 5014 Ei PAL opt war 10 10 a 7 a 6 84 seao A 4 59...

i Sea All 6s 35 Bl Shell 5s 52 1 Shell Un 5s 47 1 Shell 5s 49 I Snub Th 6s 42 Shub Th 6s 42 ctlsl Siles Am col 7s 41. .1 Sine col 7s 371 Sine 6'8 38. Sine 5'4s 38 Sine 6s 42 Skellr Oil 5M.S 39 I Smith 6'is 33 .1 snesian Assn 6547 Styrta 7s 46 Sweden 8'4s 54 Swiss 46 ll li 84 79'i 895. 90 84 80 78 '4 68 111 30V4I 30 I 90 uan Nor 4'iia 35 Can Pac 8s 44 Can Pac 5s 64 Can Pac 4'is 41 Can Pie 60 Can deb 4aperp Can South 51 62 80 Am Tel Tel Andes Pete Biaelow San 231 84 9 18 B2 I 84 1011014 10(101', El A ru Elec Share 6 pc pf Emp Corp pi Euioo El deb rU OAT PO W.1 Oat 8s 41 Gen Bronie $8 40. I Gent Mot Accp 6s 34, Gen Mot Aocot 635l Oen Mot Accp 836! Gn 5s 53 Gn 56..

78 'ii 78- 28! 78141 7641 78i4 Sydney 55 2, 42il 42al 42a of at a good premium. Defends Past Tolicy. Dovaglevsky. who was an agricultural engineer under the czarifst regime in Russia, and one of the ail 68' 91 98 141 97V4I 9714 69 4 97'; 97 Yi Caro Ohio 6s 38 lOlijllOlMi 13101U II 97 4' 67 2 102 97 I VI 67 I 67 lom'ioi'i Preae. High.

140 .06 26 4 215 31 'IT. 32 40 TAIWAN EL 814s71 Toho El Pow 7s 551 Toho Elec 6s 321 Tokio City 811 43 Vi 81 7t 6i 71 II 93 51 72 Oen Wat W5 lent 01 ua ss 69 Cent 111 a 5s 61 20! 43'3 8 5 i Low. Close, 137 138 .06 .04 38 28 315 15 30 to '4 ri 2'i 131 12' 80 80 6 "4 9'4j 18 18 30 31 33 31 45 '4 46 So Bell TAT 5s 411 PAIRCHILD AV A I Fla PAL 7 Df 7.. as Ford Can A 1.20! Ford Ltd Foremost Da Fox Theat A 1' 1 Hi! 25: 80 80 12: 13! 13! 4' 8 6 2: 71 1 1 tl 13 1 IB 85 131 75 I 7414 ueo ss 87 1 Gillette 5e 40 I Gobel A 6', 15 A I Cent 1st gtd 4s 49 Cent RR 5s 87 Cooper Range 25 Edison Eleo 111 35 Gen Elec 627 Maaa Utll 30 New Eng A 134 Nor Butte 1170 Shawmut Assn 60 Stone A Webeter 162 Torrington 99 United Foundera 100 United Fruit 46 Unit Shoe Mach 701 101 6214! It 69 93 71 624 45 son 34, 2 Tokio El Lt 6s 63 Tyrol HEP 55 34! 74 73 73 4 43 I2i 49' biggest private wheat exporters in the Ukraine in the old days, received me in his office at the embassy. The ambassador launched at once into an explanatory declaration of Rus 474 85 85 49 8.15 102'4 9234 Or West 5s 46.

.,1 certain-teed 6'aa 48 Cesnedes Rua to developed early in the day and these bonds rinsed generally higher. Atchison General 4s closed at a new recent high at 91, but the total turnover of this standard issue amounted to just $4,000. No sales of any nort were reported In a large number of issues. Market Is Narrow. American Telephone debenture 6s of 1960 were one of the most, active corporate loans and closed 1V4 points higher.

Duquesne Light 4s, Dodge Brothers Convertible 6s of 1940, In-teriuuiona Telephone debenture 4'iiS, American and Foreign Power 6s, Central Pacific First 4s, Missouri Pacific series A 5s, Pennsylvania gold 6'4s and Public Service Klcctric and Gas 4s were active and higher. The foregoing group illustrates the breadth of the movement and to some extent the narrowness of the rkpt sir th? and a feur other l.q- hou rac 4'aS 68 Sou Pac 4'4s 81 Sou Pac 4'aS 69 WW Sou Pac rig 4s 55.. I Sou Pac tr 4s 49. Sou 8 Pr 4s 50 83H 102' 92 GEN LTD ret .8601 1' S4! 74ii 82'i 70 80 71 I Ches ic Ohio 5s 39 Ches 4 'is 92 41 lil02'4 92 34 87'4 Sll 75 II 82', 101 70 80 II 71 I 111 57 SH 13 51 80141 SO 131 38 I 34'i 13! 334 33Va 18! 41. 40', UJIO EL 7i 45 Un Stl Wks 6'is 51 Al Un Stl Bias 61CI Uruguay 6s 60 Uruguay 6s 34 ....1 74 14 821J -70 80 71 8514 103 101 1: 12) 12! li l.i 33 sia dumping policy in the Dast.

South Ry gen 6s 66 87 '4 IV. 85 991, B91, 41 oreen Mt Bs 48. .1 Gulf Oil Pa 5 47,. I Gull Oil Pa 6s 37 1 Gulf St Ut 6a 56 Al HOIST LA Houst LAP 6s A 53.1 Hygrade 8 49 I ajii. 17 100 100 88 88 I 88 181 41 41V4I 414 uen rmpire i Gen Th Eq cr pf.

Glen Alden 4 Globe Underwr Gold Cen Mln Goldman Sachi The union, said, had not taken recourse to dumping as a sort of dia 11 103'4'103 15 I 15 I 15 3. 75 I 76 I 75 201 1841 IS I 18 5' 62: 62; 61 81 43l 43 I 43 Ji 911 874! 91. 6' 96l 96! 88V4 li 96! 86! 96 4' 73 17 73 2 41141 41 I 41 7, 36 I 34 5,1 36 22 91 I 90; 90 I 84 1 84! 84 51 76 I 14 I 76 8l 99! 99 3: 944! 94i 84 121 96 96 I 98 1 98. 98' 98 3, 88! 67 I 88 SI 81' 9714 8 98 I 96 2l 44141 44V.I 44 lt S3l S3 I 8.1'fc 3 69: 6( 611 li; 95; 95; 85 8 90 1 89 I 89 4 99 '4 99 99 18 Si( 9 34 55. 84 54 20' B5! 85: 85 15' 80 I 80 1 80 2 92: 92! 92 6 65 I 64 54 8 61 I 60 60 11 74.

14! 74 6 18 11', 78 1 64 I 64 .86 13' 87 I 87 3 83' 1, 99 I 99 I 99 tn rig 4'3s95B CBA.Q rfg 5s 71 A gen 4s 58 Chi 111 5s 51.. Chi Ist5s37 Chi Gt West 4 69 STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT. en 101 2 25i! 285i 28 1 102 1102 1102 VIENNA CITY 6s 521 57 I 57 I 57 bolic plan to unbalance or wreck the I 94Y.I 944 111 95 33 54'! 54 I 64 Sales doeln ot the 19 moat ac New York. Nor 1 price 8r! net change tlve stocks today; 1 6 "a 6. 6'4 53i 3 I 2l 2 60' lO11 10 low 7-18' 7-16' 7-16 50 175 il72 jl75 450, 8 18 8 231 6314 62 I 62 WARSAW 7 58 I II I 43 I 42 67'Al 67 economic system of other countries.

It had been a measure of 31 67', Westph Un 6s 63 li 3441 3441 344 CMAStP gen CMAStP 43S 89F CMAStP gen 3s 89 A uonr jnc pi Gotham Knit A A nv 60 as) Oreler Stre pf ww as! Gulf Pa 1 loi'i'ioi Clos. Net. 47Wi 454! 47V, wurt ex it od .1 11 Bales. Price. 1761 844 98'i 70'.

Che. 58 75 Russia needed machinery and raw 7X7(10 4 YOKOHAMA A. All 1' 61. 774 1 7H4! 774 ILL PAL Be AC III A 5e III PAL 6a 63 A III A 514s 54 Bl Ind A Mich 5a 55. .1 Indpis PAL 5s 67 A .1 Insull Util I 64 40 B' Inter! S7 57 E.I Inwrl 6s55C .1 84 9874 70', I 7014 30 'a I 31 47 48 65 21" 504 Total sales todav.

810.405 000. Boutn Ky gen 4s 56 Bell Tel 5s 54 1 St Oil deb 5s 461 8t Oil 511 Stevens Hotel 6s 45.. TENtV rfg s47AI Tex Corp 5s cvt 441 Tex A 1st 5s 2000! Tex A Pac 5s 79 CI Third Ave adi 6s 601 Third Ave rfg 4s 601 I A 54.M! Un El Lt A 6s 32! Un El A rf 5s 33i Un El Chi5s 45 Un Oil Cat 5s 35 Un Pac 4'a 67 Un Pac 1st 4s 47.. I i 1 adi 6S2000! Chi NW cv 4-s 49 Ch NWY 44s 37 Chi tt NW gen 4s 87 materials to build up her Industrial system, and few credits could be ob- 401 31 '4 8, 48 '1 31 62'4 341 39 93 14 I 32! 54'4 ti 67 115 67 41 83 25' 81 2 102 71 I 71 61'4I 63'4 38'Al 3814 13 I 14 4534l 46 64 I 64 67 I 67 65 'V 66 '4 53 "4 1 63 "4 79 '4 1 79 '4 102 il02 Oil. J.

a' tallned outside. She had been com -n v. CRU-P 41-is 52 tnjftr 4'is i Radio Keith I Cs iU. S. Steel Stand Oil of 1 Chrytler I Oen Eiec Radio 1 Mont Soconv Ve Eiee Pw A Lt 1 43- 43 Previous day.

7.367.000. Week ago, 10.732.000. Year ago, 8.393.000. Two years ago, 23.480.000. January 1 to date.

2.612.300.000. Same year ago. 2.382.631.000. Same two yearsago. 3.549.332.000 nur.i uiMisiuuiru vniuHiiy nil ul cvt 60! pelled, therefore, to undersell in the 4I 8 8S 38 000 34 36 40O 19'.

4 710 30 JS 100 12. "4 25 3''0 1 unchng. 14 23 8fi0 11 4 7 4: CRIAP rfg 4s 34 active corporate bonds. 25 63 world markets in order to establish HAM OAS' vie Hap Candy St I Haieltlne 1 Hazel At Ol Hecla Mln 40 Hartford El Hir Walker Holling Oold 65 Hud Bay MAS Humble Oil 2 Hydro El 1.20 Hyjrade Fd Hygrade Sylvan 41- ilnterl 8 6s 548 .1 'Int Sec Am 5s 47. i Int Pow 8s 53 LZ 'Int Pow 5k 57 1 5, PS 4, 58 1 Int ii 1 Chi Un Sta 5s 63 Chi Un 8ta 4' 4s 63A 4: 9 3 credits for the buying of the material she needed.

Chi A Ind 4s 621 74 74 74 62 3 9 2 53 "4 10 4 29 1 62'V 62'i 63 Iowa PAL 4'-. 68 A 1 HH MONEY inuas (Jo 5s 43 Chile Cod 6s 47 Clnn GAEI 4s 68 CCCAStL rf5s63D inwlk a Hardships Artinilterl. "To a question as to whether this 11: 3l 1 5l 2 7. 65; 1 10 1' 4 I li 28 11 I 25' 70 8 6l TREASURY TO OFFER $75,000,000 BILLS Washington. Nov.

2. (P)-r-Secretary Mellon announced that the treasnrv would sell 175.000.000 RAL Co CHICAGO STOCKS Sales. High. LowTcTose. 88! 8.3', II 89 1 89 I 89 78 78 I 78 II 84 I 84 I 84 1 102' lOI'ii'KK'a 3 lOO'a lOO1', 1007, 17 101 il00? 100, 60 I 60 I 60 15! 94'4 9414 1 88 I 88 88 17 93 I 92 92 20! 78V4I 77 18'4 21 94 94 94 63' 83'4! 63V, 8714 6' 96 I 96 I 96 47 65 I 53 I 5S 51 68141 58 I 58 flS'fct 68 I 6S 2 lV4i l'4l IV, 9 101 100 100 3i 92141 92V4I S214 CCCAStL Un Pac gold 4s 68 Un Drug Del 5s 63..

Rub 5s 47 Utah Lt A Tr 5s 44! Utah A Lt 5s 44 Utll PALt 5s 59 wwl UtU PALt 41i CCAStL Calr Div4s39l New York N-v 2 mor steiidy. per it all day. 7 10a 1 (at'ady. Ad (lava 3, 90 days 4-8 i tnnn; 4 oer cent. Prim fomm-cl 4- hankerv Abbot Lab as.

uieve un ler S'lUS 1105 IMP CAN 14 in pal is pf a Ind Ter III policy of wheat exportation at a time when the vast population of the Soviet union was still far from being supplied with the necessities of life ln4 70 i 70 6 RAN CAE MA' Ky Util 6s 61 I II 33 oion un es 38 Acme Steel Allied Mot Ind 31 33 '4 1st4'i15 of treasury bills to the highest tat Sn Colo A 9 32 16 '4 3V 53 17. ecceotancea unchanged. Thirty days 1 93 98 I ej 1 88! 88 88' 1 91 .91 i 81 3: 88 i 88 86 7 98, 96 I 94 8' 8 8 Kop Gas A 5s 50i Kop Oas A 5 47, A 5 47, rfM's 80AI ui-m a is, 4 tr.ontha 3, 6-6 mo.ilhe 4i4. bidder on Friday. The bills, which icolum GAE 5s S2May will be dated -November 9.

will GAR 6s.6l 1: 12' 12'. li 46 I 48 I 48 jKreege ll IS I 1J 39 39 39 S3', 62 86 85'4 34 '4 22; 93 62 3' 87V4 86 241 92 10' 24', 100 100 250 10 50 650 ..3600 ..1500 200 650 150 120 VANADIUM 5s 4T I Ver CAP 4'4s assd34 Va Ry A 5s 34 Virg Ry 5s 62 Com Inv Tr 5 'is 49 had not worked out In appalling hardship, the ambassador admitted that virtually the entire population had been put on short rations to en- 2' N.w nr Ha 9 ran Tk. Ind Pipe Line 1 Iueull Ut Bpc Insull Ut 2 pf 6.. Ins Co A 2g Insuran Sec Intercon Petrol Internet Pet 1 .,,.1 Inter Util I Inter Utll war Interest Eoult Con Coal Md 5s 501 10! V.I 1. Am Pub Ser pf Assoc TATA Assoc Tel Util Bendix Aviation Borg Warner Burnham Trad Butler Bros Ceco Mid Cent 111 8 pi Cent 111 Sec Cent 111 Sec cv I Re-erve bank of New York.

In assAcialson t.on uaa ny 8'4s 451 I104T 411 32 16 63 54 18 17 124 90 114 17 4 10 78 20'. 32', 16', 63 54 18 174 90 114 17 4 10 73 I.EH 4. A' Lex Util 6s 63 I Lib McNAL 5a 43 I Los An GAE 5s 611 Louis PAL 61 67 I 16 11 I 10l 10. 10' 5V S.1, 8 81 1 81 I 81 3. 83: 8J 10.104) 99 100 7.

90 I 8'j, 90 93', 62 87', 86 914 24 '4 105 98 '4 10384 S4V4 32 64 28 46 4 49 WABASH rfg 5'is 751 Wabash 5s 80 HI 3. I 3', I 3 ture next February 8 and be redeemed at face value. The issue which, will be used to meet the maturity on November 9 of $60,000,000 In 19-day bills and provide money needed by the treasury. 231 98'4I 1 64 li 64 'i ame the state wheat trust to export part of the crop. But the nennle had un otner icuerai refrv banlu.

htt decided to renew Its participation in the outstanding credit arraniement with the Orman Relehabank The e.r.rtit. whicii 41 1 6i 3614 241 3614 33 won uas NX 51 Cons Pow 5s 52 Cont Corp 6s 46 Cont 5s 43 Chrtwn Zel fla 40 mv 31 2 17 124 jS 89 l' 17 4 94 73 20 1 wabasn 68 76 Wabash 4'4s 78 Walworth 6s 45 32 shown admirable discipline, because 40H! 40', 36 I 36 34'4 36'i 3214I 324 3914 48HI 47 35 I 35 103 14! 103 CSH'Wal M'a would have matured November 4. total Df Ital Suoerpow A. Ital Super deb rt. 2) 39' 11 31 54 28 4l 68.

86 I 68 Warner Bros 8s 39 Cuba No Rys 42! MASS GAS 6s 46' Mae Harrla Ltd 8 47j Mass Gas 5s Metro Ed 41 71 01 wn.rij ing 2caerai jeservet advanced 626.000.006. JO 4(V4 21 35 Cent Pub Serv A Cent A So West Cent A nl 64 I 28 1 48 '4 42 50 500 100 200 50 I 150 .1900 warn ouin 6a 39 tuna rr 6s 36 Cuba 6, K1 loo io no doe Warn Bug 7 41 5 1034 II 46'4 49 34 was realized, he said, that the hardships were of a temporary nature. "He was glad to make the announcement, however, that all the JER CPAL PP 1 as! LAKEY FDY I ana wet ut Chic Inv pf Cub Cane Prod 6s 801 61 WI 50'4 5014 3' 3H INVESTMENT TRUSTS New York, Nov. 2. Over the coun- 8 2 H.1' 9i 9.

81 I 80; Bl 84: 9ji, 9ji, 81: 81; 81 78, 78. 761, Tllv 76'i 77 39.: Hi. Mia ut 1 9a 6s 33 I 5s 34 5 32 Ds 74 iuyamei fruit 6s 40, 14 Hi't 84' 84 26l 101 1100 1U0 Cities serv IComwlth Ed Cont Chi bOO 146' 5 104 i104 1104 144 145 Mia it Mid ut vsr maiivet: .8900 2 2 2 A' fit 1141 3: 5 I 5 I 5 1. 18l 16l 16 1' 94I 9l 9 1: J4i 24i 241. Mid St Pet 646A' 34 101 110011004 111 56 I 56V, 100 25 25 25 com cine of Cord Corp wheat of this year's crop, which was a very large one and of exceptionally high grade, was to stay In Rus- ....1390 'mo DEL PAL 71.

Del A Hud rig 4s 431 lit rt 5s 511 DARO eon 4s 36 1 DAROWest Rn 8s 65) DARGW rfn 6a 1l Aiinn Lf 4s 50' Minn PAL 4s 70 I Misa PAI.I Cn S. nil 61 54 I 54 I 54 1 103 1103 1103 6' uoro sec 41 95 1 9514 27! 8434l 84 84 lioon 10! 71 WI 70'4 70 Vi 141 S24I 33 15! 44 43'4 44 5 102'A 101V4I10114 New York. Nov 2. 14 Bar tUver etcady and hl.her at 31. Chirajo.

Nov 2 Bank clearings 656.4OO.C00. balance 8.1.3O9.0O9. Washington. Nov. 1 im Treasury re.

eelnts for Octntvr 30 were 6. 163,61 56: exnendlutrea 59 311.132 34: balance. 649. lil fl 61 Cu.toins receipts fur 30 days Of October were 834.089.835 19. London, Nor.

2 Bar illver 18m 60! 9514! 85! 764' 78', lt 841,1 81' 84 1' 81 I 81 i 81 1 100 flOO 1100 2, 894i 84 I 69 1 I'Miss Riv 8 S. Si 95 I SPC Dl .250 II 91M.I ei 14.1 14, 1 Crane Co 40 Bia. it would resuit In a rise In the standard of living, and would also Lefcourt Real 1.80. I Lelc Real of 3 Leonard Oil I Lone Star .88 Long Is Lt .60 Long Is Dl 6 as! Louis LAE MAO 8YN I Margay Oil I Maaa Util Asso Mavn Bott A I Mead John 5g Memphii NO .80. Mercant Stre 1 1 11 li 6 99 10014 fcP.e Sl 40 93 300 War Bros cv 6s 411 Wash Term 3VjS 45 Westch Lt 5s 50 West Elec 5s 44..

I West Maryland 4s 521 West Pac 1st 6s 461 West Penn 5s 63EI West Un 6Vas 38 West Un RE 4 'is 501 West Uu col tr 6a 38' West Un 5s 60 ..1 West Sh 1st 4s 61l Wheel Stl 4V4 63 Bl Wil A CO 1st 6S41I Winch Arm 7'is 411 Winch A ctf Wis Cen gen 4s 49 I YOUNGS SAT 5 781 Youngs SAT 5s 70 Bl 22 4 23 ii' uu; iivi 2' 8 I 82 I 82 PT- wuy speed up the elaboration of the five-year economic plan." 4. 4' 4', NARRAGAN Be 87 I 5 1V.I MiK" El Pow 6s 78. 95'A! 95ii niiA tiai'-'y. ur 200 11 31 58141 4 1I 1 FALt 88 26 uei ta 49 A Det Kd 5s 55 Det Ed 4V4s 61 D. Det Ed 5s 62 Det Unit Rys 4'js32 Dodse Bros, deb 6s40! Dold Jac Pkg 6s 42 Duq Lt 4V, 67 I 60 I 60 301 9534 2102 94 35! 8y4 ll 61 I 44 1004 3' 54, 62; 84 ALt 5s 30 Bl 31 6l 6i 7 I I per ounce.

Money 4'', per cent Discount bort 514-54 per cent; three 6 85 II 60 381 60 II 38 94 I 94 89l4 61 61 100 UOO'i Houdallle Her 300 Insull Util 3200 67141 6814 38 I 38 Rf'SSIAV STATEMENT UEKMKO HI LL FACTOR montm a-o'a per cent. 17l 17l 17 K1 18l 18 18' few t'f," tl insull Util pf xw 50 Insull pf 2nd Ser 350 3H 61 4 4J4 .05 27 18 4 18 20 .01 32 .02 2 24 'a 164 l. 16 4 31! 3 2 '4 14 63 1 Mesta Mach 2 Massey Harrla Mid St A vie 22 8: 6 I 6 Washington, Nov, 2. (7PI The '''4 I Jefferson Elec oo New OAE 5s 50 I New GAE 6s 41 New a. 76 I 78 I Kellogg Sillrh Mid St Ut 10 1I 1 8 18 18 1141 104! 10 10 I 20 54 '4 54 72 52', FOREIGN BONDS.

Mia west Mo Kana I New Eng 6s 481 "ai 2' statement that Russia will withdraw from the world wheat market for two years, if substantiated, likely will prove to be the greatest bull fac-for that has come into the train in I 20 53 V4 64 72 52, 52', 8'. 10 30 54 '4 54 72 52 '4 52 '4 9 11 64 74' 10i 5' Ill 34, NY For 5 48 wwl HJ rot 5 48 6 6 211, 18 86 A 14 4 114 47 43 12 4 6 7 37 10 13 6 16 16 8 154 8 lo 60 65 62 1 15 20 107 107 107 70' 71 I 73 I 73 NY PALt 1.1 67 19! 37 ABITIBIPAP 6s 63.1 Moore Corp 8 if ill Mount St Mount Prod 1 Keystone Steel Libby McNeill Lincoln Ptg- pf Lindsay Light Lion Oil Ref Lynch Corp Manhat Dearborn Marshall Field 2 32 26 .04 42 .07 3 5 29 1 'i'4 16" 4, 2, 24 l'i 8 67 2" n' 100 26 90 87 32 24 23 15 50 400 100 150 100 50 60 60 50 50 50 100 100 100 ..8100 52'i! 98 Agn Bank col 6s47 Antloquia 7s 45 Antiooina 7s 45 Antloquia 7s 45 C. trade since 1929. 3 24! 25 17! MS Mi 1 49 I 49 49 7 85 I 85 8 2 69! 881,: 49l 48 49 63' 92l 90'4, 31 81. 81i 81 2 69i 69.

70 I 70 I 70 2 12: 1.1 151 61 I 66 1: 10 10 I 70 112 81' 41H 13 104 10.1 103 1. 96 96 94 1 95 i 95 I 95 11.. 91 914 4.V 97 I 7 10 I0O I 91: 98 13 Pl! 91 91 2 8i 95. 95 25, 92i 93 Jli 4 83 38. 94' 92', 94 47 1035.

101, I01-. 4 107 1106 J. 87! 87j 67 .84 I 64 64 ,3 64; 64! 84 98 .1 I 9814 7 64 24 JS 15 13 47 4514 12 4 6 7 37 10 13 6 16 8 15 8 11 61 66 62 63 3 14 36 16 4 39 33 10 75 78 14 11 8 24', 18 86 V' 4 114 47 454 12 4 6 7 37 10 13 6 16 16 8. 15 8 11 61 65 62 63 2 1. 26 15 4 1 39 S3 10 7514 78 13 24 Nils A.

Olsen. chief of the federal NAT AM CO Nat Fam Sirs Nat Fuel 1 CUBA RUG 7'ts 371 Elkh Cor 6'as 311 Erin rfAiinp 6s 61.. Erie rfAimp 8s 79! Erie 1st pr In 4s98l Erie cvt 4a 53 Erie cvt 4s 63 FI.A CST lit 14 I Fre A Val 6s33l GAXXETT CO 43 I Gen Bnk 5'-s 40 Gen Cable 47. .1 Gen Mot Acreot 6.s37i Grn Trtrol 5s 40 I Oen Stl Cast 49! Theat. Equip 6s40! Goodrich 6'is47i Goodrich 6s 451 Gdr TAR 5a 67.

I 3, 1, 1,41 60! inLlvl ll I ii '5 I n'" Bl Bs A .1 1 78 I 78 I 18 ho Pow 5s 52 1 25' 66! 66 66 P'0 48 58 21 244 bureau of agricultural economics. 19' 3 sn 96 sn 95 7: Investor! Antioquia 7s 45 Antloquia 1st 7 67. .1 Antioqula 2d 7s 57' Antioqula 3d 7s 67: 23: 24 1r.n1, if.iui Nat 32 24 23 24 22 22 24 23 55 64, 641 54 ''a 544 65. i.jurt.r mini wiw oronto ij OOP K.r pi.i. a nf a i 60 60 22 1 Material Serv 52 jMcOraw Electric 24 McWilliams Dredg 23 Merch A Mfrs A 65 I Mid West Util 66 I Mid Ut 6pe A pf copyrighted cable from Paris quot- Nat Pub 8 pf 7 I 60 I 96 I 60 1100 I101H I 61 11 42 100'4 100 Ino- tk.

gni-u i Service 2 101 61141 61: 18 94 II 1I li 1 us 54 Dl 60a. I 6 3i 3i OAE 61 60 I 11 10 1 10 I 10 I I ll 14 I 14 I 14 PAC GI at vi 65 Mid Ut 7DC Pi 24 12 10 Nat RT See A France was "surprising," but that Nat Trans If it were true that Russia will Met a nort tin mnr. tl.1. Ens pi 8 Miss Val Util pf Miss Val Util Mo Kan Pine L. 10i 69! 69141 59'4' gee GAE 4a 80 ui Meg m.

aril 3 .8 I 77! 77', 12, 49 I 49 21' 81 I 80 I 80'4 14 100', 100'i 10034 291 95', 96 95 1' 23 56 56 54'il 13' 56 56 5: 55 16: 4a 22 55 I 32 55 13' 48 3' 93 4, 53 Argentine 6s 57 A. Are 6s at 59 Arg sf 8s 69 Oct. Arg set 6s 60 May. Arg 8s 60 Sent Arg 6s 60 Oct Arg 6s 61 May Argentine 6s 63 AustraHa 6s 58 Australia 65 57 Australia 48 56 Austria Gtd 7s 43.. Austria 7s 57 Newmont Mm 1.

7 WARRANTS COUNTY Payment Guaranteed In Two Years Tlrect obligsllon of a eoiinfy without bonded lndehtedDeta. Itytlile from taxes. If you mtitt have ttfety and yet. ire ant eat-ianed with hank interest rite, fnveet In lhae We of. fer them subject to prior tale.

To Yield 1 Hamb 2 64'4 56 66 65 48 64 54 '4 48 93 63 next, the fact "would seem to be of tremendous importance and significance." Olsen said market etnerl. In hl 20 60 50 50 15ll 50 50 50 200 150 150 400 100 100 10 14 102 ilOl, 1013. NY PAL 6spr6sasl NY Transit Or Tk Ry Can 7s 40! 1 Gr Tk Ry Can 6s 36 i Gt Nor Ry 7s 36 'Ol North 7i Gt fio' 1st rig 4'4sfll. Oull St Stl 6'js 421 54 46 54 46 93 63 79 I 79 78 ii I 1 I I rc tiATE b's 62C 17! 16 16) Pac GAE 6s Mi 3 10' 19 10 'Pac PAL 5a 55 26 100 :100 100 West Oil 6l43i 2 9 1 6' 8 Penn CPAL 4s 17 261 8t 1' Penn Ed 8s 60 xwi l1 1 I 1 I 1 Penn Ed 6t 89B; 341 14 PAL 6s 64A 18 3i 3. 3 P'nn WAP 4s 68fll 10 9-li: 9-IB Peo OLAC 4s 81 Bl wag Hua .40...

84, 88i 86 6 23' 89 I 69 3914! 39 Mohawk Rub Monroe Chem pt Nat Elec Pow A Nat Fain Sir Nat Leather Nat Secur Inv Not Secur Inv pf Net-Standard North Am Car No West Ut 7pe pf. No West Ut Pi I 89 I 39 A department had questioned figures iSl" 76 33 76 I 76 18 89! 99 Niag Hud I ABC Vr Shri A Tr Shrs Am Cont Coirf Am A Gen Bee A Am A Of 11 Sec do 13 ptd Am Br A Con 6 rid Am Como Tr San Am Fdrs pid do 7 pfd do 1-70 com do ct pid ctli do 1-40 com Am Ins Stocks Assoc Stand Oil At! Sec pid All Sec wr Atl A Pac Int units Atl A Pae com Atl A Pac pi war Hankers Nat Inv BansiliUa Corp Basic Industry British Type luv Century Tr 8hrs Chain A Gen tannics Chartered Invest Chartered Inv pid Shelsea Exch A heisea Exch Crum A Foster do 8" pid Crum A Fost Ins do 7 nfd Depos Bit Shri do A Depns Ins Shrs A Diversified Tr A Diversified Tr Divers fled Tr Diversified Tr Ftutty Invest Equity Invest pt Eauiiy Trust Shrs F've Year Fixe- Tr Fixed Trust 8h A Fixed Trust 8h Frontenac Tr E'i Fund Tr Shrs A Fund Tr Bhrs General EaultJ A Grrnger Trcde auric Wlnmill Trad Incoro lncoip Invest Emit lndtpend. Tr Si'-s Int Cirn Am A In' rc Corn Am Int 3-c Am 6'fc rid Int Sec Am 6''. pid -Inv Tr Coll A Invest Trustee Sh Lr tiers ol In-iun A Leaders of Indust Leaders of Indust Low Prlcel Bhrs Major Corp Phr Maa Invest Til Mutual Iiv Tr Manage Nt'on Wide Sec Nl Indust Fhrs N'tti Tr Sh'i Bk Tr Shrs Nor Am Tr Shares Northern Becur Oil Shares un'ts Old Col Inv Tr Old Col Tr Amoc Petrol Trad A Public Berv Tr Repres Tr Shrs Second Int Spc A Second Int Sec SI in I 10 21 85 4 'i 6'. 3', is 7'.

lO's 4', 4r 2' 2 99 81 83 BATAV PET 4 lit 421 i 45 83 78' i I 7S14 60! 50 11 13 J1' 38 23 10 75 78 13 3 in 50 80 45 34: 98 80 Nlat Sh Md ,40 Nitrate I Nor Am Av A war. .1 Nor Cen Tex Nor Enron Oil I Nor Pipe 4s 17 '8 7. .11 ten iUi s-ioi reo IMF 9 79 wwl 2. 2i II El 6i 7.1 10 Belgium 7s 05 Belgium 7s 66 Btlgium 6 1 as 49 Belgium 6s 65 nu 102ilO3 3.vJ 11.4V El.EC 611 Ji'lHatpIn Mln IHputt Oil Tex 5'2s40l Hudson Coal 5s 62AI jj ill Hurl A rfg 5s57A! 's I Hud A adi Inc5s57! S3. Hum Oil A 5'2s32l 7 "'Hum Oil A 5s37i Oshkosh Over Co pf 100 7811 45 86 59 1.

I-IOI l-IO' 1-10 HI UB 4', 67 8: 454 31 86 11' 594 41! 98 10! 96 151 90 31 98i 1 97 Peoples Lt A rU 60 87 1' 67 Pled El AO A .3 wi jiiw! a.vai j.v, 69 87 Dl 10 115 115 1 ID ruo Berv flpc Pub 8erv 7dc Berlin City 6 lis 50! Berlin City 6s 68.. I Berlin El 68 511 69 100 100'100li 24 100 100 1100 331 311, 30 115 11214 115 1300 14 1 1 9514, 89 3314' 30 lie 40 36 44 8 DeVrr on Russian wheat, hut that they had no Information to support the story that Soviet shipments would stop completely. Private trade reports have been to the effect that while Russian chartering has declined recently there is an abundant supply of wheat in the ports. They say a huge tonnage of Soviet wheat has been shipped unsold to the United Kingdom where it has accumulated in ships and warehouses. 78 98 98 95,4 89 314 42 43 41 45 42 13 10 9 OHIO COP Ohio Oil pf 6 Oil Stock! A lool tii tit 31 61 I 80i 11 li 1141 llsl 1 07 94 I 74 I 100 90 93 90 Quaker Oata 120 107 105 1074 nenin bl B'il 691 I ILL BELL 5l 14 100 90 92 90 AS 4 lnnn w'-vins 2, 87 '41 87141 8714 ou 115 114 115 11! 42 12! 43 IU 41 20: 45 16 46 111 Cent 6s 1 94 i.74 1 2 100 I 90 92 16: 904 88 IB) 894 15, 75, 100 2 3 2 I M'4! 2541 23 46 48 PAC GAI 1 st 114..

I Pao West Oil I 2.75 1.00 88 62 I 52 SI JS'A 23 1 48 54 9 53 51 97 10! 85 Pandem Oil .1 62141 42 9 Quaker Outs pf Railroad Sh Snngnmo Klec Seab Ser 83.25 pf Seaboard Utll Slgnode Steel So East A Wat Co So Union Gas Stude Mall A 88! 68 1l 76 Name Potomac Ed 6s 56 El Pow Cor NY 5e 41i Proe A Oam 4s 47i Pub NH 4s57Bi Pub III 4t -78DI Pub 111 4, 61 Fl Pub 8 Ok 8s 67DI Pug Sd PL 6s49 Pug PL 4s50Bl REL MANAO 8e 64 A Rep Gai a 46 Roch 61 63 a a 47 I Safe 79 Schulte 6s 35. Shew WP 41,. mi nernn as 55 Berlin II Elv 6558 Bogota 8s 45 Bolivia 8s 41 Bolivia 7a 58 Bolivia 7s 69 Bordeaux 7s 69 8s 41 Brazil 6s2 Brasll 27-67 9II 100 60 150 60 60 100 200 1 10 111 9 18 101 85 111 Cent 66 Ill Cent col tr 4sfl3! ICACSLANO rf5s63A III St) deb 4'48 40 I Inland St 4s 81 Bl Interbs Tr 7s 321 Inland Stl 4s 81 Bl Interb Tr rfgSs 66! Inter RT rfg 5s66 sta! Int Cement 5s 48 I 62 '4 97 85 74 85 56 101 101 81 74111 74 10! 31 5 as ss I ss 211 45 44 45 31 42! 41 42 101 8t)! 85 61 56 55 411 30 27 esuner Mam 100 pan-Am Airwayt Pantecw Oil Parker Ruat-Pr las Pennroad Pa Wat A Pow Peo tt Pow A Perryman Elec Petroleum war Philip Morris Pilot Radio A 29 28 27 27 46 Address Eetabliehed 1994J AVgrrison Co, 3 .05 25 3D 6 5'4 4S 3'4 4n 3', 50 4 I 5514 IU! DO I 65 Swllt A Co 1050 Brail! 7b 621 11 2A': 72 72 12' 0 et(, II 2T4I 4 48 4 3 Swilt Int! 400 31 28 27 27 46 46 97 29 47 im nyaro fciec (is 44! 93 SB" 4 I Int Match 5s 47 lei uona A a 1st PI 20 3i 4l 4 4 13 3-16 l-ll 18 18 381 1 1, 1501 60 601, 60 151 4 4 4 4' 65 64 65 11 14 14 14 31 HI 2 2 2 20! 3 2 3 11 3 3) 3 11 20 20'4l 20V, 84 1 8 8 i 61 1 1 1 30 60 69 I 60 11 1I Hi! 114 464 464 66 184 39 a i 22 31 98 17 12 15,, 12 184 9 93 11 48 82 6 81 Thompson 100 184 39 2 2 1 A 23 31 98 1714 1 'Sit 13 154 134 184 1 184 38 2 2 1 4 3 224 31 97 17 if 12 154 12 18 1 3 BONDS Int Match 5s 41 cvtl Int sf 6s 411 15! 59 i 58 65! 66! 65 15! 69 I 68 41 66 I 66 li 41 I 40 831 71'4I 70 971 29 128: 98 294 8 47 40 63 81 82 89 8haw WP 4a 68 Bl 8haw WP 41 at 70 Dl Pitney Bowet 4pc Breda Er 7s 54 wwl Bremen 7s 35 British 5s 37 .,..1 Budapest 6s 27-62 Buenos A 6S 66 Aires 6s 61 1 Aires Prov 6t61l Bulcarla 7s 68 Bulgaria 7s 67 47 8. 82 48 82 81 82 89 26 85 liilillll lillliillll lllilliiiiii 68 56 41 704 56 60 Sixth rtoor Metrepollton Itnk aiilttitf SaaruswoMlU VUiuwM4ai oiiaw we st 70 Snider Pack 6s sa int Pap rfg 6s 65Ai Int TAT cvt 4s 39! Int TAT deb 4s 621 Int TAT deb 68 651 231 39 14! 37 11 89 2' 26 Pitta PI GI 1 Plymouth Prod Roy lOpc f. Pub Ut Hold 31! 56 I 65 unit Am Utll United Oes 8 Gynsum 8 Radio A Tei Utah Radio Utll A lnt Utll A Ind pt Vortex Cun 150 250 460 .3360 100 50 150 50 21 5 rt 71, 5 '4 34 36) 37 35! 37 40 I 40 34141 36 26 85 SEPAL 6s 2025A xw tl I 69 931 85 71 404 Oil 6ll0aiiil00 Bl 39 100 Pure OH pf 8 4 00 iai eo 88 51 So Cat Ed 5s 12 80 Cal Gat 5s 57..

So Cal Get 6i 37.. So Nat fl A. 44 RE POWWI.T 457l KC PowALt 4'as61l KC So rt 5 60 I CAUDAS 7 46,,,, I 5 36 I 8341 9 11 DE VRY 87 90 S-7! 91HI 97 96 98j 98 71 1 70 71 62141 62 '4 1 62 Walgreen Co 97 90 97 90 400 70 4'4 West A Tel 110 16 45 1 Zenith Radio 350 Mnnfl. ianaoa os 02 Canada 4'4s 38 Canada 4s 60 Caura Val 46. Chile Bk 61 I 6o" 19 8 14 .05 So Nat 6s 44 xp SW Dairy 8s38ww on i' 44 44 6 77 60 a 3- 1 1I 3.l 1 1 3 3 1I 3l eo 1st 31 60 5 KC Term 1st 4s 60' 21 Keith 6s 46 I 13 iKan OAE1 4s 80' 5'4 Kend 5s 48 A war! Found ts 361 RAILROAD 8H .40 Relter Fost Reliable St Rep Oas Reybarn Ino 83 '4 94 94 81 31 36 28 23 24 IV 50 87 61 98 Insull Utll 6s- 40 60,000 55 6414 55 Stock eales today, 56 000 (hares.

Bond ealea today, 850,000. 01 86 66 98 i 43 1 61 78 4: 27 ll 84 11 90 Chile Bk 6s 67 88 66 98 It 9' 11 101 li ftnl 22! up val 3-16i 3-161 1-16 unue bk os 61 Chile Bk 6s 62. Reynoldi Inr 26! 94 10! 94 15! 82 6 34 60' 374 71 28 27! 26 121 35 I 8i 27 10! 23 71 23 41 24: 181 22 Jl 80 291 34 44 44 77 27 84 90 82 83 60 15 63 74 s.v. 687 A SW Nat Gat 8s 45.. A 3022A Stand Oit Id 35 Stand 6s 61 Stand A 6t 66 Stand Inv 6s 38, Stand A 6s 67 Stand Tel 6'4i 43 61 82, ftO'iil 90 I 90 Chile 7s 43 BOARD OP TR ADV.

20 do 6 1st pi an i int l'i MAI MA! MA I. 3: 87 87 11 68 90 82 81 60 75 61 74 Secur Corp Gen 16 pt 75 87 cnue es eo 96 Chile 6s 61 Jan STOCK QUOTATIONS Aircraft. Aviation corporation (Del.) deficit months to September 30, $917,908 vs, deficit $4,022,154. Automobile Tarts anil Accessories. Clark Equipment common share parnlngs, 9 months to September 30, 5 cents vs.

$1.50. Automobile Tires, Rubber Good's, Etc. Fisk Rubber Chicnnee Falls nlnnt 8 64 7 4'' Relected Am Sh I.AS RtLS'ts 531 Lac St 8s 60DI Lac St Isl6s34l Lac OStL 1st 6s 34! LSAMS gen 3s 871 Laul Nit 61 54 Leh Val 6s 3003... I 8ale. High.

Low. Close. I 98 Chile 6s 61 4 1 41 83 60 111 76 12' 63 8i 74 41 96 V8 ii tt 34 1 16 81 1 74 unue es 63 Chris Os)ol 6s 64. 1 VM Siiperpow Uf 4i70 11 ST ANTH GOLD St Regie Pap .60 Selt-Cr Prod 1 Seaboard Utll .18 Sec Al Corp 1. Segal Lock Selected Indui Sel Ind fal ctf) 8 Shenandoah 4'i 1 91 81 3i; 36 28 8, if4 22 23 23 80 31 31 34 30 43 46 80 45 83 69 n'ncu Amer Cyanamid 100 6 Armour 111 Did 100 10 Armour cl A 160 1 7l 3l 74'4l 74 14l 144 IK 60! 61 85 .1 4 6 4 6 SI 96 96 Colombia 6s 61 Jan Colombia 6s 61 Oct Pnlnm Hk 1.

I 3 101: 101 101 1 161 33 Armour cl Jan i Val Pa 4a 20031 Val 4s I A Mv 7a 41 I 4' 611 Corn Prod com 300 48 1J'4 6 4 5 49 4 6 4 IU? 1,8 iC' Bl 47 1M oni at vo os40 Swltt A Co 61 44 TENN EL 8s 66 Tex El Serv its 60,, Tex A Ss 56.. Thermold 6s 34 Trl Utll 61 79 OA I 86 I 88 51 88 I 87 87 87 Lie A Mv 6s 61 Loews Inc 6s 41... I Loril Co 7s 44 90 22 23 22 80 31 3341 73 70 43 46 80 45 82 89 794 26 v-ooennag es 53 .52., IConenhas 4s 53 'it 48 48 19 19 ,5 3 21a 22 12 12 3 2 4 4 170 1176 mi biriger Mlg 16 Smith A 3 9' 34 32 6' 75 8) 70 43 11 46 11 80 4'i 11 40 401 86, 1 644 644 itin a1 ivrt vj 491 99 I 98 99 Cordoba Pv 7e 42 Costa Rica 7s 61 nee Bona snare. 1810 20 Major CorP 8h 60 1 Stand Oti of Ind .,2360 23 Studebaker com 200 134 Bunstrend Mach 100 2 Super Corp A 100 4 Trust Stand Oil Sh. 100 4 ,7 4Va co 5'is 37.

7'4'Lorll Co 6s 61 1 7. A Ark 6s 68. I 91 I 91 I 'SilK rsoutniana Roy Bell pf 8t Oil Ind 1 St Oil Kv 1.60 tuoa 63 15: 91il 41l 1. UN OfJLF 6, 60! 741 23 2114 Cuba 6's 45 45 First Mortgage Loans at Small Cost 41 I 414 96l 98 Lou AN S'ai 20031 89 6 10: 16 164 05'i 77 71 Cuba 6s (19041 44 3 41 3 60 2 85 2.55 2.80 Slock sales 6,745 shares. vn Lt A 8 74 tint LAP 81 76 Unt LAP 8i4s 69.

83 11 89 71 Cuba 6s 1 1914) 40 Selected Income Sh Selected Manage Trust Shawmut Bank Snencer Trask Fund Stand All Am Tr Shri Stand Am Tr Shrs Stand Collat Trust State Street Invest Super ol Am Tr A 8uper of Am Tr Super of Am Tr Super of Am Tr Trust Shri ol Am Trustee Stand Inv 0 Trustee Stand Inv Trustee St OH A St Oil Bhrs rusteed NYC Bank Trusteed Am Bit Bh jpth Cent Fixed Tr Two Year Trust Sh United Fixed Shrs United Fdri 1-70 com United. Ins Shri United Bank Tr tl 8 A Brit Int Ltd A do tl Pid 8 Eleo Lt A Pow A Univeriai 'Tr Sh Cuba 4 '4, ta 52 21 794 89 I 89 89 II 8741 87l 87 141 26! 96' 87141 79141 24 V. MANHAT 4i 98 Market 8t 7s 40. McCrory St 5s 41 McKei A 6g 50. J9UI 40 1) 1 81 14 23 11 31 Cundlnamarca 8s59 Un A Ry 814s 63 Un A Ry 6s 33 4' OB I 0 i an 4 117 22 16 40 1 14 22.

11 10 64 1101 i-zccno os oi I1U1 Un A Ry 61 52A CHICAGO CURB High. Low. Close. i 4l 63l 64 16 39 liV', 22: 31 3 30 4 5 41 99 I 98 Jl ll 80 li 65, Un Pub 8 8s 42AI Rub 00,1 0iJ4 101 1101 'i 71 96 67 99V4 98 23 80 8086 11 100 84 33 89 91V. 3 1C2 11 89 54V.

184 4 .06 ivimu OS 10 Met Ed 6s 61 Met Ed 4s Ml RAList 6s 61B Mil El RAL 5s 1911 4 5 89 89 121 97 00 98 97 35 80 99 37 971. VAN SWER fla fix Valanar rnm A. to 4' 4 ft 4 6 8 14 20 4 3 DENMARK 64 Denmark 6l 55 Denmark 4s 62 Deutsche Bk 6 32.. Duke Pr Pow 6s 66.. Ind sfg 6s 63..

Ind 6s 47 II 7l 97 9 30 4 6 0 24 OV J2 61101 t' 89 ai 111 74 41 77 81 86 1 91 3l 90 131 44 4.1 43 21 44 91 5064 11 11 8100 41 84 MaPASSM 1st 4,381 Low Rates 14 81 77 85 90 90 43 43 43 76! a ft it. 90 44 43 3 Vlrg El Pow 5s55A Pub Ber 6s46A Va 8 6s 60 87 62 63 K.t. On ewntrccupltd homsa er antral builnttt proptrtlts In Minntapolla or St Paul. 2l 8 MA Te? 41. 63 Bl 11 724 II 68 25! 61 151 64 newt iiei es 44i 1 32 63 83 El C.ER fl'il 601 11 1 rmv O'aS 49 Mo Pa 5 77 Mo Pac 6s 7 80 Mo Pao a 4s 15 Alleth Oas Am Brit ti Cont Am Corp Am Supernowcr Ark Nat Gal Ark Nat Gas A Asso A A Burco war Can Marconi Corporale Tr Chi Corp Detr Aire plv Tr Bhre Dubilier Cona Empire Corn Ford Mot Ltd 4 4 69, 300 ino 400 800 200 20(1 400 400 300 60 50 eoo 200 2:.0 300 200 300 27' 63l 62 wcat i-a ot aoio 4t 81H Util 61 694 91 61 ki oer 6 63..

Estonia Rep li 61.. 91 Vi; St oil Ohio 2 at Starrett Stutz Mot Am Swift A Co 2 Swift Int 40 TAOGART Tampa El 2a Technicolor Teck Hugh a .860 Texon Oil 1 Trent Lux UNION Olt Unit Amer UtU Unit Carr Fatt Unit Founders United Cla Unit Oat war A cv pf 6.. Unitt Milk Prod 8 A I Sec pf 8 Elec Pow El Pow war Llnea pf Play Cd 2 unit stores vto Unit Verde 1 Util Equities A 102 Ulilltn A Ind A Indpf 114 67l 87 Pc 6 80 Mo 1st 8s 81 Mont Pe a. 46 46 63 63 63 I 63 9941 994 91 I 81 FINLAND 8ie in, 16! 6314 67' 64 13100 li (1 I 87 COTTON FOREIGN BONDS, 3 16-16 57 I 57 31 66l 66 58 Murrls A lei 4i 661 to resume November 2: was closed since October 16; no wage changes contemplated. topper and Brass.

Calumet Hecla Consolidated Copper deficit after depreciation and depletion, 9 months to September 80, $1,970,147 vs. net income $356,604 equal to 17 cents a common share. Food Products. Lake of the Woods Milling Passed quarterly preferred dividend; paid $1.76 September 1. Paper and Paper Products.

Crystal Tissue common share earnings, mnnihs'to September 30, cents vs. $1.12. Railroads. Missouri Pacific railroad September net income off 61.1 per cent. Steel and Iron.

Follansbee Brothers deficit, 9 months to September 30, $650,163 vs. deficit $209,329. Smith (A. corporation, passed quarterly common dividend, paid 60 cents August 15. I'tllillea.

Central States Kdlson declared 75 cents preferred dividend, paid $1.75 August 1. Consolidated Cis, Klectrle Light ft Power of Baltimore common share earnings, 9 months to September 30, same ns year ago. Philadelphia Klectrle net Income hefors subsidiaries preference dividends, months to September JO, $16,108,169 vs. $15,542,980. Comi.ll.i4 li.

a aiii.ii.. e. 101 91) 91 1 91 41 14 I 34 I 34 11 36 I 8A I 88 35 35141 36 riniana t'2s 08 Fram I 1l 42... Frankfort 8 51 Flench 714i 41 French 7 41 48 62 1 25 1414 1I Sjt 3,4 63 l'4 36 3i A 24 44 5 2 6 40 'ii i4" i 6 2 2 2 a 65 a 3-16 3-18 14 14 14 I 3 3 3 vi 'it 15 MS 5 a a I a ay, ji4 21 21a 21 16 16 16 48. 45 46 .1 15-16 1 mi.

4 3 3 2 4 8 Northwestern National LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY a J. ARNOLD, maim STRONO- LIB1LAS 3 4'e MM f)K 7i 40. Agrl Mtg Bk 78 47.. BOO BK 7 47,. Bu Alree Pr Jlis 47 Bu Alret Pr is 52..

Un 1 i.e. i Hammond Clock 2Q 81 77 Sllil 7 83' i 46 46 434 4314 3511 Hendrick Ranch Roy 860 1114 49 104 9.y. 744 II 68 I 77V4 103 9914 96 New York. Nov. 2 tn Cotton was tulet but ateady today on trade burini end nre-hollday covering.

Price moved aithln a narrow range and after partial eaotlona under moderate southern lelllng he market rallied a few point In srm-pathy with steadiness of train. Reallslnf and hedging developed la the tint hour. January sola oft to 6 67. with In market closing barely iteady at net ttecllnes of 1 to ooinu. Hlrh Low.

Close 4 414 40 241l 68 49 49 49 OER AO ll Ml Oer CAB 6l 38 Aprl Oer CAB 6s 80 July Ger A 81 80 Oct DO 48 31 74 II 4-11, CAl'CA VAL 7i 48 Bk Ger 6s 62A 11 24 2 36 ATientlc 6441 48 43 43 Oer A 6l 61 39 631 60 231 39 1981 40 37) 39 39V. 40 B.Oer 8s 61B! 19! 38: 6 36; 36 33 I 49.1 4 12 100 100 100 S3: 86i 85 I 85 314 ina ripe tn loo intl Utll 650 Keyston8 Copper 200 Midwest rood 276 Nlag Hud Pow 760 Pendent Oil 600 Roosevelt Field 100 Stand Oil Ind 240 Stand Oil Ky 300 Trustees Bya ni lo2 lt Oa wir 850 8 El Lt A 60 3' 491 84 63 I 63 NASSAU 4a51stp gt Dairy 51,1 481 Nat Steel 5s 66 N'W Eng 7AT Js63 NelTAT 41, 61 A I. 4, 601 NOr Ter 4s 53.. NO A 6s 66C NYCAHR deb 6a 35 NYCHR rfAl 6s 30131 tWVk 42013l NYCHR deb 4l 34 I NYCAHR con 4s 98 NYCAHR rfg J', 97, NYCAStL ti 12 NYCAStL 6, 74 A NYCA-S'L 4e 71 NYCAStL 1 4s 171 Nr Conn Rys 4'4s5Sl Dock Co 6, ill 35 111 49 49 11 12, 13 Vail 12 6 78 8 58 8 68-8 60 11 48 Si li." ii Ll 48 48 44'4 44 44 1,71 8 17 lS- uer inll 6 88.. Oer Reo 7 48.

Oen Oen II 7e Ger Bl 6e 46 Good Hone 7 45 Gt El 7s 44 Gt 6a 60 Oreek Bl 68 94 94. VtNEl! PET 6 S3 tn 6 S3 tl UI December January Murch Iilr til 77 nv- 73 63 7 02-7 64 IV I fH 4 73 1 1 1 62 7.20 7. 18-' 62l 6'i'4 4'. 4''. 414 6' 64 62 '4 11 Bv 4 4 Universal Tr 80 4 Slock tales, 10.000 sharee.

DO .11 eo tl WALGREEN Watson (J W) Wayne Tump cv pll Wll-Low Cat pt 4 as Woolworth Ltd II 1241 1284 1 12H 11 II 11 8 5 25! 19t4 19! 19 12 9l 9 11 St I si 1 st 11 72 41 1341 72 SA! 48 I 481.1 ll 45 I 45 I 48 61 381,1 88141 31 33 33l 334 48 47 47,4 HAN SSL SA I 28 43 7' 85 6 91 tnue Mtg Bk 6s 31L Com Pr Bk 6l 37.. I DAN CON Stis 55.. I Oan Con 6s S3 I EUR MTO 7l 870.. I FIN BK 8a 8I GER Mt'N la 471 Qer Con Mun 6s 41 Gesfuerel 6s 13 xw HAM RL 6H1 88.. I Hanover St 6i 48 IS HID EL It 61..

I Harnen 6s 49 WW nn i An 60 I 60 it 1 ti SA I 36 15 91 91 AttL 81 50 I 14! 48' 41 26l Hune 7'4i 44 Hung 7a 48 4 44 fjaa, ear aaw, inar nwi. Vftjri Beodfoffctweopf 3abcoi'G I BABiOlsfCIIABT Div. 714 law Paxk. tura.l NAVAL STORES. Savannah, Nov.

(Pi Turpentine firm, 314i lelee 88:. receipt! 347; ahlp- Chicago. Nov. 2 (Ti-Cotton prices held rj'lim a narrow range all dev end cloned I In I po'nls net lower. Cables were reii-tuety urong and opening prices were I to 8 roints up After dltplaylrt moderate Creneth In eatly trading, the market eased on he (Ire selling end close wai at or yar (he bottom for lh dev.

Trading In r.exi Or'nh'-r contracts began tl about poinlj premium over July. OIL OAS 0 141 841 CUR DOMESTIC BONDS. ALA POW 5s AS 99 '4 1 99t 99'1 .1. I mmi a.ll an menti none; itnck 31,1061 rosin firm! aalea S49i receipts 1.648: no ihlpmentt: stork 331,983. Quote: and I 2 69: Edon 6, 44 104 104 1104 2w HSH 41 -j! I'l I 48l 48 rfg 8.5!aJ 1103 1102 II.SED ST 4S It! Ct 7e 17 A.

Its Cr 7i 41 jtai 7i 63 Italy 7 61 1 84(41 S6H SA44 Ji lnl In '4 1 80 J70i 73 I 70! 7014 311 91 89, 90 88 17 17! St ,11 37 4.30i ana i e.e': n.oui t.ue. a 1.62 4: WO 6.65; WW t.00; 6.05, nin ri'w DQ'fi ov Alum CO 88 62 141 89141 99 I 99 New York. II Mill 6(1', I.

Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)


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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.