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Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

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Foseco Non-FerrousFoundryman’s Handbook

Eleventh edition

Revised and edited byJohn R. Brown


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Butterworth-HeinemannLinacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP225 Wildwood Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801-2041A division of Reed Educational and Professional Publishing Ltd

A member of the Reed Elsevier plc group

Ninth edition published by Pergamon Press plc 1986Tenth edition 1994Reprinted 1995, 1996, 1998Eleventh edition 1999

© Foseco International Ltd 1994, 1999

All rights reserved. No part of this publicationmay be reproduced in any material form (includingphotocopying or storing in any medium by electronicmeans and whether or not transiently or incidentallyto some other use of this publication) without thewritten permission of the copyright holder except inaccordance with the provisions of the Copyright,Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of alicence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd,90 Tottenham Court Road, London, England W1P 9HE.Applications for the copyright holder’s written permissionto reproduce any part of this publication should be addressedto the publishers

British Library Cataloguing in Publication DataBrown, John R.

Foseco non-ferrous foundryman’s handbook1. Nonferrous metals – Founding – Handbooks, manuals, etc.I. Title673

ISBN 0 7506 4286 6

Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication DataFoseco non-ferrous foundryman’s handbook/revised and edited by John

R. Brown – 11th ed.p. cm.Prev. eds. published under title: Foseco foundryman’s handbook.ISBN 0 7506 4286 61. Founding Handbooks, manuals, etc. 2. Nonferrous metals –Founding Handbooks, manuals, etc. I. Brown, John R. II. Title:Non-ferrous foundryman’s handbook. III. Title: Foseco foundryman’shandbook.TS235.F585 99–34984673–dc21 CIP

Composition by Genesis Typesetting, Rochester, KentPrinted and bound in Great Britain

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Preface xi

Acknowledgements xii

Chapter 1 Tables and general data 1

SI units and their relation to other units 1SI, metric, non-SI and non-metric conversions 2Conversion table of stress values 5Areas and volumes of circles, spheres, cylinders etc. 6The physical properties of metals 7Densities of casting alloys 9Approximate bulk densities of common materials 10Patternmakers’ contraction allowances 11Volume shrinkage of principal casting alloys 13Comparison of sieve sizes 14Calculation of average grain size 15Calculation of AFS grain fineness number 16Recommended standard colours for patterns 17Dust control in foundries 18Buoyancy forces on cores 18Core print support 19Opening forces on moulds 19Dimensional tolerances and consistency achieved in castings 21

Chapter 2 Aluminium casting alloys 23

Introduction 23Casting alloys 25Casting processes 39The effect of alloying elements 39Heat treatment of aluminium alloys 42

Chapter 3 Melting aluminium alloys 46

Introduction 46Raw materials 47Melting furnaces 47Corundum growth 54Choice of melting unit 55

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vi Contents

Chapter 4 Fluxes 56

Introduction 56Application of COVERAL powder fluxes 56Granular COVERAL fluxes 61

Chapter 5 INSURAL refractory for ladles and metal transport 63

Introduction 63Ladle liners 65

Chapter 6 Treatment of aluminium alloy melts 70

Introduction 70Hydrogen gas pick-up in aluminium melts 70Degassing aluminium alloys 72Grain refinement of aluminium alloys 77Modification of aluminium alloys 79Sodium modification 81Strontium modification 82Permanent modification 83Melting procedures for commonly used aluminium alloys 83Sand, gravity die and low pressure diecasting 83Medium silicon alloys, 4–7% Si 84Eutectic silicon alloys, 12% Si 84Treatment of hypereutectic Al–Si alloys (over 16% Si) 85Melting and treatment of aluminium–magnesium alloys (4–10% Mg) 86Special requirements for gravity diecasting 87Treatment of alloys for pressure diecasting 87

Chapter 7 Running, gating and feeding aluminium castings 89

Introduction 89Gating without filters 90Gating with filters 93Feeding mechanisms in Al alloy and other non-ferrous castings 94Simulation modelling 98

Chapter 8 Filtration of aluminium alloy castings 99

Introduction 99SIVEX FC filters 100Use of conventional running systems 101Direct pouring of aluminium alloy castings 104KALPUR combined sleeve and SIVEX FC filter for aluminium

castings 105Direct pouring into metal dies 107

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Contents vii

Chapter 9 Pressure diecasting of aluminium alloys 108

Introduction 108Die design 109Process control 111Modification of the diecasting process 113Applications of diecasting 114The diecasting foundry 114Die coating 116

Chapter 10 Low pressure and gravity diecasting 118

Low pressure diecasting 118Gravity diecasting 124Die coatings for gravity and low pressure diecasting 127

Chapter 11 Sand casting processes 135

Introduction 135Green sand 136Moulding machines 137Core assembly sand processes 140The Lost Foam process 144

Chapter 12 Sands and sand bonding systems 149

Silica sand 149Properties of silica sand for foundry use 149Typical silica foundry sand properties 151Safe handling of silica sand 152Segregation of sand 153Measurement of sand properties 153Thermal characteristics of silica sand 153Non-silica sands 154Zircon, ZrSiO4 154Chromite, FeCr2O4 156Olivine, Mg2SiO4 156Green sand 156Green sand additives 157The green sand system 160Green sand properties 163Control of green sand systems 164Sand testing 165Control graphs 165Parting agents 166Special moulding materials, LUTRON 166

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viii Contents

Chapter 13 Resin bonded sand 167

Chemically bonded sand 167Self-hardening process 167Testing chemically bonded, self-hardening sands 169Mixers 171Sand quality 172Pattern equipment 172Curing temperature 173Design of moulds using self-hardening sand 173Foundry layout 173Sand reclamation 175Typical usage of sand reclamation 178Self-hardening resin binder systems 180Furanes 180Phenolic-isocyanates 182Alkaline phenolic resin, ester hardened 183Triggered hardening systems 185Heat triggered processes 185Gas triggered systems 186Heat triggered processes 187The shell or Croning process 187Hot-box process 189Warm-box process 190Oil sand 191Gas triggered processes 193Phenolic-urethane-amine gassed (cold-box) process 193ECOLOTEC process 195The SO2 process 196SO2-cured epoxy resin 198Ester-cured alkaline phenolic system 198Review of resin core-making processes 199

Chapter 14 Sodium silicate bonded sand 204

Introduction 204Sodium silicate 204CO2 silicate process 205Gassing CO2 cores and moulds 207Improvements to the CO2 silicate process 208The CARSIL range of silicate binders 209SOLOSIL 209Self-setting sodium silicate processes 210Ester silicate process 210Adhesives and sealants 215CORSEAL sealants 215TAK sealant 215

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Contents ix

Chapter 15 Magnesium casting 217

Casting alloys 217The melting, treatment and casting of magnesium alloys 218

Chapter 16 Copper and copper alloy castings 225

The main copper alloys and their applications 225Specifications for copper-based alloys 226Colour code for ingots 227Melting copper and copper-based alloys 232Melting and treatment of high conductivity copper 238Melting and treatment of high conductivity copper alloys 242Copper–silver 242Copper–cadmium 243Copper–chromium 243Commercial copper 243Melting and treatment of brasses, copper–zinc alloys 244Melting bronzes and gunmetals 248Melting aluminium bronze 250Melting manganese bronze 250Melting high lead bronze 250Melting copper–nickel alloys 251Filtration of copper-based alloys 251

Chapter 17 Feeding systems 252

Introduction 252Natural feeders 252Aided feeders 253Feeding systems 254The calculation of feeder dimensions 257Determination of feeding requirements 262Steel, malleable iron, white irons, light alloys and copper-based

alloy castings 262Grey and ductile irons 266FOSECO feeding systems 268Introduction 268Range of feeder products 269Breaker cores 279The application of feeder sleeves 280Williams Cores 283FERRUX anti-piping compounds for iron and steel castings 284Metal-producing top surface covers 285FEEDOL anti-piping compounds for all non-ferrous alloys 286

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x Contents

Aids to the calculation of feeder requirements 286Nomograms 287FEEDERCALC 287Calculating feeder sizes for aluminium alloy castings 288

Index 289

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The last edition of the Handbook was published in 1994 and like all the earliereditions, it aimed to provide a practical reference book for all those involvedin making castings in any of the commonly used alloys by any of the usualmoulding methods. In order to keep the Handbook to a reasonable size, it wasnot possible to deal with all the common casting alloys in detail. Since 1994the technology of casting has continued to develop and has become morespecialised so that it has been decided to publish the 11th edition of theHandbook in three separate volumes:

Non-ferrous dealing with aluminium, copper and magnesium castingalloys

Iron dealing with grey, ductile and special purpose castirons

Steel dealing with carbon, low alloy and high alloy steels

Certain chapters (with slight modifications) are common to all threevolumes: these chapters include tables and general data, sands and sandbonding systems, resin bonded sand, sodium silicate bonded sand andfeeding systems. The remaining chapters have been written specifically foreach volume.

The Handbook refers to many Foseco products. Not all of the products areavailable in every country and in a few cases, product names may vary.Users should always contact their local Foseco company to check whether aparticular product or its equivalent is available.

The Foseco logo and all product names appearing in capital letters aretrademarks of the Foseco group of companies, used under licence.

John R. Brown

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The following Organisations have generously permitted the use of theirmaterial in the Handbook:

The American Foundrymen’s Society, Inc., 505 State Street, Des Plaines,Illinois 60016-8399, USA.

The Association of Light Alloy Founders (ALARS), Broadway House,Calthorpe Road, Five Ways, Birmingham, B15 1TN.

BSI, Extracts from British Standards are reproduced with the permission ofBritish Standards Institution. Complete copies can be obtained by postfrom Customer Services, BSI, 389 Chiswick High Road, London W44AL.

Buhler UK Ltd, 19 Station Road, New Barnet, Herts, EN5 1NN.Butterworth-Heinemann, Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP.The Castings Development Centre (incorporating BCIRA), Bordesley Hall,

The Holloway, Alvechurch, Birmingham, B48 7QB.The Castings Development Centre (incorporating Steel Castings Research &

Trade Association), 7 East Bank Road, Sheffield, S2 3PT.Chem-Trend (UK) Ltd, Bromley Street, Lye, Stourbridge, West Midlands

DY9 8HY.Copper Development Association, Verulam Industrial Estate, 224, London

Road, St. Albans, Herts, AL1 1AQ.Foundry International, DMG Business Media Ltd, Queensway House, 2

Queensway, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1QS.Foundry Management & Technology, 1100 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, OH

44114, USA.Foundry & Technical Liaison Ltd, 6-11 Riley Street, Willenhall, West

Midlands, WV13 1RH.The Institute of British Foundrymen, Bordesley Hall, The Holloway,

Alvechurch, Birmingham,B48 7QA.International Magnesium Association, 1303 Vincent Place, Suite One,

McLean, Virginia 22101, USA.OEA (Organisation of European Aluminium Refiners and Remelters,

Broadway House, Calthorpe Road, Five Ways, Birmingham, B15 1TN.Ramsell Furnaces Ltd, Wassage Way, Hampton Lovett Industrial Estate,

Droitwich, Worcestershire, WR9 0NX.Striko UK Ltd, Newcastle Street, Stone, Staffordshire, ST15 8JT.

The author gratefully acknowledges the help received from many individ-uals, in particular from colleagues at Foseco.

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Acknowledgements xiii

All statements, information and data contained herein are published asa guide and although believed to be accurate and reliable (havingregard to the manufacturer’s practical experience) neither the manu-facturer, licensor, seller nor publisher represents or warrants, expresslyor implied:

1 Their accuracy/reliability2 The use of the product(s) will not infringe third party rights3 No further safety measures are required to meet local


The seller is not authorised to make representations nor contract onbehalf of the manufacturer/licensor. All sales by the manufacturer/seller are based on their respective conditions of sale available onrequest.

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Chapter 1

Tables and general data

SI units and their relation to other units

The International System of Units (SI System) is based on six primaryunits:

Quantity Unit Symbol

length metre mmass kilogram kgtime second selectric current ampere Atemperature degree Kelvin Kluminous intensity candela cd


SI prefixes are used to indicate multiples and submultiples such as 106 or10–3

Prefix Symbol Prefix Symbol

10 deca da 10–1 deci d102 hecto h 10–2 centi c103 kilo k 10–3 milli m106 mega M 10–6 micro �109 giga G 10–9 nano n1012 tera T 10–12 pico p

Example: One millionth of a metre is expressed as one micrometre, 1 �m.

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2 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

Derived units

The most important derived units for the foundryman are:

Quantity Unit Symbol

Force newton N (kg m/s2)Pressure, stress newton per square metre or pascal N/m2 (Pa)Work, energy joule J (Nm)Power, heat flow rate watt, joule per second W (J/s)Temperature degree Celsius °CHeat flow rate watt per square metre W/m2

Thermal conductivity watt per metre degree W/m KSpecific heat capacity joule per kilogram degree J/kg KSpecific latent heat joule per kilogram J/kg

SI, metric, non-SI and non-metric conversions

Length:1 in = 25.4 mm1 ft = 0.3048 m1 m = 1.09361 yd1 km = 1093.61 yd = 0.621371 miles1 mile = 1.60934 km = 1760 yd1 yd = 0.9144 m

Area:1 in2 = 654.16 mm2

1 ft2 = 0.092903 m2

1 m2 = 1.19599 yd2 = 10.76391 ft2

1 mm2 = 0.00155 in2

1 yd2 = 0.836127 m2

1 acre = 4840 yd2 = 4046.86 m2 = 0.404686 m2 hectare1 hectare = 2.47105 acre = 10 000 m2

Volume:1 cm3 = 0.061024 in3

1 dm3 = 1 l (litre) = 0.035315 ft3

1 ft3 = 0.028317 m3 = 6.22883 gal (imp)1 gal (imp) = 4.54609 l (litre)1 in3 = 16.3871 cm3

1 l (litre) = 1 dm3 = 0.001 m3 = 0.21997 gal (imp)1 m3 = 1.30795 yd3 = 35.31467 ft3

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Tables and general data 3

1 pt (pint) = 0.568261 l1 US gal = 3.78541 l = 0.832674 gal (imp)1 ft3/min (cfm) = 1.699 m3/h1 ft3/sec = 28.3168 l/s

Mass:1 lb (pound) = 0.453592 kg1 cwt = 50.802 kg1 kg = 2.20462 lb1 oz = 28.349 gm1 ton = 2240 lb = 1.01605 t (tonne) = 1016.05 kg1 ton (US) = 2000 lb = 907.185 kg

Force:1 kgf = 9.80665 N = 2.20462 lbf = 1 kp (kilopond)1 lbf = 4.44822 N1 pdl (poundal) = 0.138255 N

Density:1 kgf/m3 = 0.062428 lb/ft3

1 lb/ft3 = 16.0185 kg/m3

1 g/cm3 = 1000 kg/m3

Pressure, stress:1 kgf/cm2 = 98.0665 kPa (kN/m2)1 kgf/mm2 = 9.80665 N/mm2 = 1422.33 lbf/in2 = 0.63497 tonf/in2

1 lbf/in2 (psi) = 6.89476 kPa (kN/m2)1 Pa (N/m2) = 0.000145038 lbf/in2

1 in w.g. (in H2O) = 249.089 Pa1 N/mm2 = 1 MPa = 145.038 lbf/in2 = 0.06475 tonf/in2

= 0.10197 kgf/cm2

Power:1 kW = 3412 Btu/hr1 hp (horsepower) = 0.745700 kW

Energy, heat, work:1 Btu = 1.05506 kJ1 cal = 4.1868 J1 kWh = 3.6 MJ = 3412 Btu1 therm = 100 000 Btu = 105.506 MJ1 kJ = 0.277778 W.h

Specific heat capacity, heat transfer:1 cal/g°C = 1 kcal/kg°C = 4186.8 J/kg.K1 Btu/lb°F = 4186.8 J/kg.K1 Btu/h = 0.293071 W

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4 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

1 cal/cm.s°C = 418.68 W/m.K (thermal conductivity)1°F = 0.144228 W/m.K (thermal conductivity)1 Btu/ft2h°F = 5.67826 W/m2.K (heat transfer coeff.)

Miscellaneous:1 std.atmos. = 101.325 kPa = 760 mm Hg = 1.01325 bar1 bar = 100 kPa = 14.5038 lbf/in2

1 cP (centipoise) = 1 mPa.s1 cSt (centistoke) = 1 mm2/s1 cycle/s = 1 Hz (Hertz)1 hp = 745.7 W

Useful approximations:1 Btu = 1 kJ 1 kg = 21⁄4 lb1 ft = 30 cm 1 kgf = 10 N1 gal = 41⁄2 l 1 std atmos. = 1 bar1 ha = 21⁄2 acre 1 km = 5⁄8 mile1 hp = 3⁄4 kW 1 litre = 13⁄4 pint1 in = 25 mm 1 lbf = 41⁄2 N1 therm = 100 MJ 1 yd = 0.9 m1 tonf/in2 = 15 N/mm2

1 psi (lbf/in2) = 7 kPa1 N (newton) = the weight of a small apple!

Temperature:°F = 1.8 � °C + 32°C = (°F – 32)/1.80°C (Celsius) = 273.15 K (Kelvin)

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Tables and general data 5

Conversion table of stress values

Equivalent stresses

American British Metric SI(lb/in2) (ton/in2) (kgf/mm2) (N/mm2)

250 0.112 0.176 1.724500 0.223 0.352 3.447

1000 0.446 0.703 6.8952000 0.893 1.406 13.7893000 1.339 2.109 20.6844000 1.788 2.812 27.5795000 2.232 3.515 34.474

10 000 4.464 7.031 68.94715 000 6.696 10.546 103.42120 000 8.929 14.062 137.89425 000 11.161 17.577 172.36830 000 13.393 21.092 206.841

35 000 15.652 24.608 241.31540 000 17.875 28.123 275.78845 000 20.089 31.639 310.26250 000 22.321 35.154 344.73555 000 24.554 38.670 379.209

60 000 26.786 42.185 413.68265 000 29.018 45.700 448.15670 000 31.250 49.216 482.62975 000 33.482 52.731 517.10380 000 35.714 56.247 551.576

85 000 37.946 59.762 586.05090 000 40.179 63.277 620.52395 000 42.411 66.793 654.997

100 000 44.643 70.308 689.470

Conversions10 000 4.464 7.031 68.94722 399 10 15.749 154.43814 223 6.349 10 98.06614 504 6.475 10.197 100

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6 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

Areas and volumes of circles, spheres, cylinders etc.

� = 3.14159 (approximation: 22/7)

1 radian = 57.296 degrees

Circle; radius r, diameter d:

circumference = 2�r = �d

area = �r2 = �/4 � d2

Sphere; radius r:

surface area = 4�r2

volume = 4⁄3 �r3

Cylinder; radius of base r, height h:

area of curved surface = 2�rh

volume = �r2h

Cone; radius of base r, height h:

volume = 1⁄2 area of base � height

= 1⁄2�r2h

Triangle; base b, height h:

area = 1⁄2bh

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Tables and general data 7

The physical properties of metals

Element Symbol Atomicweight



Latent heat offusion

(kJ/kg) (cal/g)

Mean specific heat0–100°C

(kJ/kg·K) (cal/g°C)

Aluminium Al 26.97 660.4 2520 386.8 92.4 0.917 0.219Antimony Sb 121.76 630.7 1590 101.7 24.3 0.209 0.050Arsenic As 74.93 volat· 616 – – 0.331 0.079Barium Ba 137.37 729 2130 – – 0.285 0.068Beryllium Be 9.02 1287 2470 133.5 31.9 2.052 0.490Bismuth Bi 209.0 271.4 1564 54.4 13.0 0.125 0.030Cadmium Cd 112.41 321.1 767 58.6 14.0 0.233 0.056Calcium Ca 40.08 839 1484 328.6 78.5 0.624 0.149Carbon C 12.01 – – – – 0.703 0.168Cerium Ce 140.13 798 3430 – – 0.188 0.045Chromium Cr 52.01 1860 2680 132.7 31.7 0.461 0.110Cobalt Co 58.94 1494 2930 244.5 58.4 0.427 0.102Copper Cu 63.57 1085 2560 180.0 43.0 0.386 0.092Gallium Ga 69.74 29.7 2205 80.2 19.2 0.377 0.090Gold Au 197.2 1064.4 2860 67.4 16.1 0.130 0.031Indium In 114.8 156 2070 – – 0.243 0.058Iridium Ir 193.1 2447 4390 – – 0.131 0.031Iron Fe 55.84 1536 2860 200.5 47.9 0.456 0.109Lead Pb 207.22 327.5 1750 20.9 5.0 0.130 0.031Lithium Li 6.94 181 1342 137.4 32.8 3.517 0.840Magnesium Mg 24.32 649 1090 194.7 46.5 1.038 0.248Manganese Mn 54.93 1244 2060 152.8 36.5 0.486 0.116Mercury Hg 200.61 –38.9 357 12.6 3.0 0.138 0.033Molybdenum Mo 96.0 2615 4610 – – 0.251 0.060Nickel Ni 58.69 1455 2915 305.6 73.0 0.452 0.108Niobium Nb 92.91 2467 4740 – – 0.268 0.064Osmium Os 190.9 3030 5000 – – 0.130 0.031Palladium Pd 106.7 1554 2960 150.7 36.0 0.247 0.059Phosphorus P 31.04 44.1 279 20.9 5.0 0.791 0.189Platinum Pt 195.23 1770 3830 113.0 27.0 0.134 0.032Potassium K 39.1 63.2 759 67.0 16.0 0.754 0.180Rhodium Rh 102.91 1966 3700 – – 0.243 0.058Silicon Si 28.3 1412 3270 502.4 120.0 0.729 0.174Silver Ag 107.88 961.9 2163 92.1 22.0 0.234 0.055Sodium Na 23.00 97.8 883 115.1 27.5 1.227 0.293Strontium Sr 87.63 770 1375 – – 0.737 0.176Sulphur S 32.0 115 444.5 32.7 9.0 0.068 0.016Tantalum Ta 180.8 2980 5370 154.9 37.0 0.142 0.034Tellurium Te 127.6 450 988 31.0 7.4 0.134 0.032Thallium Tl 204 304 1473 – – 0.130 0.031Tin Sn 118.7 232 2625 61.1 14.6 0.226 0.054Titanium Ti 47.9 1667 3285 376.8 90.0 0.528 0.126Tungsten W 184.0 3387 5555 167.5 40.0 0.138 0.033Uranium U 238.2 1132 4400 – – 0.117 0.029Vanadium V 50.95 1902 3410 334.9 80.0 0.498 0.119Zinc Zn 65.38 419.6 911 110.1 26.3 0.394 0.094Zirconium Zr 90.6 1852 4400 – – 0.289 0.069

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8 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

The physical properties of metals (Continued)

Element Thermalconductivity(W/m·K)

Resistivity(�ohm·cmat 20°C)

Vol· changeon melting



Coeff· ofexpansion

(� 10–6/K)



Al 238 2.67 6.6 2.70 23.5 17Sb 23.8 40.1 1.4 6.68 11 30As – 33.3 – 5.73 5.6 –Ba – 60 – 3.5 18 –Be 194 3.3 – 1.85 12 –Bi 9 117 –3.3 9.80 13.4 9Cd 103 7.3 4.7 8.64 31 20Ca 125 3.7 – 1.54 22 13C 16.3 – – 2.30 7.9 –Ce 11.9 85.4 – 6.75 8 –Cr 91.3 13.2 – 7.10 6.5 350Co 96 6.3 – 8.90 12.5 125Cu 397 1.69 4.1 8.96 17 48Ga 41 – – 5.91 18.3 –Au 316 2.2 5.2 19.3 14.1 18.5In 80 8.8 – 7.3 24.8 1Ir 147 5.1 – 22.4 6.8 172Fe 78 10.1 5.5 7.87 12.1 66Pb 35 20.6 3.4 11.68 29 5.5Li 76 9.3 1.5 0.53 56 –Mg 156 4.2 4.2 1.74 26 25Mn 7.8 160 – 7.4 23 –Hg 8.7 96 3.75 13.55 61 –Mo 137 5.7 – 10.2 5.1 147Ni 89 6.9 – 8.9 13.3 80Nb 54 16 – 8.6 7.2 –Os 87 8.8 – 22.5 4.6 –Pd 75 10.8 – 12.0 11.0 50P – – – 1.83 6.2 –Pt 73 10.6 – 21.45 9.0 52K 104 6.8 2.8 0.86 83 0.04Rh 148 4.7 – 12.4 8.5 156Si 139 103–106 – 2.34 7.6 –Ag 425 1.6 4.5 10.5 19.1 25Na 128 4.7 2.5 0.97 71 0.1Sr – 23 – 2.6 100 –S 272 – – 2.07 70 –Ta 58 13.5 – 16.6 6.5 40Te 3.8 1·6 � 105 – 6.24 – –Tl 45.5 16.6 – 11.85 30 –Sn 73.2 12.6 2.8 7.3 23.5 –Ti 21.6 54 – 4.5 8.9 –W 174 5.4 – 19.3 4.5 –U 28 27 – 19.0 – –V 31.6 19.6 – 6.1 8.3 –Zn 120 6.0 6.5 7.14 31 35Zr 22.6 44 – 6.49 5.9 –

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Tables and general data 9

Densities of casting alloys

Alloy BS1490 g/ml Alloy BS1400 g/ml

Aluminium alloys Copper alloysPure Al 2.70 HC copper HCC1 8.9Al–Si5Cu3 LM4 2.75 Brass CuZn38Al DCB1 8.5Al–Si7Mg LM25 2.68 CuZn33Pb2Si HTB1 8.5Al–Si8Cu3Fe LM24 2.79 CuZn33Pb2 SCB3 8.5AlSi12 LM6 2.65 Phosphor bronze

CuSn11P PB1 8.8Cast steels CuSn12 PB2 8.7Low carbon <0.20 7.86 Lead bronzeMed. carbon 0.40 7.86 CuSn5Pb20 LB5 9.3High carbon >0.40 7.84 Al bronze

CuAl10Fe2 AB1 7.5Low alloy 7.86 GunmetalMed. alloy 7.78 CuSnPb5Zn5 LG2 8.8Med./high alloy 7.67 Copper nickel

CuNi30Cr2FeMnSi CN1 8.8Stainless13Cr 7.61 Cast irons18Cr8Ni 7.75 Grey iron 150 MPa 6.8–7.1

200 7.0–7.2Other alloys 250 7.2–7.4Zinc base 300 7.3–7.4ZnAl4Cu1 6.70 Whiteheart malleable 7.45

Blackheart malleable 7.27Lead base White iron 7.70PbSb6 10.88 Ductile iron (s.g.) 7.2–7.3Tin base (Babbit) 7.34 Ni-hard 7.6–7.7Inconel Ni76Cr18 8.50 High silicon (15%) 6.8

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10 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

Approximate bulk densities of common materials

Material kg/m3 lb/ft3 Material kg/m3 lb/ft3

Aluminium, cast 2560 160 Lead 11370 710wrought 2675 167 Limestone 2530–2700 158–168

Aluminium bronze 7610 475Ashes 590 37 Magnesite 2530 158

Mercury 13 560 847Brass, rolled 8390 524 Monel 8870 554

swarf 2500 157Babbit metal 7270 454 Nickel, cast 8270 516Brick, common 1360–1890 85–118 Nickel silver 8270 516

fireclay 1840 115Bronze 8550 534 Phosphor bronze 8580 536

Pig iron, mean 4800 300Cast iron, solid 7210 450 Pig iron and scrap

turnings 2240 140 (cupola charge) 5400 336Cement, loose 1360 85Chalk 2240 140 Sand, moulding 1200–1440 75–90Charcoal, lump 290 18 silica 1360–1440 85–90Clay 1900–2200 120–135 Silver, cast 10500 656Coal 960–1280 60–80 Steel 7850 490Coal dust 850 53co*ke 450 28 Tin 7260 453Concrete 2240 140Copper, cast 8780 548 Water, ice 940 58.7Cupola slag 2400 150 liquid 0°C 1000 62.4

100°C 955 59.6Dolomite 2680 167 Wood, balsa 100–130 7–8

oak 830 52Fire clay 1440 90 pine 480 30French chalk 2600 162 teak 640 40

Wrought iron 7700 480Glass 2230 139Gold, pure 19 200 1200 Zinc, cast 6860 428

22 carat 17 500 1090 rolled 7180 448Graphite, powder 480 30

solid 2200 138

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Tables and general data 11

Patternmakers’ contraction allowances

Castings are always smaller in dimensions than the pattern from which theyare made, because as the metal cools from its solidification temperature toroom temperature, thermal contraction occurs. Patternmakers allow for thiscontraction by making patterns larger in dimensions than the requiredcastings by an amount known as the “contraction allowance”. Originallythis was done by making use of specially engraved rules, known as“contraction rules”, the dimensions of which incorporated a contractionallowance such as 1 in 75 for aluminium alloys, or 1 in 96 for iron castings.Nowadays, most patterns and coreboxes are made using computer-controlled machine tools and it is more convenient to express the contractionas a percentage allowance.

Predicting casting contraction can never be precise, since many factors areinvolved in determining the exact amount of contraction that occurs. Forexample, when iron castings are made in greensand moulds, the mouldwalls may move under the pressure of the liquid metal, causing expansionof the mould cavity, thus compensating for some of the metal contraction.Cored castings may not contract as much as expected, because the presenceof a strong core may restrict movement of the casting as it is cooling. Somecore binders expand with the heat of the cast metal causing the casting to belarger than otherwise expected. For these reasons, and others, it is onlypossible to predict contractions approximately, but if a patternmaker workswith a particular foundry for a long period, he will gain experience with thefoundry’s design of castings and with the casting methods used in thefoundry. Based on such experience, more precise contraction allowances canbe built into the patterns.

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12 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

The usually accepted contraction allowances for different alloys are givenin the following table.

Alloy Contraction allowance (%)

Aluminium alloysAl–Si5Cu3 LM4Al–Si7Mg LM25 1.3Al–Si8Cu3Fe LM24Al–Si12 LM6

Beryllium copper 1.6Bismuth 1.3Brass 1.56Bronze, aluminium 2.32

manganese 0.83–1.56phosphor 1.0–1.6silicon 1.3–1.6

Cast iron, grey 0.9–1.04white 2.0ductile (s.g.) 0.6–0.8malleable 1.0–1.4

Copper 1.6Gunmetal 1.0–1.6Lead 2.6Magnesium alloys 1.30–1.43Monel 2.0

Nickel alloys 2.0Steel, carbon 1.6–2.0

chromium 2.0manganese 1.6–2.6

Tin 2.0

White metal 0.6Zinc alloys 1.18

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Tables and general data 13

Volume shrinkage of principal casting alloys

Most alloys shrink in volume when they solidify, the shrinkage can causevoids in castings unless steps are taken to “feed” the shrinkage by the use offeeders.

Casting alloy Volume shrinkage (%)

Carbon steel 6.0Alloyed steel 9.0High alloy steel 10.0

Malleable iron 5.0

Al 8.0Al–Cu4Ni2Mg 5.3Al–Si12 3.5Al–Si5Cu2Mg 4.2Al–Si9Mg 3.4Al–Si5Cu1 4.9Al–Si5Cu2 5.2Al–Cu4 8.8Al–Sil0 5.0Al–Si7NiMg 4.5Al–Mg5Si 6.7Al–Si7Cu2Mg 6.5Al–Cu5 6.0Al–MglSi 4.7Al–Zn5Mg 4.7

Cu (pure) 4.0

Brass 6.5Bronze 7.5

Al bronze 4.0Sn bronze 4.5

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14 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

Comparison of sieve sizes

Sieves used for sand grading are of 200 mm diameter and are now usuallymetric sizes, designated by their aperture size in micrometres (�m). Thetable lists sieve sizes in the British Standard Metric series (BS410:1976)together with other sieve types.

Sieve aperture, micrometres and sieve numbers

ISO/R.565 series(BS410:1976)


(�m) No. �m No. �m

(1000) 16 1003 18 1000710 22 699 22 710500 30 500 30 500355 44 353 45 350250 60 251 60 250

(212) 72 211 70 210180

(150) 100 152 100 149125 120 12590 150 104 150 10563 200 76 200 74

(45) 300 53 325 44

Notes: The 1000 and 45 sieves are optional.The 212 and 150 sieves are also optional, but may be included to give betterseparation between the 250 and 125 sieves.

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Tables and general data 15

Calculation of average grain size

The adoption of the ISO metric sieves means that the old AFS grain finenessnumber can no longer be calculated. Instead, the average grain size,expressed as micrometres (�m) is now used. This is determined asfollows:

1 Weigh a 100 g sample of dry sand.2 Place the sample into the top sieve of a nest of ISO sieves on a vibrator.

Vibrate for 15 minutes.3 Remove the sieves and, beginning with the top sieve, weigh the quantity

of sand remaining on each sieve.4 Calculate the percentage of the sample weight retained on each sieve, and

arrange in a column as shown in the example.5 Multiply the percentage retained by the appropriate multiplier and add

the products.6 Divide by the total of the percentages retained to give the average grain



ISO aperture(�m)


Multiplier Product

≥710 trace 1180 0500 0.3 600 180355 1.9 425 808250 17.2 300 5160212 25.3 212 5364180 16.7 212 3540150 19.2 150 2880125 10.6 150 1590

90 6.5 106 68963 1.4 75 105

≤63 0.5 38 19Total 99.6 – 20 335

Average grain size = 20 335/99.6= 204 �m

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16 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

Calculation of AFS grain fineness number

Using either the old BS sieves or AFS sieves, follow, steps 1–4 above.5 Arrange the results as shown in the example below.6 Multiply each percentage weight by the preceding sieve mesh number.7 Divide by the total of the percentages to give the AFS grain fineness



BS sievenumber

% sand retainedon sieve

Multiplied byprevious sieve no·


10 nil16 nil22 0.2 16 3.230 0.8 22 17.644 6.7 30 201.060 22.6 44 1104.4

100 48.3 60 2898.0150 15.6 100 1560.0200 1.8 150 270.0pan 4.0 200 800.0Total 100.0 – 6854.2

AFS grain fineness number = 6854.2/100= 68.5 or 68 AFS

Foundry sands usually fall into the range 150–400 �m, with 220–250 �mbeing the most commonly used. Direct conversion between average grainsize and AFS grain fineness number is not possible, but an approximaterelation is shown below:

AFS grainfineness no. 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 80 90Averagegrain size (�m) 390 340 300 280 240 220 210 195 170 150

While average grain size and AFS grain fineness number are usefulparameters, choice of sand should be based on particle size distribution.

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Tables and general data 17

Recommended standard colours for patterns

Part of pattern Colour

As-cast surfaces which are to be left unmachined Red or orange

Surfaces which are to be machined Yellow

Core prints for unmachined openings and end printsPeriphery BlackEnds Black

Core prints for machined openings Periphery Yellow stripeson black

Ends Black

Pattern joint (split patterns) Cored section BlackMetal section Clear varnish

Touch core Cored shape BlackLegend ‘‘Touch’’

Seats of and for loose piecesand loose core prints


Stop offs Diagonal blackstripes withclear varnish

Chilled surfaces Outlined in BlackLegend ‘‘Chill’’

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18 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

Dust control in foundries

Air extraction is used in foundries to remove silica dust from areas occupiedby operators. The following table indicates the approximate air velocitiesneeded to entrain sand particles.

Terminal velocities of spherical particles of density 2.5 g/cm3 (approx.)

BS sieve Particle Terminal velocitysize dia. (�m) m/sec ft/sec ft/min

16 1003 7.0 23 140030 500 4.0 13 78044 353 2.7 9 54060 251 1.8 6 360

100 152 1.1 3.5 210150 104 0.5 1.7 100200 76 0.4 1.3 80

For the comfort and safety of operators, air flows of around 0.5 m/sec areneeded to carry away silica dust. If air flow rate is too high, around theshake-out for example, there is a danger that the grading of the returnedsand will be altered.

Buoyancy forces on cores

When liquid metal fills a mould containing sand cores, the cores tend to floatand must be held in position by the core prints or by chaplets. The followingtable lists the buoyancy forces experienced by silica sand cores in variousliquid metals, expressed as a proportion of the weight of the core:

Liquid metal Ratio of buoyant force to core weight

Aluminium 0.66Brass 4.25Copper 4.50Cast iron 3.50Steel 3.90

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Tables and general data 19

Core print support

Moulding sand (green sand) in a core print will support about 150 kN/m2

(21 psi). So the core print can support the following load:

Support (kN) = Core print area (m2) � 150

1 kN = 100 kgf (approx.)

Support (kgf) = Core print area (m2) � 15 000

Example: A core weighing 50 kg has a core print area of 10 � 10 cm (the areaof the upper, support surface), i.e. 0.1 � 0.1 = 0.01 m2. The print support is150 � 0.01 = 1.5 kN = 150 kgf

If the mould is cast in iron, the buoyancy force is 50 � 3.5 = 175 kgf sochaplets may be necessary to support the core unless the print area can beincreased.

Opening forces on moulds

Unless a mould is adequately clamped or weighted, the force exerted by themolten metal will open the boxes and cause run-outs. If there are insufficientbox bars in a cope box, this same force can cause other problems likedistortion and sand lift. It is important therefore to be able to calculate theopening force so that correct weighting or clamping systems can be used.

The major force lifting the cope of the mould is due to the metallostaticpressure of the molten metal. This pressure is due to the height, or head, ofmetal in the sprue above the top of the mould (H in Fig. 1.1). Additional

Figure 1.1 Opening forces of moulds.

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20 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

forces exist from the momentum of the metal as it fills the mould and fromforces transmitted to the cope via the core prints as the cores in coredcastings try to float.

The momentum force is difficult to calculate but can be taken into accountby adding a 50% safety factor to the metallostatic force.

The opening metallostatic force is calculated from the total upward-facingarea of the cope mould in contact with the metal (this includes the area of allthe mould cavities in the box). The force is:

F(kgf) =A � H � d � 1.5


A is the upward facing area in cm2

H (cm) is the height of the top of the sprue above the average height of theupward facing surfaced is the density of the molten metal (g/cm3)1.5 is the “safety factor”

For ferrous metals, d is about 7.5, so:

F(kgf) =11 � A � H


For aluminium alloys, d is about 2.7, so:

F(kgf) =4 � A � H


Forces on cores

The core tends to float in the liquid metal and exerts a further upward force(see page 18)

In the case of ferrous castings, this force is

3.5 � W (kgf)

where W is the weight of the cores in the mould (in kg).In aluminium, the floating force can be neglected.The total resultant force on the cope is (for ferrous metals)

(11 � A � H)/1000 + 3.5 W kgf

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Tables and general data 21

Example: Consider a furane resin mould for a large steel valve body castinghaving an upward facing area of 2500 cm2 and a sprue height (H) of 30 cmwith a core weighing 40 kg. The opening force is

11 � 2500 � 30/1000 + 3.5 � 40 = 825 + 140

= 965 kgf

It is easy to see why such large weights are needed to support moulds injobbing foundries.

Dimensional tolerances and consistency achieved incastings

Errors in dimensions of castings are of two kinds:

Accuracy: the variation of the mean dimension of the casting fromthe design dimension given on the drawing

Consistency: statistical errors, comprising the dimensional variabilityround the mean dimension

Dimensional accuracy

The major causes of deviations of the mean dimension from the target valueare contraction uncertainty and errors in pattern dimensions. It is usuallypossible to improve accuracy considerably by alternations to patternequipment after the first sample castings have been made.

Dimensional consistency

Changes in process variables during casting give rise to a statistical spreadof measurements about a mean value. If the mean can be made to coincidewith the nominal dimension by pattern modification, the characteristics ofthis statistical distribution determine the tolerances feasible during aproduction run.

The consistency of casting dimensions is dependent on the casting processused and the degree of process control achieved in the foundry. Fig. 1.2illustrates the average tolerance exhibited by various casting processes. Thetolerance is expressed as 2.5� (2.5 standard deviations), meaning that only 1casting in 80 can be expected to have dimensions outside the tolerance.

There is an International Standard, ISO 8062–1984(E) Castings – System ofdimensional tolerances, which is applicable to the dimensions of cast metalsand their alloys produced by sand moulding, gravity diecasting, low

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22 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

pressure diecasting, high pressure dicasting and investment casting. TheStandard defines 16 tolerance grades, designated CT1 to CT16, listing thetotal casting tolerance for each grade on raw casting dimensions from 10 to10 000 mm. The Standard also indicates the tolerance grades which can beexpected for both long and short series production castings made by variousprocesses from investment casting to hand-moulded sand cast.

Reference should be made to ISO 8062 or the equivalent British StandardBS6615:1985 for details.

Figure 1.2 The average tolerance (taken as 2.5�) exhibited by various castingprocesses. (From Campbell, J. (1991) Castings, Butterworth-Heinemann,reproduced by permission of the publishers.)

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Chapter 2

Aluminium casting alloys


Aluminium casting is dominated by the automotive industry. Roughly twothirds of all aluminium castings are automotive where the use of aluminumcastings continues to grow at the expense of iron castings. Althoughaluminium castings are significantly more expensive than ferrous castings,there is a continuing market requirement to reduce vehicle weight and toincrease fuel efficiency. It is this requirement which drives the replacementof ferrous parts by aluminium.

Aluminium castings are widely used in cars for engine blocks, heads,pistons, rocker covers, inlet manifolds, differential casings, steering boxes,brackets, wheels etc. The potential for further use of aluminium inautomotive applications is considerable. European cars in 1992 had 50–60 kgAl castings and this is expected to double by year 2000.

When aluminium alloys are cast, there are many potential sources ofdefects which can harm the quality of the cast part. All aluminium alloys aresubject to:

Shrinkage defects Al alloys shrink by 3.5–6.0% during solidification(depending on alloy type)

Gas porosity Molten aluminium readily picks up hydrogenwhich is expelled during solidification giving riseto porosity

Oxide inclusions Molten Al exposed to air immediately oxidisesforming a skin of oxide which may be entrainedinto the casting

Because of these potential problems aluminium castings, like all castings,suffer from variable mechanical properties which can be described by adistribution curve. The mechanical properties used by the designer of thecasting must take the distribution curve into account. If, for example, theprocess mean tensile strength for a cast alloy is 200 MPa, the designer mustuse a lower figure, say 150 MPa, as the strength of the alloy to take intoaccount the variability of properties. If the spread of the distribution curvecan be reduced, then a higher design strength, say 170 MPa can be used,even though the process mean for the alloy and the casting process stays thesame.

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24 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

The strength of castings does not follow the normal bell-shapeddistribution curve. Figure 2.1 shows the range of tensile strengths found in12.5 mm diameter test bars cast in an Al–Si7 Mg alloy into resin bondedsand moulds using various pouring methods: top or bottom filled, filteredor unfiltered. In all cases the process mean tensile strength is about 260 MPa,but the distribution is different.

The unfiltered castings show a few but very significant low strength testpieces, known as outliersFor each filling category the plots show two distinct bands of tensilestrength.

A design strength below 200 MPa would have to be used for unfilteredcastings because of the occasional outliers.

Examination of the fracture surface of the low strength outliers showedmassive oxide fragments indicating that inclusions in the unfiltered castingswere responsible for the low tensile strength. Filtration of the metaleliminates the inclusions allowing the design strength to be increased toaround 230 MPa.

Figure 2.1 Histograms showing the distribution of tensile strength of Al–Si7Mgalloy test bars cast in various ways. (From Foseco Foundry Practice, 226, July1995.)

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Aluminium casting alloys 25

The double band appearance of the histograms is interpreted as indicatingthat more than one defect type is acting to control the behaviour atfracture.

It is by reducing the variability of properties of castings that the greatestprogress has been made in recent years. This has allowed designers to havegreater confidence in castings so that thinner sections and lower weightcomponents can be used. The stages in the aluminium casting process wherethe greatest improvements have been made are:

Efficient degassingGrain refinementModification of structureMetal filtrationNon-turbulent filling of moulds

Chill casting (into metal moulds) has inherently a greater possibility ofproducing higher quality than sand casting because the higher rate ofsolidification reduces pore size and refines grain size. The highest qualitycomponents are produced using filtered metal, non-turbulently introducedinto metal moulds and solidified under high external pressure to minimiseor totally avoid porosity. While it is not always possible to use high externalpressure during solidification (castings using sand cores will suffer frommetal penetration), the understanding of the origins of defects in aluminiumcastings and their reduction by attention to degassing, metal treatment andfiltration has greatly improved the general quality of castings in recentyears. There is little doubt that improvements will continue to be made inthe future.

Casting alloys

There is a large and confusing range of casting alloys in use worldwide,defined by the National Specifications of the major industrial countries.Unfortunately there is little correspondence between the Standard Alloysused in different countries.

A European Standard for Aluminium Casting Alloys, EN 1706, wasapproved in August 1997 and the English language version BS EN 1706:1998was published in March 1998. Along with the following standards, itpartially supersedes BS 1490:1988 which will be withdrawn when EN1559–4 is published.

BS EN 1559–1:1997 Founding. Technical conditions of delivery.General

BS EN 1676:1997 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Alloyed ingotsfor remelting. Specifications

PrEN 1559–4 Founding. Technical conditions of delivery. Addi-tional requirements for aluminium castings

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26 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

BS EN 1706:1998 specifies the chemical compositions of 37 alloys. For eachalloy, mechanical properties are specified only for the commonly usedmethods of casting and for commonly used tempers. Refer to BS EN1706:1988 for full details.

Tables 2.1a, b, c and d list the alloy designation of alloys commonly usedfor (a) sand casting, (b) chill casting, (c) pressure diecasting and (d)investment casting.

Table 2.2 lists the chemical composition of some commonly used BS EN1706 alloys and their equivalent BS 1490 alloys.

Table 2.3 lists mechanical properties specified for the alloys in Table 2.2.Many foundries are still unfamiliar with the European Standard and have

not yet converted from the National Standards.

Table 2.1a BS EN 1706:1988 alloys commonly used for sand casting

Alloy group Alloy designation

Numerical Chemical symbols

Al Cu EN AC-21000 EN AC-Al Cu4MgTiEN AC-21100 EN AC-Al Cu4Ti

Al SiMgTi EN AC-41000 EN AC-Al Si2MgTiAl Si7Mg EN AC-42000 EN AC-Al Si7Mg

EN AC-42100 EN AC-Al Si7Mg0,3EN AC-42200 EN AC-Al Si7Mg0,6

Al Si10M EN AC-43000 EN AC-Al Si10Mg(a)EN AC-43100 EN AC-Al Si10Mg(b)EN AC-43200 EN AC-Al Si10Mg(Cu)EN AC-43300 EN AC-Al Si9Mg

Al Si EN AC-44000 EN AC-Al Si11EN AC-44100 EN AC-Al Si12(b)EN AC-44200 EN AC-Al Si12(a)

Al Si5Cu EN AC-45000 EN AC-Al Si6Cu4EN AC-45200 EN AC-Al Si5Cu3MnEN AC-45300 EN AC-Al Si5Cu1Mg

Al Si9Cu EN AC-46200 EN AC-Al Si8Cu3EN AC-46400 EN AC-Al Si9Cu1MgEN AC-46600 EN AC-Al Si7Cu2

Al Si(Cu) EN AC-47000 EN AC-Al Si12(Cu)Al Mg EN AC-51000 EN AC-Al Mg3(b)

EN AC-51100 EN AC-Al Mg3(a)EN AC-51300 EN AC-Al Mg5EN AC-51400 EN AC-Al Mg5(Si)

Al ZnMg EN AC-71000 EN AC-Al Zn5Mg

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Aluminium casting alloys 27

Table 2.4 lists the BS 1490:1988 “LM alloys” and their approximateequivalents in European, National and International Standards.

Table 2.5 shows the chemical composition of the LM alloys.Table 2.6 gives the specified minimum mechanical properties. Refer to BS

1490:1988 for details of test bar dimensions, details of testing and heattreatment methods.

Table 2.7 lists some British Standard alloys used for aerospace applicationsand their equivalents used in other countries.

Table 2.1b BS EN 1706:1988 alloys commonly used for chill casting

Alloy group Alloy designation

Numerical Chemical symbols

AlCu EN AC-21000 EN AC-Al Cu4MgTiEN AC-21100 EN AC-Al Cu4Ti

AlSiMgTi EN AC-41000 EN AC-Al Si2MgTiAlSi7Mg EN AC-42000 EN AC-Al Si7MgAlSi10Mg EN AC-42100 EN AC-Al Si7Mg0,3

EN AC-42200 EN AC-Al Si7Mg0,6EN AC-43000 EN AC-Al Si10Mg(a)EN AC-43100 EN AC-Al Si10Mg(b)EN AC-43200 EN AC-Al Si10Mg(Cu)EN AC-43300 EN AC-Al Si9Mg

AlSi EN AC-44000 EN AC-Al Si11EN AC-44100 EN AC-Al Si12(b)EN AC-44200 EN AC-Al Si12(a)

AlSi5Cu EN AC-45000 EN AC-Al Si6Cu4EN AC-45100 EN AC-Al Si5Cu3MgEN AC-45200 EN AC-Al Si5Cu3MnEN AC-45300 EN AC-Al Si5Cu1MgEN AC-45400 EN AC-Al Si5Cu3

AlSi9Cu EN AC-46200 EN AC-Al Si8Cu3EN AC-46300 EN AC-Al Si7Cu3MgEN AC-46400 EN AC-Al Si9Cu1MgEN AC-46600 EN AC-Al Si7Cu2

AlSi(Cu) EN AC-47000 EN AC-Al Si12(Cu)AlSiCuNiMg EN AC-48000 EN AC-Al Si12CuNiMgAlMg EN AC-51000 EN AC-Al Mg3(b)

EN AC-51100 EN AC-Al Mg3(a)EN AC-51300 EN AC-Al Mg5EN AC-51400 EN AC-Al Mg5(Si)

AlZnMg EN AC-71000 EN AC-Al Zn5Mg

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28 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

Table 2.8 summarises the casting characteristics of BS 1490 alloys.Table 2.9 lists their common uses.Table 2.10 gives the colour codes used for BS 1490 ingots.These tables are based on BS EN 1706:1998 and on tables in British and

European Aluminium Casting Alloys, their Properties and characteristics.ALARS Ltd. (1996) Thanks are due to the British Standards Institution andthe Association of Light Alloy Refiners, Birmingham, for permission to usethem.

Table 2.1c BS EN 1706:1988 alloys commonly used for pressurediecasting

Alloy group Alloy designation

Numerical Chemical symbols

AlSi10Mg EN AC-43400 EN AC-Al Si10Mg(Fe)AlSi EN AC-44300 EN AC-Al Si12(Fe)

EN AC-44400 EN AC-Al Si9AlSi9Cu EN AC-46000 EN AC-Al Si9Cu3(Fe)

EN AC-46100 EN AC-Al Si11Cu2(Fe)EN AC-46200 EN AC-Al Si8Cu3EN AC-46500 EN AC-Al Si9Cu3(Fe)(Zn)

AlSi(Cu) EN AC-47100 EN AC-Al Si12Cu1(Fe)AlMg EN AC-51200 EN AC-Al Mg9

Table 2.1d BS EN 1706:1988 alloys commonly used for investmentcasting

Alloy group Alloy designation

Numerical Chemical symbols

AlCu EN AC-21000 EN AC-Al Cu4MgTiAlSi7Mg EN AC-42000 EN AC-Al Si7Mg

EN AC-42100 EN AC-Al Si7Mg0,3EN AC-42200 EN AC-Al Si7Mg0,6

AlSi EN AC-44100 EN AC-Al Si12(b)AlSi5Cu EN AC-45200 EN AC-Al Si5Cu3MnAlMg EN AC-51300 EN AC-Al Mg5

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Table 2.2 Commonly used BS EN 1706:1998 alloys

Alloy designation

Numerical Chemical symbols Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Ni Zn Pb Sn Ti


Each Total

EquivalentBS 1490alloy


EN AC-42000 EN AC-Al Si7Mg 6.5–7.5 0.55 0.2 0.35 0.2–0.65 – 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.05 0.05–0.25 0.05 0.15 LM25 sand/chillEN AC-44100 EN AC-Al Si12(b) 10.5–13.5 0.65 0.15 0.55 0.1 – 0.1 0.15 0.1 – 0.2 0.05 0.15 LM6 sand/chillEN AC-45200 EN AC-Al Si5Cu3Mn 4.5–6.0 0.8 2.5–4.0 0.20–0.55 0.4 – 0.3 0.55 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.05 0.25 LM4 sand/chillEN AC-46600 EN AC-Al Si7Cu2 6.0–8.0 0.8 1.5–2.5 0.15–0.65 0.35 – 0.35 1 0.25 0.15 0.25 0.05 0.15 LM27 sand/chillEN AC-46500 EN AC-Al Si9Cu3(Fe)(Zn) 8.0–11.0 1.3 2.0–4.0 0.55 0.05–0.55 0.15 0.55 3 0.35 0.25 0.25 0.05 0.25 LM24 pressure d/c

Single figure are maximum.

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Table 2.3 Mechanical properties of commonly used BS EN 1706:1998 alloys

Alloy designationNumerical Chemical symbols Casting

methodTemper Tensile

strength (Mpa)Proofstress (Mpa)



EquivalentBS 1490 alloy

EN AC-42000 AlSi7Mg sand F 140 80 2 50 LM25sand T6 220 180 1 75chill F 170 90 2.5 55chill T6 260 220 1 90chill T64 240 200 2 80

EN AC-44100 AlSi12(b) sand F 150 70 4 50 LM6chill F 170 80 5 55

EN AC-45200 AlSi5Cu3Mn sand F 140 70 1 60 LM4sand T6 230 200 <1 90chill F 160 80 1 70chill T6 280 230 <1 90

EN AC-46600 AlSi7Cu2 sand F 150 90 1 60 LM27chill F 170 100 1 75

EN AC-46500* AlSi9Cu3(Fe)(Zn) pressure d/c F 240 140 <1 80 LM24

* Mechanical properties for guidance only.

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Table 2.4 BS 1490:1988 alloys and approximate equivalents

UK ISO EN AC- France Germany ItalyUNI



Japan End uses

LM0 Al 99.5 – A5 – 3950 150 – – Electrical, food, chemical plantLM2 Al-Si10Cu2Fe 46 100 A-S9U3-Y4 – 5076 384 383 ADC 12 Pressure diecastingLM4 Al-Si5Cu3 45 200 A-S5U3 G-AlSi6Cu4

(225)3052 319 326 AC 2A Sand, gravity diecast manifolds, gear boxes etc.

LM5 Al-Mg5Si1 51 300 AG6 G-AlMg5 3058 514 320 AC 7A Sand, gravity; corrosion resistant, for marine useAl-Mg6 (244) Food plant, chemical plant

LM6 Al-Si12 44 100 AS13 G-AlSi12 4514 A413 – AC 3A Sand, gravity; thin sections, manifolds etc.Al-Si12Fe (230)

LM9 Al-Si10Mg 43 100 A-S10G G-AlSi10Mg 3049 A360 309 AC 4A Low pressure etc.; motor housings, cover plates etc.(233) High strength when heat treated

LM12 Al-Cu10Si2Mg – A-U10G – 3041 222 34 – Gravity, sand cast; machines well, hydraulicequipment

LM13 Al-Si12Cu 48 000 A-S12UN – 3050 336 321 AC 8A Sand, chill; used for pistonsAl-Si12CuFe

LM16 Al-Si5Cu1Mg 45 300 A-S4UG – 3600 355 322 AC 4D Sand, chill; cylinder heads valve bodies, goodpressure tightness

LM20 Al-Si12CuAl-Si12CuFe

47 000 A-S12-Y4 G-AlSi12(Cu)(231)

5079 A413 305 – Pressure diecasting corrosion resistant, marinecastings, water pumps, meter cases

LM21 Al-Si6Cu4 45 000 A-S5U2 G-AlSi6Cu4(225)

7369/4 308 326 AC 2A Sand, gravity; similar to LM4, crankcases, gear boxesetc.

LM22 Al-Si5Cu3 45 400 A-S5U G-AlSi6Cu4(225)

3052 319 326 AC 2A Chill casting; solution treated, good shock resistance,automotive heavy duty parts

LM24 Al-Si8Cu3Fe 46 500 A-S9U3A-Y4 G-AlSi8Cu3 5075 A380 306 AC 4B Pressure diecasting; engineering diecastings(226) 3601 ADC10

LM25 Al-Si7Mg 42 000 A-S7G G-AlSi7Mg 3599 A356 323 AC 4C Sand, chill; general purpose high strength alloy withgood castability; wheels, cylinder blocks, heads

LM26 Al-Si9Cu3Mg – A-S7U3G – 3050 332 332 – Chill; used for pistonsLM27 Al-Si7Cu2Mn0.5 46 600 – – 7369 – – AC 2B Sand, chill; versatile alloy, good castability, general

engineering partsLM28 Al-Si19CuMgNi – – – 6251 – – – Chill; high performance pistonsLM29 Al-Si23CuMgNi – – – 6251 – – – Chill; high performance pistonsLM30 Al-Si17Cu4Mg – – – – 390 – – Pressure diecast; unlined cylinder blocksLM31 Al-Zn5Mg 71 000 A-Z5G – 3602 712 310 – Sand; large castings, good shock resistance, good

strength at elevated temp.

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Table 2.5 Chemical composition (weight per cent) of BS 1490:1988 alloys

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Table 2.6 Typical mechanical properties of BS-1490:1998 alloys

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Table 2.6 (Continued)

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Table 2.7 Aerospace alloy castings (British Standard L-series and Ministry of Defence Aerospace Alloys)

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Table 2.7 (Continued)

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Table 2.8 Casting characteristics, etc.

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Table 2.9 Uses and general remarks

Table 2.10 Colour codes for BS1490 ingots. This colour code chart hasbeen incorporated into BS 1490 and provides a common scheme formarking ingots

LMO Electrical, food and chemical plant. LM2 Pressure diecast components. LM4 Popular alloy for sand, gravity and low-pressure diecast engineering

components; cylinder heads, manifolds, engine mounts, gear boxes, etc. LM5 Sand and chill castings where corrosion resistance is needed; marine,

food, chemical plant. LM6 Sand and chill castings, particularly for thin-walled intricate castings. LM9 Has the casting characteristics of LM6 but can be heat treated to

higher strength. LM12 Sand and chill cast; used where a good machined surface is needed,

hydraulic brake castings. LM13 Sand or chill; used for pistons. LM16 Intricate sand or chill castings, good strength after heat treatment,

cylinder heads and blocks, etc. LM20 Mainly used for pressure diecastings, but can be sand cast. Better

corrosion resistance than LM24. LM21 Sand or chill cast, similar to LM4 but higher proof stress. LM22 Usually chill cast and solution treated. Good shock resistance, used

LM24 Popular pressure diecasting alloy. LM25 Popular sand and chill casting alloy; good for thin section, leak-tight

castings, good corrosion resistance; cylinder heads, blocks, wheels, etc. LM26 Pistons for petrol and diesel engines. LM27 Versatile sand and chill casting alloy for thick or thin sections, slightly

LM28 High performance pistons, best cast in permanent moulds to optimise

LM29 As LM28 but lower coefficient of expansion. Like LM28, needs special

LM30 Used for pressure diecast, unlined cylinder blocks; low expansion and

LM31 Used for large sand castings, good shock resistance.

for heavy duty castings.

superior to LM4, used for the same applications.


foundry technique.

good wear resistance.

White LMO Green LM12 Black LM30 LM5 Brown LM28 LM29 Blue LM31 LM27 LM26 Yellow LM20 LMl3 LM9 LM25 LM6 Red LM2 LM2l LM16 LM22 LM24 LM4

White Green Black Brown Blue Yellow Red

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Aluminium casting alloys 39

A full listing of standards for aluminium alloys, “Comparison of NationalStandards for Aluminium Casting Alloys”, was published in June 1996 byOEA (Organisation of European Aluminium Refiners and Remelters,Broadway House, Calthorpe Road, Five Ways, Birmingham B15 1TN,England). The list covers all European Standards together with Australia,Japan, Korea, South Africa and the USA.

Casting processes

Aluminium alloys can be cast by several processes:

Sand castingChill casting, i.e. gravity die (permanent mould casting) or low pressurediecasting, in a metal die using sand coresPressure diecastingLost FoamSqueeze castingInvestment casting or plaster moulding precision casting techniquesmay also be used for aerospace castings

Casting alloys are designed to be cast by one or other of these techniques,although some alloys are suitable for more than one casting method.

The effect of alloying elements


Pure aluminium melts at 660.4°C it is not suitable for casting and is onlyused for electrical applications (where high conductivity is essential), and afew other special applications. Most casting alloys contain silicon as themajor alloying element. Silicon forms a eutectic with aluminium at 11.7% Si,577°C (Fig. 2.2). Silicon additions improve casting characteristics byimproving fluidity, feeding and hot tear resistance. The silicon-rich phase ishard, so the hardness of the alloy is increased with Si content but ductilityand machinability are reduced.

Typical silicon levels of popular casting alloys are:

Alloy Si content BS alloy Typical freezing range (°C)

Low silicon 4–6% LM4 625–525Medium silicon 7.5–9.5% LM25 615–550Eutectic alloys 10–13% LM6 575–565Special hypereutectic alloys > 16% LM30 650–505

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The eutectic alloys have the highest fluidity for a given castingtemperature and having a short freezing range, they solidify with primaryshrinkage. They are good for thin section castings. Where higher strength isneeded, the lower silicon alloys are used. The hypereutectic alloys aredifficult to machine, they are used for wear-resistant applications such aspistons.


Improves strength, hardness, machinability and thermal conductivity. Heattreatment is most effective with 4–6% Cu alloys. Copper decreasescastability and hot tear resistance together with corrosion resistance.


Small additions of 0.25–0.5% Mg allow Al–Si alloys to be hardened by heattreatment, improving mechanical properties through the precipitation ofMg2Si in a finely dispersed form. Their proof stress can be almost doubled.Mg is used at levels of around 1% in high silicon piston alloys. Higher levelsstill, around 3–6% Mg, are used in low silicon alloys to improve theanodising characteristics and give a bright surface finish for decorativecomponents. Magnesium content is kept low in pressure diecasting alloys toavoid embrittlement. The presence of magnesium increases the oxidationlosses of liquid aluminium.

Figure 2.2 The Al–Si phase diagram.

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Aluminium casting alloys 41


Levels of 0.9–1.0% Fe are used in pressure diecasting alloys to prevent diesticking. High Fe contents decrease ductility, shock resistance and machi-nability. Castability is decreased by Fe due to the formation of sludge phaseswith manganese and chromium etc., so alloys for processes other thanpressure diecasting are limited to less than 0.8% Fe.


Improves casting soundness at levels over 0.5%. Mn controls the inter-metallic form of iron in the alloy, leading to improved ductility andshrinkage characteristics.


When combined with copper, enhances strength and hardness at elevatedtemperature.


When combined with copper and magnesium, heat treatment and naturalageing characteristics are improved. The fluidity is increased but shrinkageproblems may occur.


Improves machinability at levels over 0.1%.


Refines the grain structure when combined with boron.


Refines the primary Si phase in hypereutectic alloys. In hypoeutectic alloys,low levels of phosphorus coarsen the eutectic structure and reduce the effectof Na and Sr eutectic modifiers.


Levels of 0.008–0.04% Sr modify the Al–Si eutectic structure.

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Used to modify the eutectic structure.


While lithium up to 3% may be used to improve the properties of wroughtaluminium alloys, it has a generally harmful effect on casting properties byreducing the effectiveness of Na or Sr modifiers at levels above 0.5%. Ateven lower levels, above 0.01%, porosity problems are experienced. It isrecommended that Li levels below 0.003% are used for casting alloys.

Heat treatment of aluminium alloys

Heat treatment designation for casting alloys

Suffixes are given to alloy designations to indicate the heat treatmentcondition, for example LM25-TF is a casting conforming to the BS 1490chemical specification, supplied in the fully heat-treated condition, beingsolution treated and artificially aged, Table 2.11.

Table 2.11 Heat treatment suffixes

Condition Suffix


As cast M F FAnnealed TS O OControlled cooling from casting and naturallyaged

– – T1

Solution heat treated and naturally aged whereapplicable

TB T4 T4

Solution heat treated and stabilised TB7 – –Controlled cooling from casting and artificiallyaged or overaged

TE T5 T5

Solution heat treated and fully artificially aged TF T6 T6Solution heat treated and artificially underaged – – T64Solution heat treated and artificially overaged – T7 T7Solution heat treated, artificially aged andstabilised

TF7 – –

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Aluminium casting alloys 43

Many castings are used in the as-cast condition, but certain applicationsrequire higher mechanical properties than the as-cast material. The proofstress of castings of alloy Al–Si7 Mg (LM25), for example, can be more thandoubled by full heat treatment. Table 2.6 shows the effect of heat treatmenton common casting alloys. For sand, gravity and low pressure diecastings,all treatments are possible, though not all are standardised. Pressurediecastings are not solution treated and quenched in the same way as sandand permanent mould castings. Most pressure diecastings contain bubblesof air or gas from the die lubricant trapped in the metal as it is injected intothe die. If the castings are solution treated, the trapped gas bubbles expandand may cause pimples and distortion on the surface of the casting. Pressurediecastings made using special processes such as vacuum diecasting orsqueeze casting contain less gas and may be solution treated.

All diecastings may be quenched from the die, precipitation treated andstress relieved without suffering harmful effects.

Heat treatment furnaces

Some heat treatments are carried out close to the melting point of thecastings so accurate temperature control is needed. Forced air circulationfurnaces are used to ensure that the temperature of all parts of the furnaceis constant.

Stress relieving and annealing (TS condition)

Castings having changes of section, or having complex shape are likely todevelop internal stresses in the mould or die because of differential cooling.The internal stresses may be released when the casting is machined, causingdimensional changes. To remove internal stresses, castings are heated to atemperature of 200°C for 5 hours followed by slow cooling in the furnace.

Solution treatment (TB condition)

Castings are heated at temperatures just below the melting temperature fora long time to take the alloying constituents into solid solution. The castingsare then rapidly cooled by quenching to room temperature to retain theelements in solution. Water (often hot) or special quenchants are used. Thequench tanks are placed close to the furnace to ensure rapid cooling.

Solution treated and stabilised (TB7 condition)

Solution treatment is followed by stress relief annealing.

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Precipitation treatment (TE condition)

Controlled precipitation of alloying constituents is promoted by heating thecasting to a temperature between 150°C and 200°C for a suitable time.Strength and hardness are increased. With chill castings (made in dies), it ispossible to obtain some increase in strength of as-cast components byprecipitation treatment since the rapid cooling in the die retains some of thealloying constituents in solution. The time of treatment is important, sincetoo long a time at temperature will result in a reduction in the mechanicalproperties. Each alloy has an optimum heat treatment cycle, examples aregiven in Table 2.12.

Solution treated, quenched, precipitation treated andstabilised (TF condition)

Castings used at elevated temperature, such as pistons, benefit fromstabilisation treatment at 200–250°C following precipitation treatment.Some reduction in mechanical properties occurs.

Age hardening and artificial ageing

Some casting alloys improve their strength and hardness while standing atroom temperature. The process may take several weeks but can be speededup by heating above room temperature.

Table 2.12 Examples of heat treatment times and temperatures

Alloy and condition

Solution treatment

Time (hrs) Temp(°C) Quench

Precipitation treatment

Time(hrs) Temp(°C)

Al–Si5Cu3LM4-TE 6–16 505–520 Hot water 6–18 150–170

Al-Si7 MgLM25-TE 8–12 155–175LM25-TB7 4–12 525–545 Hot water 2–4 250LM25-TF 4–12 525–545 Hot water 8–12 155–175

Note: Times do not include time to reach temperature.TE Precipitation treated; TF Solution and precipitation treated; TB7 Solution treated andstabilised

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Aluminium casting alloys 45

For more details, refer to specialist heat treatment manuals such as Britishand European Aluminium Casting Alloys, their Properties and Characteristicspublished by The Association of Light Alloy Refiners, Birmingham,England, from which this summary has been taken.

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Chapter 3

Melting aluminium alloys


The successful casting of aluminium alloys requires attention to a number ofspecial factors.


Molten aluminium and its alloys immediately oxidise when exposed to airforming a skin of oxide. In pure aluminium this is Al2O3 but the presence ofMg in the alloy can cause the oxide to form as MgO.Al2O3 (spinel). Theoxide skin has a protective effect, preventing catastrophic oxidation of themelt (which occurs when magnesium is melted) but it causes problemsduring melting and also during casting. An oxide film can form even as themetal is filling the mould and can give rise to entrained oxide in the castingharming the physical properties of the casting and possibly causing leakingcastings. Professor Campbell has drawn attention to the harmful effects ofentrained oxide films in aluminium alloy castings, Table 3.1.

Oxide inclusions in aluminium alloys are of Al2O3 or MgO.Al2O3 whichhave a density only 5% less than that of liquid aluminium so flotation ofoxide inclusions takes place slowly. For inclusion-free castings it is advisableto use metal filters to clean the metal as it enters the mould (see Chapter 8).Fluxes are used during melting to protect the metal from oxidation and totrap oxides as they float out of the melt.

Table 3.1 Forms of oxide in liquid aluminium alloys

Growth time Thickness Type Description Possible source

0.01–1 sec. 1 �m New Confetti-like fragments Pour and mould fill10 sec.–1 min. 10 �m Old 1 Flexible, extensive films Transfer ladles10 min.–1 hr 100 �m Old 2 Thicker films, less flexible Melting furnace10 hr–10 days 1000 �m Old 3 Rigid lumps and plates Holding furnaces

(From Castings, Campbell, J. (1991), Butterworth-Heinemann, reproduced by permission ofthe publishers.)

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Melting aluminium alloys 47


Molten aluminium readily picks up hydrogen from the atmosphere or frommoisture-containing refractories, the solubility of hydrogen in solid alumin-ium is very low, so that as the alloy freezes hydrogen gas is expelled, causingmicro- or macro-porosity in the casting. To achieve high integrity castings,aluminium alloy melts must be degassed before casting.


The microstructure, and therefore the mechanical properties, of Al–Si alloyscan be modified and improved by appropriate metal treatment. “Modifiers”and/or grain refiners are usually added to the alloy before casting.


Aluminium alloys shrink on freezing so that castings must be correctly fedto achieve soundness.

To avoid the above problems, great care must be taken at all stages ofmelting, treatment and casting of aluminium alloys.

Raw materials

Foundries usually purchase pre-alloyed ingots from specialist supplierswho convert miscellaneous scrap into high quality, accurately specifiedmaterial subject to national standards such as BS1490:1988 or the EuropeanCEN Standard (Table 2.1). Scrap metal is carefully sorted by the supplierusing spectroscopic analysis and melted in large induction or gas-firedfurnaces. There is always a danger of contamination by impurities,particularly iron, and by alloying additions such as magnesium and silicon.The supplier must take great care to ensure that the standards are compliedwith. Ingots are usually about 5 kg in weight and may be colour coded toavoid danger of mixing (see Table 2.10).

Melting furnaces

A wide range of furnace types is used by aluminium foundries. Smallfoundries may use lift-out crucible furnaces in which the metal is meltedand treated in a crucible which is then lifted out of the furnace for pouring.Large foundries usually melt aluminium alloy ingot and foundry returns ina bulk melting furnace, then transfer the metal to smaller holding furnaces

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near to the casting area. Degassing and metal treatment are usually carriedout in the transfer ladle. The bulk melting furnaces can be coreless electricinduction furnaces or, more commonly, gas-fired reverberatory or shaftfurnaces. The tilting crucible furnace, which may be electric or gas, is alsopopular as a bulk melter. Holding furnaces may be electric or gas.

Coreless induction furnaces

Medium frequency induction furnaces are efficient, clean and rapid meltingunits for aluminium, Fig. 3.1. Aluminium induction furnaces usuallyrange from 500 kg to 2 tonnes capacity and operate at frequencies of250–1000 Hz.

For example, in one installation, two 1.5 tonne aluminium capacity steelshell tilters are powered by a 1250 kW, 250 Hz power supply with achangeover switch which allows alternate furnaces to be melted. When ready,the furnaces are hydraulically tilted into a transfer ladle or by launder toadjacent holding furnaces. 1.5 tonnes can be melted in 40 minutes. Whileinduction furnaces are excellent melting units, they are not efficient holders.When used for melting, it is advisable to transfer the molten metal to anefficient holding furnace as soon as it has reached the required temperature.

Figure 3.1 Section through a coreless induction furnace.

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Melting aluminium alloys 49

Induction furnaces are energy efficient melters. Energy consumption formelting is affected by the density of the charge and the melting practiceused. Batch melting is less efficient than using a molten heel, a 50% moltenheel being most efficient. Energy consumptions vary from 540 kWh/tonne(2 GJ/tonne) for a high bulk density charge (small scrap and ingot) to600 kWh/tonne (2.2 GJ/tonne) if lower density scrap (such as pressurediecasting runners and ingot) is melted. While energy consumption is low,costs for melting may be higher than for gas-fired furnaces because of thegenerally high cost of electricity as a source of heat.

The stirring effect of the induction power can be advantageous since thecharge is mixed well but it exposes the molten aluminium to oxidation andthe oxide may be drawn into the melt which can be harmful and lead to highmelting losses. The stirring effect causes fluxes to be entrained in the melt,so it is usual to melt without flux cover, then to switch off the current beforeadding the flux. Sufficient time must be allowed for the oxides to float outbefore transferring the metal.

The linings are usually a dry alumina refractory, vibrated around a steelformer according to the supplier’s instructions and heated at 80–100°C/hrto 750°C then held for 1–4 hrs depending on the size of the furnace andcooled naturally before removing the former.

Dross build-up on the linings can reduce furnace efficiency and contributeto lining failure. Dross should be scraped from the walls at the end of eachmelt cycle while the furnace is hot. Once a week, the furnace should beallowed to cool and any remaining dross carefully removed using chisels.

Reverberatory furnaces

Reverberatory furnaces have gas or oil burners firing within a refractoryhood above the metal bath, Fig. 3.2. The burner flame is deflected from theroof onto the hearth. Waste heat is used to preheat the charge as it descendsdown the flue. They are used as batch melters. They are simple and haverelatively low capital cost which makes them attractive for bulk melting ofingots and foundry returns. They are produced in a variety of configurations

Figure 3.2 Cross-section of a Sklenar reverberatory furnace. (Courtesy RamsellFurnaces Ltd, Droitwich.)

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such as fixed or tilting, rectangular or cylindrical with melting capacitiesfrom 200 to 1300 kg/hr. Large reverberatory furnaces give rapid melting andcan handle bulky charge material, but the direct contact between flame andcharge may lead to high metal losses, gas pick-up and considerable oxidecontamination. Temperature control can also be difficult. This type offurnace is being used less because of its relatively low thermal efficiency ofaround 1100 kWh/tonne.

Shaft furnaces

Higher thermal efficiency can be achieved in a tower or shaft furnace, Fig.3.3. These furnaces are both melting and holding units. They consist of threechambers, the first is a preheating area charged with a mixture of foundryreturns and ingot by a skip charging machine. Waste heat from the meltingand holding burners heats the charge removing moisture and oil beforemelting takes place. The preheated charge then enters the gas-fired meltingzone and the liquid aluminium runs down into the holding bath. Here, thetemperature is accurately controlled within ±5°C. Typical shaft furnacesrange in size from a holding capacity of 1000 kg and a melting rate of1000 kg/hour to over 3000 kg holding and 3000 kg/hr melting capacity.Shaft furnaces of much larger capacity are also available.

Molten aluminium is discharged to a transfer ladle or launder either byhydraulically tilting the holding bath or by a tap-out system.

Figure 3.3 Gas-fired shaft furnace. The STRIKO ETAmax system. (CourtesySTRIKO UK Ltd.)

1 Waste gas temperature control2 Waste gas hood3 Baffle4 Preheating zone5 Holding chamber

6 Charging door7 Charging car8 Charging unit9 Shaft/melting zone

10 Furnace body

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Melting aluminium alloys 51

Energy consumption of 580–640 kWh/tonne (2–2.3 GJ/tonne) can beachieved with melting losses of 1–1.5% when melting 50/50–ingot/foundryreturns. Operating the furnace below rated capacity has a significant effect onenergy consumption. A furnace working at 50% of its rated throughout mayuse almost twice as much energy per tonne (1070 kWh/tonne, 3.8 GJ/tonne).

Typical metal loss in a shaft furnace melting about 50% ingot, 50% foundryreturns is 1–1.2%. Refractory life is high, with relining needed every 3 or 4years. Cleaning once per shift is necessary to avoid corundum build-up.

Crucible furnaces

Crucible furnaces, Fig. 3.4, are widely used as melters, melter/holders andholders. Crucible furnaces are:

simple and robustwidely available in a range of sizeseither fixed or tiltingsuitable for heating by different fuelscapable of low melting lossesrelatively inexpensive

Alloy changes are readily carried out and both degassing and metal treatmentcan be done in the crucible before it is removed for casting.

Crucible furnaces fall into three main types:

Lift-out The crucible is removed from the furnace for pouringTilting The furnace body containing the crucible is tilted to pour the

molten metalBale-out The molten metal is ladled out

Figure 3.4 Schematic cross-sections of tilting crucible furnaces: (a) fuel fired, (b)electric. (Courtesy Ramsell Furnaces Ltd, Droitwich.)

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Crucibles may be either clay graphite (clay bonded) or silicon carbide(carbon or resin bonded).

Clay graphite crucibles consist of special graphites with clay as thebonding agent. The clay forms a ceramic bond, some silicon carbide may beadded to improve resistance to thermal shock. The graphite providesthermal and electrical conductivity and resistance to wetting by moltenmetal or salts. The crucible is coated with a glaze which prevents oxidationof the graphite.

Silicon carbide crucibles consist of SiC and special graphites. They arecarbon bonded using pitch, tar or a resin. The crucibles are glazed to ensurehigh resistance to oxidation. While silicon carbide crucibles are moreexpensive than clay graphite, their life is longer.

Crucible life has increased with advances in manufacturing methods, andin furnaces used mainly for holding, crucible lives of twelve months or moreare possible with careful use. The main points to pay attention to are:

Avoid mechanical shockUse padded tools for transportDo not roll the crucible on its bottom edge or sideAvoid damage to the protective glazeCrucibles can absorb moisture which can give rise to spalling of theglaze when heating upStore in a dry place, not on a damp floor

The crucible should always be preheated before charging, followingmanufacturer’s instructions. It should be charged as soon as it has reachedred heat (about 800°C). The crucible wall must be cleaned immediately afteremptying to remove slag or dross. If not removed immediately the slag ordross will harden and be difficult to remove.

The tilting crucible furnace (which may be gas-fired or electric resistanceheated) remains popular for batches of aluminium up to 700 kg. The crucibletilts to discharge metal into casting ladles. Thermal efficiency is not as highas some other melting furnaces since it is difficult to make use of the heat inthe products of combustion. They are relatively inexpensive and since theflames are not in contact with the molten metal, metal losses are low andmelt quality high and alloy changes are readily carried out.

Electrically heated crucible furnaces having electric resistance wireelements or silicon carbide rod-type elements are widely used. The absenceof combustion products in the furnace reduces the possibility of hydrogenpick-up by the metal and avoids the considerable heat loss to exhaust gasessuffered by oil- or gas-fired units. These advantages offset to some degreethe higher unit cost of electricity.

Holding furnaces

Melting aluminium in a bulk melting furnace exposes the liquid metal toturbulence and oxidation. The low density of aluminium retards the “float-out” of oxide inclusions, and it is desirable to allow the liquid alloy to stand

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Melting aluminium alloys 53

in tranquil conditions to allow the non-metallics to float out beforetransferring to the casting ladle. A holding furnace is used. They arefrequently resistance-heated crucible furnaces, Fig. 3.5, or radiant-roof bathfurnaces, Fig. 3.6, in which high insulation allows low holding power to beachieved. Capacities are typically 250–1000 kg, although much largerholding furnaces are possible.

The bale-out and charge wells, which are fitted with insulated covers, aregenerally small to reduce heat losses while the covers are off. The wells areseparated from the main bath by refractory walls with connecting holes atthe bottom to allow clean metal to pass from one area to another. With goodthermal insulation, close temperature control is possible with very lowenergy costs.

In the Cosworth casting process, and other similar processes, moltenaluminium from the bulk melting furnace is transferred by transfer pump orby tilting to a large electric radiant-heated holding furnace of sufficientcapacity to allow the liquid metal to stand under tranquil conditions for 1 or 2

Figure 3.5 Electrically heated crucible furnace. (Courtesy Ramsell Furnaces Ltd,Droitwich.)

Figure 3.6 Radiant roof holding furnace. (Courtesy Ramsell Furnaces Ltd,Droitwich.)

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54 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

hours to allow time for the oxides to float out. An electromagnetic pump,drawing from the middle of the bath, fills the sand moulds with inclusion-freemetal. The holding furnace is automatically refilled from the meltingfurnace.

In less critical applications, such as pressure diecasting, or in foundrieswhere inclusion control is accomplished by filtration of the metal in themould, the holding furnace need not be so large and may be designed toallow alloy adjustment, temperature control and some metal treatmentbefore transfer to the casting ladle.

In pressure and gravity diecasting foundries, it is convenient to have aholding furnace adjacent to the diecasting machine in which metal is held atthe correct temperature and from which it may be baled out to fill thedie.

Dosing furnaces

Pressure displacement dosing furnaces are designed to hold aluminium attemperature at the casting station and to automatically meter accuratecharges of metal to the die by pressure displacement through a refractoryriser tube. Accuracy of pour is within ±1.5%. They can be used to feedpressure diecasting machines and gravity-die carousels.

Corundum growth

Corundum (Al2O3) is formed when aluminium comes into contact withsilica in the furnace lining. Corundum growth is well known in thealuminium melting industry. It is a composite of alumina and metal whichgrows on the refractory wall above the metal level in holding furnaces. Thegrowths are extremely hard, smooth and initially hemispherical. They aredifficult to remove and when viewed in the hot furnace are generally greyor black ranging in size from a few millimetres diameter to tens ofcentimetres. The growth direction is generally away from the metal line,upwards towards the roof of the furnace in a mushroom shape. Corundumgrowth not only reduces capacity of the furnace but it reduces the thermalefficiency and causes damage to the furnace lining through refractoryexpansion. A significant amount of aluminium metal may also be lost fromthe furnace charge.

To avoid serious corundum growth, regular inspection of the furnacesmust be carried out and growths removed while they are small. The furnacerefractories should be resistant to metal attack, by having a high bauxitecontent and low free silica content. Refractories should be non-wetting andof low porosity to avoid corundum nucleation. High temperature, oxidisingfurnace atmospheres and the presence of unburned hydrocarbons should beavoided. Daily cleaning of the furnace refractories with a suitable flux isadvisable (see Chapter 4).

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Melting aluminium alloys 55

Choice of melting unit

The number of alloys required by the foundry is a major factor in decidingthe type of melting furnace used. A sand foundry may use several differentalloys each day. In this case, tilting crucible furnaces may be the bestsolution even though they may not be the most fuel or labour efficient. Apressure diecasting foundry, on the other hand, may melt a single alloy onlyso a bulk-melting tower furnace or induction furnace supplying smallholding furnaces at each diecasting machine is likely to be the lowest costsolution.

Most gravity diecasting foundries have some alloys which do not warrantbulk melting, so in addition to a bulk melter the foundries usually havesome smaller melting furnaces, often of the crucible type.

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Chapter 4



Chemical fluxes for aluminium have a number of functions:

Covering fluxes which form a molten layer to protect the melt fromoxidation and hydrogen pick-upDrossing-off fluxes which agglomerate the oxides allowing easyremoval from the surface of the meltCleaning fluxes which remove non-metallics from the melt by trappingthe oxide particles as they float outFluxes which “modify” the alloy, by introducing sodium, improving itsmicrostructureExothermic fluxes which ensure that aluminium liquid trapped in thedross layer is returned to the meltFluxes for reclaiming swarf, skimmings and turnings, giving a highmetal yieldFluxes for the removal of oxide build-up from furnace walls

Some fluxes combine several of these functions. The Foseco range ofCOVERAL fluxes is designed to be used on a range of alloys in a variety ofmelting units. For many years fluxes have been supplied in powder form.Table 4.1 lists the various COVERAL fluxes and their uses. A recent Fosecodevelopment is the range of COVERAL GR granulated fluxes, Table 4.2These have significant environmental and technical advantages over thetraditional powder fluxes and are rapidly replacing them.

In general, the lower the melting point of the cover flux, the more efficientit* use. Fluxes for aluminium contain chemicals such as chlorides andfluorides which may give rise to potentially harmful fumes in use on moltenmetal. Operators must avoid inhalation of the fumes or dust. Used flux mustbe disposed with care, referring to the local authority or a specialist disposalcompany for instructions.

Application of COVERAL powder fluxes

Covering and protecting during melting

Aluminium alloys containing up to 2% Mg are usually treated with dryfluxes in crucible and induction melting and with liquid fluxes inreverberatory, shaft, rotary and large electric furnace melting. The required

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Fluxes 57

flux is selected from Table 4.1. Sufficient COVERAL to form a cover (usuallyabout 0.5–1% of the metal weight) is added, preferably in two stages, halfearly in the melting procedure and the remainder as soon as the charge isfully molten. The cover should be kept intact if possible until the melt isready for degassing and grain refining.

Most fluxes contain sodium and it is possible for the metal to pick up asmuch as 0.001% Na from them. For most aluminium alloys the sodium hasno effect or is beneficial, but alloys containing more than 2% Mg maybecome brittle with even trace amounts of sodium, so they are treated withone of the sodium-free fluxes shown in Table 4.1. In the case of COVERAL65, approximately 0.5% of the product is put onto the solid charge and afurther 2% sprinkled evenly over the surface when the alloy is fully molten.When the flux becomes pasty or liquid at about 750°C, the flux is workedwell into the melt with a bell plunger for about 3 minutes.

Drossing-off before pouring

The function of a drossing-off flux is to absorb oxides and non-metallicmaterial, cleansing the metal and forming a good metal-free dross which caneasily be removed.

In crucible furnaces, when drossing-off is carried out, the crucible sidesare scraped and the required quantity of the selected COVERAL (250 g isnormally enough for the lift-out or bale-out furnace) is sprinkled onto themetal surface along with the existing flux cover and mixed into the surfaceof the melt until a red-glowing dross is obtained. This is exceptionally freeof metal and can be removed with a perforated skimmer.

In reverberatory and shaft furnaces, the quantity of flux needed willdepend on the cleanliness of the charge material and on the surface area ofthe metal. As a guide, it is recommended that an application of 1–2 kg/m2

will suffice. The behaviour of the flux will indicate whether the dosageneeds to be reduced of increased in future applications.

When the melt is ready for drossing-off, the flux is spread over the metalsurface, allowed to stand for a few minutes until fused and then rabbled intothe dross for several minutes with a skimmer. For best results the meltshould preferably be above 700°C although fluxes will function well below650°C. The furnace is then closed and the flame turned on for 10 minutes.This helps to activate the flux, heating the dross and giving good metalseparation. The dross is then pulled to the door, allowed to drain andtransferred to a dross bogie. If the dross in the bogie is raked, further metalwill collect in the bottom.

Reclamation of swarf, skimmings and turnings

A heel of metal is melted using heavy scrap or ingot and a quantity ofCOVERAL 48 flux is added to form a fluid cover. The amount of COVERAL

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Table 4.1 COVERAL fluxes for melting aluminium alloys

Grade Flux type Melt pt°C


Melting unit Alloy type Remarks Method of application

5F CoveringDrossing

620 Dry Large, rev., shaft rot,tilter etc.

All low Mg alloys Also prevents furnacewall build-up, usuallyused in smelters

Add half early, rest at final melt-down. Form a completecover. Use about 0.5–1% of metal weight or 1 kg/m2 ofmelt area

11 CoveringDrossing

– Dry Crucible, electric ditto Used for ingot andclean scrap melted forsand and diecastings

Add 0.5–1% early and maintain cover. Remove aftergrain refining/degassing

29A Modifying 780 Liquid Crucible, bale-out 9–13% Si Used at 760–800°C Melt under COVERAL 11, heat to 800°C, grainrefine/degas skim, add 1% COVERAL 29A, work in,leave 5 min., dross off with COVERAL 11

36A Modifying 670 Liquid Crucible, bale-out 7–13% Si Low temp. version of29A

Melt under COVERAL 11, degas and skim, add 2%COVERAL 36A at around 750°C and stir in, leave5–10 min. and dross-off with COVERAL 11

48 Refining 590 Liquid All Low-Mg alloy scrap Reclamation ofturnings etc.

Melt heel of solid metal, add 1–5% COVERAL 48 tocover, add further flux with swarf additions

65 Covering 500 Pasty Crucible 3–10% Mg alloys Sodium free Add 0.5% with the charge, add a further 2% whenmolten, stir in at 750°C. Dross-off after grain refinementand degassing

66 Covering – Dry Crucible, bale-out 1–10% Mg alloys Sodium free Add about 0.5% at early stage of melting, a further 0.5%when melting is complete. Dross-off after degassing andgrain-refinement

75 CoveringDrossing

– Dry Holding Low-Mg alloys Wide temp. range fluxfor pressure diecasters

Can be used at 600–800°C, scatter 0.25–0.5% on metalsurface and rabble gently until exotherm develops. Pushaside remove before taking ladles

88 Furnacecleaning

– – Reverb., rotary,transfer ladle

– To remove oxidebuild-up formed onfurnace walls

Preheat empty furnace to 800–850°C, spray walls usingFoseco flux gun, reheat for 15 min, then scrape clean.Use once per week

2011 CoveringDrossing

– Liquid Crucible, electricresist. and induct.

Low-Mg Low fume coveringand drossing flux

Use 0.5–1%, form cover as early as possible andmaintain intact. After grain refining and degassing, addfurther flux, rabble into surface until exotherm, leave2–3 min., skim

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Table 4.2 Granulated COVERAL fluxes for aluminium alloys

Grade Type Melting unit Alloy type Purpose Method of application

GR2220 DrossingCleaning

Bulk meltingTransport ladles

Sodium tolerantalloys

Low metal temperature(<680°C) reducescorundum build-up.Suitable for pressurediecasters

Add 0.125–0.25% early, rabble intomelt till exotherm develops. Pushflux layer aside before pouringinto ladle. Regular use keepsfurnace walls clean

GR2510 Mild, exothermicdrossing

Bulk and smallerfurnaces

Compatible withSr modifiedalloys

For metal temperatures650–730°C

GR2516 Mild, exothermicdrossing

Smaller furnaces Sodium tolerantalloys

For metal temperaturesabove 730°C

Granular equivalent of COVERAL11. Add 0.125–0.25% early andmaintain cover

GR6511 Sodium freeDrossing

Crucible, bale-out Alloys with1–10% Mg

Forms protective layeron melt, removesoxides of Mg and Al

Add sufficient to form layer,usually 0.125–0.25% of metal.Maintain cover till ready fordegassing and grain refining.Dross-off.

GR2715 Sodiummodifying

Crucible, bale-out Alloys with7–13% Si

Modifyingmetallurgical structureto increase ductility formetal temperaturesbetween 700 and 780°C

Melt under covering flux, degasand skim, add 0.5–1.0%. GR2715,work in for 3 min, leave 5–10 min,dross off with COVERAL 11 orGR2516 and skim

GR2815 Grain refining Crucible, bale-out All alloys Grain refinement.For metal temperatures>680°C

Best used with Foseco MetalTreatment Station

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60 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

used depends on the degree of dirtiness and oxidation of the scrap and willvary between 1 and 5%. The swarf, turnings etc. are fed through the fluxcover a little at a time, adding more flux as required to keep the cover in afluid condition. The temperature of the melt is kept relatively low duringthis procedure and when charging is complete, the heat is raised to pouringtemperature. At this stage the flux may be poured off from rotary orreverberatory furnaces but there is a significant advantage to be obtained bypassing more than one melt through the same flux (see Table 4.1).

Modifying aluminium/silicon alloys

The metallurgical structure of alloys containing more than 9% Si is modifiedto increase ductility (some lower silicon alloys may also benefit frommodification). This is done by the introduction of sodium using NAVAC (seeChapter 6) or COVERAL fluxes containing sodium salts (COVERAL 29A,36A). The metal is melted down under COVERAL 11 and when the requiredtemperature is reached, the melt is degassed and skimmed clean. Themodifying flux is then sprinkled evenly over the metal surface and, whenpasty or fluid, is worked into the melt for about 3 minutes. After standingquietly for a further 5–10 minutes or until the pouring temperature isreached, the melt is drossed-off with COVERAL 11 and then skimmed.

COVERAL 29A is used at about 1.5% and a temperature of790–800°C

COVERAL 36A is used at about 3.0% and a temperature of740–750°C

Furnace-cleaning flux

Aluminium melting furnace linings become coated with an oxide build-up.COVERAL 88 flux is a strongly exothermic flux which attacks and stripsoxide films. The heat generated and the stripping action causes entrappedaluminium to melt and run down to the furnace hearth. Residues on wallsare thus loosened and can be removed more easily by scraping tools. Theflux is mainly for application to the walls and roof of reverberatory androtary furnaces. It can also be used for cleaning large transfer ladles, if thesecan be independently heated. The flux is not recommended for electricfurnaces with exposed elements because of the possibility of elementattack.

The empty furnace is heated until the lining glows red (800–850°C). Usingthe Foseco Flux Gun, the walls are sprayed evenly with COVERAL 88.Reheat for 15 minutes then scrape the walls clean. Tap the recovered metal.A 10 tonne furnace will need about 25 kg of flux. Furnaces should be treatedweekly to prevent accumulation of build-up.

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Fluxes 61

The flux can be used when making a change of alloy, to preventcontamination of the bath by residues from the preceding charge.

Granular COVERAL fluxes

The formulations of fluxes have not changed for many years, being based onpowdered halides including fluorides which are of concern environmentallyand which can reduce the life of furnace refractories. Attempts have beenmade by Foseco to eliminate fluorides completely from the flux formula-tions, but unfortunately this rendered the flux ineffective. However, it wasfound that the morphology of the flux had a major effect on its efficiency. Byusing fluxes in granular form rather than as conventional powders, theeffectiveness of the flux can be greatly increased, the handling improved andthe undesirable, hazardous emissions can be significantly reduced. Thehigher cost of granulated fluxes (arising from the additional manufacturingprocess involved) is compensated by the much reduced quantitiesneeded.

Conventional powder fluxes are normally used at more than 0.25% (byweight of the metal being melted). The granular material is used at only0.125% by weight so that emissions only half of normal might be expected.In fact, tests have shown fume reduction of more than 85%, Table 4.3.

The tests were carried out on a 250 kg furnace containing 230 kg of A356alloy (Al–Si7Mg) held at a temperature of 740°C. Powdered flux was addedat 0.25% of metal weight, granulated flux at 0.125%. The sampling nozzlewas 60 cm above the furnace top.

While emission rates will differ from foundry to foundry, depending onthe equipment and practice used, there is no doubt that the move from apowder to a granulated flux significantly improves working conditions,

Table 4.3 Comparison of emissions from a reverberatory furnace withoutextraction. Concentrations in mg/m3

Flux Aexothermic drossing


Powder Granular

Flux Bsodium-free drossing


Powder Granular

Total particulate 3.0 0.53 2.53 0.4Total Cl 1.04 0.82 1.45 0.71F 19.0 3.65 14.7 5.05SOx 15.43 1.18 5.13 2.98

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62 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

reduces the amount of waste material to be disposed of and reduces attackon furnace refractories.

Table 4.2 lists the Foseco granulated fluxes currently available. The mostwidely used granular fluxes are:

COVERAL GR2516 (equivalent to COVERAL 11 powder flux)It is a non-hazardous cleansing and drossing-off flux containing somesodium so should not be used for alloys containing more than 3% Mgwhere even a slight sodium pick-up must be avoided. Apart from thislimitation it is used for most Al alloys. It is particularly recommendedfor use with crucible furnaces.

COVERAL GR6511 (equivalent to COVERAL 66 power flux)A sodium-free cleansing and drossing flux for use on alloys sensitive totrace amounts of Na. It is used for all alloys containing Mg in the range1–10% melted in crucible and bale-out furnaces.

COVERAL GR2220 (equivalent to COVERAL 72 powder flux)An exothermic drossing flux for use on all sodium tolerant alloys wheremetal temperature is below 680°C. It is particularly suitable for use withbulk melting shaft furnaces and helps to reduce corundum build-up.Commonly used in pressure diecasting foundries.

COVERAL GR2715 (equivalent to COVERAL 36A power flux)For the sodium modification of 7–13% Si alloys melted in crucible orbale-out furnaces at low temperatures. Should not be used on strontiummodified metal or on hypereutectic alloys (which are modified withphosphorus).

COVERAL GR2815For the grain refinement of all alloys melted in crucibles or bale-outfurnaces. It uses a ratio of 10:1 titanium:boron to nucleate andpropagate a fine equiaxed grain growth during solidification. Typicalalloys which may be treated are LM4 (Al–Si5Cu3), LM5 (Al–Mg5Si1),LM25 (Al–Si7Mg). COVERAL GR2815 is best used with the FosecoMetal Treatment Station.

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Chapter 5

INSURAL refractory for ladlesand metal transport


It is advantageous in the casting of aluminium alloys to keep metaltemperatures as low as possible to avoid the pick-up of hydrogen. INSURALinsulating refractories have been developed specially for aluminium and arewidely used for semi-continuous casting and holding processes where gas-free metal and stable temperatures are required. They are also used inaluminium foundries, particularly for ladle liners.

INSURAL refractories have the following properties:

Thermally insulatingLow heat capacityNon-wetted by molten aluminiumAsbestos freeDurable and resilient structureCan be machined or sawn if necessaryControlled densitySimple skull removal

A range of different grades of INSURAL is made. For foundries INSURAL140 is used (see Table 5.1).

Table 5.1 Properties of INSURAL 140

Density 1.4 g/mlThermal conductivity 0.47 W/m/°KOperating temperature for continuous use 950°CMaximum operating temperature 1200°CModulus of rupture 55 kgf/cm2

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Figure 5.1 Drawings 1–8. The installation of the INSURAL ATL ladle liningsystem.

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INSURAL refractory for ladles and metal transport 65

Ladle liners

Many foundries now use central melting with transfer ladles to move themetal to individual holding furnaces. Frequently, degassing and metaltreatment is carried out in the transfer ladle, so the molten metal may beheld for up to ten minutes in the ladle. Temperature loss can be aconsiderable problem and typically the metal must leave the melter at atemperature at least 50°C higher than the holding temperature. Tradition-ally, dense castable ladle linings have been used. These systems have highconductivity and thermal capacity, so efficient ladle heaters must be used to



Figure 5.2 Comparison of the temperature drop in ladles lined (a) conventionally,(b) with INSURAL ATL.

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66 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

ensure effective preheating. Often, however, ladle heating in foundries isquite rudimentary. The use of an uncontrolled gas torch, for example, isextremely inefficient. The use of thermally insulating ladle linings is aneconomical solution to the problem.

The Foseco INSURAL ATL lining system uses a highly insulating materialwhich is non-wetted by aluminium. Various formulations are available inthe INSURAL family of products and INSURAL 140 linings offer a goodblend of insulation, thermal cycling and wear resistance. INSURAL 140preformed ladle linings are designed to be used in conjunction withINSURAL 10 backing material and INSURAL 80 sealing mastic. Togetherthese comprise the INSURAL ATL ladle lining system.

Figure 5.1, drawings 1–8, show a schematic description of the installationof a ladle. The INSURAL 10 backing material comprises three components,which should be blended in dry form. A suitable level of INSURAL 10backing is then poured into the bottom of the steel outer and the INSURAL140 liner placed on top. Further INSURAL 10 material is then pouredaround the outside and tamped into place. If a pouring spout is required, a

Table 5.2 INSURAL ATL case study

Gravity die foundry with central melting and 300 kg capacity transferladle

Original practice: Gas heated ladle – life 12 monthsCost £

Material: 12 � 25 kg mouldable refractory 185.002�25 kg wash coat 39.00

Labour for reline 156.00Cost for gas heating (100 hrs/week) 3120.00

Total 3500.00 per year

New practice: INSURAL ATL ladle – life 5 monthsINSURAL 140 liner 390.00INSURAL 50 launder 72.00INSURAL 80 mastic 39.00INSURAL 10 backing 74.00Labour for fitting 44.00

Total 619.00 for 5 months � 12/5= 1485.60 for 12 months

Cost for gas heating (5 hrs/week) 156.00

Total 1641.60 per yearSaving for each 300 kg ladle: £1641.60 per year

Note: The above costs are based on UK prices in 1996.

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INSURAL refractory for ladles and metal transport 67

range of INSURAL 140 launders are available, one of which could be fittedby cutting a profile from the liner and sealing around the outside of thelaunder with INSURAL 80 mastic. When the spout is fitted and theINSURAL 10 backing is tamped down firmly, heat is applied to the steelouter using a gas torch. Once the INSURAL 10 reaches 130°C, an exothermicreaction will occur, which will hold the liner under compression. Afteraround 30 minutes’ heating, the backing will be fully cured and the top ofthe ladle can be finished with INSURAL 80 mastic. The ladle is now readyfor use with no risk of moisture pick-up from damp refractories.

Figures 5.2a and b show a comparison between the conventional processand the INSURAL ATL lining system. It is common to find a temperaturedrop of 8°C per minute with traditional ladles whereas only 2.5–3°C perminute is normal using the INSURAL ATL lining system. To reducetemperature loss and avoid the possibility of hydrogen pick-up, traditionalladles are heated between transfers. INSURAL ATL ladles do not needpreheating, resulting in energy conservation savings.

Table 5.2 shows a case study from a foundry which previously lined itsladles with refractory concrete and heated with gas continuously. The oldstyle lining gave a life of 12 months.

The new practice is now to use INSURAL ATL linings, changing themevery five months. The only preheating now required is that once per weekany moisture absorbed over the weekend is removed.

Table 5.3 INSURAL ATL one piece ladle liners (for dimensions see Fig.5.3)

Type A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) Nominalcapacity


KC5294 250 185 265 10 kgKC5240 342 260 285 30 kgKC5350 293 250 363 30 kgKC7910 300 250 450 40 kgKC6294 375 260 351 40 kgKC5164 297 217 495 45 kg ATL50KC7156 470 405 462 90 kg ATL100KC5434 475 418 560 130 kg ATL150KC7804 570 540 500 170 kg ATL200KC7764 574 540 700 270 kg ATL300KC7986 730 680 725 370 kg ATL400KC7988 750 680 975 570 kg ATL600KC7990 910 840 850 770 kg ATL800KC7922 920 840 1000 950 kg ATL1000

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68 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

Figure 5.3 Dimensions of INSURAL ATL one piece ladle liners (Table 5.3).

Figure 5.4 Temperature loss with INSURAL ladle lining system.

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INSURAL refractory for ladles and metal transport 69

Benefits from using the INSURAL ATL ladle lining system for aluminiumare:

Gas consumption is reduced significantly by up to 90% compared toconventional ladle practice which requires preheatingLower melting furnace temperaturesClean, oxide-free ladles

INSURAL ATL linings provide a clean, easily installed system, offeringsignificant energy and cost savings. A full range of linings is available from10 kg to 1000 kg in capacity, Table 5.3.

Figure 5.4 shows typical temperature losses with the INSURAL LadleLining System.

When particularly high erosion is found, such as where metal is to bepoured from a great height or at a very fast rate, linings can be supplied withreinforced bases made from a FOSCAST material.

INSURAL preformed launders are used in foundries both for tappingfrom the melting furnaces and for the short launders feeding the holdingfurnaces used at each diecasting machine in a pressure diecasting foundry.The non-wetting properties of INSURAL ensure that only thin skulls ofmetal are left after each pour. These are easily removable, leading to lownon-recoverable metal losses.

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Chapter 6

Treatment of aluminium alloymelts


Before casting aluminium alloys, the molten metal must be treated in orderto:

Degas Molten aluminium contains undesirable amounts ofhydrogen which will cause porosity defects in thecasting unless removed

Grain refine Mechanical properties of the casting can be improved bycontrolling the grain size of the solidifying metal

Modify The microstructure and properties of alloys can beimproved by the addition of small quantities of certain“modifying” elements

There are various ways of carrying out these treatments, the older methodsinvolve the addition of tablets or special fluxes to the melt in a ladle orcrucible. In recent years, special “Metal Treatment Stations” have beendeveloped to allow treatment to be carried out more efficiently.

Hydrogen gas pick-up in aluminium melts

Hydrogen has a high solubility in liquid aluminium which increases withmelt temperature, Fig. 6.1, but the solubility in solid aluminium is very low,so that as the alloy freezes, hydrogen gas is expelled forming gas pores inthe casting. The hydrogen in molten metal comes from a number of sourcesbut mostly from water:

Water vapour in the atmosphereWater vapour from burner fuelsDamp refractories and crucible liningsDamp fluxesOily or dirty scrap chargesDirty or damp foundry tools

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Treatment of aluminium alloy melts 71

To reduce hydrogen pick-up, refractories, crucibles, tools and oily scrapshould be thoroughly preheated to remove water. Burner flames should beslightly oxidising to avoid excess hydrogen in the products of combustion.The melt temperature should be kept as low as possible since morehydrogen is dissolved at high temperatures. Whatever precautions aretaken, however, hydrogen will still be present.

The amount of porosity that can be tolerated in a casting is determined bythe method of casting and the end use of the component. If the metal coolsrelatively slowly, as in a sand mould, the ejected gas can build up into smallbubbles which are trapped in the pasty metal. These are then uncovered byany subsequent machining or polishing operation and show as a “pinhole”porosity defect in the finished surface. The mechanical strength andpressure tightness can also be seriously affected.

Where the rate of solidification is more rapid as in gravity and lowpressure diecasting, the emerging bubbles are usually small and welldispersed. They therefore affect mechanical properties less, and indeed oftenhave a beneficial effect in offsetting possible localised shrinkage unsound-ness that might otherwise cause the casting to be scrapped. For highintegrity gravity and low pressure castings, it may still be necessary to applya full degassing process.

In the past, it has not been usual to degas metal for pressure diecastingsince diecastings usually contain gas porosity arising from air entrappedin the casting during metal injection. The additional porosity fromhydrogen in the melt was not considered serious, particularly since themetal holding temperature for pressure diecasting is usually low, reducingthe amount of hydrogen pick-up. Recently, however with the improve-ment in diecasting technology, more diecasters are using degassed metal(see Chapter 9).

Figure 6.1 Solubility of hydrogen in aluminium.

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72 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

Degassing aluminium alloys

The maximum concentration of dissolved hydrogen possible in aluminiumalloys can be as high as 0.6 ml H2/100 g. By careful attention to meltingpractice this can be reduced but even with the best practice, remeltedfoundry alloys may be expected to contain 0.2–0.3 ml H2/100 g Al.

The degassing process involves bubbling dry, inert gases through the meltto reduce the hydrogen level to around 0.1 ml/100 g. The liquid and solidsolubilities of hydrogen are different in different alloy systems and ahydrogen level of 0.12 ml/100 g will give castings free from porosity in LM4(Al–Si5Cu3Mn0.5) while the low silicon Al–Cu–Ni alloy BSL119 will beporosity free at 0.32 ml H2/100 g. If levels of hydrogen are taken too low, itis difficult to avoid some shrinkage porosity in the castings.

For many years, the use of chlorine gas, developed by plunginghexachloroethane in the form of DEGASER tablets, was the standardmethod of treatment. With effect from 1 April 1998 the use of hexachloro-ethane in the manufacturing or processing of non-ferrous metals wasprohibited in European countries other than:

For research and development or analysis purposesIn non-integrated aluminium foundries producing specialised castingsfor applications requiring high quality and high safety standards andwhere consumption is less than 1.5 kg of hexachloroethane per day onaverageFor grain refining in the production of the magnesium alloys AZ81,AZ91 and AZ92

The regulations implement Paris Commission Directive 97/16/EC. Theexceptions will be reviewed later.

Because of this ruling, Foseco has withdrawn from sale all productscontaining hexachloroethane. Tablet degassing has been replaced bydegassing with dry nitrogen or argon using a lance or preferably a speciallydesigned rotary impeller which ensures even dispersion of fine bubblesthroughout the melt. DEGASER 700 tablets which, when plunged under themetal surface produce nitrogen gas, are available in some countries and canalso be used.

Rotary degassing

For any degassing technique to be efficient, it is necessary that very finebubbles of a dry, inert gas are generated at the base of the melt and allowedto rise through all areas of the molten aluminium. The metal temperatureshould be as low as possible during this operation. The Foseco MDU(Mobile Degassing Unit) achieves this by introducing an inert gas into themetal through a spinning graphite rotor, Fig. 6.2. A correctly designed rotorproduces a large number of small bubbles into which, as they rise through

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Treatment of aluminium alloy melts 73

the melt, dissolved hydrogen diffuses to be ejected into the atmospherewhen the bubble reaches the surface. The rising bubbles also collectinclusions and carry them to the top of the melt where they can be skimmedoff, Fig. 6.3. The graphite rotor is designed to produce the optimum bubblecloud throughout the whole of the melt (Fig. 6.4).

The unit is designed to be pushed to the area of use and can be used inholding furnaces or ladles containing between 50 kg and 250 kg ofaluminium.

The MDU is brought to the furnace and the arm swung over the melt. Thegas flow (usually nitrogen) is then automatically switched on, the rotor islowered into the melt and rotation commences. The treatment time, gas flowand speed of rotation are preset for a given furnace capacity and treatmentshould be complete in 3 to 5 minutes.

Rotor rotation speed is around 400–500 rpm and at this speed theoptimum quantity of purging gas is dispersed giving very fine bubbles,resulting in high degassing efficiency and thorough cleansing of the meltthrough oxide flotation. After treatment the rotor is raised from the furnaceor ladle, the metal skimmed clean and is ready for casting.

Typical results of rotary degassing are shown in Table 6.1.Foseco also supplies a larger rotary degassing unit, the FDU (Foundary

Degassing Unit), which is designed as a stationary unit for foundries wherecentral melting and treatment is used before metal is transferred to thecasting station. Melts of 400–1000 kg of aluminium can be treated in times of1.5 to 5 minutes with gas flow between 8 and 20 litres/minute. The graphiterotor has a life of 100–150 treatments according to the temperature of themelt.

Figure 6.2 The Foseco Mobile Degassing Unit.

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74 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

Figure 6.3 How rotary degassing works.

Figure 6.4 Bubble formation in the graphite rotor

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Treatment of aluminium alloy melts 75

The metal treatment station

A logical development of the rotary degassing system is the injection offluxes into the melt along with the inert purge gas. Early attempts to dothis were plagued with difficulty because the fluxes melted in the injectornozzles causing total or partial blockage. The introduction of granularfluxes has greatly assisted and Foseco has developed a Metal TreatmentStation in which a granular COVERAL flux is introduced into a speciallydesigned degassing rotor, Fig. 6.5. The flux feeder gives accurate dosingrates and the additive is fed into the molten aluminium at the base of themelt so that full reaction can take place before the additive reaches themetal surface.

The rotor and shaft of the Metal Treatment Station have been designed toallow the free passage of the additive into the metal melt, reducing to aminimum the problem of fusion of the treatment product in the shaft. Fluxis introduced into the melt during the first part of the treatment cyclefollowed by a degassing cycle. The combined effect of flux injection anddegassing produces cleaner alloy (fewer inclusions) than degassing aloneand mechanical properties, particularly elongation values, are improved. Inaddition, the percentage of metallic aluminium in the dross skimmed fromthe melt is reduced by 20–40%.

The Rotary Degassing Unit and the Metal Treatment Station are widelyused in gravity, low pressure and high pressure diecasting foundries (seeChapter 9 and 10).

Table 6.1 Rotary degassing of aluminium alloys

Alloy Ladlesize (kg)

Treatmenttime (min.)


(ml/100 g)

Before After

LM13 250 5 0.27 0.18(Al–Si12Cu1Mg1)LM25 250 6 0.40 0.13(Al–Si7Mg0.5)LM28 250 10 0.28 0.18(Al–Si8Cu1.5 Mg1Ni1)L99 220 7 0.25 0.12(Al–Si7 Mg0.3)L155 90 15 0.24 0.12(Al–Cu4Si1)

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76 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

Figure 6.5 The Foseco Metal Treatment Station.

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Treatment of aluminium alloy melts 77

Grain refinement of aluminium alloys

Grain refining improves hot tear resistance, reduces the harmful effects ofgas porosity (giving pressure-tight castings) and redistributes shrinkageporosity in aluminium alloys. The grain size of a cast alloy is dependent onthe number of nuclei present in the liquid metal as it begins to solidify andon the rate of undercooling. A faster cooling rate generally promotes asmaller grain size.

Additions of certain elements to aluminium alloy melts can provide nucleifor grain growth. Titanium, particularly in association with boron, has apowerful nucleating effect and is the most commonly used grain refiner.Titanium alone, added at the rate of 0.02–0.15% as a master alloy, can beused but the effect fades within 40 minutes. The addition of boron togetherwith titanium produces finer grains and reduces fade.

Titanium and boron additions may be added as a master alloy or as a flux.In the wrought aluminium industry, the benefits of TiBAl master alloys arewell known, with alloy rod used in continuous applications. The majority offoundries use smaller melting and holding furnaces and continuousapplication is not possible so batch applications are used. While the masteralloy approach has benefits of precision and controllability, salt flux additionmethods are still widely used because of their convenience and low cost.

The level of silicon in the alloy affects the grain-refining response to Ti andB. Higher silicon casting alloys require higher additions of grain refiner.

Typical addition levels are shown in Table 6.2.

The NUCLEANT range of grain-refining flux tablets is shown in Table 6.3.Most of the salts used in these products are slightly hygroscopic and anexposed tablet may pick up some moisture from the atmosphere whichcould increase the hydrogen content of the alloy. It is usual therefore todegas during or after nucleation.

Using the Mobile Degassing Unit, NUCLEANT self-sinking tablets areplaced in the liquid metal and the rotor lowered. Grain refining anddegassing take place simultaneously.

Table 6.2 Ti additions (as TiBAl 5:1) for grainrefinement of Al–Si alloys. (From Spooner S.J.,Cook R., Foundryman, 90, May 1997, p. 169)

Si content of alloy (%) Ti addition (%)

4–7 0.05–0.038–10 0.03–0.02

11–13 0.02–0.01

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Table 6.3 Grades of NUCLEANT flux tablets

NUCLEANT Form Alloys treated Application rate (%) Remarks

2000 50 g tablets All Al casting alloysincluding those with Mg

0.15–0.25 Strong grain refinement from Ti:B 6:1

70 30 g tablets All Al casting alloysincluding Al–Mg alloys

0.06–0.08 Low fume similar to NUCLEANT 2000

70SS 75 g tablets ditto ditto Self-sinking tabletsTILITE 101 500 g tablets Bulk-melted Al wrought

and casting alloys0.0125–0.015 Large self-sinking tablets for the bulk

melter Ti:B 10:1 one tablet can refineup to 200 kg of alloy

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Treatment of aluminium alloy melts 79

Refinement of hypereutectic alloys

Al–Si alloys containing over 12% Si are used for their wear resistance and itis important for consistent casting properties that primary silicon is evenlydispersed throughout the casting. With long solidification ranges, growthand flotation of primary silicon particles may occur. Large silicon particlesare detrimental to castability, machinability and mechanical properties.Refinement of the structure is therefore desirable.

Hypereutectic alloys are refined with phosphorus additions of0.003–0.015%. The aluminium phosphide formed provides nucleation sitesfor primary silicon ensuring a fine dispersal of silicon in the eutectic matrix.Phosphorus was conveniently added in the form of NUCLEANT 120, butthis product contains hexachloroethane and has been withdrawn. Newproducts are being developed. It is possible to use an aluminium–phosphorus master alloy for refinement.

Grain refinement by use of master alloys

A master alloy containing titanium and boron in the ratio 5:1 has theoptimum effect. Master alloys are supplied in the form of rods chopped intolengths weighing 200 g which dissolve quickly and completely in the melt.Suitable additions of rod are added to the melt when the ladle is in positionat the Mobile Degassing Unit. The rod melts quickly, usually by the time therotor is inserted into the melt. Grain refinement and degassing take placesimultaneously. Any increase in hydrogen content caused by the addition ofthe master alloy will be removed at once by the rotary degassing. Thenormal degassing temperature is used. The addition rate is made accordingto Table 6.2.

Modification of aluminium alloys

The composition of the alloy and the choice of casting process affect themicrostructure of the aluminium alloy castings. The microstructure can alsobe changed by the addition of certain elements to aluminium–silicon alloyswhich improve castability, mechanical properties and machinability.

Sand cast and gravity diecast (permanent mould) alloys cool relativelyslowly, resulting in a coarse lamellar eutectic plate structure which isdetrimental to the strength of the castings. Changing the chemicalcomposition to alter the microstructure is called “modification”. Theaddition of sodium or strontium modifies the cast microstructures to givefinely dispersed eutectic fibres and the coarse crystalline fracture of the alloyis refined to a fine, silky texture. These changes are accompanied by aconsiderable improvement in the mechanical properties of the alloy. Theeffect of modification on the microstructures of aluminium alloys is shown

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80 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

in Fig. 6.6. Modification increases hot tear resistance and alloy feedingcharacteristics, decreasing shrinkage porosity.

Pressure diecastings are rapidly cooled in the mould giving small grainsize with a fine eutectic structure with small dendrites. Modification ofpressure-diecast microstructures is also possible and the lamellar eutecticsilicon will be changed to a fine fibre structure.

Figure 6.6 The effect of modification on the microstructures of aluminium alloys(� 125).

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Treatment of aluminium alloy melts 81

The higher the silicon level in an alloy, the more modifying element isneeded to change the structure. The faster the freezing rate, the lower theamount of modifier required. The first hypoeutectic modifiers were basedon sodium and they are still widely used today although “fade”, the gradualloss of sodium with time, can lead to problems of control. Sodium has a verylarge undercooling effect so that it is particularly useful in slowly cooledcasting processes such as sand casting. Because of its reactivity, sodium isvacuum packed in aluminium containers for convenient addition. Sodium-based fluxes may also be used.

Strontium as a modifier has the advantage over sodium that it is lessreactive and can be added in the form of master alloys so that precise controlover additions is possible and fade only occurs over a period of severalhours but it is less effective in heavy section castings.

Hypereutectic alloys must be modified with phosphorus, resulting in afine primary silicon particle size.

Sodium modification

Sodium can be added either as metallic sodium in the form of NAVAC or assodium salts in the form of COVERAL flux 29A or 36A or GR2715 granularflux. The salts process, although slower in terms of sodium transfer, is lesslikely to introduce gas into the melt. NAVAC is a pure form of metallicsodium, vacuum sealed, free from oil- and other gas-producing impuritiesand introduces a minimum amount of gas.

The modified structure is unstable and tends to fade, that is, to revert tothe unmodified condition. The rate of reversion depends on silicon content,temperature and size of the melt. Reversion is slow at temperatures below750°C and does not occur to any considerable extent during a 10 minuteholding period as long as the metal is not agitated by stirring ordegassing.

Salts method

When degassing with DEGASER tablets, it was always considered advisableto degas before sodium modification, since degassing with hexachloro-ethane removes sodium from the melt. The Rotary Degasser removes muchless sodium, but modification using flux is still best carried out afterdegassing.

The charge should be melted under COVERAL 11 or GR2516 and heatedto above 750°C then degassed with the Mobile Degassing Unit for 3–5minutes. The melt is skimmed and COVERAL 29A (for temperatures of790–800°C), COVERAL 36A (for temperatures of 740–750°C) or granularflux GR2715 added and worked into the melt for 3 minutes. Leave for 5–10minutes to allow the melt to reach the required pouring temperature, dross-off with COVERAL 11 or GR2516 and skim before pouring.

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82 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

Sodium metal method

NAVAC is a vacuum-processed metallic sodium, sealed in air-tightcontainers which minimises the possibility of gas pick-up. It also avoids thelikelihood of undesirable crucible attack which may result from the use ofmodifying sodium salts. NAVAC is available in the following sizes:

NAVAC 121⁄2, 25, 50, 100, 500

The number represents the weight of sodium in grams.Since some possibility of hydrogen pick-up is possible, it is preferable to

degas after modification. The charge is melted under a layer of COVERALGR2516 or 11. The dross is pulled to one side and when the melt is around750°C, the NAVAC container is plunged using a bell-shaped plunger whichhas been coated with refractory dressing (HOLCOTE 110 is suitable).

One NAVAC 25 unit per 50 kg of melt will introduce approximately 0.05%sodium giving a residual sodium in the melt of 0.01–0.012% Na which issuitable for 10–13% Si alloys. Lower silicon alloys require less, about25 g/100 kg of metal.

When the reaction has subsided, the metal is stirred using the plunger, butwithout breaking the metal surface. The plunger is withdrawn and theMobile Degassing Unit rotor immersed, degassing takes 3–5 minutes. Themelt is then drossed off with a small amount of COVERAL GR2516 or 11 andpoured without delay. The modified structure fades with time, and meltswhich are held for longer than 10 minutes should be partially or whollyremodified from time to time with further additions of sodium.

Safety precautions

Sodium will burn fiercely in air and will react explosively with water.NAVAC should be kept in a safe fireproof store. Perforated or damagedcontainers should never be used.

Strontium modification

The ability of strontium to modify the structure of aluminium–silicon alloyswithout the effect of fading on standing has made this method ofmodification popular for low pressure and gravity diecastings where it maybe necessary to hold molten metal for relatively long periods. Sodium can beused for this purpose but topping up additions are required every 30–40minutes to maintain the modified structure.

Strontium is added as a master alloy containing 10% Sr for use principallyon hypoeutectic and eutectic Al–Si alloys (6–8% and 10–13% silicon) and isused mainly on alloys for gravity and low pressure diecasting. Strontium

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Treatment of aluminium alloy melts 83

10SrAl modifier is supplied in the form of “piglets” weighing 200 g. They areadded to the melt as the Mobile Degassing Unit is swung into position,allowing degassing and modification to take place at the same time, Table 6.4.

Addition of one 200 g piglet to 100 kg of metal adds 0.02% Sr and, in goodconditions, almost 100% yield is possible. Solution is usually completewithin 3 minutes of plunging the piglets, which is within the treatment timewhen using the rotary degassing unit. The rate of loss of strontium frommolten metal is slow and allows holding times of a few hours.

Foundry returns from strontium-modified metal contain an uncertainamount of active strontium modifier, so many foundrymen prefer to usesodium modification, knowing that no active modifier will be present in thereturns.

Permanent modification

Antimony (Sb) has a permanent modifying effect on the structure of theeutectic phase. However, it is not usual to use Sb in foundry applications.There is a danger of formation of toxic stibnine gas (SbH4) and there is adanger of overmodification when scrap is recycled. Sb addition canseriously impair the performance of Na and Sr additions.

Melting procedures for commonly usedaluminium alloys

Sand, gravity die and low pressure diecasting

The popular casting alloys fall into two groups:

Medium silicon LM4 (Al–Si5Cu, US 319)LM25 (Al–Si7Mg, US A356)LM27 (Al–Si7Cu2Mn0.5)

Eutectic silicon LM6 (Al–Si12, US 413)LM20 (Al–Si12Cu, US A413)

Table 6.4 SrAl additions for eutectic modification (from Spooner S.J.,Cook R., Foundryman, 90, May 1997, p. 170)

Si content ofalloy (%)

Sr addition(%)

10SrAl Addition(kg/tonne)

200 gm pigletsper 100 kg melt

4–7 0.01–0.02 1–2 0.5–18–10 0.03–0.04 3–4 1.5–2

11–13 0.04–0.06 4–6 2–3

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Medium silicon alloys, 4–7% Si

The alloys should be melted under a covering/drossing flux and degassed.Grain refinement is advantageous and can assist response to heat treatment.Modification is not essential.

Crucible melting (using the MDU)

1 Melt under COVERAL GR2516 using 0.125–0.25% or COVERAL 11, using0.5%, raising the temperature to 750–760°C.

2 Grain refinement can be done by plunging NUCLEANT 2000 tablets(0.25%) or NUCLEANT 70 tablets (0.08%).

3 Skim off the flux. Swing the Mobile Degassing Unit into position anddegas for 3–5 minutes. As an alternative to the use of NUCLEANT, grainrefinement can be carried out simultaneously with degassing by using TiB5/1 grain refiner. Suitable lengths of rod to give 6–10 kg/tonne additionare added to the melt when the ladle is in position at the Rotary DegassingUnit. The rod melts quickly, usually by the time the rotor is inserted intothe melt. Grain refinement and degassing take place simultaneously. Skimthe metal clean before casting.

Bulk melting

1 Melt under COVERAL GR2220 granular flux using about 0.5 kg/squaremetre of melt area, or COVERAL 5F powder flux at 1 kg/square metreforming a complete cover adding half early and the rest when the chargeis molten.

2 Transfer the required amount of metal to the transfer ladle, grain refine byplunging NUCLEANT 2000 tablets (0.25%).

3 Degas using the MDU. As an alternative to the use of NUCLEANT, grainrefinement can be carried out simultaneously with degassing by using TiB5/1 rod, as described above.

Suggested pouring temperatures for sand castings:

Light castings, under 15 mm 730°CMedium castings, 15–40 mm 710°CHeavy castings, over 40 mm 690°C

Eutectic silicon alloys, 12% Si

The alloys should be melted under a covering/drossing flux. Grainrefinement benefits heavy section castings and the eutectic alloys benefitgreatly from modification.

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Treatment of aluminium alloy melts 85

Crucible melting

1 Melt under COVERAL GR2516 or COVERAL 11 as in 1 above, taking thetemperature to 750°C.

2 Modify the alloy by drawing the dross to one side and plunging a NAVACunit (one NAVAC 25 per 50 kg of metal). When the reaction has subsided,raise and lower the plunger a few times to stir the metal gently, allow themetal to stand for a few minutes, then skim off the dross.

3 Swing the Mobile Degassing Unit into position and degas for 3–5minutes.

4 If grain refinement is required, NUCLEANT 2000 tablets (0.25%) may beplunged before degassing. Alternatively TiB 5/1 rod can be added beforedegassing.

5 Skim clean before casting.

Bulk melting

1 Melt under COVERAL GR2220 granular flux using about 0.5 kg/squaremetre of melt area, or COVERAL 5F powder flux at 1 kg/square metreforming a complete cover adding half early and the rest when the chargeis molten.

2 Transfer the required amount of metal to the transfer ladle.3 Modify the alloy by plunging NAVAC (one NAVAC 25 unit for 50 kg of

metal). If strontium modification is preferred, which may be the case if themetal is to be transferred to a holding furnace, 10SrAl master alloy can beplunged adding one 200 g piglet to 50 kg of metal (0.04%).

4 Swing the Mobile Degassing Unit into position and degas for 3–5minutes.

5 If grain refinement is needed as well, NUCLEANT 2000 tablets(125 g/50 kg metal) can be plunged before degassing or TiB 5/1 rod addedbefore degassing.

6 Skim the metal clean before use.

Suggested pouring temperatures for sand castings:

Light castings, under 15 mm 730°CMedium castings, 15–40 mm 710°CHeavy castings, over 40 mm 690°C

Treatment of hypereutectic Al–Si alloys (over 16% Si)

These are wear-resistant alloys used for pistons and unlined cylinder blocks;they may be sand, chill or pressure cast. Grain refinement is necessary toimprove castability and machinability. Hypereutectic alloys must be refined

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86 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

with phosphorus using Al–P master alloy. Alternatively prerefined ingotcan be used. Melting must be under a sodium-free flux, since sodiumprevents the refining action of phosphorus. Degassing is necessary butmodification with sodium or strontium is not used.

Melting practice

1 Melt under COVERAL 66 sodium-free flux, adding 0.5% with the chargeand a further 0.5% when molten.

2 Bring the melt to 780°C and plunge Al–P master alloy, dross-off.3 Degas with the Mobile Degassing Unit.4 Skim the metal clean before use.

The casting temperature for these alloys is high, around 750–760°C.

Melting and treatment of aluminium–magnesiumalloys (4–10% Mg)

These alloys oxidise rapidly during melting and also pick up hydrogenreadily. Traces of sodium are harmful and sodium-free fluxes should beused. Grain refinement is necessary.

Crucible melting

1 Heat the crucible and charge the solid metal dusted with a generousquantity of COVERAL 65 (250 g for 50 kg of metal) and melt rapidly.

2 At a temperature of around 600°C, when the metal is pasty, add a furtherquantity of COVERAL 65 (1 kg for 50 kg of metal).

3 Do not exceed 750°C, stir the fluid flux into the melt using a skimmer orplunger to contact the flux as much as possible with the metal, keepstirring until the flux has turned dry and powdery.

4 Degas using the MDU and grain refine using TiB 5/1 rod or by plungingNUCLEANT 2000 before degassing.

5 Dross-off by sprinkling COVERAL 66 (250 g per 50 kg of metal) andleaving for 5 minutes.

6 Rabble into the surface to start the exotherm and skim off the powderydross.

Casting temperature is typically 700°C. A metal-mould reaction may occurin green sand moulds and an inhibitor such as boric acid may beincorporated in the sand. With chemically bonded sand moulds and cores,a suitable coating such as MOLDCOTE 41 may be used instead of aninhibitor.

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Treatment of aluminium alloy melts 87

Special requirements for gravity diecasting

Thin section (<5 mm) gravity diecastings cool so quickly that it is sometimesconsidered unnecessary to grain refine or modify the alloy. For castingshaving sections above 5 mm, grain refinement is beneficial and modificationof eutectic alloys (10–13% Si) may be used. Melting practice for high qualitygravity diecastings and low pressure diecastings is generally the same as forsand casting and is described above.

In some less-critical gravity diecastings, a small amount of gas in themetal may be beneficial since dispersed gas porosity may be considered lessharmful than shrinkage. The use of DYCASTAL, which induces limited andcontrolled gassing of the melt, is frequently found useful in the preventionof shrinkage in many gravity diecastings.

The metal is melted as usual using the appropriate COVERAL flux.Degassing is not usually necessary. Immediately prior to baling out metalfor casting, plunge 0.25–0.5% of DYCASTAL 40 tablets (depending on theexisting gas content of the alloy and the severity of the defects to beovercome) and hold until the reaction is complete. Skim off the dross andcast. The treatment must be repeated at 20–30 minute intervals as thegassing effect lasts for only this time. If draws or shrinkage are seen on thecastings being made, this indicates that further treatment with DYCASTAL40 is necessary.

For hand ladle treatment, DYCASTAL 1 powder may be sprinkled bymeans of a shaker into the bottom of the preheated ladle where it melts. Theladle is filled with metal and when the bubbling ceases, the ladle should bepoured without delay. The amount used must be found by experience forthe particular melting practice and castings being made. DYCASTAL shouldnot be used where the rate of solidification is slow or for high integritycastings.

Treatment of alloys for pressure diecasting

Pressure diecasting is a fast, repetitive casting process in which molten metalis injected at high pressure (e.g. 20 MPa, 3000 psi) into a steel die. Highproduction rates are possible with wall thicknesses as low as 1 mm (though2–3 mm is more usual). Surface finish and dimensional tolerances areexcellent. The die may incorporate retractable steel cores but sand corescannot be used because the high metal pressure would cause penetration.

With conventional pressure diecasting, castings usually suffer fromporosity because air in the die cavity becomes trapped in the casting;moreover thick sections are difficult to cast sound because of shrinkage. Thecastings cannot be fully heat treated since the trapped air causes “blistering”of the casting surface when the casting is heated. On the other hand, therapid chilling in the die produces a fine grain structure and good as-caststrength.

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88 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

The commonly used alloys contain 8–10% Si and 2–3% Cu with around1% Fe. The alloys are usually bulk melted and transferred to holdingfurnaces at each casting machine from which metal is dispensed into the dieby an automatic ladle, or in manual operations, by baling out. The holdingfurnaces are topped up from time to time from the melting unit.

In the past, it was not considered worthwhile to degas the alloy beforecasting (because some gas porosity was accepted as inevitable). Fur-thermore, the cooling rate in the die is so fast that grain refinement andmodification were also not considered necessary. However, with improve-ments in the practice of pressure diecasting (see Chapter 9), it is found thattreatment of the liquid alloy by Rotary Degassing is effective both indegassing and removing non-metallic inclusions, so some diecasters degasin the transfer ladle for this reason. Strontium modification is also found tobe beneficial.

Bulk melting is carried out under a covering/drossing flux to ensureminimum metal loss. COVERAL GR2220 granular flux at 0.5 kg/squaremetre is used or COVERAL 5 powder flux at 0.5–1% of metal weight or1 kg/square metre of melt area forming a complete cover, adding half earlyand the rest at final melt down.

In the holding furnace, COVERAL 75 low temperature flux can be used asa cover to reduce metal loss. Scatter 0.25–0.5% onto the metal surface andrabble gently until the exotherm develops. Push aside or remove beforetaking ladles.

See Chapter 9 for further details.

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Chapter 7

Running, gating and feedingaluminium castings


The primary function of a gating system is to introduce clean, dross-freemetal from the pouring ladle to the mould cavity and to do so in a mannerwhich will not cause subsequent reoxidation and gas pick-up. Aluminiumalloys are all subject to dross formation, a film of oxide forms immediatelyon any metal surface exposed to air (see Table 3.1) Oxide films form on thesurface of the metal stream as it pours from ladle to mould and will formwithin the mould cavity as the mould is filling with metal. Turbulence of themetal stream, outside or within the mould, not only exposes more metalsurface to oxidation, but also entraps oxide films within the casting (oxidefolds) leading to a reduction in mechanical properties.

There is no general agreement among foundrymen about the methodof gating aluminium castings although certain principles are widelyaccepted:

Where possible, gating should be into the bottom of the castingUnpressurised gating should always be used, that is, the gate areasshould not limit the flow rate into the mould cavityIngates should be taken from the top of the runner to ensure that therunner bar is always fullThe sprue should control the fill rate of the castingThe sprue should be designed to avoid entraining air and dross, itshould be tapered downwards so that the sprue base is the flowcontrolling areaLow stream velocities should be used to avoid turbulence, optimumstream velocities as low as 500 mm/s have been reported for Al alloys(and 75 mm/s for Al bronze)

The introduction of ceramic foam filters has, however, changed traditionalideas of gating aluminium castings.

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Pouring bushMould


90 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

Gating without filters

The following traditional gating rules apply to all dross-forming non-ferrousalloys including aluminium alloys and bronzes such as aluminium bronze.They are mainly applicable to sand moulds.

Pouring bush

The use of a properly designed pouring bush is recommended on all but thesmallest of castings. The pouring bush should be designed in such a way sothat the pourer can fill the sprue quickly and maintain a near constant headthroughout the pour. An offset design incorporating a weir achieves thisobjective, Fig. 7.1. The pouring bush should be rectangular in shape so thatthe upward circulation during pouring will assist in dross removal. The exitfrom the pouring bush should be radiused and match up with the sprueentrance.

The practice of pouring directly down the sprue or the use of conical-shaped bushes which direct flow straight down the sprue is discouraged asnot only will air and dross be entrained and carried down into the system,but also the high velocity of the metal stream will result in excessiveturbulence in the gating system.


The sprue controls the fill rate of the casting and hence is the single mostimportant part of the gating system. Whenever production practices permit,the sprue should be tapered with the smaller controlling area at its base, allsubsequent parts of the gating systems are determined from the sprue exitarea. The sprue should provide a 5° taper from the controlling area. In

Figure 7.1 A properly designed pouring bush.

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5° taper

Running, gating and feeding aluminium castings 91

practice this means that the top of the sprue should have an area roughly 17� h% greater than the bottom, where h is the sprue height.

If the sprue height is over 300 mm it is sufficient to increase sectiondiameter from bottom to top by 50%, Fig. 7.2.

The cross-section of the sprue can be round, square or rectangular. Thereis evidence to suggest that a rectangular shape is to be preferred due to areduced tendency to vortex formation which could result in air aspiration.

Sprue base

Because stream velocity is at its maximum at the bottom of the sprue it isimportant that a sprue base be used to cushion the stream and allow theflow to change from vertical to horizontal with a minimum of turbulence.Recommended sizes of the sprue base are a diameter 2–3 times the sprueexit diameter and a depth equal to twice the depth of the runner bar, Fig.7.2.

Runners and gates

Non-ferrous alloys should always be cast with an unpressurised gatingsystem with the runner in the drag (lower half of the mould) and the ingatesin the cope (upper half of the mould). The area of the runner bar should bebetween 2 and 4 times the area of the sprue base, and the total area of ingatesat least equal and up to twice the runner area. This is to ensure that therequired fill rate is achieved at the lowest possible velocity. Alloysparticularly susceptible to drossing, such as aluminium bronze, may requireeven larger runners and gates to ensure stream velocities are kept to aminimum.

Figure 7.2 Recommended sprue taper and sprue base dimensions.

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MaximiseIngates in cope

Runner in drag

92 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

Runner cross-sections should ideally be rectangular, with a width to depthratio of 2:1, the wider upper surface is to maximise the potential of therunner bar to collect dross and inclusions. The distance between sprue andthe first gate should be maximised for effective inclusion removal, Fig. 7.3.When multiple gates are taken off a runner bar, the area of the runner shouldbe reduced by the area of each gate as it is passed, to ensure that flow fromeach gate is uniform. It is also good practice to incorporate a sump or drosstrap at the end of runners to take the initial heavily oxidised metal.

Ingates should enter the mould cavity at the lowest possible level to avoidturbulence associated with a falling metal stream. As with the runner bar,ingates should be rectangular in cross-section rather than square so as not tocause a “hot-spot” and subsequent porosity at the casting contact. The exactwidth to thickness ratio should be determined by the solidification time ofthe casting; as a rule of thumb, the thickness of ingates should be less thanone-third the thickness of the casting at the point of contact, Fig. 7.4.

Rules such as these are applicable mainly to castings made in smallnumbers in sand moulds where there is little opportunity to experimentwith running systems. The rules often conflict with other foundryrequirements:

Low stream velocities may not allow the casting to be filled quicklyenough to avoid cold metal defects in thin sections of the castingLarge area runners and gates lead to poor yields which may beeconomically unacceptableBottom gating means that the coldest metal is at the top of the casting,just where the hottest metal is needed to ensure feeding to avoidshrinkage defects in the casting

Recent studies using real-time X-radiography, have allowed actual flowpatterns occurring in running systems to be studied with some surprises forthe foundryman. The filling basin, if it is a simple cone, allows metal to fall

Figure 7.3 Maximise the distance between the sprue and the first gate foreffective inclusion removal.

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Total 2-4c2-4c

Stepped runner





0.5WSection AA

Running, gating and feeding aluminium castings 93

unchecked from the pouring ladle leading to fast filling of the mould andallowing air bubbles to be carried through into the mould cavity. In gravitydies, in particular, these bubbles may become trapped causing castingdefects. Even if the sprue is carefully designed, with correct inlet and outletareas and the correct taper, the initial phase of filling the sprue can trap airbubbles and carry them into the running system.

The well at the base of the sprue was thought to assist the turn of themetal through the right angle bend and control the entry of metal into therunner, but in fact even the best designed well contributes to disintegrationof the flow and introduces air and oxide.

The runner, before it fills completely with metal, may also entrain air as ahigh speed jet of metal flows initially along the base of the runner, reflectingfrom the far end and rolling backwards over the underlying fast jet. Air istrapped between the opposing flows feeding bubbles into the mouldcavity.

Ingates, placed on top of the runner, are expected to fill only after therunner fills. This is not so, metal can enter the gate at an early stage andspray from them at high velocity into the mould cavity.

Gating with filters

The widespread use of foam ceramic filters has introduced a new dimensioninto the running and gating of aluminium castings. Filters have severalimportant effects:

Figure 7.4 Recommended runner and gate area, runner system and steppedrunner.

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They effectively trap dross and some oxide filmsThey control metal flow rateThey reduce turbulence

The use of ceramic filters allows the traditional gating rules to be modifiedwhile still achieving quality castings. Foam ceramic filters have a distinctadvantage over the extruded type in that there is no separation of the initialmetal stream which passes through them, hence the possibility of reoxida-tion at the filter exit face is less. The provision of a ceramic foam filterimmediately after the base of the sprue changes the flow patternsdramatically.

The filter requires a certain amount of pressure and time to prime, so theflow of metal is temporarily arrested on encountering the filter, this allowsthe sprue to backfill excluding air from the incoming metal. Metal emergesfrom the exit of the filter in a single turbulence-free stream at low velocity,hence the runner fills gently and the gates operate as designed. The castingthen fills without the entrainment of air and oxide films.

The beneficial effect of filters is seen therefore as mainly due to theirability to eliminate turbulence, although they also filter out any gross drossinclusions carried over from the melting unit.

Full details of the use of filters are given in Chapter 8.

Feeding mechanisms in Al alloy and othernon-ferrous castings

Aluminium alloys shrink by 3.5–6.0% during solidification, so that withoutfeeding, castings must contain porosity defects. The feeding requirementsare dependent to a large extent on the freezing range of the alloy being cast,Table 7.1.

The freezing ranges of other non-ferrous alloys are given in Chapter 1.

Table 7.1 Approximate freezing range of Al alloys

Alloy Approximate freezing range (°C)

LM0 Al 99.5 657–650 7°LM6 Al–Si12 575–565 10° Short freezing rangeLM20 Al–Si12Cu 575–565 10°

�LM4 Al–Si5Cu3 580–520 60° Long freezing rangeLM25 Al–Si7Mg 615–550 65° �

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Feeder Cavity atthermal centre

Centre lineshrinkage

Running, gating and feeding aluminium castings 95

Solidification of short freezing range alloys (Fig. 7.5)

When an alloy of short freezing range cools in a sand mould, that portion ofthe liquid which first reaches the liquidus temperature begins to solidify.This usually occurs at the mould interface where heat extraction is greatest.The chilling action of the mould wall results in the formation of a thin skinof solid metal surrounding the liquid. With further extraction of heatthrough this shell of solid metal, the liquid begins to freeze onto it and thewall of solid metal increases in thickness. The solid and liquid portions areseparated by a relatively sharp line of demarcation – the solidification front– which advances steadily towards the centre of the casting. The crystalgrowth on the solidification front is relatively short and corresponds to thestart of freeze at their apex and the end of freeze at their bases. Short freezingrange alloys encourage directional solidification even at relatively lowthermal gradients.

Solidification of long freezing range alloys (Fig. 7.6)

With long freezing range alloys, the development of directional solidifica-tion is difficult. Although a thin skin may initially form on the mould walls,solidification does not proceed progressively inwards. Instead, solidificationbegins by the advance from the mould walls towards the interior of a“nucleation wave” corresponding with the liquidus isotherm. At some timelater a second “end-of-freeze wave” corresponding with the solidusisotherm moves away from the mould walls and pursues the “nucleationwave” towards the centre of the casting. Freezing thus begins at eachlocation in the casting when the nucleation wave passes it and ends therewhen the end-of-freeze wave reaches it. In general there are three distinctzones during solidification of a long freezing range alloy: a completelyliquid zone at the thermal centre of the casting; a zone of solid metal next tothe mould walls and a region of partial solidification between the liquid andsolid zones.

Figure 7.5 Typical forms of porosity in short freezing range alloys.

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Feeder Coarselydispersedporosity



96 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

Factors which influence solidification mechanisms

There are a number of factors which affect the solidification mode of aparticular alloy. The solidification range of an alloy, as measured intemperature degrees, is not on its own a true indicator of solidificationmode. Rather the time interval between the start of freeze and the end offreeze is what determines how an alloy will solidify. The interval betweenliquidus and solidus is determined by a number of factors including:

The solidification range of the alloy:This is a fundamental characteristic of a particular alloy. For a givenmould material, the effect of increasing solidification range is toincrease the time interval between start and end of freezing,

The thermal characteristics of the mould:An increase in the thermal conductivity of the mould materialreduces the interval between start and end of freeze,

The thermal conductivity of the solidifying alloy:The effect of an alloy of high thermal conductivity is to reducethermal gradients within the casting, thus increasing the intervalbetween start and end of freeze.

Solidification temperature:A low solidification temperature which reduces temperature gra-dients between mould and casting will decrease thermal gradientswithin the casting and increase the interval between start and end offreeze.

The effect of solidification mechanism on shrinkagedistribution

Generally speaking, the short freezing range alloys show deep pipes in thefeeders as feed metal is supplied to the casting throughout the entire

Figure 7.6 Typical forms of porosity in long freezing range alloys.

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solidification interval. Internal porosity within the casting can take the formof small open cavities which occur near the end of the solidification whenthe feed metal is cut off by the merging of parallel solidification fronts, thisis commonly called centreline shrinkage. Another form of shrinkageexhibited by short freezing range alloys is open cavities at inadequately fedthermal centres and isolated heavy sections, Fig. 7.5.

With alloys of long freezing range, feeders often show minimal pipe as the“mushy” solidification mode will only allow liquid flow for a part of thetotal solidification time. Finely dispersed porosity can exist throughout theentire casting section, with coarser concentrations at parts of slower coolingsuch as junctions and under feeder heads, Fig. 7.6. Under normal foundryconditions, it is virtually impossible to achieve absolute soundness inextremely long freezing range alloys such as tin or phosphor bronzes.

Feeding of aluminium alloy and other non-ferrous alloycastings

For satisfactory feeding of alloys of short freezing range, feeders must beplaced over thermal centres of the casting and they must solidify after thatpart of the casting to which they are connected. Insulating feeding aids suchas KALMIN 70 are used to ensure effective feeding and to improve yield.The feeders must be of sufficient volume to compensate for the liquid andsolidification shrinkage of the alloy which is influenced by the alloycomposition, the degree of pouring superheat, the shape of the casting andthe gas content of the alloy. Due consideration should be given to thefeeding range of the alloy. The methods of calculating feeder and feeding aidrequirements are described in Chapter 17.

The concept of directional solidification has little relevance with alloys oflong freezing range. Generally the goal in feeding such alloys is not toeliminate porosity totally but to ensure that it is dispersed as evenly aspossible throughout the casting section. It is often desirable for feeders tocompensate only for superheat and a portion of solidification shrinkage soas not to extend the solidification time excessively. The shrinkage volume forwhich the feeders must compensate is again influenced by the alloyconstitution, the degree of pouring superheat, the section thickness of thecasting and the gas content of the alloy. Long freezing range alloys havevirtually no feeding range and under normal foundry conditions, achievinga high degree of soundness is virtually impossible.

Because of the difficulties of calculating precise feeding requirements foraluminium alloys, foundrymen still rely to a large extent on experience toachieve acceptable results.

In some copper-based alloys, such as gunmetals and phosphor bronzeswith very long freezing ranges, the difficulty of feeding porosity isaggravated by high thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity and latentheat of solidification. In these cases it may be advisable to cast withoutfeeders to keep thermal gradients as uniform as possible to encourageevenly dispersed porosity.

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Simulation modelling

A number of software packages are now available which model the flow ofmetals into dies or moulds and allow the solidification of the casting to besimulated. Computer modelling is being increasingly used for the design ofdies and moulds for aluminium casting in order to reduce the lead timerequired for making new castings.

Predictive fluid flow software, Magmasoft being one of the best known,uses physics-based modelling to allow mould filling to be studied and itseffects on casting soundness to be assessed. Ideally such modelling shouldenable the onset of turbulence during mould filling to be predicted and theeffect of gating systems on the temperature distribution within the casting tobe studied. While flow modelling is not yet perfect, it does enable possibledanger areas in the casting to be predicted.

Figure 7.7 shows a gravity diecast air intake manifold casting. The originalgating system (Fig. 7.7a) had 4 ingates spaced evenly along the length of thecasting. The casting had severe pressure tightness problems. The casting wassubjected to mould filling simulation to identify and eliminate the defect.The first step in any flow modelling investigation is to obtain a 3D CADmodel of the mould cavity and all of the boundary conditions such as alloytype, mould and core materials, coatings used etc. The filling simulationindicates the direction of flow of metal at any point with arrows. Thevelocity of the metal is indicated by the arrow length and the arrow colourshows the temperature for any given moment in time during the fillingsequence.

Figures 7.7b–e show the progress of mould filling in the first 3 seconds.Figures 7.8a–f show the same manifold rigged for direct pouring through

a foam filter located to combat the problem. The mould filling modelling canalso be used to help design pressure diecasting dies, even for components ascomplex as an aluminium engine block. Process parameters such as pouringtemperature, shot profile of the diecasting machine piston, cycle times, die-cooling water flow and temperature are taken into account. Even with fillingtimes as short as 120 milliseconds, temperature distributions at the end offilling can be estimated, indicating where cold laps might be expected sothat the die cooling can be modified to avoid the problem. Solidificationtimes within the casting can also be estimated, indicating where isolated hotspots occur which could give rise to porosity problems. Metal sections canthen be increased locally to optimise feeding paths.

This type of analysis will be used increasingly in the future to identify andeliminate potential sources of defects such as hot spots, cold laps, misrunsand oxide defects. Feed metal requirements will be quantified and optimumpouring temperature proposed. Increasingly it will enable dies and mouldsto be designed “right first time”.

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Chapter 8

Filtration of aluminium alloycastings


It has been known since aluminium was first used for commercial castingpurposes that a melt can contain many non-metallic particles, films, orclusters in sizes from a few microns to several millimetres, Table 3.1.Whatever the size and chemical composition of these inclusions, they havebeen shown to be detrimental to the finished casting; decreasing themechanical properties, increasing the propensity to leak under pressure andreducing machinability. Furthermore, these inclusions add to the difficultyof making the casting by reducing the fluidity of the metal. It has also beenrecognised that, since aluminium oxidises very readily, turbulence of themelt should be avoided. Turbulence leads to “folding in” of oxides andcreation of new oxides from exposure of clean aluminium to the atmosphere.To counter this it is usual to cast aluminium using non-pressurised systems,for example 1:2:4 (sprue:runner:gate area) so that metal front velocities areminimised (See Chapter 7).

The introduction of ceramic foam filters to the aluminium industry in the1970s was a major advance. The foam filter has a tortuous path through itsbody which traps inclusions allowing clean, smooth-flowing metal to enterthe mould cavity, Fig. 8.1. By the 1980s most aerospace parts and many highintegrity automotive parts were filtered.

At first, the most widely used foam filter for aluminium was made ofphosphate bonded alumina ceramic, white in colour, very hard, abrasiveand brittle. The brittleness caused problems due to fine particles breaking offand entering the mould cavity to form inclusions in the casting. Ceramicalumina inclusions lower the mechanical properties of the casting and candamage machine tools. Furthermore the remelting of sprues and runnerscontaining used filters caused difficulties due to phosphorus from thephosphate bonded alumina filters contaminating the melt and possiblyinterfering with modification treatment. Some foundries found it necessaryto cut out the portion of the runner containing the filter to be remeltedseparately from the bulk of the foundry returns.

Some filters were made of silicon carbide but they were also subject tosome limitations in their remelt capability, since low silicon alloys can pickup silicon from remelted returns containing silicon carbide filters.

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SIVEX FC filters

To avoid these problems Foseco has developed SIVEX FC, a graphite-basednon-ceramic foam filter for use with aluminium alloys. SIVEX FC filtershave all the advantageous characteristics of standard reticulated foamfilters, cleaning the metal by removing dross and non-metallic inclusions.Because of the filter’s high surface area, even particles smaller than the sizeof its pores can be captured and retained in the depth of the filter. The foamstructure also provides smooth, non-turbulent metal flow, so that oxideformation during mould filling is reduced. This allows simplification ofgating systems, providing significant cost savings through yield improve-ment. Due to its method of manufacture, dimensional control is better thanthe older alumina filters, with typical tolerances of +0.0, –1.5 mm. Metalflow rates and flow capacity before blockage are comparable to those ofsimilar ceramic foam filters. Specific advantages of SIVEX FC filtersinclude:

The absence of abrasive ceramic components allows significant newfreedom in filter location, even very close to the casting surface, sincethe filter can be removed by machining without damaging the cuttingor machining tools.The filter’s low density – only about 60% the density of comparableceramic filters – means that filters readily float to the surface of the meltduring recycling of running systems. They are easily skimmed off withthe dross, avoiding refractory particles remaining in the melt.The phosphate-free binder eliminates concerns about melt contamina-tion during recycling.

Figure 8.1 A schematic view of the cleaning effect and flow smoothing of foamfilters.

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The graphite composition is more easily wetted by molten aluminiumthan typical filter ceramics, so the metal head height required toeffectively prime the filter in the early stages of pouring is reduced.With ceramic filters, a priming head of about 100 mm is typicallyneeded. With SIVEX FC filters, this is reduced to 60 mm.The low density and low thermal capacity of the filters result in reducedheat loss from the metal to the filter, preventing premature freezing.

Use of filters in conventional running systems

The flow of metal through a filter is shown schematically in Fig. 8.2. Initially,there is a delay while the filter is primed; no flow occurs until sufficientpressure is created by a suitable head of metal, an initial surge of metal isthen observed, followed by a steady flow until filter blockage occurs. Therunning system must be designed to fill the mould cavity before theblockage stage is reached. The presence of the filter ensures that the lowerpart of the sprue and part of the runner bar are filled before metal begins toflow, thereby avoiding turbulence and air entrapment.

For most applications, the best site for the filter will be self-evident. Itshould be placed as near to the casting as possible in a special print so thatwhile as much filter surface as possible is open to the metal stream, theedges are sealed and metal cannot leak round. The print can be horizontal

Figure 8.2 Schematic pattern of flow through a ceramic foam filter.

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on the joint line, with metal passing either up or down through the filter orit may be positioned in the vertical plane across a conventional runner, Figs8.3, 8.4.

In all cases, the runner should be opened out prior to and after the filterso that almost the full area is utilised and the filter does not become a choke,Fig. 8.5. Very little pressure or metallostatic head is required to prime thefilter, no special arrangements need to be made and no preheating isrequired. Alternative locations in the running/gating system or in thedown-sprue may be preferred.

Figure 8.3 Typical filter print for horizontal filter position.

Figure 8.4 Typical filter print for vertical filter position.

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Figure 8.5 Runner and filter dimensions for SIVEX FC ceramic foam filters foraluminium castings.

Table 8.1 SIVEX FC filter sizes and recommended print sizes (availablein 10 and 20 ppi)



Recommendedprint onEntrance ‘‘A’’ (mm)

Recommendedprint onExit ‘‘B’’ (mm)

Largestrunner bararea (mm2)

30 � 30 1500 3 5 75035 � 35 1225 3 5 61350 � 50 2500 3 5 125050 � 75 3750 3 5 187550 � 100 5000 3 6.5 250075 � 75 5625 3 8 2813

25 dia. 491 3 3.5 24630 dia. 707 3 3.5 35440 dia. 1257 3 5 62945 dia. 1590 3 5 79550 dia. 1964 3 5 98255 dia. 2376 3 5 1188

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The amount of metal that can be passed through a filter depends on anumber of factors, especially the type of alloy and its intrinsic cleanliness. Inan existing running system, the filter area should be twice that of theexisting runner bar area. In new applications the following capacity andflow rate should be considered in designing the gating system:

Capacity 1–2 kg/cm2 of filter areaFlow rate 0.05–0.10 kg/cm2 per second

These figures are only a guide as they depend on application, alloy type,temperature, metal head and metal cleanliness.

SIVEX FC ceramic filters are available in 10 and 20 ppi (pores per inch)offering different filtering efficiencies for varying applications. The SIVEXFC filter should be printed on all four sides as shown in Fig. 8.5.

The range of SIVEX FC filter sizes and recommended print sizes is shownin Table 8.1.

Printing to these designs ensures that no bypass of the filter will occur.

Direct pouring of aluminium alloy castings

The concept of direct pouring into the top of a mould cavity has long beenrecognised as desirable, with the potential benefits of:

Improved yieldSimplified sprue, gating and feeding designReduced fettling costs

Unfortunately, direct pouring was frequently found to introduce defects dueto the turbulent flow of the metal in all but the simplest of castings. Inaddition, the impingement of high velocity metal streams caused erosion ofmoulds or cores. These objections can be overcome by pouring the metalthrough a ceramic foam filter situated at the base of the sprue. Clean metal,free from turbulence and oxide, fills the mould cavity and helps to feed thecasting through the filter. Directional solidification and casting soundness ispromoted and gates are unnecessary. The impingement problem is reducedbecause the metal velocity is reduced as it passes through the filter. Figure2.1 shows the spread of tensile strength found in a series of over 100 test barscast in Al–Si7Mg (LM25) alloy in resin bonded sand moulds. The unfilteredcastings show a few, but very significant, low strength test pieces whichmicroscopic examination of fracture surfaces showed to be due to oxideinclusions. No such low strength test pieces were seen with the filtered testpieces. Filtration has effectively removed the oxide inclusions. Remarkably,the test bars top poured through a ceramic foam filter gave consistentlybetter mechanical properties than filtered bottom-filled castings.

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KALPUR combined sleeve and SIVEX FC filter foraluminium castingsThe KALPUR unit Fig. 8.6 was developed specially for aluminium sand andgravity diecastings. The direct pouring unit is positioned in a suitable locationin the top of the mould or die, on the site of a feeder, for example. The locationshould be chosen so that the minimum free fall of metal after the filter occursto avoid splashing. Also thought must be given to the thermal aspects ofpouring so that hot spots which cause porosity are not created.

With direct pouring, the first metal in the mould or die stays at the bottomof the casting, and hot metal goes into the risers so they become moreefficient. Due to the improved thermal gradient, it is possible to pour atlower temperatures than normal, which helps to reduce oxidation and

Figure 8.6 A schematic view of the cleaning and flow-smoothing effect of pouringdirectly through a KALPUR unit.

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Figure 8.7 (a) Sand cast aluminium casting using standard running system. (b)Casting made using the KALPUR direct pouring sleeve/filter unit. (c) Optimiseddirect pouring system.

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Filtration of aluminium alloy castings 107

reduces energy costs. Gates and sprues are unnecessary which enablesoverall mould or die dimensions to be reduced.

An example of the value of using the KALPUR combined sleeve/filterunit is shown in Fig. 8.7. The sand casting is an element from a conveyorsystem weighing 3.5 kg, cast in Al-7SiMg. Figure 8.7a shows the conven-tional running system using 6 ingates for bottom filling. Figure 8.7b showsthe use of the KALPUR unit to replace the extensive running system as wellas eliminating two of the feeders. Figure 8.7c shows the optimised directpouring system. Without the large running system, the number of castingsper pattern plate was doubled and the casting yield further improved.

Direct pouring into metal diesThe KALPUR units are of greatest value for sand casting aluminium. If usedin gravity diecasting, the extended solidification time promoted by theinsulating sleeve can slow the production rate. Top pouring is in this casepossible by incorporating a SIVEX FC filter into the downsprue. Figure 8.8shows a 3.4 kg radiator top tank casting made in Al–Si12 alloy (LM6) bygravity diecasting. The original gating system had a conventional down-sprue, runner bar and four equally spaced ingates introducing metal alongthe length of the casting. The casting suffered severe pressure tightnessproblems which led to 100% of production needing to be impregnated. Theleaking castings were caused by two metal streams colliding as the castingfilled. An oxide defect formed where the streams met causing the leakage.By pouring through a ceramic foam filter in the single down-sprue, leak-freecastings were obtained and the casting yield significantly improved.

Figure 8.8 Gravity diecast casting directly cast through a SIVEX FC filter.

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Chapter 9

Pressure diecasting ofaluminium alloys


In high pressure diecasting, usually known as pressure diecasting, moltenalloy is injected under pressure into a highly accurate split metal mould. Itis the most widely used casting process for aluminium alloys. Productionrates are fast, the process can be highly automated, and dimensionalaccuracy and surface finish are excellent. Thin-walled components arepossible and little or no machining is needed on the cast component sinceholes, grooves and recesses can be finish cast.

Aluminium alloys are cast in cold-chamber diecasting machines. The dieis made of tool steel usually of two cavities into which the metal is forced.The die halves are closed and locked together hydraulically to withstand thehigh injection pressure. Molten metal is introduced through a pouring slotinto the shot tube, then a steel plunger forces the liquid metal into the diecavity under a pressure of up to 100 MPa (1000 bar), Fig. 9.1 The pressuresused are given in Table 9.1.

Figure 9.1 Calculation of the die opening force. (Courtesy Buhler Ltd.)

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Die filling times are very short, castings with wall thickness of 3–4 mm arefilled in less than 0.1 seconds. The metal solidifies rapidly because of thegood thermal contact with the water-cooled die and the die set is opened toeject the finished casting together with its sprue, the process is thenrepeated. Cycle times depend on size and section thickness of thecomponent, being typically 40 shots per hour for a component of 5 kg.

Machines are described by their “locking force”, Fig. 9.1, whichdetermines the cross-sectional area of the casting which can be made, whichis in turn related to the overall size and weight of casting. Machines can havelocking forces from 100 to over 2000 tonnes, Fig. 9.2.

Dies are expensive but can have a life of more than 100 000 shots. Theprocess is therefore most suitable for long runs of castings. One drawback ofthe process is that almost inevitably some air is trapped in the die with theliquid metal, so that the casting contains gas porosity although it isfrequently internal so that the component may be leak-tight. The presence ofinternal gas prevents subsequent heat treatment (the residual gas expandsand distorts the casting) and also places a limit on the mechanical propertiesattained by the casting. For this reason, the process has mainly been used forcastings which do not require the highest strength. Another disadvantage isthat sand cores cannot be used, since the high pressure liquid metal wouldpenetrate the core. Coring is thus limited to straight “draws” which can beformed with retractable steel “pulls”.

One of the main features of recent research has been the development ofspecial machines and processes which improve the hydraulic integrity andmechanical properties of pressure diecast components.

Die design

Dies are made of highly alloyed hot working tool steels. Because of thedifficulty of machining such steels, spark erosion machining is frequentlyused to form the cavities. Dies must be correctly heat treated to achieve the

Table 9.1 Guidance values for casting pressures (courtesy of Buhler Ltd)

Casting pressure (bars)

Al and Mg Zn Brass

Standard parts up to 400 100–200 300–400Technical parts 400–600 200–300 400–500Pressure-tight parts 800–1000 250–400 800–1000Chromium plating parts 220–250

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Figure 9.2 A Buhler SC D/53 pressure diecasting machine. Locking force 5250 kN, platen size 1080 � 1080 mm with Real Time ShotControl SC. Suitable for Al castings of 2.3–6.5 kg shot weight. (Courtesy Buhler Ltd.)

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Pressure diecasting of aluminium alloys 111

maximum life. Die design is clearly crucial to the success of the process. Notonly must the die be made to the correct dimensions, but the runner and gatesmust be dimensioned correctly, the die heating and cooling system must becarefully designed and the mechanical strength of the die must be designed towithstand the large forces involved. A great deal of experience is involved inthe design but in recent years CAD/CAM and computer simulation of diefilling and thermal conditions have been used to optimise die design.However carefully a die has been designed, it is usually necessary to try outthe die, then to “fine tune” it to achieve optimum performance with regard todie temperature and production rate. Several attempts may be needed beforethe final design is approved and this must be allowed for in estimating thelead time needed to bring a new casting on stream.

Large diecasting foundries analyse carefully the production data from theirdies to establish a relationship between casting geometry, die fill time, dietemperature, casting surface quality, porosity etc. This information assists thedesign of new dies.

Process control

There are three stages in the process of pressure diecasting illustrated in Fig.9.3:

1 Injection in the shot sleeve2 Filling the die3 Pressurisation during freezing

The internal quality of diecastings has improved in recent years throughprecise control of these stages. With die filling times as short as 0.1 seconds,

Figure 9.3 Typical injection-control stages during pressure diecasting. (FromCampbell, J. (1991) Castings. Butterworth-Heinemann, reproduced by permissionof the publishers.)

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metal flow speeds are very high (around 50 m/sec. gate speeds) the metalstream sprays and splashes in the cavity sealing off gas vents and trappingair within the casting.

Control of ram speed can reduce turbulence in the shot sleeve which inturn reduces air entrapment and improves casting porosity, Fig. 9.4.

Controlling the pressure profile of the injection stroke allows rapid fillingof the cavity while reducing the hydraulic impact which occurs at the end ofthe stroke through deceleration of the plunger before the end of the diefilling. This reduces flash and improves dimensional accuracy of the casting.The application of maximum pressure is delayed until freezing has started,pressure is then intensified to maintain as high a pressure as possible on theremaining liquid metal without causing the formation of flash. Transducerswhich measure plunger speed and pressure are used to control precisely thethree stages of fill through fast, “real time”, electronic control systems.

Modern diecasting machines are equipped with interactive controlsystems to stabilise the production conditions. Die temperature can becontrolled by thermocouples set into the die which control the cooling waterflow rate through the die and, where appropriate, electrical heaters.Sometimes temperature is controlled by pumping oil through channels inthe die so that combined heating and cooling can be achieved. This enablesthe die set to be preheated before casting starts so reducing the amount ofstart-up scrap.

Computer monitoring of the machine parameters is frequently used. Atthe start of a production run, the machine controls are adjusted until plunger

Figure 9.4 Injection of liquid into a horizontal shot sleeve of a cold chamberdiecasting machine, comparing (a) controlled and (b) uncontrolled first stages ofinjection. (From Campbell, J. (1991) Castings. Butterworth-Heinemann, reproducedby permission of the publishers.)

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speed and head pressures correspond to the values which previous trialshave shown to give satisfactory quality. During production runs, each shotcan be monitored and all variables can be assigned tolerance limits.Warnings can be given to the operator if the process is drifting close to thepreset tolerance limits. Parts made when the process is out of tolerance canbe separated and identified.

The improvements in the control of the pressure diecasting process haveled to significant improvements in the consistency and reliability ofdiecastings, which are increasingly being used for more criticalapplications.

Modification of the diecasting process

The pressure diecasting process is such a powerful casting process,producing castings of such excellent surface finish and dimensionalaccuracy, that many developments have been made to overcome the basicproblem of low internal integrity of the castings due to air entrapment.

Vacuum diecasting

The shot tube and die cavity are evacuated before metal injection to reducethe amount of air that is trapped.

Pore-free diecasting

The cavity is flushed with oxygen rather than air. The oxygen should thencombine with the liquid aluminium, forming oxide which is less harmfulthan gas entrapment.

Indirect squeeze casting

Metal is injected into a closed die cavity by a small diameter piston whichalso exerts sustained pressure during solidification. In the UBE system, aspecial thermally insulating die release agent is used which provides asignificant thermal barrier between the casting and the die during fillingallowing the metal to be fed further into the die cavity without freezing.When pressure is applied to the full cavity, the die coating is compressedreducing its insulating effect. The metal velocity during filling is controlledto ensure non-turbulent flow so that air entrapment is minimised. When thecavity has been completely filled, the pressure is applied. This can be from600 to 1000 bar (60 to 100 MPa).

It is most important that the temperature gradients within the die arecontrolled so that the casting freezes directionally towards the gate area.

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This gate area is made deliberately very thick so that it will be the last areato solidify. In this way, all the metal freezes under pressure reducing thepossibility of shrinkage porosity. The low metal velocities used do not washrelease agent from the die faces so that contact between the alloy and the diesteel is reduced. There is no need to use high-iron alloys to preventsoldering.

The resulting physical properties of the castings are much enhanced overconventional pressure diecastings, the gas content is low so that heattreatment is possible and hydraulic integrity good. Indirect squeeze castingscan be used for critical components such as brake callipers and hydrauliccomponents. There are disadvantages: large, thin, wall castings are notpossible, yield is reduced because of the large gate section that must be used,shot rates are slower than in conventional pressure diecasting and themachines are expensive.

Semi-solid metal casting

Slugs of aluminium alloy are inductively heated into a semi-solid state; theslug is introduced into the shot sleeve by a robot arm. The cavity fillingprocess generates shear, liquefying the metal which is then injected into thedie with minimum air entrapment.

All these modifications of the basic pressure diecasting process have thedisadvantage of longer cycle times and more complex dies or machines, sothat they are used only for special applications.

Applications of diecastings

The use of modern diecasting techniques is improving the metallurgicalquality of diecastings. Heat treatment is possible with some processes soextending the application of the diecasting to components such as hydraulicmanifolds, brake callipers, engine brackets, suspension arms, engine blocksetc.

One limitation of pressure diecasting is that complex cored castings cannotbe made. It is not possible to use sand cores since the high injection pressurecauses metal penetration. Special salt cores have been used, but are difficult toremove from the casting. Coring is limited to using tool steel “pulls”.

The diecasting foundry

Diecasting foundries usually have a number of casting machines of varioussizes. In addition to the diecasting machines themselves, the foundry musthave melting furnaces, holding furnaces, metal treatment facilities and

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Pressure diecasting of aluminium alloys 115

molten metal transport arrangements. The machines themselves need metalfeeding devices to fill the shot tubes, die sprayers to coat the dies withparting agent, casting extraction devices, die heater/coolers, flash removingpresses etc. All these devices can be automated to a greater or lesserextent.

Metal handling in the diecasting foundry

The commonly used pressure diecasting alloys contain 8–10% Si and 2–3%Cu with around 1% Fe. The presence of iron reduces the tendency for thecasting to “solder” to the steel die but it tends to deposit inclusions in meltsthat are held for any length of time. The most frequently used alloys are:

Al–Si8Cu3Fe (LM24, US A380)Al–Si10Cu2Fe (LM2)Al–Si9Cu3Fe (LM26)

Metal is normally melted in a bulk melter, either electric induction or gas-fired shaft or crucible furnaces. Liquid metal is transferred by ladle toindividual holding furnaces with automatic dosing and ladling at eachdiecasting machine.

For many years, it was not considered worthwhile to degas the alloybefore casting (because some gas porosity is accepted as inevitable).Furthermore, the cooling rate in the die is so fast that grain refinement andmodification are also not required. However, it is found that treatment of theliquid alloy by a Rotary Degassing Unit is effective in removing non-metallicinclusions, reducing sedimentation of hard iron–manganese inclusions aswell as lowering gas content. Increasingly diecasters are using RotaryDegassing in the transfer ladle for this reason. Some diecasters find thatmodification with strontium is also valuable.

Metal treatment

It is important to keep melting and holding furnaces clean to prevent hardinclusions of corundum from entering the castings. Regular use of a cleaningflux, COVERAL GR2220 or COVERAL 88, is recommended. Bulk melting iscarried out under a covering/drossing flux to ensure minimum metal loss.COVERAL GR2220 granular flux (0.5 kg/square metre) or COVERAL 5Fpowder flux (1 kg/square metre) is used forming a complete cover, addinghalf early and the rest at final melt down.

The metal is poured into the transfer ladle and degassed using the MobileDegassing Unit or the fixed Foundry Degassing Unit (FDU), modificationusing SrAl piglets may also be done at the same time. Note that sodiummodification is not suitable since the metal may be held for a long time inthe holding furnace before use.

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In the holding furnace, COVERAL 72 low temperature flux can be used as acover to reduce metal loss. Scatter 0.25–0.5% onto the metal surface andrabble gently until the exotherm develops. Push aside or remove beforetaking ladles.

Die coatingRefractory die coatings are not used for pressure diecasting, since high heattransfer is needed to cool the casting quickly and achieve fast casting cycletimes. However, the die must be sprayed between each shot with alubricant.

The conditions under which a die lubricant must work are particularlysevere. The die cycles at a high temperature (250–300°C) and at regularintervals molten metal is injected at great pressure. All the alloys castcommercially will attack and weld to steel dies. The lubricant must protect theexpensive die from direct metallurgical attack and erosion as well as lubricateslides, cores, ejector pins etc. to prevent them seizing at the high operatingtemperature. The coating also has a cooling function. Only occasionally can asingle lubricant be relied upon to perform all functions satisfactorily, sopressure diecasting lubricants are usually divided into two types:

Mechanism lubricantsDie face lubricants

Specialist lubricant suppliers such as Chem-Trend supply a wide range ofproducts for all types of pressure diecasting.

Plunger and mechanism lubricants

Chem-Trend has an extensive range of liquid plunger lubricants, both waterand oil based in graphited and non-graphited versions with viscositydesigned to meet particular applications. Chem-Trend also produce a fullrange of solid plunger lubricants from beads through to powders. Thesematerials are manufactured both graphited and non-graphited. Solidlubricants work as well as oil lubricants and are cleaner environmentally.Solid lubricants are injected into the cold chamber with the Power Lube PL300Applicator in controlled amounts every shot at the rate chosen by theoperator, usually 0.5–2.5 grams depending on the size of the plunger tip andthe casting weight.

Die face lubricants

There is a wide range of Chem-Trend SAFETY-LUBE products which can betailored to particular applications, for example:

Aluminium SL–7562 for medium to heavy duty aluminium castingsSL–7577 for heavy duty aluminium castings

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Pressure diecasting of aluminium alloys 117

These are concentrated emulsions of synthetic oils and lubricity additives inwater designed to enhance lubrication of ejector pins and sliding corestogether with anti-soldering and parting additives. The concentrates arediluted with water at a starting dilution of 1:80 or 1:100 depending on thecomplexity of the parts. Dilution can be extended further after the naturalburnished coating provided by the lubricant has been established. Thisnormally takes place after about 2 hours. The lubricant is applied bymechanised spray equipment specifically designed for each die set or by ahand spray gun.

Zinc SL–7552 water based for all zinc castings. Use a startingdilution of 1:30SL–7578 solvent based for the miniature zinc diecastingprocess. Ready for use

Magnesium RDL–2649 water based

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Chapter 10

Low pressure and gravitydiecasting

Low pressure diecasting

The principle of the process is shown in Fig. 10.1. A metal die is mountedabove a sealed furnace containing molten metal. A refractory-lined tube,called a riser tube or stalk, extends from the bottom of the die into themolten metal. When air is introduced into the furnace under low pressure(15–100 kPa, 2–15 psi), the molten metal rises up the tube to enter the diecavity with low turbulence, the air in the die escaping through vents and theparting lines of the die. When the metal has solidified, the air pressure isreleased allowing the still-molten metal in the riser tube to fall back into thefurnace. After a further cooling time the die is opened and the castingextracted.

The process is capable of making high quality castings. With correct diedesign, directional freezing of the casting is achieved so eliminating theneed for risers, the casting being filled and fed from the bottom. Becausethere is usually only one ingate and no feeders, casting yield is exceptionallyhigh, generally over 90%. Good dimensional accuracy and surface finish arepossible and complex castings can be made using sand cores.

Figure 10.1 The principle of a low pressure diecasting machine. (From Campbell,J. (1991) Castings. Butterworth-Heinemann, reproduced by permission of thepublishers.)

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Die openinghydraulic cylinder

4 corner tie bars

Moving die half

Fixed die half

Gas burner

Lowpressureair inlet

Plumbago crucible

Metal spillagediaphragm

Fixed top platen

Fixed bottom platen

Venturi tubeor stalk

Resistance heaterwindings

Pressure tightfurnace casing

Air gap

Moving platen

Low pressure and gravity diecasting 119

Typical applications

Aluminium automotive parts: wheels, cylinder heads, blocks, mani-folds and housingsCritical aerospace castingsElectric motor housingsDomestic kitchenware such as pressure cookers

Large castings up to 150 kg (Al) can be made but can only be justified inspecial cases because of high die costs.

The design of a typical low pressure diecasting machine is shown in Fig.10.2. The molten metal is contained in a crucible heated by electricalresistance windings. The capacity of the furnace is usually sufficient to makearound 10 castings before refilling is necessary. The crucible can be toppedup with molten metal as necessary via a filler port. The whole furnace iscontained in a pressure vessel sealed with a gasket by a top plate. The risertube or stalk is suspended from the top plate by a riser cap or nozzle. Theupper part of the riser tube is heated by a gas burner to prevent the liquidmetal being cooled by the water-cooled lower die-half. The riser tube isimmersed in the molten metal nearly to the bottom of the crucible. The riser

Figure 10.2 Low pressure diecasting machine construction. (P.A. Bryan, TheBritish Foundryman, 65, Nov. 1972, p. 401.

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tube may be made of ceramic but is more commonly made of steel or castiron coated with a refractory wash to prevent attack by the moltenaluminium. A steel or cast iron stalk, properly coated with the correctrefractory dressing at regular and frequent intervals (usually once per shift),has a life of around 6 months. An INSURAL tube may also be used to linethe stalk, see below.

The lower fixed die-half, mounted on a base plate, is fitted to the furnacetop plate. The base plate carries 4 corner tie bars on which slides the movingplaten carrying the upper die-half. A hydraulic cylinder mounted on a fixedtop platen opens and closes the die. The die itself may carry hydraulicallyoperated core pulls. The whole unit is designed in such a way that the topplate carrying the die and its opening mechanism can be swung away topermit easy access to the riser tube and furnace.

When the holding furnace is at temperature, a little above the meltingpoint of the alloy being used, it is filled by way of the filler port which isthen sealed. When the metal temperature has stabilised to the required valueand the die has been preheated to its operating temperature (250–400°C)and closed, the inlet valve is opened and dry compressed air is allowed tofill the sealed furnace to a controlled pressure causing the aluminium to risein the transfer tube and fill the die. With the furnace remaining underpressure, the casting solidifies quickly, the direction of freezing following adownward path with the sprue section being the last to solidify. When themetal in the nozzle has frozen, the pressure is released allowing the still-molten metal in the riser tube to fall back into the furnace. A further shorttime is allowed to ensure complete solidification of the casting, the die isthen opened and the casting released into the upper die-half from which itis retrieved, usually mechanically. Once the sequence has been established,it can be controlled automatically using temperature and pressure con-trollers and timers enabling one operator to supervise more than onediecasting machine.

Die design

Low pressure dies must be solidly constructed and are normally manu-factured from cast iron. Wearing parts, retractable cores and areas of the diewhere heat is concentrated are made of H13 or an equivalent tool steel. Thedies are built with the same degree of precision as those used for pressurediecasting to give positive and reliable operation.

The thermal balance of the die has to be carefully evaluated since thecasting must freeze from the extremities back to the riser tube to avoidshrinkage defects. This is probably the most difficult aspect of low pressurediecasting and much experience and cooperation between die maker andfoundry is needed to achieve success. It may be necessary to force-cool partsof the die, by air or water. A new die rarely operates correctly first time anda long period of sampling and modification may be needed before the diecan be operated at maximum efficiency.

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Dies must be coated with a suitable dressing to avoid welding of themolten aluminium to the die and to control the rate of heat extraction. TheDYCOTE dressings are the same as those used for gravity diecasting, seebelow. Application is graduated from very thin, where maximum chilling isrequired, e.g. isolated bosses, to quite thick on thin metal sections. Thecoatings are applied by spray with the die at a temperature of 120–200°C sothat the coating dries quickly without running. The die must then bereheated above working temperature before casting metal. The frequencywith which the coating must be touched up or reapplied must be found byexperience, the aim must be to recoat only once per shift. It is very importantthat particular care is taken in cleaning dies regularly, say once per week, by“shot”-blasting using glass beads, otherwise tolerance and surface finish ofthe castings will soon deteriorate.

Die life is normally around 30 000–50 000 “shots”.


Sand cores made by any of the usual processes – shell, cold box, hot box etc.– can be used. As with any casting process, cores must be permeable andprovision made for venting core gases to avoid gas defects in the castings.Where complex coring is needed, such as for cylinder heads, it is usual topreassemble a core package which can quickly be inserted into the die toavoid slowing down the casting cycle.

Cycle time

The process is rather slow since the die must be filled slowly to avoidturbulence and air entrapment. The casting must solidify progressively fromthe extremities back to the gate and the gate must solidify before thepressure can be released. Cycle times are similar to gravity diecasting, about9 shots per hour are typical for a component such as a cylinder head.

Alloys cast

The commonly used aluminium alloys include:

Al–Si5Cu3 (LM4, US 319)Al–Si12 (LM6, US 413)Al–Si7Mg (LM25, US A356)

It is usual to fully treat the metal by degassing, grain refining and modifying(see Chapter 6).

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Casting quality

The process has, in principle, all the features necessary to produce castingsof high quality, both metallurgically and dimensionally:

The metal is drawn from the bottom of a bath of molten alloy, avoidingthe contaminated surface layer,The mould is filled gently without turbulence so avoiding oxideentrapment,Solidification is directional, enabling constant feeding of the casting bymaintenance of pressure from below,Mechanical casting extraction avoids damage to the die so thatdimensional accuracy should be maintained throughout the life of thedie.

In practice, there are still many problems which may affect quality. Althoughmetal is drawn from below the surface of the melt, oxide inclusions may stillbe present due to the turbulence arising when the furnace is topped up fromthe transfer ladle. The density of aluminium oxide is close to that of themetal itself so oxide inclusions may not all float to the surface. Furtherturbulence is introduced in the furnace by the fall of the metal in the risertube each time a casting is made and the pressure released. Casting qualitycan be improved by fitting a SIVEX FC ceramic foam filter in the sprue toprevent inclusions from entering the casting.

Casting tolerances in low pressure diecasting are similar to those ofgravity diecasting. Variation in the amount of die coating applied to the dieis one of the main reasons for dimensional inaccuracies. Die distortion overtime will also affect dimensions of the castings.

Although low pressure diecasting is rather slow and expensive, its abilityto produce high quality castings reliably has made it a preferred method forcastings such as high quality car wheels, and many cylinder heads andmanifolds are cast using the process.

Use of INSURAL refractory

The durability, non-wetting and insulating properties of INSURAL (Chapter5) make it valuable for use in low pressure diecasting applications.

The stalk or riser tube requires special protection or the molten aluminiumwill attack and dissolve the steel or cast iron, contaminating the castingalloy. Continuous metal movement inside the tube places severe strains onany protective coating. Both the inside and outside of the stalk should begiven a carefully applied coating of DYCOTE 976 dressing. This coating hasbeen formulated to have extremely good resistance to erosion and atenacious bond.

Better still is to line the inside of the stalk with an INSURAL tube, Fig.10.3. Not only does this protect the steel tube, but by keeping the liquid

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Ø 580.5










Dimensionsin mm

Ø 100

Ø75 +0-1

Furnace lid

Insural 50Extension tube

Insural 50Nozzle

Low pressure and gravity diecasting 123

metal hot, it eliminates the need to heat the top of the stalk with external gasburners. The riser cap or nozzle may also be lined with INSURAL, Fig. 10.4.This allows the die to be water cooled effectively while still maintainingmetal temperature in the nozzle to permit good filling and feeding of thecasting.

Figure 10.3 Lining the inside of the stalk with INSURAL.

Figure 10.4 Use of INSURAL to line the extension tube and nozzle.

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Gravity diecasting

The molten metal is poured under gravity into a refractory-coatedpermanent mould or die. The technique is sometimes known as “permanentmould” or “chill” casting. The dies are made of a fine-grained, pearlitic castiron or a low alloy steel. Simple retractable cores may be made of high gradealloy steel, but resin bonded sand cores are used to produce complexinternal shapes.

With the exception of pressure diecasting, the process is the most widelyused of the aluminium casting methods due to its inherent simplicity andthe metallurgical quality and complexity of castings that can be made. Theprocess is used for castings made in numbers from 1000 to more than 100 000per year, for example manifolds, cylinder heads, water pump housings etc.Casting size ranges from less than 1 kg to over 50 kg.

Figure 10.5 A manual gravity die set.

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Diecasting machines range from simple, hand-operated rack and piniondie sets, Fig. 10.5, manually poured, which can profitably make runs of asfew as 1000 parts, to carousel machines having several dies automaticallyoperated with cores placed by robot and poured automatically with mouldand metal temperatures, casting speed etc. being closely controlled. Unlikepressure diecasting, there is no necessity for powerful locking forces to holdthe die halves together while metal is cast, since the pressures involvedare relatively small. Complex dies are usually opened and closedhydraulically.

The dies are coated with a refractory-based coating (see below). The typeof die coating used and its application are critical. The coating reduces theheat transfer to the die so that cooling rates are faster than in sand mouldsbut slow enough for complex castings to be filled satisfactorily, Table 10.1.Different coatings are available which allow faster or slower cooling as theshape and section of the casting requires. The time before the casting can beextracted from the die may vary from 4–10 minutes depending on the typeof casting. The process is therefore relatively slow. To achieve reasonableoutput rates, a manual operator will usually operate 2–4 die sets insequence, having a total output of 30–60 castings per hour.

Automatic carousel machines may have from 4 to 6 stations with multipledie sets allowing production rates of around 1 casting per minute (200 000 to300 000 parts per year).

Dies usually run at a temperature of 300–350°C with the die facetemperature higher than the back of the die block. This can lead to distortion–and bowing of the die which may allow flash and even run-outs to occur. Thecore packages must fit the dies with sufficient clearance to avoid damage tothe cores and allowance must be made for some variation in the thickness ofthe die coating. Differential thermal expansion of the die, together with thevariable thickness of the coating, place limits on the dimensional accuracy ofcastings made by the process and metal sections are limited to about 4 mmbecause of dimensional factors and because the chilling effect of the die limitsthe ability of the metal to run in thin sections.

Table 10.1 Solidification times of Al castings made by different processes

Casting process Mould material Solidification time (seconds)

Permanent mould Steel 47Core Silica sand 175

Zircon sand 80Disamatic Silica/clay 85

(From Hansen P.N., Rasmussen N.W., Andersen U. & M. AFS Trans., 104, 1996, p. 873)

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Some control of die temperature can be achieved by using dedicated gasburners controlled by thermocouples inserted into key areas of the die. Thedies can then be externally heated in preparation for application of thecoating and to hold temperature during breaks or downtime.

Dies must be vented to allow air to escape as the casting is poured. Coreprints always have some clearance which acts as a vent, as does the mouldparting which, due to thermal expansion of the die, is always imperfect.Risers, needed to feed metal shrinkage, also provide venting for the mouldcavity. If additional venting is needed, slots up to 0.3 mm deep may be cuton the parting face of the die.

Dies must be designed to allow easy removal of the finished casting.Manually operated dies are often designed to allow a hand-held lever to beused to free the casting from the cavity without damage to a critical area ofthe casting. Automatic diecasting machines usually have a dedicatedunloader to remove the casting. The die may be designed with severalmoving parts to allow potentially difficult areas of the die to be strippedfrom the casting while the casting it is still being firmly held by theremainder of the die.

Die lives are typically around 30 000–50 000 shots. Dies are increasinglybeing designed with the aid of computer programs which simulate thesolidification process. Their use can save weeks of trial and error,significantly reducing the time and cost of bringing a new casting intoproduction.

Running and feeding

The gravity diecasting process is capable of making castings of highmetallurgical quality. Metallurgical structures and properties benefit fromthe chilling achieved by gravity diecasting, Table 10.1. The design of therunning and feeding systems has a major effect on both quality and yield ofcastings. The objective of running the metal into the cavity is to make entryas smooth as possible, avoiding turbulence which would introduce oxidefilm defects. The speed of filling is a compromise between getting the metalto the furthest point of the die quickly enough to avoid misruns, andpouring slowly enough to avoid turbulence. Bottom gating is the traditionalway of achieving turbulence-free filling but bottom gated castings have pooryields and incorrect thermal gradients.

Feeders need to be at the top of the casting and must be the last masses tofreeze, but optimum directional solidification is not easy to achieve whenthe metal is bottom gated and has to traverse the die cavity and any coredpassages before reaching the feeders. One way of improving feeding is to tiltthe die when pouring in such a way that the last metal is poured into thefeeder. Special tilting machines are available to allow this to be done.

The widespread use of ceramic foam filters and insulating feeders hasgreatly improved the quality of gravity castings in recent years (see Chapter8). A recent development has been the use of direct pouring methods, either

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Low pressure and gravity diecasting 127

through a filter fitted directly in the die or through a combined filter/feeder.This greatly improves yield, achieves turbulence-free filling and also feedsthe casting with the hottest metal (see page 107).

Figure 8.8 shows a 3.4 kg thin-walled casting made in LM6 (Al–Si12) toppoured through a ceramic foam filter in a single down-sprue. This methodenabled the casting to be made successfully with high yield and without theneed for vacuum impregnation.

Melting and metal treatment

The usual alloys cast by gravity diecasting are:

LM4 (Al–Si5Cu3, US 319)LM6 (Al–Si12, US 413)LM25 (Al–Si7Mg, US A356)

LM6, being the eutectic alloy, has the best fluidity and is good for thinsection castings but its machining characteristics are poor. LM25 has goodfluidity and good machining properties, it can be heat treated and iscorrosion resistant. LM4 has somewhat lower fluidity due to its low Sicontent and has good machinability.

It is advantageous for a foundry to use the minimum number of differentalloys, allowing bulk melting to be used for the majority of the castings.Since gravity diecasting is capable of making high quality castings and isused for critical castings such as cylinder heads, hydraulic castings etc., it isusual to fully treat the metal by degassing, grain refining and modifying (seeChapter 6).


Sand cores made by any of the usual processes – shell, cold box, hot box etc.– can be used (Chapter 13). As with any casting process, cores must bepermeable and provision made for venting core gases to avoid gas defects inthe castings. Where complex coring is needed, such as for cylinder heads, itis usual to preassemble a core package which can quickly be inserted intothe die to avoid slowing down the casting cycle.

Die coatings for gravity and low pressure diecastingA gravity or low pressure diecasting must be metallurgically sound, havegood surface finish and be easily and rapidly produced. To achieve this, thedie must be coated. The die coating serves several functions, it should:

Protect the accurately machined die faceEase the release of the casting from the dieControl heat flow from the metal to the die

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Provide good surface finish to the castingLubricate all moving parts of the die

The coating should also prevent build-up of residues on die faces and be freefrom excessive fumes.

Control of heat flow

The control of heat flow from the metal to the die is the most importantproperty of the coating, allowing control over filling the thin sections andthe solidification of the casting. The thermal insulation properties of theapplied coating layer are determined by three key factors, namely:

Coating compositionLayer thicknessCoating layer porosity

Coating composition

Permanent mould coatings are typically formulated using water as carrier, ahigh temperature binder (normally sodium silicate), and a refractory filler orblend of fillers. Table 10.2 lists the range of DYCOTE dressings availablefrom Foseco. There are two categories of coatings:

1 Insulating Contain blends of insulating minerals such as talc, mica,kieselguhr, titanium dioxide, alumina etc. (DYCOTE 34,140)

2 Lubricating Based on colloidal graphite or boron nitride to aid releaseof the casting (DYCOTE 36, GL1200)

At the normal casting temperatures of aluminium alloys the refractoriness ofthe fillers is sufficient to ensure that chemical change does not occur andtheir function is essentially physical. Thermal conductivity and granulo-metry are key properties and the diecaster needs to consider the mostimportant aspect of the particular casting to be produced when selecting thedie coating or coating combination, e.g. high insulation to avoid misruns,lubrication, smooth surface finish etc.

It is generally accepted that a rough coating surface provides maximuminsulation through the formation of an air gap at the metal/coating interfaceduring pouring. The air gap arises from the high surface tension of theliquid alloy. The low metal/refractory contact area of a rough coatingsurface significantly reduces heat transfer and consequently aids metal flow.In addition, coarseness and angularity of the refractory particles enhancesmetal flow by continuously rupturing the oxide skin on the molten metalsurface as it flows over the mould. Conversely a smooth coating based on

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Table 10.2 DYCOTE insulating dressing for gravity and low pressure diecasting

Description Dilution Characteristics Typical Components

DYCOTE 6 Light grey paste 3–4 vol. soft water to1 vol. paste

A general purpose dressing gives a mediumfinish.

Mica, talc, sodium silicate

DYCOTE 32 ESS Pastel pink slurry 3–5 vol. soft water to1 vol. slurry

A medium grade, fairly soft dressing.Contains iron oxide. Used mainly on wheelsmade by low pressure diecasting.

Calcium carbonate, ironoxide, sodium silicate


Grey paste 3–5 vol. soft water to1 vol. paste

Provides a medium to rough dressing havinghigh insulation values. Very suitable thereforefor thin casting sections and large flatsurfaces.

Mica, talc, carborundum grit,sodium silicate


White paste 3–5 vol. soft water to1 vol. paste

A superfine dressing of very highrefractoriness. Suitable for medium to thickcasting sections. Also useful for slush casting.

Titanium dioxide, sodiumsilicate


Off white paste 3–5 vol. soft water to1 vol. paste

The standard, general purpose dressing usedextensively in all sectors. It gives a medium tofine finish.

Mica, talc, sodium silicate

DYCOTE 36 Black paste 3–5 vol. of soft waterto 1 vol. paste.

Has some lubricating properties due to itsgraphite content. Hard wearing and mostsuitable for cast iron and copper base alloys.

Mica, talc, graphite, sodiumsilicate

DYCOTE 976 Dark grey slurry Ready for use A specially formulated protective coating forthe stalks in low pressure diecasting.

Graphite, alumina, boric acid,PVA Binder

DYCOTE GR 8700 Red brown slurry 3–5 vol. of soft waterto 1 vol. paste

A primer coating for use on all the die facebefore insulating coating applied. Improveslife of coating on die. Touch up moresuccessful.

Iron, oxide, zirconiumsilicate, sodium silicate

DYCOTE GL 1200 White paste 10–20 vol. of soft waterto 1 vol. paste

A lubricating coating used with a base coat ofDYCOTE GR 8700 to ensure clean strip andgood surface finish

Boron nitride

Note: The suffix ESS indicates an extra strongly bonded version of the dressing.

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fine fillers provides a larger contact surface area and higher heat transferrate.

Figure 10.6 shows a simple test plate casting used to illustrate the effect ofcoating insulation and granulometry on metal flowability, in this caseshowing the effect of varying DYCOTE 140 thickness.

Coating layer porosity

Insulation of the coating layer is dependent not only on thickness but alsoon inherent porosity. This property in turn is influenced greatly byapplication method and conditions – the degree of pore formationessentially being determined by the rate of evaporation of the water carrieron contact with the die. Although die dressings are occasionally applied bybrushing, especially in running, gating and riser areas, the most commonmethod is to apply by spraying. Application of the dressing at a mouldtemperature of around 170–200°C usually gives optimum results, althoughcoating consistency and spray equipment also influence the quality of thedeposited coating layer and slight deviations from this temperature may benecessary.

Higher mould temperatures usually result in greater layer porosity due toa more vigorous reaction between the water carrier and the hot die.Although insulation is accordingly higher, coating adherence and durability

Figure 10.6 Test plate casting to evaluate the effect of die coating properties onmetal flowability.

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0 100 200 300 400 500

Coating thickness (microns)

Low pressure and gravity diecasting 131

are adversely affected. Excessive die temperatures can lead to violent kick-back, preventing the coating from adhering to the surface at all. Conversely,lower mould temperatures result in a denser, less insulating layer, albeit ofgreater durability. Excessively low temperatures can lead to “puddling” ofthe coating resulting in cracking and blistering defects as the die is heated tooperating temperature and trapped moisture ruptures the binder film as itescapes. Porosity in the coating layer actually decreases the greater thedistance from the mould surface due to progressively less vigorous waterevaporation during coating application.

Figure 10.7 shows a typical graph of insulation as a function of thicknessindicating that a 300 micron coating layer would not be significantly moreinsulating than one of 200 microns. As heavy layers over 300 microns alsotend to be more susceptible to flaking from the die, the optimum targetoperating range for thickness is 150–250 microns.

Coating the die

Selection of the correct coating for a particular casting only results in highquality castings if the die coating operation itself is controlled andconsistent. Often, however, this is one of the most abused and variableaspects of the entire casting process. Careful attention to die preparation,coating preparation and application, and the type of coating equipmentutilised, can yield significant quality and productivity benefits.

As with all coating applications, careful preparation of the substrate iscritical to the ultimate performance of the die dressing. New dies need to bethoroughly cleaned to dispel any lubricants or rust preventive treatments,while dies already in service must have the old coating layer completelyremoved. Traditional die cleaning methods include wire-brushing andblasting with either sand, metal shot or grit. Excessive wear and tear of thedie surface has caused diecasters and suppliers alike to look at non-destructive cleaning methods including wet chemical methods and resinmedia as used in the aircraft industry to remove old paint. Neither of these

Figure 10.7 Relationship between coating thickness and insulation value.

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options has yet been developed commercially due to environmental andcost concerns respectively. Die cleaning through blasting with carbondioxide pellets is now becoming popular, particularly in North America.

After cleaning, the die should be heated uniformly to around 300–350°C.This is usually achieved through the application of gas burners appro-priately positioned inside and around the die although temperaturevariations over the surface of the mould are inevitable with this method.Many foundries are now preheating dies in dedicated ovens under tightlycontrolled conditions in order to achieve an extremely even, uniformtemperature profile across the die. Dies are normally cooled to around 180°Cfor coating application. A primer, either a water/surfactant solution or verydilute version of the regular coating, is often used to promote enhancedadhesion of the main coat.

Coating preparation and application

Proper control of coating properties at application is critical. Traditionallyoperators have used approximate dilution ratios when preparing the coatingfor use but control methods such as baume and density are now being morewidely adopted. Many foundries now monitor applied coating thicknessduring spraying of the die by using compact portable gauges operating onthe magnetic and eddy current principle. Mould temperature duringspraying is critical to the behaviour of the coating in service andconsequently an increasing number of foundries now measure die tem-perature using either optical pyrometers, computer-linked thermocouples,or simple contact thermometers.

Application equipment

The most popular application technique still used today involves a simpleventuri system comprising a small container, copper piping and compressedair line. While this system is capable of giving excellent results, it does lackcontrol and can result in a great deal of spattering, giving rise to an unevenand irregular coating layer. More foundries are now adopting airless spraysystems and purpose-designed spray guns which deliver a fine, uniformcoating “mist” via an adjustable fan width. Equipment has also beendeveloped to provide not only agitation in the feed container but alsorecirculation of material in the feed hoses themselves whilst the gun is notin use in order to help prevent separation of liquid/solids at all times(Figure 10.8).

Computer simulation

Computer simulation of die filling and solidification profiles is becoming anextremely powerful tool for foundries in the design and optimisation ofprocess parameters for new or prototype castings. Today a number of

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0 100 200 300 400 500

Coating thickness (microns)





Coating A Coating B

Low pressure and gravity diecasting 133

programs are commercially available to assist diecasters to predict how dieswill behave in service before they are built. Various design and processparameters can be tested and validated before tooling is built, therebyimproving the diecasters’ “right first time” capability and avoiding time-consuming and costly start-up trials. The impact of coating type and

Figure 10.8 Spray gun for coating dies.

Figure 10.9 Effect of coating thickness and type on casting solidification time.

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application on die filling, solidification and casting and mould temperatureprofiles is just one process parameter which can be assessed.

Figure 10.9 shows a computer simulation comparison of casting solidifica-tion times for two coatings. A and B; A having greater insulation propertiesthan B. The comparison shows the effect of coating thickness on solidifica-tion time. Coating B would have to be applied at more than 0.3 mm to havethe same insulation effect as coating A at 0.1 mm. Data of this kind cangreatly assist the diecaster in understanding the likely effect of differentcoating practices and help in process optimisation.

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Chapter 11

Sand casting processes


Gravity and low pressure diecasting techniques are inherently slow becausethe die is effectively out of use during the time that the casting is solidifying.When the casting is removed, the die must be reloaded with cores andclosed before the next casting is poured. This may take 10 minutes or morefor a large, complex casting such as a cylinder block. In order to achieve thehigh production rates required by automotive manufacturers, expensivemultiple die sets are required. With sand casting, by contrast, productivity isnot affected by the solidification time but only by the rate at which the sandmould/core package can be produced. With automatic green sand mould-ing and cold-box coremaking, mould/core packages can be made andassembled in times which enable high production rates to be achievedwithout the need for the costly multiple tooling sets needed by diecasting.Sand casting, which includes green sand, core assembly processes and theLost Foam process, accounts for around 12–15% of all aluminium castings,Table 11.1.

During the last few years, the use of Lost Foam casting has increasedsignificantly, but is still probably less than 10% of the total.

Table 11.1 Share of Al castings market held by various processes(Rasmussen N.W., The Foundryman, 87, 1994, p. 63)

Casting method % by weight (1991)

USA Germany

High pressure diecasting 60–65 55Low pressure and gravity diecasting 20 32Sand 10 12Lost Foam 2–5 –Others <5 <1

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Green sand

With the exception of pressure diecasting, which is limited to uncoredcastings, green sand moulding is the most productive casting process.Moulding rates up to 6 or 7 moulds per minute from one set of tooling arepossible with automatic machines such as the DISA flaskless mouldingmachine. Clay binders have low cost and reuse of the sand is possible. It issurprising then that green sand casting of aluminium alloys is not usedmore widely. Probably the high capital cost of green sand plant comparedwith the simplicity of gravity diecasting accounts for its relative unpop-ularity. The growth in the use of aluminium for automotive applicationsover the past few years has stimulated a renewed interest in the automaticgreen sand method.

The slower rate of cooling of sand castings compared with diecastings(Table 10.1) leads to smaller temperature gradients and a wider solidifica-tion time range, making feeding more difficult. The grain structure ofslower-cooled sand cast aluminium is usually regarded as inferior to that ofchill cast alloys. To counter this, moulding sand based on magnetite ore hasbeen proposed to increase the chilling effect.

There has also been some concern that aluminium alloys may pick uphydrogen from moisture in the green sand, but it is not a problem if the sandsystem is correctly controlled to avoid excessive water. Unlike green sandused for iron casting, it is not necessary to have coal dust in the sand toimprove casting surface finish. There are some foundries which use the samesand system (with coal dust) for both iron and aluminium casting withoutany harmful effect. See Chapter 12 for details of sands and sand systems.

To make high integrity castings using green sand, the liquid alloy must becarefully treated before casting to remove hydrogen and oxides from themelt and the alloy must be grain refined and modified as described inChapter 6.

As with other casting processes, there is a danger of introducing oxidefilms into the metal during molten metal transfer, pouring into the mouldand within the running system if turbulence occurs. The requirement for fastcasting rates to justify the high capital cost of green sand mouldingmachines and the associated sand plant conflicts with the need for lowturbulence during mould filling. One foundry uses a computer-controlledelectromagnetic pump to fill vertically parted DISA moulds withoutturbulence. A special shut-off device is needed to allow the mould to bemoved immediately after filling so that high production rates are possible.Other foundries use carefully designed down-sprues to reduce splashing inthe empty gating channels during filling of the gating system. Gatingdesigns with low Reynolds number are claimed to ensure calm filling of themould. The Reynolds number of a hydraulic channel determines the onsetof turbulence. Low velocity filling with flat runner designs (which ensurelow Reynolds number) are considered to be best.

The simplest method of filling moulds rapidly and without introducingoxide defects into the casting is by using ceramic foam filters in the running

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Sand casting processes 137

system (see Chapter 8). These have the twin effects of removing alreadyentrained oxide and of reducing turbulence downstream of the filter. Toppouring through a filter is an efficient way of filling sand moulds, givinghigh yield and excellent mechanical properties, Fig. 2.1.

To produce castings free from shrinkage porosity, directional solidificationmust be encouraged, with the use of feeders to supply liquid metal to thelast sections of the casting to solidify (see Chapter 7). Simulation techniquesare increasingly being used to design running and feeding systems.

Moulding machines

The moulding machine must compact the green sand evenly around thepattern to give the mould sufficient strength to resist erosion while liquidmetal is poured and to withstand the metallostatic pressure exerted on themould when full. Green sand does not move easily under compressionforces alone so that achieving uniform mould strength over a pattern ofcomplex shape by simply squeezing is not possible. Various combinations ofjolting and vibrating with squeeze applied simultaneously or sequentiallyhave been used to produce uniform strength moulds at up to 400 mouldsper hour. Green sand moulds have traditionally been made in steel flasks,but flaskless moulding is widely used for smaller castings.

Moulding in flasks

The basic principles used are:

Jolt squeeze

A pattern plate carrying the pattern surrounded by a moulding flask is fittedonto a jolt piston. Green sand from a hopper above the machine fills themoulding box loosely. The assembly is raised by the pneumatic jolt cylinderand allowed to fall against a stop. The jolt action is repeated a preset numberof times causing the sand to be compacted to some extent, the density beinghighest nearest the pattern plate. Additional compaction is provided by apneumatic or hydraulic squeeze plate, Fig 11.1a. More uniform squeeze canbe achieved by using compensating squeeze heads, Fig. 11.1b, whichcompact the sand more uniformly even though the depth of sand over thepattern varies.

Vibration squeeze

Instead of a jolt table, the pattern and flask are vibrated before and duringsqueezing by a multi-ram head.

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Shoot squeeze

A shoot head above the flask contains loose green sand. Opening a shootvalve allows compressed air stored in a reservoir to travel through the shoothead causing a column of sand to be shot into the flask where the kineticenergy of the rapidly moving sand compacts it against the pattern. Ahydraulic cylinder then squeezes the mould to complete the compaction.

Impulse compaction

Sand is compacted into the flask by means of a pressure wave generated byexplosion or by compressed air. Compaction is greatest near the mouldsurface. Squeeze pressure may then be applied to compress the back of themould. Deep pattern draws are possible with this method.

Vacuum squeeze

A partial vacuum is created in the flask surrounding the pattern. A meteredamount of sand is released into the chamber where the vacuum acceleratesthe sand which impacts onto the pattern causing compaction. A multi-ramhead provides high pressure squeeze to complete the compaction of themould. The system is suitable for large moulds.

Figure 11.1 Jolt squeeze moulding machine. (a) with solid squeeze head, (b)with compensating heads. (Sixth Report of Institute Working Group T30, Mouldand Core Production, Foundryman, Feb. 1996.)

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Sand casting processes 139

Flaskless moulding

Horizontally parted (matchplate moulding)

A matchplate is a pattern plate with patterns for both cope and dragmounted on opposite faces of the plate. Both cope and drag halves of themould are alternately filled with prepared sand before being broughttogether on either side of the matchplate pattern for the mould halves to beformed by high pressure squeeze with simultaneous vibration to compactthe sand. The mould halves are separated to allow the matchplate to bewithdrawn and cope and drag to be closed. The completed mould is finallypushed out of the machine onto a shuttle conveyor with the bottom of themould resting on a bottom board to facilitate progress along the mouldconveyor. Hunter matchplate moulding machines are available with mouldsizes from 355 � 483 � 40/114 mm up to 762 � 813 � 305/279 mm. Mouldscan be made at up to 200/hr on the smaller machines and 120/hr on thelargest.

Vertically parted moulding

The Disamatic flaskless moulding machine introduced in the late 1960s(now supplied by Georg Fischer Disa) revolutionised green sand moulding,allowing high precision moulds to be made at up to 350 moulds/hr. Themethod of operation is shown in Fig. 11.2. One pattern half is fitted onto theend of a hydraulically operated squeeze piston with the other pattern half

Figure 11.2 Vertically parted flaskless moulding, the Disamatic machine. (SixthReport of Institute Working Group T30, Mould and Core Production, Foundryman,Feb. 1996.)

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fitted to a swing plate, so called because of its ability to move and swingaway from the completed mould. Sand from a supply hopper above themachine is blown into the moulding chamber by means of a variablepressure, compressed air supply stored in a nearby air receiver. Vacuum canbe applied to the moulding chamber to vent air and assist in drawing sandinto deep pattern recesses.

Both halves of the pattern are hydraulically squeezed together tocompress the sand block. As the swing plate moves away, the piston pushesthe new mould to join ones previously made, to form a continuous mouldstring. Mould sizes available are from 500 mm � 400 mm � 315 mm on thesmallest 2110 model, up to 950 mm � 800 mm � 635 mm on the largestmodel manufactured, the 2070. Flexibility is available through variablemould output, variable mould thickness, fast pattern change and coreplacing options. Varying degrees of control sophistication are provideddependent on the model. Cores can be placed in the mould using amechanised core placer.

There are many variations on the moulding principles described above –see Sixth Report of Institute of British Foundrymen Working Group T30(Foundryman, Supplement, Feb. 1996, pp. 3–30) from which some of theabove information has been taken.

Core assembly sand processes

Automatic green sand lines require expensive moulding machines and sandtreatment plant. They are somewhat inflexible since the size of the mouldingplate determines the type of casting that can be economically made. Clearlyit is not possible to make a casting larger than the plate size. Smaller castingsmay also be uneconomic since the true capacity of the expensive machinemay not be fully utilised. One solution, particularly for complex, highlycored castings, is to use a core assembly technique.

Modern cold-box coremaking methods are now so fast that highproduction rates can be achieved by using coremaking techniques forforming moulds as well as cores. By hardening in a cold core box,dimensionally precise cores and mould sections can be produced. The partscan be subsequently assembled accurately, manually or by robot, to make apackage which is placed on a conveyor track to be cast. Components of greatcomplexity such as manifolds, cylinder heads, cylinder blocks etc. can bemade in this way. After cooling and knocking out the casting, the sand canbe thermally reclaimed ready for reuse.

The moulds may be bottom filled, usually with a ceramic foam filterfitted in the base of the sprue to eliminate oxide inclusions and reduceturbulence in the running system. Alternatively, direct top pouringthrough a KALPUR unit can be used as has been described in Chapter 8,Figs 8.6 and 8.7.

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Sand casting processes 141

The Cosworth process

The Cosworth process uses a liquid metal pump to fill the mould frombelow with minimum turbulence, in a similar manner to low pressurediecasting, Fig. 11.3. Cores are made from zircon sand, which has a moreuniform and lower thermal expansion rate than silica sand, and it is claimedthat dimensional errors due to expansion are reduced. The chilling effect ofzircon also helps to give fine-grained casting structures (see Table 10.1).Molten aluminium alloy is held in a large (10 tonne) electrically heatedradiant roof holding furnace, topped up as required from a melting furnace.The bath is maintained under an inert atmosphere to limit the amount ofoxidation and continuously degassed with argon at the charging point. Thelarge capacity of the holding furnace ensures that oxide inclusions formedduring the melting and topping-up operations have time to float to the topof the holding bath.

An electromagnetic pump is used to deliver clean metal from below thesurface of the holding bath to the sand mould. In the original Cosworthprocess, productivity was low because the mould had to be kept in placeon the casting machine until the casting had solidified. A later develop-ment introduced a turnover type of casting machine, allowing the castingrate to be increased by a factor of 3 or 4 to more than 1 mould per minute.The inversion of the mould also assists the feeding of the castingshrinkage, since hot feed metal ends up above the cooler casting. Theexpensive zircon sand is thermally reclaimed with a cycle loss claimed tobe below 1%. The electromagnetic metal pump is not entirely trouble freeand a breakdown, due perhaps to refractory failure, can cause seriousproduction delays.

Figure 11.3 Principle of the Cosworth process. (J. Campbell, FoundryInternational, March 1992.)

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0 500 1000

Temperature °C

















Die steels andcast iron

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Other core assembly processes

Other core assembly processes use silica sand which has lower chillingpower than zircon thus allowing thinner wall castings to be made. TheCosworth process is limited to casting wall thicknesses of about 4 mm, butsilica sand allows castings with walls only 2.5–3 mm to be made. Althoughsilica sand has a high thermal expansion, particularly through the alpha/beta phase transformation, Fig. 11.4, the sand moulds and cores do notreach this temperature, so thermal expansion does not seriously affectdimensions.

Gravity fill is more commonly used than a metal pump in modern coreassembly casting. One patented process uses gravity filling through a down-sprue to the bottom of the mould. The moulds are purged with inertatmosphere. The core package is located from below against the bottom ofthe pouring spout at the bottom of the pouring vessel which prevents anycontact between the metal and the atmosphere. Pouring is automaticallycontrolled. Immediately after pouring, the moulds are rotated allowingefficient feeding with the hottest metal at the top of the mould.

The use of ceramic foam filters enables the turbulence-free fillingpioneered by Cosworth to be achieved at lower cost and greater reliability.The same efficient feeding with high yield, turbulence-free filling can beachieved in a simple manner by the use of the KALPUR sleeve/filter unit,Figs 11.5a and b (see Chapter 8).

All core assembly methods use expensive chemical sand binders, usuallyphenolic-isocyanate cold-box resin hardened by amine gas. It is usual toreclaim the sand after use by a thermal process such as a gas-fired fluid bed

Figure 11.4 The expansion/temperature relations for iron-based die materials,and silica and zircon sand moulding materials. (J. Campbell, Foundry International,March 1992)

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Sand casting processes 143

Figure 11.5 A sand cast cylinder head: (a) Cast using a conventional runningsystem. (b) Direct poured through a KALPUR sleeve/filter.



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reclaimer. The cost is relatively high but lower than the combined cost ofusing new sand and disposing of the waste.

Because of the high production cost of core assembly methods, theprocesses are used for complex castings such as cylinder heads and blockswhere the precision and design freedom of core assembly can givesignificant design benefits. It is possible, for example, to integrate into acylinder block casting a number of parts such as water pump housing, oilfilter housing and brackets which would normally be cast separately thenmachined and bolted on. Machining and assembly is eliminated and theintegrally cast unit is less likely to have leaks.

The same melting and metal treatment methods used for gravitydiecasting are used (see Chapter 6).

Self-setting sand moulds

When aluminium castings are required in smaller numbers, self-setting (orsometimes gas-hardened) chemically bonded sand moulds and cores maybe used. Sodium silicate, CO2 or ester hardened, was used and gaveexcellent casting results. The difficulty of reclaiming silicate-based sands hasled to their replacement, in many cases, by resin binders. Alkali phenolicresins such as FENOTEC and furanes such as FUROTEC can be usedeffectively for aluminium casting (see Chapter 12).

The Lost Foam process

Unlike any other sand casting process, no binders are used. Preforms of theparts to be cast are moulded in expanded polystyrene (EPS) usingaluminium tooling. Complex shapes can be formed by gluing EPSmouldings together. The preforms are assembled into a cluster around anEPS sprue then coated with a refractory paint. The cluster is invested in drysand in a simple moulding box and the sand compacted by vibration. Metalis poured, vaporising the EPS preform and replacing it to form the casting,Fig. 11.6. Unlike all other aluminium casting processes, the filling rate of themould is not determined by the geometry of the running system, but by therate at which the EPS pattern is destroyed by the liquid alloy. This in turn isgreatly affected by the properties, particularly permeability, of the coating.The result is an essentially turbulence-free mode of filling, whether from thebottom, side or top. Due to the freedom from turbulence and its associatedtrapping of oxide films, lost foam aluminium castings can be of highmetallurgical integrity. The process is therefore increasingly used for criticalautomotive castings such as cylinder heads and blocks, water pumphousings, brackets, inlet manifolds etc. up to about 20 kg weight.

The EPS raw bead used for casting preforms is purchased from a chemicalsupplier. It consists of spherical beads of polystyrene of carefully graded size

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Sand casting processes 145

and type chosen specially for casting. The bead is impregnated duringmanufacture with a blowing agent, pentane. The bead is first pre-expandedto a precisely controlled density by steam heating. The pre-expanded beadis then moulded in a press rather like a plastic injection moulding press. Themoulding tool is made of aluminium, hollow backed to have a wallthickness of around 8 mm. The pre-expanded bead is blown into the closeddie, which is then steam heated causing the beads to expand further andfuse together. After fusing, the die is cooled with water sprays (often withvacuum assistance) so that the pattern is cooled sufficiently to be ejectedwithout distortion. The moulding process takes 1–2 minutes for a cycle. Themoulding machines are large, with pattern plate dimensions typically 800 �600 mm or 1000 � 700 mm so that multiple impression dies can be used toincrease the production rate.

The casting reproduces in astonishing detail the surface appearance of theEPS pattern and a great deal of effort has been put into developing specialmoulding techniques to minimise “bead-trace”. Specialist foam patternmanufacturers such as Foseco-Morval in North America have developedmoulding technology specifically for foundry applications.

Where possible, patterns are moulded in one piece using toolingtechniques developed for plastic injection moulding such as metal “pull-backs” and collapsible cores, but many of the complex shapes needed tomake castings cannot be moulded in one piece. Sections of patterns areglued together quickly and precisely with hot-melt adhesives using specialglue-printing machines, Fig. 11.7.

Figure 11.6 The Lost Foam casting process. (The Foundryman 87, June 1994,p. 227.)

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Some large castings are made singly, the EPS pattern being attached to adown-sprue of EPS which may be moulded hollow. Smaller castings aremade in clusters, the patterns being assembled around the sprue with theingates acting also as supports for the cluster, Fig. 11.6.

The foam pattern is covered with a refractory coating before casting. Thecoating must also be permeable to allow the gaseous and liquid products ofthermal degradation of the pattern to escape from the mould. Thepermeability of the coating controls to a large extent the rate at which themould fills. Foseco supplies the STYROMOL range of water-based coatingsof carefully controlled permeability which are applied by dipping andthoroughly dried before casting.

The coated and dried pattern clusters are placed in a steel box and drysilica sand poured around. As the box is filled, it is vibrated to compact thesand and cause it to flow into the cavities of the pattern. Following muchresearch by equipment suppliers, good vibration techniques have beendeveloped, and patterns with complex internal form can now be reliablyinvested. It is not possible to persuade sand to flow uphill by vibration sopatterns must be orientated in such a way that internal cavities are filledhorizontally or downwards.

When liquid aluminium is cast, the heat from the metal melts andpartially vaporises the EPS. The liquid and gaseous products of pyrolysisescape through the coating, the rate of escape controlling the rate at whichthe casting fills. The result is that the casting fills gently with very littleturbulence but the time of fill is a little longer than for conventional casting.No smoke or fume is seen, the pyrolysis products condensing in the sand.

Patterns must be orientated primarily to allow complete filling with sand.Ingates fulfil the dual role of supporting the fragile pattern cluster andcontrolling the metal flow. When the solidified casting is removed, the sandis cooled and returned for reuse. Some contamination of the sand withstyrene and other products of pyrolysis of the foam pattern occurs and aproportion of the used sand is usually thermally reclaimed to avoid a build-up of residues which could affect the flowability of the sand.

Figure 11.7 Sections of patterns are glued together to form complex shapes.

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Sand casting processes 147

Advantages of the process

1 Low tooling cost: Though tools are expensive, their life is long, up to500 000 cycles are possible. So for long-running, high volume partsoverall tool costs are much lower than for conventional casting process.For shorter running parts the advantage is less and may even be adisadvantage.

2 Reduced finishing: There is a major advantage on most castings sincefinishing is restricted to removing ingates.

3 Reduced machining: For many applications, machining is greatlyreduced and in some cases eliminated completely.

4 Ability to make complex castings: For suitable applications, the abilityto glue patterns together to make complex parts is a majoradvantage.

5 Reduced environmental problems: Lost Foam is fumefree in thefoundry and the sand, which contains the EPS residues, is easilyreclaimed using a simple thermal process.


1 The process is difficult to automate completely; cluster assembly andcoating involve manual labour unless a complete casting plant isdedicated to one casting type so that specialised mechanical handlingcan be developed.

2 Methoding the casting is not easy and a good deal of experimentationis needed before a good casting is achieved.

3 Cast-to-size can be achieved but only after several tool modificationsbecause the contractions of foam and casting cannot yet be accuratelypredicted.

4 Because of 2 and 3, long lead times are inevitable for all newcastings.

5 It originally proved difficult to achieve the highest metallurgical qualityin Al castings because of the need to cast at rather higher than normaltemperatures. The problem has now been largely overcome through thedevelopment of thermally insulating coatings for the patterns whichallow lower casting temperatures to be used.


The usual alloys used for sand and gravity casting can be cast success-fully by Lost Foam and the methods of melting and treatment are thesame as those described in Chapter 6. The automotive industry is thebiggest user of Lost Foam. The inlet manifold was the first successfulhigh volume application. Cylinder heads are being made in growingnumbers. Use of Lost Foam gives the designer rather more freedom to

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cool the working face effectively, the combustion chambers can be formed“as-cast”, avoiding an expensive machining operation, and bolt holes canbe cast. Lost Foam offers significant design advantages over other castingprocesses for cylinder blocks; features can be cast in, such as the waterpump cavity, alternator bracket, oil filter mounting pad. Oil feed, drainand coolant lines can also be cast more effectively. A variety of otherautomotive parts are being made including water pump housings, brack-ets, heat exchangers, fuel pumps, brake cylinders.

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Chapter 12

Sands and sand bondingsystems

Silica sand

Most sand moulds and cores are based on silica sand since it is the mostreadily available and lowest cost moulding material. Other sands are usedfor special applications where higher refractoriness, higher thermal con-ductivity or lower thermal expansion is needed.

Properties of silica sand for foundry use

Chemical purity

SiO2 95–96% min The higher the silica the more refrac-tory the sand

Loss on ignition 0.5% max Represents organic impurities

Fe2O3 0.3% max Iron oxide reduces the refractoriness

CaO 0.2% max Raises the acid demand value

K2O, Na2O 0.5% max Reduces refractoriness

Acid demandvalue to pH4

6 ml max High acid demand adversely affectsacid catalysed binders

Size distribution

The size distribution of the sand affects the quality of the castings. Coarse-grained sands allow metal penetration into moulds and cores giving poorsurface finish to the castings. Fine-grained sands yield better surface finishbut need higher binder content and the low permeability may cause gas

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defects in castings. Most foundry sands fall within the following sizerange:

Grain fineness number 50–60 AFS Yields good surfaceAverage grain size 220–250 microns � finish at low binder levelsFines content, below200 mesh

2% max Allows low binder levelto be used

Clay content, below 20microns

0.5% max Allows low binder levels

Size spread 95% on 4 or 5screens

Gives good packing andresistance to expansiondefects

Specific surface area 120–140 cm2/g Allows low binder levelsDry permeability 100–150 Reduces gas defects

Grain shape

Grain shape is defined in terms of angularity and sphericity. Sand grains varyfrom well rounded to rounded, sub-rounded, sub-angular, angular and veryangular. Within each angularity band, grains may have high, medium or lowsphericity. The angularity of sand is estimated by visual examination with alow power microscope and comparing with published charts, Fig. 12.1.

The best foundry sands have grains which are rounded with medium tohigh sphericity giving good flowability and permeability with high strengthat low binder additions. More angular and lower sphericity sands requirehigher binder additions, have lower packing density and poorer flowability.

Figure 12.1 Classification of grain shapes.

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Sands and sand bonding systems 151

Acid demand

The chemical composition of the sand affects the acid demand value whichhas an important effect on the catalyst requirements of cold-setting, acid-catalysed binders. Sands containing alkaline minerals and particularlysignificant amounts of seashell will absorb acid catalyst. Sands with aciddemand values greater than about 6 ml require high acid catalyst levels;sands with acid demand greater than 10–15 ml are not suitable for acidcatalysed binder systems.

Typical silica foundry sand properties

Chelford 60 sand (a sand commonly used in the UK as a base for green sandand for resin bonded moulds and cores)

Grain shape: rounded, medium sphericityBulk density, loose: 1490 kg/m3 (93 lb/ft3)GF specific surface area: 140 cm2/gAngle of repose: 33°Chemical analysis:SiO2 Fe2O3 Al2O3 K2O Na2O CaO TiO2 Cr2O3 LOI97.1 0.11 1.60 0.73 0.15 0.10 0.06 15 ppm 0.3

Acid demand (number of ml 0.1 N HCl):to: pH3 pH4 pH5 pH6 pH7ml: 2.0 1.8 1.4 1.0 0.8

Sieve grading of Chelford 60 sand:

Aperture size (�m) BSS mesh no· % wt· retained

1000 16 nil700 22 0.4500 30 2.3355 44 10.0250 60 25.7210 72 23.8150 100 28.7105 150 7.6

75 200 1.3–75 –200 0.2

AFS grain fineness no. 59Base permeability: 106

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Table 12.1 gives size gradings of typical foundry sands used in the UK andGermany.

Safe handling of silica sand

Fine silica sand (below 5 microns) can give rise to respiratory troubles.Modern foundry sands are washed to remove the dangerous size fractionsand do not present a hazard as delivered. It must be recognised, however,that certain foundry operations such as shot blasting, grinding of sandcovered castings or sand reclamation can degrade the sand grains,producing a fine quartz dust having particle size in the harmful range below5 microns. Operators must be protected by the use of adequate ventilationand the wearing of suitable face masks.

Table 12.1 Typical UK and German foundry sands

Sieve size

microns BSS no.

Sand type

UK sands German sandsChelford 50 Chelford 60 H32 H33 F32

1000 16 trace nil700 22 0.7 0.4500 30 4.5 2.3 1.0 0.5 1.0355 44 19.8 10.0 15.0 7.5 7.0250 60 44.6 25.7 44.0 30.0 30.0210 72 21.6 23.8 39.0 60.0 60.0150 100 8.2 28.7100 150 2.6 7.675 200 nil 1.3 1.0 2.0 2.075 –200 nil 0.2 nil nil nilAFS grainfineness no. 46 59 51 57 57Average grainsize mm 0·275 0.23 0.27 0.23 0.23

Note: Haltern 32, 33 and Frechen 32 are commonly used, high quality German sands.German sieve gradings are based on ISO sieves.The German sands have rounder grains and are distributed on fewer sieves than UK sands,they require significantly less binder to achieve the required core strength.

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Segregation of sand

Segregation, causing variation of grain size, can occur during sand transportor storage and can give rise to problems in the foundry. The greatestlikelihood of segregation is within storage hoppers, but the use of correctlydesigned hoppers will alleviate the problem:

1 Hoppers should have minimum cross-sectional area compared to height,2 The included angle of the discharge cone should be steep, 60–75°,3 The discharge aperture should be as large as possible,

Measurement of sand properties

Acid demand value

Acid demand is the number of ml of 0.1 M HCI required to neutralise thealkali content of 50 g of sand:

Weigh 50 g of dry sand into a 250 ml beakerAdd 50 ml of distilled waterAdd 50 ml of standard 0.1 M hydrochloric acid by pipetteStir for 5 minutesAllow to stand for 1 hourTitrate with a standard solution of 0.1 M sodium hydroxide to pH valuesof 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7Subtract the titration values from the original volume of HCI (50 ml) toobtain the acid demand value

Grain size

See Chapter 1 for the method of measuring average grain size and AFS grainfineness number.

Thermal characteristics of silica sand

Silica sand has a number of disadvantages as a moulding or coremakingmaterial:

It has a high thermal expansion rate (Fig. 12.2) which can causeexpansion defects in castings, such as finning or veining and scabbingIt has a relatively low refractoriness, Table 12.2, which can cause sandburn-on, particularly with steel or heavy section iron castingsIt is chemically reactive to certain alloys for example ferrous alloyscontaining manganese. The oxides of Mn and Fe react with silica to formlow melting point silicates, leading to serious sand burn-on defects

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For certain types of casting, it may be necessary to use a non-silica sand, eventhough all other sands are more expensive than silica.

Non-silica sands (Table 12.3)

Zircon, ZrSiO4

Zircon sand has a high specific gravity (4.6) and high thermal con-ductivity which together cause castings to cool faster than silica sand. Thechilling effect of zircon sand can be used to produce favourable thermalgradients that promote directional solidification giving sounder castings.

Figure 12.2 Thermal expansion characteristics of zircon, chromite and olivinesands compared with silica sand.

Table 12.2 Sintering points of silica sand

Sand Sintering point (°C)

High purity silica sand, >99% quartz 1450Medium purity silica sand, 96% quartz 1250Sea sand (high shell content) 1200Natural clay bonded sand 1050–1150

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The thermal expansion coefficient of zircon is very low (Fig. 12.2) so thatexpansion defects can be eliminated. Zircon has higher refractoriness thansilica; moreover it does not react with iron oxide, so sand burn-on defectscan be avoided. Zircon sand generally has a fine grading, with AFSnumber between 140 and 65 (average grain size 115–230 microns); themost frequently used grade is around AFS 100.

Zircon is probably the most widely used of the non-silica sands. It isused with chemical binders for high quality steel castings and for criticaliron castings such as hydraulic spool valves which contain complex cores,almost totally enclosed by metal, making core removal after castingdifficult. Zircon has low acid demand value and can be used with allchemical binder systems. The Cosworth casting process uses the lowthermal expansion of zircon sand cores and moulds to cast dimensionallyaccurate castings. The high cost of zircon sand makes reclamationnecessary and thermal reclamation of resin bonded moulds and cores isfrequently practised.

Zircon sands contain low levels of naturally occurring radioactivematerials, such as uranium and thorium. Any employer who undertakeswork with zircon mineral products is required, by law, to restrictexposure of workers to such naturally occurring contaminants so far asreasonably practical. The primary requirement is to prevent the inhalationof zircon dust. Suitable precautions are set out in the UK in HSEGuidance Note EH55: Dust – general principles of protection. Guidanceon the possible hazards associated with the use, handling, processing,storage, transport or waste disposal of such naturally occurring radio-active materials and the control measures that are recommended tominimise exposure should be obtained from the supplier.

Table 12.3 Properties of non-silica sands (compared with silica)

Property Silica Zircon Chromite OlivineAFS grain size no. 60 102 74 65Grain shape rounded rounded angular angularSpecific gravity 2.65 4.66 4.52 3.3Bulk density (kg/m3) 1490 2770 2670 1700

(lb/ft3) 93 173 167 106Thermal expansion 1.9% 0.45% 0.6% 1.1%20–1200°C non linearApplication general refractoriness

chillresistance topenetrationchill

Mn steel

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Chromite, FeCr2O4

The high specific gravity (4.5) and high thermal conductivity of chromiteprovide a pronounced chilling effect when it is used for moulds and cores.Thermal expansion is low so expansion defects are unlikely to occur.Chromite sand has a glossy black appearance; it has greater resistance tometal penetration than zircon in spite of its generally coarser grading(typically AFS 70). It has somewhat higher acid demand than other sandswhich entails greater additions of acid catalyst when furane resin is used.Apart from this the sand is compatible with all the usual binder systems.Chromite is generally used for steel casting to provide chilling. It is difficultto reclaim chromite sand since, if it becomes contaminated with silica, itsrefractoriness is seriously reduced.

Olivine, Mg2SiO4

Olivine sand is used mainly for the production of austenitic manganese steelcastings (which react with silica and other sands to give serious burn-ondefects). It has also been used to avoid the health hazards possible withsilica sand. Olivine has a very high acid demand and is not suitable for usewith acid-catalysed binders such as furane resins; it tends to accelerate thecuring of phenolic urethane binders. Being a crushed rock, it is highlyangular and consequently requires high binder additions. Thermal expan-sion is regular and quite low.

Green sand

The earliest method of bonding sand grains to form a sand mould was to useclay and water as a binder. The moulds could be used in the “green” orundried state (hence the term green sand moulding) or they could be bakedin a low temperature oven to dry and strengthen them to allow heavycastings to be made. Nowadays, dried, clay bonded sand is little used,having been replaced by chemically bonded sand, but green sand is still themost widely used moulding medium, particularly for iron castings.

Originally, naturally occurring clay sand mixtures were used, containing10% or more of clay. It was found that by adding coal dust, the ease ofstripping iron castings from the mould and the surface finish of the castingscould be greatly improved. The heating of the coal dust by the liquid ironcauses the formation of a type of carbon called lustrous carbon which is notwetted by the liquid iron, so the cast surface is improved. Green sand usedfor aluminium casting does not require coal dust additions.

Clay bonded moulding sand can be used over and over again by addingwater to replace that which is lost during casting, and remilling the sand.However, clay which is heated to a high temperature becomes “dead”, thatis, it loses its bonding power. The coal dust is partly turned to ash by heat,

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so new clay, coal dust and water must be added and the sand remilled torestore its bonding properties. As the sand is reused, dead clay and coal ashbuild up in the sand, reducing its permeability to gases so that eventuallywater vapour and other mould gases are unable to escape from the mouldand defective castings are produced.

Natural sands are little used nowadays (except for some aluminiumcastings) and most foundry green sands are “synthetic” mixtures based onwashed silica sand to which controlled additions of special moulding clays(bentonites) and low ash coal dust are made. Alternatively, special blendedadditives such as BENTOKOL, which combine the clay binder with lustrouscarbon formers, can be used. The moulding sand becomes a “sand system”which is continuously recycled, with suitable additions and withdrawalsmade as required. The control of system sand to achieve constant mouldingproperties has become an important technology of its own for it determinesthe quality of the castings produced.

Green sand additives

Base sand

Silica sand of AFS grain size 50–60 is usually used. The particle sizedistribution is important, a sand spread over 3 to 5 consecutive sieve sizeswith more than 10% on each sieve gives the best results (see Table 12.1).Rounded or sub-angular sands are the best since the more round the grains,the better the flowability and permeability of the sand. The base sand shouldhave the same size grading as the core sand used in the foundry, so thatburnt core sand entering the system does not alter the overall sizegrading.


The best bonding clays are bentonites which can either have a calcium or asodium base. Sodium bentonites occur naturally in the USA as Wyoming orWestern bentonite and also in other countries particularly in the Medi-terranean area. Green sand produced with this clay has medium greenstrength and high dry strength which increases the resistance to erosion ofmetal but can give problems at shakeout. Sodium bentonites are commonlyused for steel casting production.

Calcium bentonites are more widely distributed, they produce greensands with rather high green strength but low dry strength so they have lowerosion resistance and are prone to scabbing and other expansion defects.Calcium bentonites can be converted to sodium bentonite by adding sodaash, the calcium base is replaced by sodium and the clay then has propertiesapproaching those of natural sodium bentonite. Such clays are known asactivated clays.

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Blended or mixed bentonites are commercial blends of sodium bentonitewith calcium bentonite or a sodium-activated bentonite. Compositions canbe varied to suit particular applications. Most iron and non-ferrousfoundries use blended bentonites.

Clays absorb water from the atmosphere so they should be stored in dryconditions, they do not deteriorate on storage, even for long periods.

Coal dust

Used mainly in iron foundries with some being used in non-ferrousfoundries. The formation of “lustrous carbon” from the thermal degradationof the volatiles given off during casting improves casting surface finish andstrip. Good coal dust has the following properties:

Volatile content: 33–36%Ash: less than 5%Fixed carbon: 50–54%Sulphur: less than 1%Chlorine: less than 0.03%Size: 75 or 100 grade (AFS grain fineness no.)

It is important that the size grading of the coal dust used should not be toofine. Coal dust increases the moisture requirement of the sand and the finerit is, the more moisture is needed, which may have harmful effects on thecastings. Fine coal dust will also reduce the overall permeability of the sand.Coal dust levels in green sand vary from 2 or 3% for small iron castings to7 or 8% for heavy section castings. Too much coal dust can give rise to gasholes in the castings or misruns.

Coal dust must be stored dry to prevent the risk of fire. Damp coal dustcan ignite spontaneously. Large stocks are undesirable and should berotated first in, first out.

Coal dust replacements

Consist of blends of highly volatile, high lustrous carbon materials blendedwith clays. They are generally more environmentally acceptable than coaldust, producing less fume during casting. They can be designed forparticular applications such as high pressure moulding.


BENTOKOL additives are blends of natural clays to which have been addedspecially selected essential volatiles to provide both bond and volatilecontent for iron foundry green sand. They are in powder form, virtually dust

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free with flow properties and bulk densities similar to clay, they are suppliedin bulk. Use of BENTOKOL often means that a “one shot” sand addition issufficient and always improves working conditions. Fume after casting isreduced and the foundry is cleaner and pleasanter while casting finish ismaintained or enhanced.

Many of the BENTOKOL formulations contain a blend of natural sodiumbentonite which has high burn-out temperature and results in lowerconcentrations of dead clay. This improves permeability, reduces moisturerequirements and gives better all-round sand properties over a longer lifecycle. Sodium bentonites take longer than other clays to develop their bond.To offset this BENTOKOL formulations may include dispersion agents sothat the clay is rapidly spread and the bond quickly developed.

BENTOKOL is compatible with sand systems based on clay and coal dust.Certain parameters of the sand system may change with the establishmentof BENTOKOL; these may be a slight reduction of volatiles, LOI and clayfraction and the optimum moisture content will fall by up to 0.5%.

Starches, cereals and dextrines

Used mainly in steel foundries to increase strength and toughness of thegreen sand. Starches can help to reduce expansion defects, since as they burnout, they allow the sand grains to expand without deforming the mould.Cereals increase green strength, dry strength and toughness but can reduceflowablity. Dextrines improve flowability and moisture retention, prevent-ing moulds from drying out and edges becoming friable.


Water is needed to develop the clay bond but it can cause casting defects.Where there is strong, localised heating, e.g. in the vicinity of ingates or onhorizontal mould surfaces exposed to radiant heat from the metal, moistureis driven back from the mould surface, condensing in a wet, weakunderlying layer that can easily fracture to produce expansion defects incastings such as scabs, rat-tails and buckles.

MIXAD additive

MIXAD 61 additive has been developed to eliminate sand expansiondefects. By improving the wet strength of the condensed water layer,MIXAD 61 eliminates the associated defects. MIXAD 61 is added early in themilling cycle, usually 0.5–1.0% is used in the facing sand. If MIXAD 61 isused in a unit sand system, an addition of 0.05–0.10% is usually sufficient.MIXAD 61 is used principally in sands for iron and copper-based alloys.

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The green sand system

The “sand system” in green sand foundries is illustrated in Fig. 12.3. Itcomprises the following items of equipment:

The bulk sand storage hopper

Returned knockout sand is stored in a hopper which ideally has capacity forabout 4 hours of usage. Returned sand is very variable in properties, sincesome will have been heated very strongly by the hot metal while sand whichcame from the edges of the mould will have been heated very little. Some

Figure 12.3 Flow diagram for a typical green sand plant. (Courtesy Foundry andTechnical Liaison Ltd.)

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mixing of the sand occurs in the storage hopper. It is better to have severalsmaller volume hoppers rather than one large unit since mixing of the returnsand is improved. Hoppers should be designed in such a way that sandflows evenly through without sticking to the walls.

The sand mill

At the mill, the additions of new sand, clay, coal dust and water are made tothe returned sand. Sand mills may be continuous or batch but batch mills arenowadays preferred because better sand control is possible. Several designsof mill are available, their purpose is to mix the sand and spread themoistened clay over the surface of the sand grains in order to develop thebond. Older sand mills used heavy vertically set mulling wheels and ploughblades (Fig. 12.4). A certain optimum milling time is necessary and this hasto be determined for each green sand system and adhered to carefully. Shortmilling times underuse the additives and produce sand having low andvariable green strength. Modern sand mills use intensive mixers to developthe clay bond quickly and efficiently. Whatever type of mill is used, regularmaintenance is essential to ensure that the milling efficiency does notchange.

Additions of new sand, clay and coal dust (or coal dust replacement) aremade at the mill. Batch mills use weighed additions while continuous millsuse calibrated feeders to make continuous additions.

Water is added, often via an automatic moisture controller whichmeasures the moisture content of the sand as it feeds into the mixer batchhopper prior to mixing then calculates the exact amount of water to beadded to the sand batch discharged into the mixer to bring the moisture tothe required level.

Prepared sand is usually passed by an aerator which “fluffs up” the sandbefore feeding the moulding machines.

Figure 12.4 Vertical wheel batch muller. (Sixth Report of Institute Working GroupT30, Mould and Core Production, Foundryman, Feb. 1996.)

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Buffer hopperA buffer hopper is usually provided before the moulding machines, so that amoulding machine stoppage does not necessitate running freshly milled sandstraight back to the main hopper.

The moulding machine(s)These can be jolt squeeze, high pressure, impact moulding machines etc. Eachhas its advantages and each requires special moulding sand properties.

CastingThe moulds are cast and allowed to cool for a suitable time, often 30–40minutes, before knocking out the castings. The cooling time not only allowsthe castings to solidify completely but also reduces internal stresses withinthe casting caused by differential cooling of sections of varying thickness.

Shake outThe shakeout separates the castings from the sand. It may be a vibrating gridor a rotating drum, the latter also having a cooling function since water issprayed onto the sand in the drum. The shakeout is provided with copious airextraction, to prevent dust from entering the foundry. This also removes somefines from the sand and so plays an important part in the control of the sandsystem.

Return sand conveyorSand from the shakeout contains lumps of partially burnt cores, very hotburnt core sand, hot moulding sand from near the casting and coolermoulding sand from the edges of moulds. A magnetic separator removesferrous metallic particles and water sprays are used to effect somepreliminary cooling before elevation, since very hot sand can damage theelevator.

ScreenThe return sand is elevated to a screen where residual core lumps and otherunwanted material are removed before the sand is returned to the hopper.Non-magnetic metallics are also removed by the screen.

Sand cooling

Hot sand causes problems of excessive moisture loss and condensation ofmoisture on patterns and cores, so the returned sand must be cooled. The onlyeffective way of cooling green sand is by evaporation of water. Evaporation of1% water cools the sand by about 25°C, so water is sprayed onto the sand and

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air drawn over the sand to evaporate it, either in the rotary drum shakeout orat the screen or in a specially designed fluidised bed cooler. Returned greensand cannot be fluidised by air alone. Sand is delivered onto a screen which isvibrated to transport the sand along it. Water is added by sprays andevaporated by blowing air through the perforated screen.

Sand removal or addition

The sand system must have a facility for removal of excess sand, sincefoundries making highly cored castings build up the sand level in thesystem through the introduction of burnt core sand. Regular addition of newsand is needed to maintain control of green sand properties.

Green sand properties

Green sand typically has the following properties:


high pressure(DISA etc.)

water 3–4% 2.5–3.2%green strength 70–100 kPa 150–200 kPa

10–15 psi 22–30 psicompactability 45–52% 38–40%permeability 80–110 80–100live clay 5.0–5.5% 6.0–10.0%volatiles 2.5% 2.0%LOI 7.0–7.5% 6.0%

A typical grading of a sand suitable for a green sand system is:

Sieve mesh size (�m) %

710 0.14500 1.42355 5.44250 22.88212 19.64150 26.74106 9.7075 2.84

pan 1.10

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Green sand for aluminium casting does not need volatile additions and afiner grain size base sand may be used to improve casting surface finish.

Control of green sand systems

When metal is poured into green sand moulds, the heat from the metal drivesoff some water from the sand and clay, burns some of the coal dust to co*ke andash, and burns a proportion of the clay so that its bonding properties aredestroyed. Before the sand can be used again its properties must be restoredby removing burnt clay, coal dust and ash, and milling in new clay, coal dustand water. The following additions are usually necessary at the sand mill inorder to maintain the required moulding properties of the sand:

0.3–0.5% of new clay0.3–0.5% of coal dust1.5–2.5% of water

In addition, it is desirable to add a proportion (up to 10%) of new silica sandto the system and to dispose of a corresponding amount of used systemsand. If highly cored work is made, the amount of new sand addition canpossibly be reduced since well-burnt core sand may serve as new sand, butcare must be taken since certain core binder residues (particularly fromphenolic-isocyanate binders) can harm the green sand properties.

The precise amount of the additions that must be made depends on manyfactors, including:

The weight and type of castings being made, which affects the burn-outThe amount of core sand entering the systemWhether hold-ups on the moulding line have allowed freshly milledsand to return directly to the sand hopper

Good sand control depends on carefully monitored experience of theparticular sand system, since every system is different. The normaladditions of clay, coal dust or BENTOKOL at each cycle represent only about10% of the total active clay or coal present in the system. It is not possible tochange the total clay or coal dust content quickly since any change in theaddition rate takes about 20 cycles to work its way fully into the system. Forexample, an addition of 0.3% clay is usually sufficient to maintain the totalclay level at 3.0%. If the clay addition is increased to 0.4%, the total claycontent after one cycle will only rise to about 3.1% and it will take 20 cycles(about 1 week) for the full effect of the change of addition to be felt and forthe clay level to rise to around 4.0%.

The operator must find by experience what additions are needed duringnormal operation of the foundry to maintain the required physical

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properties of the sand; changes will normally only be necessary if somechange of practice has occurred, such as using heavier castings, which willcause more burn-out of clay and coal. A change to more highly coredcastings is likely to result in more burnt core sand entering the system,which will require greater additions to compensate.

Because sand systems have such built-in inertia, or resistance to change,the only way that quick changes can be made to the moulding properties ofthe sand is by increasing or reducing the addition of water to the sand mill.This has an immediate effect on sand properties and as long as the otherconstituents of the sand are in control, the sand’s mouldability can quicklybe corrected.

Sand testing

Regular testing of the properties of the sand is essential. One or two sandtests do not truly indicate the condition of the whole sand system, since asand sample weighs only about 1 kg and cannot represent the whole 200tonnes or so of the system. At least 5 samples should be taken per shift andmeasured for moisture, green strength, compactability and permeability.LOI and volatiles should be measured once per day. Active clay, twice perweek.

Records of additions should also be kept:

Weight of clay, coal dust and new sand added each dayNumber of moulds madeWeight of metal pouredWeight of used sand removed from the system each day

The 3 ram test method developed by the AFS in the 1920s is still widely usedto measure green strength and compactability although it is not reallysuitable for sand used in modern high pressure moulding machines. TheAFS ramming test is being replaced by tests on 50 mm diameter specimensproduced by squeeze machines which can reproduce the pressures actuallydeveloped on the mould by the machine that the foundry uses.

Control graphs

Individual figures mean rather little, but daily average sand propertiesshould be plotted together with weekly figures of active clay and averageadditions of clay, coal dust and new sand. After a few weeks of plotting thedata, it will be possible to draw control lines. Variation within the lines ispermissible but if results appear outside the control lines, then action mustbe taken such as increasing or reducing clay or coal or new sand. If action is

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taken, it must be remembered that it will be 1 or 2 days before the full effectof the action will be seen.

The sand properties, moisture, green strength, compactability andpermeability are of first importance and must be maintained. The remaininggraphs are of secondary importance, but provide useful information whichmay allow problems to be anticipated.

It is also necessary to keep a log book for the sand system listinginformation such as:

When the sand mill was maintainedWhen new sand was added and old sand removedChanges in foundry practice, such as change of core binder, or changein type of casting made

Parting agents

Unless a water-repellent material is present on the pattern surface to preventwetting, green sand will tend to stick to the pattern when rammed. This willcause damage to the mould when the pattern is withdrawn. To prevent this,it is usual to spray the pattern with a liquid parting agent such as SEPAROL.The frequency of application depends on the type and quality of the pattern,but every 10th or 12th mould is typical.

Special moulding materials, LUTRON

LUTRON moulding sand is a waterless sand containing mineral oilsdesigned for use with fine sands to produce a superfine finish in castingssuch as name plates, plaques, medallions and other art castings made inaluminium or copper-based alloys.

The ready-mixed LUTRON moulding sand is based on a very fine sand(AFS no. 160). The sand has excellent flowability due to the lubricatingproperties of the bond. It can be used alone or as a facing sand backed withnormal green sand or other type of sand. If used as a unit sand, the mix canbe reconstituted after casting by adding a compensating amount ofLUTRON binder and milling.

The LUTRON binder can be used with any suitable, fine, dry sand;additions of 10–12% are normally needed.

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Chapter 13

Resin bonded sand

Chemically bonded sand

A wide variety of chemical binders is available for making sand mouldsand cores. They are mostly based either on organic resins or sodiumsilicate, although there are other inorganic binders such as cement, whichwas the earliest of the chemical binders to be used, ethyl silicate, whichis used in the Shaw process and for investment casting, and silica sol,which is also used for investment casting.

The binders can be used in two ways:

As self-hardening mixtures; sand, binder and a hardening chemicalare mixed together; the binder and hardener start to react imme-diately, but sufficiently slowly to allow the sand to be formed into amould or core which continues to harden further until strong enoughto allow casting. The method is usually used for large moulds forjobbing work, although series production is also possible,With triggered hardening; sand and binder are mixed and blown orrammed into a core box. Little or no hardening reaction occurs untiltriggered by applying heat or a catalyst gas. Hardening then takesplace in seconds. The process is used for mass production of coresand in some cases for moulds for smaller castings.

Self-hardening process (also known as self-set,no-bake or cold-setting process)

Clean, dry sand is mixed with binder and catalyst, usually in a con-tinuous mixer. The mixed sand is vibrated or hand-rammed around thepattern or into a core box; binder and catalyst react, hardening the sand.When the mould or core has reached handleable strength (the strip time),it is removed from the pattern or core box and continues to harden untilthe chemical reaction is complete.

Since the binder and catalyst start to react as soon as they are mixed,the mixed sand has a limited “work time” or “bench life” during which

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the mould or core must be formed (Fig. 13.1). If the work time isexceeded, the final strength of the mould will be reduced. Work time istypically about one third of the “strip time” and can be adjusted bycontrolling the type of catalyst and its addition rate. The work time andstrip time must be chosen to suit the type and size of the moulds andcores being made, the capacity of the sand mixer and the time allowablebefore the patterns are to be reused. With some binder systems thereaction rate is low at first, then speeds up so that the work time/striptime ratio is high. This is advantageous, particularly for fast-settingsystems, since it allows more time to form the mould or core.

Stripping is usually possible when the sand has reached a compressionstrength of around 350 kPa (50 psi) but the actual figure used in practicedepends on the type of binder system used, the tendency of the binder to

Figure 13.1 Typical hardening curve for self-hardening sand:

Tw = work time

Ts = strip time

Tc = casting time

Tmax = time to achieve maximum strength.

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sag before it is fully hardened, the quality of the pattern equipment andthe complexity of the moulds and cores being made.

It is advisable to strip patterns as soon as it is practical, since somebinder chemicals attack core box materials and paints after prolongedcontact. The properties of chemical binders can be expressed in termsof:

Work time (bench life): which can be conveniently defined as the timeafter mixing during which the sand mixture has a compressivestrength less than 10 kPa, at this stage it is fully flowable and can becompacted easily,Strip time: which can be defined as the time after mixing at which acompressive strength of 350 kPa is reached, at this value most mouldsand cores can be stripped without damage or risk of distortion,Maximum strength: the compressive strength developed in a fullyhardened mixture, figures of 3000–5000 kPa are often achieved

It is not necessary to wait until the maximum strength has been achievedbefore moulds can be cast, the time to allow depends on the particularcastings being made; usually casting can take place when 80% of themaximum strength has been reached.

Testing chemically bonded, self-hardening sands


Compressive strength values may be reported in:

SI units kPa = kN/m2

cgs units kgf/cm2

Imperial units psi = lbf/in2

Conversion factors:

100 kPa (kN/m2) = 1.0197 kgf/cm2

= 14.5038 psi (lbf/in2)

1 kgf/cm2 = 98.0665 kPa

= 14.22 psi (lbf/in2)

1 psi (lbf/in2) = 6.895 kPa (kN/m2)

= 0.07032 kgf/cm2

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Conversion table

kPa (kN/m2) kgf/cm2 psi (lbf/in2)

10 0.10 1.550 0.51 7.3

100 1.02 14.5200 2.04 29.0300 3.06 43.5400 4.08 58.0500 5.10 72.5600 6.12 87.0700 7.14 101.5800 8.16 116.0900 9.18 130.5

1000 10.20 145.02000 20.39 290.13000 30.59 435.14000 40.79 580.15000 50.99 725.2

The curing properties (work time, strip time and maximum strength) aremeasured by compression tests using 50 mm diameter specimen tubes withend cups, or AFS 2 in diameter tubes, with a standard rammer. Sand ismixed in a food mixer or small core sand mixer; catalyst being added firstand mixed, then the resin is added and mixed.

Measurement of “work time” or “bench life”

Mix the sand as above, when mixing is complete, start a stopwatch anddischarge the sand into a plastic bucket and seal the lid.

After 5 minutes, prepare a standard compression test piece andimmediately measure the compressive strength.

At further 5 minute intervals, again determine the compressive strength,stirring the mixed sand in the bucket before sampling it.

Plot a graph of time v. strength and record the time at which thecompressive strength reaches 10 kPa (0.1 kgf/cm2, 1.5 psi); this is theworktime or bench life.

The sand temperature should also be recorded.For fast-setting mixtures, the strength should be measured at shorter

intervals, say every 1 or 2 minutes.

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Measurement of strip time

Prepare the sand mixture as before.When mixing is complete, start a stopwatch.Prepare 6–10 compression test pieces within 5 minutes of completion of

mixing the sand.Cover each specimen with a waxed paper cup to prevent drying.Determine the compressive strength of each specimen at suitable

intervals, say every 5 minutes.Plot strength against time.Record the time at which the strength reaches 350 kPa (3.6 kgf/cm2,

50 psi), this is the “strip time”.The sand temperature should also be recorded.

Measurement of maximum strength

Prepare the sand mixture as before.Record the time on completion of mixing.Prepare 6–10 specimens as quickly as possible covering each with a

waxed cup.Determine the strength at suitable intervals, say 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 24 hours.Plot the results on a graph and read the maximum strength.The sand temperature should be held constant if possible during the

test.While compressive strength is the easiest property of self-hardening sand

to measure, transverse strength or tensile strength being used morefrequently nowadays, particularly for the measurement of maximumstrength.


Self-hardening sand is usually prepared in a continuous mixer, whichconsists of a trough or tube containing a mixing screw. Dry sand is meteredinto the trough at one end through an adjustable sand gate. Liquid catalystand binder are pumped from storage tanks or drums by metering pumpsand introduced through nozzles into the mixing trough; the catalyst nozzlefirst then binder (so that the binder is not exposed to a high concentration ofcatalyst).

Calibration of mixers

Regular calibration is essential to ensure consistent mould and core qualityand the efficient use of expensive binders. Sand flow and chemical flow

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rates should be checked at least once per week, and calibration datarecorded in a book for reference:

Sand: Switch off the binder and catalyst pumps and empty sand from thetrough. Weigh a suitable sand container, e.g. a plastic bin holding about50 kg. Run the mixer with sand alone, running the sand to waste until asteady flow is achieved. Move the mixer head over the weighedcontainer and start a stopwatch. After a suitable time, at least 20 seconds,move the mixer head back to the waste bin and stop the watch. Calculatethe flow in kg/min. Repeat three times and average. Adjust the sand gateto give the required flow and repeat the calibration,Binders: Switch off the sand flow and the pumps except the one to bemeasured. Disconnect the binder feed pipe at the inlet to the trough,ensuring that the pipe is full. Using a clean container, preferably apolythene measuring jug, weigh the binder throughput for a given time(minimum 20 seconds). Repeat for different settings of the pump speedregulator. Draw a graph of pump setting against flow in kg/min.

Repeat for each binder or catalyst, taking care to use separate cleancontainers for each liquid. Do not mix binder and catalyst together, sincethey may react violently. Always assume that binders and catalysts arehazardous, wear gloves, goggles and protective clothing.

When measuring liquid flow rate, the pipe outlet should be at the sameheight as the inlet nozzle of the mixer trough, so that the pump isworking against the same pressure head as in normal operation.

Mixers should be cleaned regularly. The use of STRIPCOTE AL applied to themixer blades, reduces sand build-up.

Sand quality

In all self-hardening processes, the sand quality determines the amount ofbinder needed to achieve good strength. To reduce additions and thereforecost, use high quality sand having:

AFS 45–60 (average grain size 250–300 microns)Low acid demand value, less than 6 ml for acid-catalysed systemsRounded grains for low binder additions and flowabilityLow fines for low binder additionsSize distribution, spread over 3–5 sieves for good packing, low metalpenetration and good casting surface

Pattern equipment

Wooden patterns and core boxes are frequently used for short-run work.Epoxy or other resin patterns are common and metal equipment, usuallyaluminium, may be used for longer running work. The chemical binders

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used may be acid or alkaline or may contain organic solvents which canattack the patterns or paints. STRIPCOTE AL aluminium-pigmentedsuspension release agent or silicone wax polishes are usually applied topatterns and core boxes to improve the strip of the mould or core. Care mustbe taken to avoid damage to the working surfaces of patterns and regularcleaning is advisable to prevent sand sticking.

Curing temperature

The optimum curing temperature for most binder systems is 20–25°C buttemperatures between 15 and 30°C are usually workable. Low temperaturesretard the curing reaction and cause stripping problems, particularly ifmetal pattern equipment is used. High sand temperatures cause reductionof work time and poor sand flowability and also increase the problem offumes from the mixed sand. If sand temperatures regularly fall below 15°C,the use of a sand heater should be considered.

Design of moulds using self-hardening sand

Moulds may be made in flasks or flaskless. Use of a steel flask is commonfor large castings of one tonne or more, since it increases the security ofcasting. For smaller castings, below one tonne, flaskless moulds arecommon. Typical mould designs are illustrated in Fig. 13.2. The specialfeatures of self-hardening sand moulds are:

Large draft angle (3–5°) on mould walls for easy strippingIncorporation of a method of handling moulds for roll-over andclosingMeans of location of cope and drag moulds to avoid mismatchReinforcement of large moulds with steel bars or framesClamping devices to restrain the metallostatic casting forcesUse of a separate pouring bush to reduce the sand usageMould vents to allow gas releaseSealing the mould halves to prevent metal breakoutWeighting of moulds if clamps are not usedUse of minimum sand to metal ratio to reduce sand usage, 3 or 4 to 1is typical for ferrous castings

Foundry layout

With self-hardening sand, moulds and cores are often made using the samebinder system, so that one mixer and production line can be used. A typicallayout using a stationary continuous mixer is shown in Fig. 13.3. The

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Figure 13.2 Typical designs ofself-hardening moulds. FromFoundry Practice Today andTomorrow, SCRATA Conference,1975.) (a) Method of moulding-in-steel tubes for ease of handlingboxless moulds. (b) Socketsmoulded into boxless moulds forease of lifting, roll-over and closing.(c) Steel reinforcement frames forhandling large boxless moulds. (d)Method of locating mould halvesand preventing runout.

moulds may or may not be in flasks. Patterns and core boxes circulate on asimple roller track around the mixer. The length of the track is madesufficient to allow the required setting time, then moulds and cores arestripped and the patterns returned for reuse.

For very large moulds, a mobile mixer may be used.

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Sand reclamation

The high cost of new silica sand and the growing cost of disposal of usedfoundry sand make the reclamation and reuse of self-hardening sands amatter of increasing importance. Reclamation of sand is easiest when onlyone type of chemical binder is used. If more than one binder is used, caremust be taken to ensure that the binder systems are compatible. Twotypes of reclamation are commonly used, mechanical attrition andthermal.

Wet reclamation has been used for silicate bonded sand. The sand iscrushed to grain size, water washed using mechanical agitation to wash

Figure 13.3 Foundry layout for self-hardening sand moulds.

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off the silicate residues, then dried. The process further requires expensivewater treatment to permit safe disposal of the wash water so its use is notcommon.

The difficulty and cost of disposing safely of used chemically bondedsand has led to the growing use of a combination of mechanical andthermal treatment. Mechanical attrition is used to remove most of thespent binder. Depending on the binder system used, 60–80% of themechanically reclaimed sand can be rebonded satisfactorily for moulding,with the addition of clean sand. The remaining 20–40% of the mechani-cally treated sand may then be thermally treated to remove the residualorganic binder, restoring the sand to a clean condition. This secondarilytreated sand can be used to replace new sand. In some cases, all the usedsand is thermally treated.

Mechanical attrition

This is the most commonly practised method because it has the lowestcost. The steps in the process are:

Lump breaking; large sand lumps must be reduced in size to allowthe removal of metal etc.Separation of metal from the sand by magnet or screen.Disintegration of the sand lumps to grain size and mechanicalscrubbing to remove as much binder as possible, while avoidingbreakage of grains.Air classification to remove dust, fines and binder residue.Cooling the sand to usable temperature.Addition of new sand to make up losses and maintain the quality ofthe reclaimed sand.

Reclamation by attrition relies on the fact that the heat of the castingburns or chars the resin binder close to the metal. Even at some distancefrom the metal, the sand temperature rises enough to embrittle the resinbond. Crushing the sand to grain size followed by mechanical scrubbingthen removes much of the embrittled or partially burnt binder. The morestrongly the sand has been heated, the more effectively is the sandreclaimed.

Mechanical attrition does not remove all the residual binder from thesand, so that continued reuse of reclaimed sand results in residual binderlevels increasing until a steady state is reached which is determinedby:

the amount of burnout which occurs during casting and coolingthe effectiveness of the reclamation equipmentthe percentage of new sand addedthe type of binder used

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The equilibrium level of residue left on the sand is approximatelyexpressed as:


1 – TR

P is the maximum percentage of resin that builds up in the sand (the LOIof the reclaimed sand)B is the binder addition %T is the fraction of binder remaining after reclamationR is the fraction of sand reused

Example: In a typical furane binder system:

B = 1.4% resin + 0.6% catalyst = 2.0%T = 0.7 (only 30% of the binder residue is removed)R = 0.90 (90% of reclaimed sand is reused with 10% new sand)

P =0.7 � 2.0

1 – (0.7 � 0.9)

= 3.78% (residual binder that builds up on the sand)

This represents an inefficient reclaimer. Ideally P should not exceed 3.0%.Even with an inefficient reclaimer P = 3% can be achieved by reducing R,that is, by adding more new sand. For example, reducing R to 0.75 (25%addition of new sand) reduces P to 2.95%.

Regular testing of reclaimed sand for LOI, acid demand, grain size andtemperature is needed, together with regular maintenance of the reclaimerto ensure that consistent mould quality is achieved.

Binder systems containing inorganic chemicals, e.g. silicate-based sys-tems, alkaline phenolic resins or binder systems containing phosphoric acidare difficult to reclaim at high percentages because no burnout of theinorganic material occurs.

Use of reclaimed sand with high LOI may cause problems due toexcessive fumes at the casting stage, particularly if sulphonic acid-catalysedfurane resins are used.

Thermal reclamation

Sand bonded with an entirely organic binder system can be 100% reclaimedby heating to about 800°C in an oxidising atmosphere to burn off the binderresidues, then cooling and classifying the sand. Thermal reclaimers areusually gas heated but electric or oil heating can also be used. The steps inthe process are:

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Lump breakingMetal removalHeating to about 800°C for a certain time in a fluidised bed furnace orrotary kilnCooling the sand, using the extracted heat to preheat the incoming sandor the combustion airClassificationAddition of new sand to make up losses in the system

Thermal reclamation is costly because of the large amount of heat neededand the relatively expensive equipment. The ever growing cost of sanddisposal, however, has led to its increasing use.

Sand losses

Whatever method of reclamation is used, there is always some loss of sandso that 100% reclamation can never be achieved. Sand losses include: burn-on, spillage, inefficiencies in the sand system and the need to remove fines.Dust losses of around 5% can be expected and total sand losses of up to 10%may be expected.

Typical usage of sand reclamation

Furane bonded sand

Mechanical attrition allows up to 90% of sand to be reused. Only sulphonicacid-catalysed sand can be reclaimed. Reclaimed sand may have up to 3%LOI. Binder additions on rebonding can be reduced by 0.15–0.2% (from, say,1.2% on new sand to 1.0%) with a proportionate reduction of catalyst.Nitrogen and sulphur levels build up and may cause casting defects andexcessive fume if allowed to exceed 0.15% when the sand is rebonded. Lownitrogen resins must be used.

Thermal treatment at 800°C can be used on the residual sand. Nitrogenand sulphur are removed together with the remaining organic content.

Phenolic urethane bonded sand

Up to 90% of sand can be reclaimed by mechanical attrition. If iron oxide isadded to the sand mix, care must be taken to ensure that the iron content ofthe sand does not rise too high or the refractoriness may suffer.

Thermal reclamation can be used on the residual sand as long as the ironoxide content is low.

Cold-box core sand, from core assembly casting processes, can bethermally reclaimed satisfactorily. If uncontaminated core lumps can beseparated from green sand, they can also be reclaimed.

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Alkaline phenolic bonded sand

These binders contain potassium which, if allowed to rise above 0.15% in thereclaimed sand, will cause unacceptable reduction of work time and finalstrength. This limits attrition reclamation to about 70%.

Thermal reclamation can be used on the residual sand if it is treated withFENOTEC ADTI, an anti-fusion additive. This additive prevents sintering ofthe sand during thermal treatment and aids removal of potassium salts.

Resin shell sand

Shell moulding and core sand (silica or zircon) is fully reclaimable bythermal means. The used sand often has as much as 2% of residual resin leftafter casting. Useful heat can be obtained from the combustion of the resinresidues which significantly reduces the quantity of heat that must besupplied. The quality of the reclaimed sand must be regularly checkedfor:

Size gradingLOI (the visual appearance of the sand, which should be the colour ofnew sand, gives a good indication of LOI)Inorganic residues, e.g. calcium stearate additions, which are oftenmade to lubricate shell sand, burn to CaO during reclamation, givingrise to high acid demand

Foundries wishing to thermally reclaim shell sand must have equipment torecoat the sand for reuse.

Silicate-ester bonded sand

Standard silicate-ester bonded sand can be reclaimed mechanically only atrather low levels, less than 50% because the build-up of soda in the sandreduces its refractoriness. The presence of reclaimed sand in the rebondedmix reduces the work time and final strength and increases the tendency forsagging.

VELOSET special silicate-ester binder

Up to 90% reclaimed sand can be reused with the VELOSET system.Shakeout sand is reduced to grain size in a vibratory crusher which providesthe primary attrition stage. The sand is then dried in a fluidised bed drier.Secondary attrition takes place next in a hammer mill. The sand is finallypassed through a cooler-classifier ready for reuse. The reclaimed sand is

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blended with new sand in the proportion 75 to 25. During the first 10 cyclesof reuse, the sand system stabilises and the bench life of the sand increasesby a factor of up to 2. Also, mould strength should improve, and it is usuallypossible to reduce the binder addition level by up to 20% yet still retainingthe same strength as achieved using new sand. Once the process has becomeestablished, it becomes possible to reuse up to 85–90% of the sand, Figs 14.4and 14.5.

Wet reclamation

Some silicate bonded sands are particularly difficult to reclaim mechanicallybecause Na2O builds up and lowers refractoriness. (VELOSET sand is anexception, see above.) Thermal reclamation is ineffective, but water washingcan be used. The steps in the process are:

Lump breakingMetal separation by magnet or screenDisintegration to grain sizeWater wash with mechanical agitation to wash off the silicateresiduesSeparation of sand and waterDrying of the sandAgglomeration of the alkaline residues in the water to allow settlementand separationWater treatment to permit safe disposal of the water

Wet reclamation is expensive and its use is not common.

Self-hardening resin binder systems


Foseco products: FUROTEC, ESHANOL binders.

Principle: Self-setting furane sands use a furane resin and an acid catalyst.The resins are urea-formaldehyde (UF), phenol-formaldehyde (PF), or UF-PF resins with additions of furfuryl alcohol (FA). Speed of setting iscontrolled by the percentage of acid catalyst used and the strength of theacid.

Sand: Since the resins are acid catalysed, sands should have a low aciddemand, less than 6 ml.

Resin: A wide range of resins is available having different nitrogen content.The UF base resin contains about 17–18% N; furfuryl alcohol is N free, so theN content of a UF-FA resin depends on its FA content. Nitrogen can cause

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defects in steel and high strength iron castings, so it is advisable to use highFA resins (80–95% FA, 3.5–1% N) although they are more expensive thanlower FA resins. These resins are particularly useful with sands of highquality, such as the German Haltern and Frechen sands, which are roundgrained and can be used with low resin additions (<1.0%) so the totalnitrogen on the sand is low.

A range of UF-PF furanes is also available, having low nitrogen content;they are frequently used with sands of rather lower quality, which requirequite high resin additions (>1.2%). The total nitrogen on the sand can bekept to a lower level than is possible with UF-FA resins.

Phenol-formaldehyde resin is N free and a range of totally N-free PF-FAresins is available, these are used for particularly sensitive castings, or whensand is reclaimed. Where the presence of phenol in the resin presents aproblem, due to restrictions on used sand disposal, special phenol-free FA,Resorcinol (FA-R) resins can be used. They contain less than 0.5% N and areused for steel and high quality iron casting. While they are expensive, theyare used at low addition rates.

Catalyst: UF-FA resins can be catalysed with phosphoric acid, which has theadvantage of low odour and no sulphur but reclamation of the sand isdifficult. FA-R, PF-FA, UF-FA with high FA and UF-PF-FA resins arecatalysed with sulphonic acids, either PTSA (para-toluene sulphonic acid),XSA (xylene sulphonic acid) or BSA (benzene sulphonic acid), the last twoare strong acids and are used when faster setting is required. Sulphonic acid-catalysed resin sand can be reclaimed but the sulphur content of the sandrises and may cause S defects in ferrous castings particularly in ductile iron.Environmental problems may also arise due to the SO2 gas formed whenmoulds are cast. Mixed organic and inorganic acids may also be used.

Addition rate: Resin: 0.8–1.5% depending on sand quality. Catalyst: 40–60%of resin, depending on sand temperature and speed of setting required. Iffast setting is required, XSA or BSA catalyst should be used.

Pattern equipment: Wood or resin is commonly used. Metal patterns can beused but if the pattern is cold, setting may be retarded. FA is a powerfulsolvent and will attack most paints; patterns must be clean and preferablyunpainted. Special release agents such as STRIPCOTE AL can be used.

Temperature: The optimum is 20–30°C. Cold sand seriously affects the settingspeed and the final strength.

Strength: Depends on resin type and addition, typically 4000 kPa (600 psi)compression strength.

Speed of strip: Can be from 5 to 30 minutes. Short strip times require highspeed mixers and may cause problems of sand build-up on the mixerblades.

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Work time/strip time: UF-FA resins are better than PF-FA; the higher the FAcontent, the better.

Coatings: Water or spirit-based coatings may be used; alcohol-based coatingsmay cause softening of the mould or core surface and it is advisable to allow12–1 hour between stripping and coating.

Environmental: Formaldehyde is released from the mixed sand, so goodextraction is needed around the mixer. When sulphonic acid catalyst is used,SO2 gas is evolved when moulds are cast, particularly if reclaimed sand isused.

Reclamation: Attrition reclamation works well and it is often possible toreduce the resin addition on reclaimed sand. Low N resin and sulphonicacid catalyst must be used. The LOI of the reclaimed sand must be kept toless than 3.0%. N and S in the sand should not exceed 0.15% when the sandis rebonded.

Casting characteristics: N above 0.15% in the sand will cause defects in ironand steel castings. S above 0.15% in the sand may cause reversion to flakegraphite at the surface of ductile iron castings. Metal penetration can be aproblem if work time is exceeded.

General: Probably the most widely used self-hardening system because ofthe easy control of set times, good hot strength, erosion resistance and theease of reclamation.

Phenolic-isocyanates (phenolic-urethanes)

Foseco product: POLISET binder.

Principle: The binder is supplied in three parts. Part 1 is a phenolic resin inan organic solvent. Part 2 is MDI (methylene diphenyl diisocyanate). Part 3is a liquid amine catalyst. When mixed with sand, the amine causes areaction between resin and MDI to occur, forming urethane bonds whichrapidly set the mixture. The speed of setting is controlled by the type ofcatalyst supplied in Part 1.

Sand: The binder is expensive, so good quality sand is needed to keep thecost of additions down. AFS 50–60 is usually used.

Addition rate: The total addition is typically 0.8% Part 1, 0.5% Part 2, more orless being used, depending on the sand quality.

Pattern equipment: Wood, resin or metal can be used. Paints must be resistantto the strong solvents in Part 1 and Part 2.

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Temperature: Sand temperature affects cure rate, but not as seriously as otherbinders. The optimum temperature is 25–30°C.

Speed of strip: Can be very fast, from 2 to 15 minutes. A high speed mixer isneeded to handle the fast cure rates.

Work time/strip time: Very good.

Strength: Compression strength is typically over 4000 kPa (40 kgf/cm2,600 psi).

Coatings: If water-based coatings are used, they should be appliedimmediately after strip and dried at once. Spirit-based coatings should beapplied 15–20 minutes after strip and are preferably air dried.

Casting characteristics: Lustrous carbon defects may occur on ferrouscastings. Part 2 (MDI) contains 11.2% N and gas defects may occur in steelcastings. The binder has rather low initial hot strength, so erosion defectsmay occur. All these problems can be reduced by the addition of 1 or 2% ofiron oxide to the sand.

Reclamation: Attrition works well, 90% reuse of sand is possible. If iron oxideis added to the sand mix, care must be taken to ensure that the iron contentof the sand does not rise too high or the refractoriness may suffer.

Environmental: Solvent release during mixing and compaction may betroublesome, use good exhaust ventilation. Isocyanates can cause respira-tory problems in sensitised individuals. Once an individual has becomesensitised, exposure, however small, may trigger a reaction. MDI has verylow vapour pressure at ambient temperature, so exposure to the vapour isunlikely to cause problems, however, uncured isocyanate may be present onairborne sand particles at the mixing station. Good exhaust ventilation isessential.

General: This system has never been as popular in the UK and Europe as inthe USA due to the difficulty of stripping and the low hot strength. Steelfoundries find it useful for cores, where the low hot strength reduces hottearing.

Alkaline phenolic resin, ester hardened

Foseco products: FENOTEC, FENOTEC hardener.

Principle: The binder is a low viscosity, highly alkaline phenolic resole resin.The hardener is a liquid organic ester. Sand is mixed with hardener and

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resin, usually in a continuous mixer. The speed of setting is controlled by thetype of ester used.

Sand: Can be used with a wide range of sands including zircon, chromiteand high acid demand sand such as olivine.

Resin addition: 1.2–1.7% depending on the sand quality; 18–25% hardenerbased on resin.

Nitrogen content: Very small or zero.

Pattern equipment: Wood or resin, patterns strip well.

Temperature: Low sand temperature slows the cure rate, but specialhardeners are available for cold and warm sand.

Speed of strip: 3 minutes to 2 hours depending on the grade of hardener used.The work time/strip time ratio is good.

Strength: 24 hr strength: transverse 1600 kPa 16 kgf/cm2 230 psitensile 900 9 130compression 4000 40 600

Coatings: Some iron and steel castings can be made without coatings. Bothwater- and spirit-based coatings can be used, but some softening-back of thesand surface is possible. The stripped core or mould should be allowed toharden fully before applying the coating. Water-based coatings should bedried as quickly as possible. Alcohol-based coatings should be fired as soonas possible after application.

Casting characteristics: Good as-cast finish on all metals. Hot tearing andfinning defects are eliminated. No N, S or P defects. Good breakdown,particularly on low melt point alloys. Widely used for steel castings as wellas iron and aluminium.

Reclamation: FENOTEC binders allow up to 70–90% sand reclamation; thereis some loss of strength and careful management of the alkali content of thereclaimed sand is needed. Thermal reclamation can be used if the sand istreated with FENOTEC ADTI, an anti-fusion additive which aids potassiumremoval.

Environmental: Low fume evolution at mixing, casting and knockoutstages.

General: Stripping from all pattern types is excellent; this, together with thegood casting finish achieved and the low fume evolution, make the systempopular for all types of casting but most of all for steel.

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Triggered hardening systems

Cores for repetition foundries are usually made using a triggered hardeningsystem with the mixed sand being blown into the core box. The cores mustbe cured in the box until sufficient strength has been achieved to allowstripping without damage or distortion; usually the core continues toharden after stripping. Transverse breaking strength or tensile strength areused to assess the properties of triggered core binder systems since theyrepresent the properties needed to strip and handle cores. The strengthrequirements needed depend on the particular type of core being made.Thin section cores, such as cylinder head water jacket cores, require highstripping strength because of their fragile nature. Tensile strengths of1000–2000 kPa (150–300 psi) are typical, equating roughly to transversestrengths of 1500–3000 kPa. Final strengths may be higher, but some bindersystems are affected by storage conditions (humidity in particular) andstrengths may even fall if the storage conditions are poor. Surface hardnessis also important but difficult to measure precisely.

Heavy section cores and moulds made by core blowing can besuccessfully made with lower strength binders, and factors such as fumereleased on casting and compatibility of core residues with the greenand system may be more important than achieving the very higheststrength.

Heat triggered processes

The sand and binder are mixed then introduced into a heated core box orpattern. The heat activates the catalyst present in the binder system andcures the binder. Core boxes and patterns must be made of metal, normallygrey cast iron, evenly heated by means of gas burners or electric heatingelements. The working surface of the core box is usually heated to 250°C,higher temperatures may overcure or burn the binder. Sand is a rather poorconductor of heat and heat penetration is rather slow, Fig. 13.4; it is thereforedifficult to cure thick sections of sand quickly and fully. When the core isejected from the core box, residual heat in the sand continues to penetrateinto the core, promoting deeper cure. To achieve the fastest cure times,heavy section cores are often made hollow, using heated mandrels or “pull-backs” to reduce core thickness. Core boxes are usually treated with siliconerelease agents to improve the strip. The thermal expansion of the metal corebox must be taken into account when designing core boxes. A cast iron corebox cavity 100 mm long will expand by 0.27 mm when heated from 25 to250°C. This change becomes significant on large cores.

Other methods of applying heat to sand cores have been tried. Microwaveor dielectric heating is difficult because electrically conducting metal coreboxes cannot be used. Certain resins can be used for core boxes but they pickup heat from the cores and may distort.

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Blowing heated air through the core has also been used, but a largevolume of air is needed and the method becomes slow and impractical ifcore sections above about 30 mm are to be cured. Approximately 1 kg (800litres at STP) of heated air is needed to heat 1 kg of sand to curingtemperature.

Gas triggered systems

Sand and binder are mixed and blown into a core box, then a reactive gas isblown in causing hardening of the binder. Hardening occurs at roomtemperature, avoiding the need for heated core boxes. Many of the gasesused to trigger chemical reactions are highly reactive and toxic so thatspecially designed gas generators are needed to meter the gas accuratelyinto the core box. Core boxes must be sealed to contain the gases and oftenscrubbers must be used to absorb the exhaust gas to prevent it fromcontaminating the atmosphere both inside and outside the foundry.Frequently, the gassing cycle includes an air purge to remove residual gasfrom the core so that it can be handled and stored safely.

Gas cured binder systems often allow very fast curing, even of thicksection cores.

Figure 13.4 Temperature rise in a sand core with one surface in contact with aheated core box at 250°C (theoretical).

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Heat triggered processes

The shell or Croning process

Principle: Sand is precoated with a solid phenolic novolak resin and acatalyst to form a dry, free-flowing material. The coated sand is blown intoa heated core box or dumped onto a heated pattern plate causing the resinto melt and then harden. Cores may be solid or they may be hollow with theuncured sand shaken out of the centre of the core. Shell moulds are normallyonly 20–25 mm thick.

Sand: The base sand is usually a fine silica sand of AFS 60–95. To achieve thehighest strength with the minimum resin addition, the sand should be pure,rounded grain and free from surface impurities. Zircon sand is alsoprecoated for special applications.

Resin and catalyst additions: The resins are solid phenolic novolaks whichmelt at around 100°C. The catalyst is hexamine, a white powder. Resinadditions are 2.5–4.5% (depending on the application and the strengthrequired), hexamine is added at 11–14% of the resin content.

Nitrogen content: The resins are N free but hexamine contains 40% N. Speciallow N systems with little or no hexamine are available.

Precoating procedure: There are two processes: hot coating and warm coating.In the hot coating procedure, the sand is heated to around 130°C andcharged into a batch mixer. Solid resin granules are added, the heat from thesand melts the resin which then coats the sand grains. Aqueous hexaminesolution plus release agents are added, cooling the sand below the meltpoint of the resin. The coated sand is broken down to grain size and finallycooled.

In warm coating, the sand is heated to 50°C and charged into a batchmixer together with hexamine and release agents. Resin in alcohol solutionis added and warm air blown through the mixer to vaporise the solvent,leaving the sand evenly coated. After breaking down the sand lumps andcooling, the coated sand is ready for use.

Many foundries purchase ready coated sand from specialist suppliers.

Bench life: Precoated sands last indefinitely if stored dry and not exposed toexcessive heat, which may cause clumping.

Core blowing: The free flowing sand can be blown at low pressure,250–350 kPa (35–50 psi). Core boxes should be made of cast iron heated to250°C. Copper or brass must be avoided since ammonia released duringcuring will cause corrosion.

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Curing times: Minimum curing time is 90 seconds but 2 minutes is common.The longer the curing time, the thicker is the shell build-up. Increasingcuring temperature does little to speed up cure rate and runs the risk ofover-curing the sand adjacent to the core box or pattern plate.

Core strength: Surface hardness and strength is high on ejection. A 3.5% resincontent will give a tensile strength of 1400 kPa (200 psi). Storage propertiesof cured cores is excellent.

Gas evolution: 4–5 ml/g of gases for each 1% of resin.

Casting characteristics: Core and mould coatings are unnecessary. The surfacefinish of castings is excellent. Breakdown is good, particularly with hollowcores. Accuracy and reproduction of pattern detail is extremely goodbecause of the free-flowing properties of precoated sand. Some distortion,particularly of moulds, can occur on casting and support of shell moulds bysteel shot or loose sand may be needed for heavy section castings. N defectsmay occur on steel castings unless low N coated sand is used. Excellentsurface finish is achieved on aluminium castings.

Health hazards: Phenol and ammonia are released during curing so goodventilation is needed at core- and mould-making machines. Casting intoshell moulds produces unpleasant and hazardous fumes and often shellmoulds are cooled in an enclosed tunnel, allowing fumes to be collected andexhausted outside the foundry.

Reclamation: When both moulds and cores are made by shell process, thesand can be reclaimed thermally.

Shell moulding: Shell moulds are made by dumping precoated sand onto aniron pattern plate heated to 240–260°C. After a suitable time, usually about2 minutes, the mould is overturned, returning the uncured sand to thehopper and leaving a shell mould 20–25 mm thick which is ejected from thepattern plate. Cores are placed and the two half-moulds are glued togetherwith hot-melt adhesive (CORFIX).

Shell moulds are usually cast horizontally, unsupported. If cast vertically,support is usually necessary to prevent mould distortion. Steel shot isfrequently used to support the mould.

KALMIN pouring cups are often used with horizontally poured shellmoulds.

General: The shell process was one of the first synthetic resin foundryprocesses to be developed. Although it is slow and rather expensive, it is stillwidely used, because of the excellent surface finish and dimensionalaccuracy of the castings produced.

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Hot-box process

Principle: The binder is an aqueous PF-UF or UF-FA resin, the catalyst is anaqueous solution of ammonium salts, usually chloride and bromide. Sand ismixed with the liquid resin and catalyst and blown into a heated core box.The heat liberates acid vapour from the catalyst which triggers thehardening reaction. Hardening continues after removal of the core from thebox causing the sand to be cured throughout.

Sand: Clean silica sand of AFS 50–80, acid demand should be low. Thebinder is aqueous so traces of moisture in the sand do not affect the cure.Low sand temperatures (below 20°C) slow the cure rate.

Resin addition: 2.0–2.5% depending on sand quality. Catalyst additions are20–25% of the resin weight.

Nitrogen content: The resin contains 6–12% N. The catalyst are usuallyammonia chloride solutions and also contain N. The total N in the system is10–14% depending on the resin used. Low N or N-free systems are availablebut their performance is not as good as the N-containing binders.

Mixing procedure: Batch or continuous mixers can be used; add catalyst firstthen the resin.

Bench life: 1–2 hours, mixed sand must be kept in closed containers toprevent drying out. High ambient temperatures reduce bench life.

Core blowing: High blowing pressure, 650–700 kPa (90–100 psi) is needed toblow the wet sand into core boxes.

Core boxes: Cast iron or steel, fitted with gas or electric heaters to maintainthe temperature at 250–300°C. Silicone parting agents are usually applied toimprove the strip of the core.

Curing time: Thin section cores cure in 5–10 seconds. As cores increase insection, curing time must be extended up to about 1 minute for 50 mmsection. For larger sections still, it is advisable to lighten out cores withheated mandrels, otherwise the centre of the core will remain uncured.

Core strength: Surface hardness and strength are high on ejection. Finaltensile strength is 1400–2800 kPa (200–400 psi). Storage properties are goodif cores are kept dry.

Casting characteristics:

Ferrous castings: Cores are usually coated to prevent burn-on. Water-based coatings, such as RHEOTEC, are used. The

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hot strength and breakdown is good, particularlyfor the UF-PF-FA resins, the higher the PF content,the worse the breakdown. The rather high nitrogencan cause gas holes and fissures in iron castingsand additions of 1–3% of a coarse-grained form ofiron oxide are often used to minimise N defects.Finely powdered red iron oxide can also be usedbut it causes some loss of strength.

Hot-box cores made using phenolic resin expandslightly during casting and this can cause distor-tion, for example on large water jacket cores. Ironoxide additions reduce the expansion, so does theuse of UF-FA resins.

Aluminium castings: Special hot-box resins are available which breakdown readily at aluminium casting temperatures.

Copper-based castings: Brass water fittings are commonly made withspecial hot box resin cores.

Health hazards: Formaldehyde is liberated during curing, so core blowersand the area around them must be well ventilated and exhausted. Avoidskin contact with liquid resins and mixed sand.

Reclamation: It is not normal to reclaim hot-box cores when they are used ingreen sand moulds. Core sand residues in green sand are well tolerated.

General: The hot-box process was the first high speed resin core-makingprocess. Gas-cured cold-box processes have superseded it in many cases,particularly for thick section cores, but hot box is still used because of itsgood surface hardness, strength in thin sections and excellent breakdownproperties.

Warm-box process

Principle: The binder is a reactive, high furfuryl alcohol binder. The catalystis usually a copper salt of sulphonic acid. Sand, binder and catalyst aremixed and blown into a heated core box. The heat activates the catalystwhich causes the binder to cure.

Sand: Clean silica sand of AFS 50–60 is used. Low acid demand isadvisable.

Resin addition: 1.3–1.5% resin and 20% catalyst (based on resin) dependingon sand quality.

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Nitrogen content: The resin contains about 2.5% N. The catalyst is N free.

Mixing procedure: Continuous or batch mixers. Catalyst should be addedfirst, then resin.

Bench life: Typically 8 hours.

Core blowing: The binder has low viscosity and blow pressures of around500 kPa (80 psi) may be used.

Core boxes: Cast iron or steel heated to 180–200°C. Use a silicone-basedparting agent. A release agent is sometimes added to the sand/bindermix.

Curing time: 10–30 seconds depending on the thickness. Thick section corescontinue to cure after ejection from the core box.

Core strength: Surface hardness and strength is high on ejection. Final tensilestrength can be 3000–4000 kPa (400–600 psi).

Casting characteristics: Gas evolution is low, the low nitrogen content reducesincidence of gas-related defects in ferrous castings. Surface finish of castingsis good with low incidence of veining defects. Breakdown after casting isgood.

Environmental: Emission of formaldehyde is low at the mixing and curingstages. Avoid skin contact with binder, catalyst and mixed sand.

Reclamation: Core residues in green sand are not harmful.

General: Warm-box cores have high strength and resistance to veining andare used in critical applications, usually for iron castings such as ventilatedbrake discs.

Oil sand

Principle: Certain natural oils, such as linseed oil, known as “drying oils”,polymerise and harden when exposed to air and heat. Natural oils can bechemically modified to accelerate their hardening properties. Silica sand ismixed with the drying oil, a cereal binder and water. The resulting mixtureis either manually packed or blown into a cold core box. The cereal binder,or sometimes dextrin, gives some green strength to the core which is thenplaced in a shaped tray or “drier” to support it during baking. The backinghardens the oil and the core becomes rigid and handleable.

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Sand: Clean silica sand, AFS 50–60.

Binder addition: 1–2% of drying oil1–2% pre-gelatinised starch or 2% dextrin2–2.5% water � 0.5–1% water

Nitrogen content: Zero.

Mixing: Batch mixers are preferred in order to develop the green bondstrength, mixing times may be 3–10 minutes.

Bench life: As long as the mixture does not lose moisture, the bench life is upto 12 hours.

Core blowing: Oil sand mixtures are sticky and difficult to blow, the highestblow pressure possible (around 700 kPa, 100 psi) is used. They are frequentlyhand-rammed into core boxes.

Core boxes: May be wood, plastic or metal. Wooden boxes require a paint orvarnish to improve the strip. Metal boxes are preferably made of brass orbronze to aid stripping of the fragile green cores.

Curing: A recirculating air oven is needed since oxygen is necessary toharden the oil. The temperature is normally 230°C, allowing 1 hour for each25 mm section thickness. Burning and consequent friable edges may occuron thin section cores; if this happens, a lower temperature for a longer timeshould be used.

Core strength: Green strength is low so sagging will occur if the cores are notsupported during baking. Correctly baked cores develop tensile strength of1340 kPa (200 psi).

Casting characteristics: Breakdown after casting is excellent. The gasevolution is high, particularly if cores are under-baked, venting is oftennecessary. Water-based coatings can be used. While for most applications, oilsand has been superseded by synthetic resin processes, it still remains avaluable process in applications where particularly good breakdown ofcores is needed, for example for high conductivity copper and high siliconiron castings in which hot tearing is a serious problem.

Health hazards: Unpleasant fumes are emitted during baking and ovens mustbe ventilated. Some proprietary core oils contain a proportion of mineral oil,which may be harmful if skin contact is prolonged.

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Gas triggered processes

Phenolic-urethane-amine gassed (cold-box) process

Foseco products: POLITEC and ESHAMINE cold-box resin.

Principle: The binder is supplied in two parts. Part 1 is a solvent-basedphenolic resin, Part 2 is a polyisocyanate, MDI (methylene di-phenyl di-isocyanate) in a solvent. The resins are mixed with sand and the mixtureblown into a core box. An amine gas (TEA, triethylamine, or DMEA,dimethyl ethyl amine) is blown into the core, catalysing the reactionbetween Part 1 and Part 2 causing almost instant hardening.

Sand: Clean silica sand of AFS 50–60 is usually used but zircon and chromitesands can be used. The sand must be dry, more than 0.1% moisture reducesthe bench life of the mixed sand. High pH (high acid demand) also reducesbench life. Sand temperature is ideally about 25°C; low temperature causesamine condensation and irregular cure. High temperature causes solventloss from the binder and loss of strength.

Resin addition: Total addition is 0.8–1.5% depending on sand quality.Normally equal proportions of Part 1 and Part 2 are used.

Nitrogen content: Part 2, the isocyanate, contains 11.2% N.

Mixing procedure: Batch or continuous mixers can be used, add Part 1 firstthen Part 2. Do not over-mix since the sand may heat and lose solvents.

Bench life: 1–2 hours if the sand is dry.

Core blowing: Use low pressure, 200–300 kPa (30–50 psi), the blowing airmust be dry, use a dessicant drier to reduce water to 50 ppm. Sticking ofsand and resin to the box walls can be a problem due to resin blow-off. Thelowest possible blow pressure should be used. Use of a special release agentsuch as STRIPCOTE is advised.

Core boxes: Iron, aluminium, urethane or epoxy resin can be used. Wood ispossible for short runs. Use the minimum vents that will allow good filling,since reduced venting gives better catalyst gas distribution. The exhaustvent area should be 70% of the input area to ensure saturation of the core.Core boxes must be sealed to allow the amine catalyst gas to be collected.

Gas generators: The amine catalysts are volatile, highly flammable liquids.Special generators are needed to vaporise the amine and entrain it in air orCO2. The carrier gas should be heated to 30–40°C to ensure vaporisation.Controlled delivery of amine by pump or timer is desirable.

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Gas usage: Approximately 1 ml of amine (liquid) is needed per kilogram ofsand. The amine usage should be less than 10% of Part 1 resin. DMEA isfaster curing than TEA. Typical curing is a short gassing time (1–2 seconds)followed by a longer (10–20 seconds) air purge to clear residual amine fromthe core. Over-gassing is not possible but simply wastes amine.

Typical gassing times:

core wt total gas + purge

10 kg 10 sec.50 30

150 40

Core strength: Tensile strength immediately after curing is high, 2000 kPa(300 psi), transverse strength 2700 kPa (400 psi). Storage of cores at highhumidity reduces the strength considerably. The use of water-based coatingscan cause loss of strength.

Casting characteristics:

Ferrous castings: Good surface and strip without coatings.Low hot strength but this can be improved byadding iron oxideTendency to finning or veiningLustrous carbon formation may cause laps andelephant skin defects on upper surfaces of castings.Addition of red iron oxide (0.25–2.0%) or a coarse-grained from of black iron oxide at 1.0–4.0% reducesdefectsBreakdown is goodThe N content may cause problems on some steelcastings

Aluminium castings: Good surface and stripPoor breakdown, the resin hardens when heated atlow temperature. Aluminum castings may needheat treatment at 500°C to remove coresThere are no hydrogen problems

Reclamation: Excessive contamination of green sand with cold-box coreresidues can cause problems. Cold-box cores and moulds can be thermallyreclaimed if uncontaminated with iron oxide.

Environmental: TEA and particularly DMEA have objectionable smells evenat 3 or 6 ppm. Good, well-sealed core boxes, good exhaust and good exhaustgas scrubbers are necessary. The cores must be well purged or amine will bereleased on storage. Liquid amine is highly flammable, treat like petrol. Air/amine mixtures may be explosive. MDI (Part 2) acts as a respiratory irritant

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and may cause asthmatic symptoms but it has low volatility at ambienttemperature and is not normally a problem. Avoid skin contact with resinsor mixed sand.

General: In spite of its environmental and other problems, the cold-boxprocess is so fast and produces such strong cores that it is the most widelyused gas triggered process for high volume core production. Goodengineering has enabled the environmental problems to be overcome.Reduced free-phenol resins are being produced to assist with sand disposalproblems.

ECOLOTEC process (alkaline phenolic resin gassedwith CO2)

Foseco product: ECOLOTEC resin.

Principle: ECOLOTEC resin is an alkaline phenol-formaldehyde resincontaining a coupling agent. The resin is mixed with sand and the mixtureblown into a core box. CO2 gas is passed through the mixture, lowering thepH and activating the coupling agent which causes crosslinking andhardening of the resin. Strength continues to develop after the core is ejectedas further crosslinking occurs and moisture dries out.

Sand: Clean silica sand of AFS 50–60 is used. The sand should be neutral(pH7) with low acid demand. Zircon and chromite sands can be used, butolivine sand is not suitable. Temperature is ideally 15–30°C.

Resin addition: 2.0–2.5% depending on the sand grade.

Nitrogen content: Zero.

Mixing procedure: Batch or continuous.

Bench life: Curing occurs only by reaction with CO2. The CO2 in the air willcause a hardened crust on the surface of the mixed sand, but the soft sandunderneath can be used. Keep the mixed sand covered. The bench life isusually 5 hours at 15°C reducing to 1 hour at 30°C.

Core blowing: Blow pressure 500–700 kPa (80–100 psi) is needed.

Core boxes: Wood, metal or plastic. Clean them once per shift and useSEPAROL or a silicone-based release agent.

Gassing: Cores are blown at 400–550 kPa (60–80 psi) then gassed for 20–40seconds at 100–300 litres/minute. CO2 consumption is about 2% (based onweight of sand). Gas should not be forced through the core box at high

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velocity since the gas must react with the binder. No purge is necessarybefore extracting the core.

Core strength:

as gassed

kPa kgf/cm2 psi

Compression 2000–3000 20–30 300–400Tensile 500–800 5–8 70–110Transverse 1000–1500 10–15 145–210

Cores should be stored in dry conditions.

Casting characteristics: Steel, iron, copper-based and light alloy castings canbe made. ECOLOTEC is free from N, S and P. Finning and lustrous carbondefects do not occur. Breakdown after casting is good.

Coating: Water or solvent-based coatings can be used without affecting thestrength. Methanol coatings should be avoided.

Environmental: Gassed cores have no odour. Fume is low at mixing, castingand knockout.

Reclamation: Not normally practised when cores are used in green sandmoulds. Core sand residues entering the green sand cause no problems.

General: Tensile strength is not as high as the amine gassed isocyanateprocess but the excellent casting properties, freedom from nitrogen, lustrouscarbon and finning defects and above all its environmental friendlinessmake ECOLOTEC an attractive process particularly for larger cores andmoulds for iron, steel and aluminium castings.

The SO2 process

Principle: Sand is mixed with a furane polymer resin and an organicperoxide, the mixture is blown into the core box and hardened by passingsulphur dioxide gas through the compacted sand. The SO2 reacts with theperoxide forming SO3 and then H2SO4 which hardens the resin binder.

Sand: Clean silica sand of AFS 50–60. Other sands may be used if the aciddemand value is low. The temperature should be around 25°C, lowtemperature slows the hardening reaction.

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Resin addition: Typically 1.2–1.4% resin, 25–60% (based on resin) of MEKP(methyl ethyl ketone peroxide).

Nitrogen content: Zero.

Mixing: Batch or continuous mixers, add resin first then peroxide. Do notovermix since the sand may heat and reduce bench life.

Bench life: Up to 24 hours.

Core blowing: Blowing pressure 500–700 kPa (80–100 psi).

Core boxes: Cast iron, aluminium, plastics or wood can be used. A build-upof resin film occurs on the core box after prolonged use, so regular cleaningis needed by blasting with glass beads or cleaning with dilute acetic acid.

Curing: The SO2 gas is generated from a cylinder of liquid SO2 fitted with aheated vaporiser. The gas generator must also be fitted with an air purgesystem so that the core can be cleared of SO2 before ejection. SO2 is highlycorrosive and pipework must be stainless steel, PTFE or nylon. For largecores, a separate gassing chamber may be used in which the chamberpressure is first reduced then SO2 is injected and finally the chamber ispurged.

Gas usage: 2 g (ml) liquid SO2 is needed per kg of sand. Cores are normallygassed for 1–2 seconds followed by 10–15 seconds air purge. Overgassing isnot possible.

Core strength: Tensile strength is 1250 kPa (180 psi) after 6 hours. Storageproperties are good.

Casting characteristics: Coatings are not normally necessary and surfacequality of castings is good. Breakdown of cores is excellent with ferrouscastings. It is also good with aluminium castings, better than cold-box cores,and this has proved to be one of the best applications. The sulphur catalystmay cause some metallurgical problems on the surface of ductile ironcastings.

Reclamation: Thermal reclamation is possible. Mechanically reclaimed sandshould not be used for SO2 core making but may be used with furane self-setting sand.

Environmental: SO2 has an objectionable smell and is an irritant gas. Coreboxes must be sealed and exhaust gases must be collected and scrubbedwith sodium hydroxide solution. Cores must be well purged to avoid gasrelease during storage. MEKP is a strongly oxidising liquid and may igniteon contact with organic materials. Observe manufacturer’s recommenda-tions carefully. Avoid skin contact with resin and mixed sand.

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SO2-cured epoxy resin

Principle: Modified epoxy/acrylic resins are mixed with an organic peroxide,the mixture is blown into the core box and hardened by passing sulphurdioxide gas through the compacted sand. The SO2 reacts with the peroxideforming SO3 and then H2SO4 which hardens the resin binder.

Sand: Clean silica sand of AFS 50–60. Other sands may be used if the aciddemand value is low. The temperature should be around 25°C lowtemperature slows the hardening reaction.

Resin addition: Typically 1.2–1.4% resin, 25–60% (based on resin) of MEKP(methyl ethyl ketone peroxide).

Nitrogen content: Zero.

Other details: Similar to SO2/furane process. Bench life is up to 24 hours.

Ester-cured alkaline phenolic system

Foseco product: FENOTEC resin.

Principle: The resin is an alkaline phenolic resin (essentially the same as theself-hardening resins of this type). Sand is mixed with the resin and blownor manually packed into a core box. A vaporised ester, methyl formate, ispassed through the sand, hardening the binder.

Sand: Highest strengths are achieved with a clean, high silica sand of AFS50–60. Sand temperature should be between 15 and 30°C.

Resin/peroxide addition: Typically 1.5% total.

Nitrogen content: Zero, sulphur is also zero.

Mixing procedure: Batch or continuous.

Bench life: Curing only occurs by reaction with the ester hardener, so thebench life is long, 2–4 hours.

Core blowing: Blow pressure 350–500 kPa (50–80 psi) is needed.

Core boxes: Wood, plastic or metal. Clean once per shift and use SEPAROL ora silicone-based release agent.

Gassing: Methyl formate is a colourless, highly flammable liquid, boiling at32°C. It has low odour. A specially designed vaporiser must be used to

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generate the methyl formate vapour. Usage of methyl formate is about20–30% of the resin weight. Core boxes and gassing heads should be sealedcorrectly and the venting of the core box designed to give a slight backpressure so that the curing vapour is held for long enough for the reactionto take place.

Core strength: Compression strengths of 5000 kPa (700 psi) are possible.Tensile and transverse strengths are not available, they are not as high asphenolic isocyanate resins.

Casting characteristics: Finning and lustrous carbon defects are absent. Goodhigh temperature erosion resistance and good breakdown. Mostly used forsteel and iron castings.

Environmental: Low odour, but methyl formate is flammable and care isneeded.

Reclamation: Reclamation by attrition is possible but the reclaimed sand isbest reused as a self-hardening alkaline-phenolic sand where strengths arenot as critical. Core sand residues entering green sand causes noproblems.

General: Strengths are relatively low so the process has mainly been used forrather thick section moulds and cores where high handling strength is notnecessary.

Review of resin core-making processes

The heat-activated resin core-making processes, Croning shell and hot boxwere developed in the 1950s and 1960s and rapidly supplanted the older oilsand coremaking process. The attraction was speed of cure and the fact thatcores could be cured in the box, eliminating the dimensional problems of oilsand cores. By the mid-1970s the amine-urethane cold-box process wasbecoming firmly established, bringing great benefits of speed as well as anenvironmental burden. Since 1976 there have been many further develop-ments in the amine-urethane systems and in other cold gas-hardened corebinder systems.

Reasons for the intense interest in gas hardened processes include:

The flexibility of gas hardened processes which makes them suitable formass production of cores with automatic equipmentFast curing of cores in the box by controlled injection of reactivegasesHigh strengths on ejection, often 80% of the final strengthDimensional accuracy resulting from cold curing

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1960 1970 1980


1990 2000

U.S. foundry industry consumption of sand binder by system














Acid cured furan & phenolic no bake

Core oil

Phenolic urethane no bake

Silicate CO & no bake2

Phenolic urethane cold box

Hot box

New binders*

Includes phenolic/ester, warm box, polyolurethane, and SO cured systems.2


200 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

Availability of an extensive range of specially designed core makingequipmentEnergy saving through cold operationRapid tooling changes made easy by low tooling temperatures

By 1990 the majority of cores were produced by the cold-box, amineisocyanate process, Table 13.1.

Tables 13.2a and b summarise the production features of the many core-making processes in use.

Figure 13.5 shows how the use of chemical binders has changed in theUSA over the last 40 years:

Shell sand is declining slightly, holding up remarkably for such an oldprocessCore oil has declined in the face of hot box and cold box

Table 13.1 Core-making processes used in 48automobile foundries in Germany, 1991 (Fosecodata)

Amine cold box 44Hot box 10Shell/Croning 9CO2-silicate 3

Figure 13.5 US foundry industry consumption of sand binder by system. (FromFoundry Management & Technology, Jan. 1995, p. D-5.)

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Table 13.2a Production features of core binders

Process Core-boxrequirements

Curing Typicalbinder (%)

Flowability Breakdown Integrationinto

green sand

Shell Metal, heated 260°C 2–5 1 2 2Hot box Metal, heated 230°C 1.2–2.5 2 1 2Warm-box Metal, heated 150–180°C 1.2–2.0 2 1 2Amine-urethane Any material, vented, sealed Amine Gas 0.9–2.0 1 1 2SO2-epoxy Any material, vented, sealed SO2 gas and peroxide 1.0–1.2 1 1 2SO2-furane Any material, vented, sealed SO2 gas 1.0–1.5 1 1 2Methyl-formate

Alkaline phenolicAny material, vented, sealed Methyl formate gas 1.4–1.6 1 2 1

CO2-silicate Any, vented CO2 gas 2.5–3.5 3 3 1ECOLOTEC Any, vented CO2 gas 2.0–2.5 1 2 1

1 Good – unlikely to restrict application2 Satisfactory – suitable for most applications3 Restrictions – may limit applications

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Table 13.2b Properties of core binders

Process Strength Gasevolutionproperties




Minimum strip topour time


Veining Lustrouscarbon

Shell 1 3 Indefinite 2 mins. 30 min 3 1 1Hot box 1 2 4–6 hrs 1/2–1 min. 1/2–2 hrs 3 2 1Warm box 1 1 4–8 hrs 1/2–1 min. 0–2 hrs 3 1 1Amine-urethane 1 1 1–6 hrs 10–30 sec. 0–1 hr 2 2 2SO2-epoxy 1 2 24 hrs 10–30 sec. Instant 1 1 1SO2-furane 2 2 24 hrs 10–30 sec. Instant 2 2 2CO2-silicate 3 1 2–3 hrs 10–60 sec. 1 hr 1 1 1ECOLOTEC 2 1 3–4 hrs 5–30 sec. Instant 1 1 1

1 Good – unlikely to restrict application2 Satisfactory – suitable for most applications3 Restrictions – may limit applications

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Silicates received a boost in 1980, due to the introduction of esterhardening, but have declined slowly sinceHot box has declined due to the rise in use of cold-box phenolicurethane core binders, but still has a significant placeAcid cured furanes have held steady since the maximum in 1980Urethane no-bakes are popular in the US, although their use in Europeis limitedNew binders are predicted to increase substantially by the year 2000

The environmental difficulties of the amine-isocyanate process have beensolved, at a cost, by engineering. Figure. 13.6 shows how a large core shopcollects and disposes of amine gas. Smaller foundries find the problems ofhandling amine gas difficult so there is a need for a more environmentallyfriendly process. Up to the present, only the CO2 hardened ECOLOTECsystem meets the requirements.

A growing concern of all users of chemical binders is that of disposing ofused sand. All the developed countries impose severe restrictions on thematerials that can be safely dumped on landfill sites. Pollution of watersupplies by phenol and other leachable chemicals is a growing concern, soall resin manufacturers are reducing the free-phenol content of theirproducts. The use of sand reclamation, both mechanical and thermal, isbeing increasingly used by foundries to reduce the quantity of sand thatmust be disposed to waste sites.

Figure 13.6 Collection and control of amine gas in a cold-box core shop.

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Chapter 14

Sodium silicate bonded sand


The principles of the use, testing and reclamation of chemically hardenedsand, including sodium silicate bonded sand, are described in theIntroduction to Chapter 13.

Sodium silicate

Sodium silicate is a water soluble glass available from suppliers in a widerange of types specified by the silica (SiO2), soda (Na2O) and water content.Manufacturer’s data sheets specify the “weight ratio” of silica to soda, thepercentage of water and the viscosity. For foundry use, sodium silicates withratios between 2 and 3 and water content around 56% are usually used.

Sodium silicate can be hardened in a number of ways: by adding weakacids (CO2 gas or organic esters), by adding various powders (di-calciumsilicate, anhydrite etc.) or by removing water. CO2 gas and liquid esterhardeners are the most widely used of the silicate processes. Silicate bindershave no smell and few health hazards, but the bond strength is not as highas that of resin binders and, being an inorganic bond, it does not burn outwith heat, so breakdown after casting can be a problem. For this reason,various organic breakdown additives are often incorporated with the liquidsilicate or added during sand mixing.

Typical data for foundry grade sodium silicate





s.g. Visc.cPat 20°C


Low ratio 2.00 15.2 30.4 54.4 1.56 850 641Medium ratio 2.40 12.7 30.8 56.5 1.50 310 668High ratio 2.85 11.2 31.9 56.9 1.48 500 677

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Sodium silicate bonded sand 205

CO2 silicate process (basic process)

Principle: Sand is mixed with sodium silicate and the mixture blown orhand-rammed into a core box or around a pattern. Carbon dioxide gas ispassed through the compacted sand to harden the binder.

Sand: Silica sand of AFS 50–60 is usually used, the process is quite tolerantof impurities and alkaline sand such as olivine can be used. Sand should beclay free. Low temperature retards hardening; the sand temperature shouldbe above 15°C.

Binder addition: About 3.0–3.5% silicate addition is usually used. High ratiosilicates give short gassing times, low gas consumption and improved post-casting breakdown, but high ratio silicate is easily over-gassed, resulting inreduced core strength and poor core storage properties. Low ratio bindersgive better core storage, but gassing times are longer and breakdown is notas good. Low ratio silicates (2.0–2.2) are usually used.

Mixing: Batch or continuous mixers are used; avoid excessive mixing timewhich may heat the sand and cause loss of water.

Bench life: Several hours if drying is prevented by storing in a closedcontainer or covering with a damp cloth.

Core boxes: Any material; wood, resin or metal may be used but the boxesmust be painted to prevent sticking. Polyurethane or alkyd paints are usedfollowed by the application of a wax or silicone-wax polish, or STRIPCOTEAL.

Blowing: High pressure is needed, 650–700 kPa (90–100 psi).

Curing: The correct volume of gas is needed. Undergassing does not achieveoptimum strength. Overgassing leads to reduction of strength on standing.To ensure correct hardening, a flow controller and timer should be used. Ifcores are to be stored for some time before use, it is preferable to undergas.Higher strength will then be developed on standing. Gassing times aretypically 10–60 seconds, depending on the size of the core.

CO2 gas consumption per kg of sodium silicate (good quality silica sand AFS50)

Silicate ratio Time to reach 700 kPa(100 psi) compressionstrength at 5 l/min


kg CO2

2.0 52 sec. 300 0.602.2 48 275 0.552.4 26 150 0.302.5 23 130 0.26

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Core strength:

as-gassed after 6 hrs

Tensile 350 kPa 50 psi 1000 kPa 150 psiCompressive 2100 300 4200 600

Core storage: Overgassing causes cores to become friable during storage over24 hours. Careful control of gassing is essential, Fig. 14.1

Casting characteristics: Cores require coating to produce good surface finishon ferrous castings. Spirit-based coatings should be used because water cansoften the silicate bond. No metallurgical problems occur with ferrous ornon-ferrous castings; the binder contains no nitrogen or sulphur. Breakdownafter casting is poor (with ferrous castings) because silicate fuses with sandabove 400°C.

Reclamation: Reclamation is difficult because the binder does not burn outduring casting.

Health hazards: There is very little fume or smell during core manufacture,storage or casting. Gloves should be worn when handling silicates or mixedsand.

Figure 14.1 The effect of 24 hour storage of cores gassed for different times asa function of silicate ratio.

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Sodium silicate bonded sand 207

General comments: The CO2 process was the first of the gas hardenedprocesses to be introduced into the foundry and is still one of the easiest andcleanest processes to use. Foseco and other suppliers have made importantimprovements to the process while still retaining its ease of use andexcellent environmental characteristics.

Gassing CO2 cores and moulds

The core boxes are prepared by coating with a suitable parting agent;silicone waxes can be used but the best results are obtained withSTRIPCOTE AL, an aluminised self-drying liquid.

The simplest gassing techniques are based either on a simple tube probefitted through a backing plate, or a hood sealed to the open side of the boxwith a rubber strip, Fig. 14.2. Gas at a pressure of about 70–140 kPa(10–20 psi) is passed until the sand is felt to have hardened or some whitecrystals appear (indicating over–gassing). Venting of the boxes and patternsto prevent dead spots is essential. It is usual to rap the box before gassing tomake stripping easier.

Control of gassing is improved by incorporating gas heaters (to preventfreezing of the valves), flow meters and timers so that automatic control ofthe volume of gas passed is possible. Not only does this practice economiseon expensive CO2, but the best strength and core storage life will only beachieved if the correct amount of gas is used. It is important that overgassing is avoided, any error should always be towards under-gassing. Thesuppliers of CO2 gas will advise on the best equipment to use.

Figure 14.2 CO2-silicate process, methods of gas application.

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Improvements to the CO2 silicate process

Foseco products: CARSIL sodium silicate blended with specialSOLOSIL � additionsDEXIL breakdown agent

Principle: The main drawbacks of the basic CO2 process are:

poor breakdown of the bond after castingpoor core storage propertiesrather low tensile strength

These properties can be greatly improved by special additives, whileretaining the simplicity and user friendliness of the CO2 process.

The CARSIL and SOLOSIL range: These products are a range of sodiumsilicate-based binders for the CO2 process. They may be simple sodiumsilicates which can be used with DEXIL breakdown agent if required, or theymay be “one-shot” products which incorporate a breakdown agent, or theymay (like SOLOSIL) incorporate special additives to improve bond strengthas well as breakdown.

Binders containing high levels of breakdown additives give improvedpost-casting breakdown but the maximum as-gassed strength is reducedand core storage properties are likely to be impaired. The selection of anoptimum binder for a given application is therefore almost always acompromise. The requirement for high production rates and high as-gassedstrength must be balanced against core storage properties and the need forgood breakdown. The range of binders includes some which are suitableonly for the CO2 process, some which are suitable for self-settingapplications and some which can be used for both processes.

The commonly used breakdown agents are organic materials which burnout under the effect of the heat of the casting. While solid breakdown agentssuch as dextrose monohydrate, wood flour, coal dust and graphite can beused, powder materials are not easy to add consistently to sand in acontinuous mixer. Liquid breakdown agents are easier to handle, theyusually consist of soluble carbohydrates. The best improve gassing speedwithout loss of strength. Some are also resistant to moisture pick-up andtheir use has increased the storage life of high ratio silicate bonded cores.

Sucrose is the only common carbohydrate soluble in sodium silicatewithout a chemical reaction. It is readily soluble up to 25% and many sugar-or molasses-based binders are available. Use of sucrose increases gassingspeed but reduces maximum strength and storage properties. Neverthelesssilicates containing sugar are the most popular CO2 binders because of theconvenience of a binder in the form of a single liquid. Molasses can be usedas a low cost alternative to sugar, but it is subject to fermentation on storage.The Foseco CARSIL range of silicate binders is based on sugar. Some aredesigned for use with CO2, others for self-setting (SS) with ester hardeners.Some can be used for both processes.

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Sodium silicate bonded sand 209

The CARSIL range of silicate binders

Product Ratio Additive CO2/SS Comments

CARSIL 100 2.5:1 Sugar CO2/SS Higher ratio for fastergassing, take care not toovergas. Can be usedwith ester hardeners.

CARSIL 513 2.4:1 Sugar CO2/SS Low viscosity binder foreasy mixing in continuousmixers.Moulds and cores.

CARSIL 520 2.0:1 High sugar CO2 High breakdown, lowviscosity.

CARSIL 540 2.2:1 Low sugar CO2 Suitable for moulds orcores.

CARSIL 567 2.2:1 High sugar CO2 High breakdown, goodfor Al casting.

Note: Some of the CARSIL binders were formerly known as GASBINDA binders in the UK.

The extent to which a core will break down after casting varies dependingon the type of metal cast. Low temperature alloys such as aluminium do notinject enough heat into the sand to burn out the breakdown agent fully.Indeed, the low temperature heating may even strengthen the core. In suchcases it is useful to add additional breakdown agents such as DEXIL.

DEXIL 34BNF is a powder additive developed for use with light alloys. Italso acts as a binder extender so reducing the silicate requirement. Theapplication rate is 0.5–1.5%. It should be added to the sand and pre-dispersed before adding the silicate.

DEXIL 60 is a pumpable organic liquid which is particularly suitable foruse with continuous mixers.


SOLOSIL was developed to improve on the performance of silicatescontaining sugar-based additives. SOLOSIL is a complex one-shot sodiumsilicate binder for the CO2 gassed process. It contains a high level ofbreakdown agent/co-binder and offers a combination of high strength andrapid gassing with good core storage properties and excellent post-castingbreakdown.

The binder is best used with good quality silica sand. Addition levels of3.0–4.5% are used depending on the application. To take full advantage of

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40 80

Gassing time (seconds)












cm)2 3.5% Solosil



210 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

the high reactivity, an automatic gassing system incorporating a vaporiser,pressure regulator, flow controller and gassing timer is advisable. The highrate of strength development is shown in Fig. 14.3. While the transverse andtensile strength developed by SOLOSIL binders are still somewhat lowerthan some organic resin binders, SOLOSIL generally proves more costeffective and overcomes problems of poor hot strength, veining and finning,gas pinholing and fume on casting which occur with some resin binders.

Self-setting sodium silicate processes

The first self-setting process used powder hardeners. The Nishiyamaprocess used finely ground ferrosilicon powder which reacts with sodiumsilicate generating heat and forming a very strong bond. The reaction alsogenerates hydrogen which is dangerous. Other powder hardeners (which donot evolve dangerous gases) include di-calcium silicate, certain cements(such as blast furnace cement and sulphate resisting cement) and anhydrite.However, all powder hardeners are difficult to add uniformly to sand incontinuous mixers, and their reactivity is difficult to control, since particlesize and the age after grinding affect the reactivity of the powder. Whenliquid hardeners based on organic esters were introduced, the use of powderhardeners was largely discontinued.

Ester silicate process

Foseco products: CARSIL sodium silicate bindersCARSET ester hardenerVELOSET special ester for very rapid setting

Figure 14.3 Strength development of SOLOSIL compared with conventionalsugar/silicate system.

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Sodium silicate bonded sand 211

Principle: Sand is mixed with a suitable grade of sodium silicate, oftenincorporating a breakdown agent, together with 10–12% (based on silicate)of liquid organic ester hardener. The acid ester reacts with and gels thesodium silicate, hardening the sand. The speed of hardening is controlled bythe type of ester used.

Sand: Dry silica sand of AFS 45–60 is usually used. As with all silicateprocesses, the quality and purity of the sand is not critical; alkaline sandsuch as olivine can be used. Fines should be at a low level. Sand temperatureshould be above 15°C; low temperature slows the hardening.

Additions: Sodium silicates with ratios between 2.2 and 2.8 are suitable, thehigher the ratio, the faster the set. Silicates containing breakdown agents areusually used, additions between 2.5 and 3.5% are used depending on thesand grade. The ester hardener is commonly:

glycerol diacetate fast cureethylene glycol diacetate medium cureglycerol triacetate slow cure

Proprietary hardeners may be blends of the above with other esters. Theaddition level is 10–12% of the silicate.

Pattern equipment: Wood, resin or metal patterns can be used. Core boxes andpatterns should be coated with polyurethane or alkyd paint followed byapplication of wax polish. STRIPCOTE parting agent may also be used.

Mixing: Continuous mixers are usually used; if batch mixers are used, theester hardener should be mixed with the sand before adding the silicate.

Speed of strip: 20–120 minutes is common with normal ester hardeners.Attempts to achieve faster setting may result in lower strength mouldsbecause the work time becomes short. With certain esters there is a tendencyfor core and mould distortion due to sagging if stripping occurs too early.Faster setting can be achieved by using the special VELOSET hardener.

Strength: The final strength achieved is:

Tensile 700 kPa (100 psi)Compression 2000–5000 kPa (300–700 psi)

Coatings: Spirit-based coatings should be used.

Casting characteristics: No metallurgical problems arise with ferrous or non-ferrous castings. Breakdown is poor unless a silicate incorporating abreakdown agent is used.

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Reclamation: As with all silicate processes, burnout of the bond does notoccur during casting and attrition does not remove all the silicate residue sothat build-up occurs in the reclaimed sand, reducing refractoriness andleading to loss of control of work time and hardening speed. The VELOSETsystem has been specially developed to permit reclamation (see below).

Environment: Silicate and ester have little smell and evolve little fume oncasting. Silicates are caustic so skin and eye protection is needed whilehandling mixed sand.

CARSET 500 Hardeners: These are blends of organic esters formulated to givea wide range of setting speeds when used with sodium silicates, particularlythe GARSIL series of silicates which incorporate a breakdown agent. For thebest results, the silicate addition should be kept as low as possible in relationto the sand quality and the CARSET hardener maintained at 10% by weightof the silicate level. The speed of set is dependent on the sand temperature,silicate ratio and grade of CARSET hardener used.

The CARSET 500 series of hardeners

CARSET 500series

Gel times (minutes) at 20°C using various CARSIL binders

CARSIL 5402.2 ratio

CARSIL 5132.4 ratio

CARSIL 1002.5 ratio

500 8 7 5511 9 8 6522 13 12 8533 19 15 9544 105 53 21555 – – 90

Note: The gel time is the time taken for gelling to occur when silicate liquid is mixed withan appropriate amount of setting agent. The setting times may not be repeated exactly whensand is present, due to the possibility of impurities, but the figure provides a useful guide.

VELOSET hardeners: The VELOSET range is a series of advanced esterhardeners for the self-setting silicate process. They have been designed togive very rapid setting speed with a high strength, excellent through-cureand a high resistance to sagging. Used in the VELOSET Sand ReclamationProcess, they provide the only ester silicate process in which the sand can bereclaimed by a simple dry attrition process and reused at high levels equalto those typical of resin bonded sands.

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Sodium silicate bonded sand 213

Additions: There are three grades of VELOSET hardener. VELOSET 1, 2 and3. Binders of ratio 2.2–2.6 are used; lower ratios give inferior strength whileif higher ratios are used the bench life becomes too short. The bench lifeobtained is independent of addition level. The level is usually 10–12% basedon the binder. If the sand is to be reclaimed, the addition level of 11% shouldnot be exceeded.

Bench life (minutes) at 20°C

CARSIL ratio VELOSET grade

2.2 10 7 42.4 7 4 22.6 4 2 1

When a choice is possible, always use the highest ratio CARSIL binder andthe slowest grade of VELOSET hardener. This provides optimum strengthdevelopment.

Mixer: Since VELOSET is rapid setting, it is preferable to use a continuousmixer.

VELOSET sand reclamation process: With the conventional ester silicateprocess, dry attrition reclamation has occasionally been practised but thelevel of sand reuse is rarely more than 50%, which hardly justifies the capitalinvestment involved. With the VELOSET system, up to 90% reuse of sand ispossible using mechanical attrition.

The process stages are:

Crushing the sand to grain sizeDryingAttritionClassificationCooling

The reclaimed sand is blended with new sand in the proportion 75 to 25.During the first 10 cycles of reuse, the sand system stabilises and the benchlife of the sand increases by a factor of up to 2. Also, mould strength shouldimprove, and it is usually possible to reduce the binder addition level by upto 20% yet still retaining the same strength as achieved using new sand.Once the process has become established, it may become possible to reuseup to 85–90% of the sand, Figs 14.4 and 14.5.

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Figure 14.4 VELOSET reclamation, showing the variation in bench life afterrepeated use of relaimed sand, compared with conventional ester process.

Figure 14.5 VELOSET reclamation, ultimate strength characteristics of reclaimedsand, compared with conventional ester process.

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Sodium silicate bonded sand 215

Adhesives and sealants

It is often necessary to joint cores together to form assemblies, or to gluecores to moulds before closing the mould. A range of CORFIX adhesives isavailable:


Type Set time Temp(°C) Remarks

4 Stove hardening 30 180–220 High viscosity gapfilling

8 Air hardening slow ambient For CO2 and self-setsilicate

21 Air hardening fast ambient Any cold core25 Hot melt open time

15–120 sec.140–180 Core assembly at high

rates, shell process

CORSEAL sealants

This is a group of core sealing or mudding compounds for filling out jointlines, cracks and minor blemishes in cores. CORSEAL is available in twoforms:

CORSEAL 2 is a powder which is mixed with water to form a thickpaste (4 parts product to 3 parts water). The paste is applied by spatulaor trowel (or fingers) and allowed to dry for about an hour. It may belightly torched if required immediately.CORSEAL 3 and 4 are ready-mixed self-drying putties which aresufficiently permeable when full dry to prevent blowing but strongenough to prevent metal penetration into the joint. Drying timedepends on local conditions and the thickness of the layer applied butshould be at least 30 minutes.

TAK sealant

Small variations in the mating faces of moulds due to flexing of patterns ordeformation of moulding boxes and moulding materials may result in gapsinto which liquid metal will penetrate causing runout and flash. This can beprevented by the application of TAK plastic mould sealant which forms ametal and gas-tight seal. TAK does not melt at high temperatures and, if

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metal touches it, it burns to a compact, fibrous mass. The TAK strip is laidaround the upper surface of the drag mould, about 25 mm from the edge ofthe mould cavity and the mould is then closed and clamped. TAK can alsobe used to seal small core prints:

TAK 3 is supplied in cartridge form for extrusion from a hand gun; avariety of nozzle sizes is available.TAK 500 is ready-extruded material supplied in continuous lengths of6 mm diameter.

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Chapter 15

Magnesium casting

Casting alloys

Magnesium alloy castings are used for aerospace, automotive and electronicapplications. Their main advantage is their light weight; typical magnesiumalloys have a density of 1.8 g/ml compared with 2.7 g/ml for aluminiumalloys. Aluminium is the principal alloying constituent of magnesium-basedcasting alloys with zinc and manganese also present in small amounts.Pressure diecasting is the most commonly used casting process and becauseof the low casting temperature (650–700°C), hot chamber diecastingmachines can be used. Magnesium diecastings can be made with thinnerwalls than aluminium, allowing the overall weight of components to besubstantially reduced and compensating for the higher alloy cost perkilogram. Gravity diecasting and sand casting are also used, particularly formore highly stressed castings. The use of high purity alloys with low levelsof Fe, Ni and Cu improves corrosion resistance allowing their use inautomotive applications exposed to road salt. The use of magnesium alloydiecastings in automotive components is growing rapidly as automobilecompanies seek ways of reducing weight. Some vehicles already contain asmuch as 10–20 kg of Mg components. The most popular parts made atpresent for production cars are: instrument panel substrates, cross car

Table 15.1 Commonly used magnesium alloys

Alloy Characteristics Typical uses


The most common alloys forpressure and gravity die and sandcasting

Housings, covers,brackets, chain saw parts,hand tools, computerparts etc.


Both alloys combine strength,ductility castability and coldworkability

Seat frames, instrumentpanels, brackets, wheels.

AM20 Used for pressure diecastingswhere high ductility and impactstrength are required

Automotive safety parts.

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beams, seat frames. Wheels, gearbox casings, sumps and inlet manifolds areused on Formula One and other racing cars.

The most commonly used casting alloys (using the ASTM designation,which is frequently used) are described in Tables 15.1, 15.2 and 15.3. Mg–zirconium and Mg–yttrium high strength alloys have been developed andare used mainly for defence applications.

The melting, treatment and casting of magnesiumalloys

Molten magnesium alloys attack firebrick and refractory furnace liningsresulting in harmful silicon contamination. For this reason, steel crucibles,pressed or cast, are used. Iron is also slightly soluble in magnesium alloysbut it has a much less harmful effect than silicon. Scrap should be cleanedand if possible shot-blasted to remove adhering sand as a further precautionagainst silicon pick-up. To eliminate ladling, the molten alloy should, ifpossible, be poured direct from the melting pot.

Magnesium alloys must be melted under covering and cleansing fluxes, toavoid oxidation losses and to remove inclusions. Inhibitor powders shouldbe used to cover exposed metal during holding and pouring, and added tomoulding sand to prevent chemical reaction. Magnesium alloys benefit fromgrain refinement which is carried out by inoculating with carbonaceousmaterials. Hexachloroethane is effective, decomposing in the liquid metal to

Table 15.2 Composition of magnesium alloys


Alloy Al Zn Mn Cu Fe Si Ni Totalimpurities

AZ91 8.0–9.5 0.3–1.0 0.1–0.3 0.15 0.05 0.3 0.01 0.40AZ81 7.5–9.0 0.3–1.0 0.15–0.4 0.15 0.05 0.3 0.01 0.40AM50 4.5–5.3 0.1 0.27 min 0.008 0.004 0.1 0.001AM60 5.7–6.3 0.2 0.27 min 0.008 0.004 0.05 0.001AM20 1.7–2.2 0.1 0.5 min 0.008 0.004 0.1 0.001

Note: Single figures are maximum %.High purity versions of AZ91 and AZ81 are frequently used, they have max. Fe 0.004, Ni0.001, Cu 0.015, Si 0.05, others 0.01 each.The above figures are intended as a guide only. National specifications may differ and mustbe referred to.Mechanical properties are similar to the commonly used aluminium alloys, Table 15.3.

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Magnesium casting 219

Table 15.3 Mechanical properties of magnesium alloys

Typical mechanical properties

Alloy Form Condition TS(N/mm2)




Meltingrange (°C)

AZ91HP Press. die 200–250 150–170 0.5–3.0 65–85 420–600Grav. die F 160–220 110–130 2–5 55–70

T4 240–280 120–160 6–10 55–60T6 240–300 150–190 2–7 60–90

Sand F 160–220 90–120 2–5 50–65T4 240–280 110–140 6–12 55–70T6 240–300 150–190 2–7 60–90

AZ81HP Press. die 200–240 140–160 1–3 60–85 425–615Grav. die F 160–220 90–110 2–6 50–65

T4 240–280 90–120 8–12 50–65Sand F 160–220 90–110 2–6 50–65

T4 240–280 90–120 8–12 50–65

AM60HP Press. die 190–230 120–150 4–8 55–70 445–630Sand F 180–240 80–110 8–12 50–65

T4 190–250 90–110 8–15 50–65

AM50HP Press. die 180–220 110–140 5–9 50–70 440–625

AM20HP Press. die 160–210 90–120 8–12 40–55

Aluminium alloys for comparisonLM24 Al–Si8Cu3Fe

Press. die F 110 200 2 85

M25 Al–Si7MgGrav. die F 180 90 5 60Sand F 140 90 2.5 60

TE 170 130 1.5 70

Notes: F = as castT4 = solution treatedT6 = solution treated and artificially agedTE = precipitation treated (Al alloy).The data is intended as a guide only, refer to National Standards for details.

form specks of carbon throughout the melt which act as nuclei for graingrowth. The use of hexachloroethane in aluminium alloy metal treatmenthas been banned in Europe for health and safety reasons, although it is stillpermitted for grain refining magnesium until alternative treatments havebeen developed. Foseco has withdrawn all hexa-containing products fromsale.

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MAGREX 60 flux is used as a covering and cleansing flux; it provides aliquid surface cover during melting which prevents contact with the air sothat melting losses are reduced and burning prevented. It also has ascavenging action which removes non-metallic impurities.

Table 15.4 Magnesium–Zirconium alloys

Alloy (ASTM) Zn RE metals Zr Cu Ni

ZK51 3.5–5.5 – 0.4–1.0 0.03 0.005ZE41 3.5–5.5 0.75–1.75 0.4–1.0 0.03 0.005EZ33 0.8–3.0 2.5–4.0 0.4–1.0 0.03 0.005

Note: Single figures are maximum %.

Mechanical properties:

Alloy Form Tensilestrength(MPa)



ZK51 Sand cast 230 5 High strength, good ductilityChill cast 245 7

ZE41 Sand cast 200 3 High strength, pressure-tightChill cast 215 4

EZ33 Sand cast 140 3 Pressure-tight at highChill cast 155 3 temperature

Table 15.5 Magnesium–yttrium alloys


Zn RE* Zr Cu Ni Fe Si Mn Yt TS(MPa)


WE54 0.2 2.0–4.0 0.4–1.0 0.03 0.005 0.01 0.01 0.15 4.75–5.5 250 2%WE43 0.2 2.4–4.4 0.4–1.0 0.03 0.005 0.01 0.01 0.15 3.7–4.3 250 2%

*Neodynium and heavy rare earths.WE54 has good strength up to 300°C for short times.WE43 has good strength up to 250°C for long times.

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Magnesium casting 221

A little MAGREX 60 is dusted into the bottom of a heated, pressed steelcrucible. The ingot and scrap are then charged on top and a further additionof MAGREX made. The total application should be approximately 1% of thecharge weight. Melt down rapidly, maintaining a good cover at all times.

At about 750°C the heat should be stopped, the crucible sides scraped andthe melt skimmed. A further 2% addition of MAGREX is then made andrabbled in well with a perforated plunger. More MAGREX is addedprogressively and stirred until the metal surface, which previously had afrothy appearance, becomes bright. As the MAGREX absorbs oxides andimpurities, its density increases until it sinks to the bottom of the crucible.

During the time the melt is cooling to the correct temperature, it should beskimmed and the cleaned area immediately dusted with an inhibitorpowder, such as “flowers of sulphur”, to prevent burning. Pour carefully,dusting the metal stream as it enters the mould with sulphur to preventoxidation. Care must be taken to keep back any slag and particularly whennearing the end of the pour, to prevent any sludge entering the mould.Remove the sludge from the bottom of the pot and thoroughly scrape thesides and bottom before returning it to the furnace for recharging.

Use of sulphur hexafluoride

Fluxless melting of Mg alloys requires another form of melt protection.Sulphur hexafluoride, SF6, is a colourless, odourless gas having low toxicity.At low concentrations, for example less than 0.8% in air or air/CO2, itpromotes the formation of a protective film on liquid magnesium whichprevents oxidation. SF6, like other fluorine-containing gases, is a “green-

Table 15.6 Use of sulphur hexafluoride in pressure diecasting operations

Melttemp. (°C)

Recommended atmosphereover the melt (vol %)


Operating conditions



650–705 air + 0.04 SF6* No No Excellent650–705 air + 0.2 SF6 Yes No Excellent650–705 75 air + 25 CO2 + 0.2 SF6 Yes Yes Excellent705–760 50 air + 50 CO2 + 0.3 SF6 Yes No Excellent705–760 50 air + 50 CO2 + 0.3 SF6 Yes Yes Very good

*Minimum concentration under controlled conditions.**May be present from prior operations.Note: High humidity either in the outer atmosphere surrounding the melt or in the airblended with the SF6/CO2 will reduce the effectiveness of SF6. Dry air (less than 0.1% H2Oby volume) should be used in the mixing.

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house gas” considered harmful to the atmosphere and its use must beminimised. The most common gases used in fluxless melting are SF6 mixedwith dry air and some CO2. The recommended protective atmospheresunder various operating conditions are shown in Tables 15.6 and 15.7 takenfrom data provided by the International Magnesium Association.

The concentrations in Tables 15.6 and 15.7 should be maintained close tothe melt surface. A gas mixing unit is recommended to control both the flowrate and the concentration of the gas. The protective atmosphere should besupplied through a manifold with several outlet nozzles positioned tosupply gas to the whole surface of the melt. The furnace cover design isimportant for conservation of SF6.

Casting temperature

Light castings, under 15 mm 780–810°CMedium castings, 15–40 mm 760°CHeavy castings, over 40 mm 730°C

Use of inhibitors in moulding sand

A chemical inhibitor must be added to moulding sand to prevent reactionbetween the molten magnesium and the moisture present in the green sand.Several materials can be used including sulphur, boric acid or ammoniumbifluoride, used singly or together. The amount needed varies, dependingon the moisture content of the sand and section thickness of the casting.Generally, however, 4–6% sulphur with 0.5% boric acid is used or up to 2%of ammonium bifluoride alone.

Table 15.7 Use of sulphur hexafluoride in gravity casting operations (upto 830°C)


Quiescent (melting/holding)low gas flow rate

SF6 (ml/min.) CO2 (l/min.)

Agitated (alloying/pouring) highgas flow rate

SF6 (ml/min.) CO2 (l/min.)

30 cm 60 3.5 200 1050 cm 60 3.5 550 3075 cm 90 5 900 50

Note: These suggested flow rates are 1.7%–2% SF6 by volume. The use of SF6/CO2

atmospheres for melting yttrium-containing alloys can lead to yttrium loss by preferentialoxidation by CO2. Argon/SF6 atmospheres are recommended for these alloys duringmelting and holding.

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Magnesium casting 223

Recovering and refining magnesium

MAGREX 60 flux is suitable for the melting and refining of magnesium alloyfoundry returns and turnings. 5–10% of MAGREX 60 is prefused in themelting unit and the dry scrap gradually added through the flux. After allthe additions have been made and the melt is at 700–750°C, a further 2% offlux is fused on the melt before rabbling well into the metal for 3 to 5minutes. The cleansed metal is then decanted off the spent flux. Afterpouring, the spent flux and impurities are scraped from the sides andbottom of the melting unit.

Foundry tools can be cleansed by immersing them in molten MAGREX 60flux for a few minutes. This will absorb any adhering metal oxides and leavethem clean and ready for use.

Running and gating

Since magnesium alloys oxidise rapidly, every effort should be made toensure non-turbulent pouring. Use of SIVEX FC or STELEX ceramic foamfilters to remove oxide films is recommended (see Chapter 8). Asmagnesium is so light, a pouring basin should be built up above the topsurface of the mould to provide greater metallostatic pressure. Running andfeeding methods should be as for a moderately high shrinkage alloy, e.g.fairly large diameter runners and large feeding heads with KALMINinsulating sleeves.

Gravity diecasting

Magnesium alloys are so light in weight that little metallostatic pressure isavailable to displace mould air and the possibility of short runs or cold shutsis enhanced. Dies should be designed with ample venting and down-spruesshould be large in area relative to aluminium practice. The minimum wallthickness of castings should be 5 mm. Die coatings are the same as foraluminium alloys.

The alloy for diecasting is frequently melted in a fully enclosed bale-outfurnace under an inert atmosphere of sulphur dioxide or sulphur hexa-fluoride gas mixtures (Table 15.7). MAGREX 60 is used. As it becomesimpregnated with oxides, it sinks to the bottom of the melt. When the metalbath is at a temperature of 720–750°C, about 3% of MAGREX is introduced.As the charge is replenished from time to time, more MAGREX is added.The flux cover is stirred from 3 to 4 minutes until the alloy surface is bright.The spent flux must be removed from the bottom of the furnace daily.

Pressure diecasting

Mg alloys can be diecast using both cold chamber and hot chambermachines. Hot chamber machines are so called because they use a pump

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submerged in the molten alloy to fill the die and apply the required pressureduring solidification, the cold chamber machines require a measuredquantity of molten metal to be transferred from a holding furnace to themachine for each shot. The hot chamber process can achieve higherproduction rates and the castings produced are generally more consistent.

Pressure diecasting is the most frequently used process for automotivecastings, where the growth in usage is high because of the attraction ofweight reduction. Potential magnesium components and their estimatedweights are shown in Table 15.8 (reproduced by courtesy of Buhler Ltd).

The usage of magnesium diecastings is expected to increase from 51 000tonnes in 1996 to 186 000 tonnes in the year 2006.

Table 15.8 Estimated weight of diecast magnesium automotivecomponents

Component Estimated weight for a mid-size car (kg.)

Dashboards 3.0–5.0Bumper holders 2.5–4.5Holders and supports 1.0–2.0Front seat frames 18.0–24.0Electronic circuitry cases 0.2–0.7Gearboxes 8.0–12.0Cylinder head covers 0.5–1.2Oil sumps 0.8–1.2Pedal supports 1.0–1.8Wheels 14.0–26.0Steering wheels 0.3–0.5

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Chapter 16

Copper and copper alloycastings

The main copper alloys and their applications

1 High conductivity coppers. Used chiefly for their high electrical andthermal conductivities. Applications include tuyeres for blast furnacesand hot blast cupolas, water-cooled electrode clamps, switchgear etc.

2 Brasses; copper–zinc alloys where zinc is the major alloying element.Easy to cast, with excellent machinability and good resistance tocorrosion in air and fresh water. They are widely used for plumbingfittings. High tensile brasses are more highly alloyed and find uses inmarine engineering.

3 Tin bronzes; copper–tin alloys where tin is the major alloying element.With tin contents of 10–12%, tin bronze castings are more expensivethan brass. They have high corrosion resistance and are suitable forhandling acidic waters, boiler feed waters etc. High tin alloys are alsoused in wear-resistant applications.

4 Phosphor bronzes; copper–tin alloys with an addition of about 0.4–1.0%P. They are harder than tin bronzes but with lower ductility. They areused for bearings where loads and running speeds are high and forgears such as worm wheels.

5 Lead bronzes; copper–tin–lead alloys. Used almost exclusively forbearings, where loads and speeds are more moderate.

6 Gunmetals; copper–tin–zinc–lead alloys. Favourite alloys for sandcasting. They have a good combination of castability, machinability andstrength with good corrosion resistance. They are used for intricate,pressure-tight castings such as valves and pumps. Also for bearingswhere loads and speeds are moderate.

7 Aluminium bronzes; copper–aluminium alloys where Al is the majoralloying element. They combine high strength with high resistance tocorrosion. Applications range from decorative architectural features tohighly stressed engineering components. They have many marine usesincluding propellers, pumps and valves and are used for the manu-facture of non-sparking tools.

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8 Copper–nickels; copper–nickel alloys where Ni is the major alloyingelement. Used for marine applications in severe conditions, for examplefor pipework.

(The above information is based on data kindly supplied by the CopperDevelopment Association, St Albans, Herts.)

Specifications for copper-based alloys

The new BS EN 1982 standard for Copper and Copper Alloy Ingots andCastings is the British implementation of the European Standard and itreplaces BS 1400:1985 which has been withdrawn. BS 1400 used abbrevia-tions of the type of material:

SCB sand casting brassDCB diecasting brassHTB high tensile brassDZR dezincification resistant brassHCC high conductivity copperCC copper–chromiumCT copper–tin (bronze)PB phosphor bronzeLB leaded bronzeLG leaded gunmetalG gunmetalAB aluminium bronzeCMA copper–manganese–aluminiumCN copper–nickel

These have been superseded in the European Standard by compositionaldesignations with the base metal first followed by the major alloyingelements, e.g. CuZn33Pb2-C is a leaded brass casting alloy containing 33%Zn and 2% Pb. Two further letters are used to designate the relevant castingprocess which affects the mechanical properties:

GM permanent mould castingGS sand castingGZ centrifugal castingGP pressure diecastingGC continuous casting

Note that there is not necessarily an exact equivalence between the BS 1400alloy and the corresponding BS EN alloy. The European Standard also uses

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Copper and copper alloy castings 227

a Material Designation Number for each casting alloy so the leaded brassreferred to above is designated:

CuZn33Pb2-C Number CC750S and is equivalent to the old BS 1400sand casting brass SCB3.

Table 16.1 lists the BS EN 1982 alloys and the nearest BS1400 equivalentalloys which they replace.

Table 16.2 lists the compositions and mechanical properties of thealloys.

Thanks are due to the Copper Development Association (VerulamIndustrial Estate, 224 London Road, St Albans, Herts AL1 1AQ, England) forproviding the information in Tables 16.1 and 16.2.

Colour code for ingots

In the UK, the following system was used for colour coding of ingots.

Designation Colour code Designation Colour codeGroup A Group B

PB4 Black/red PB1 YellowLPB1 Black PB2 Yellow/redLB2 White CT1 Black/aluminiumLB4 White/green LB5 White/brownLG2 Blue LG1 Blue/redLG4 Blue/brown AB1 AluminiumSCB1 Green/blue AB2 Aluminium/greenSCB3 Green CMA1 Aluminium/redSCB6 Green/brown CMA2 Aluminium/yellowDCB1 Yellow/blue HTB1 BrownDCB3 Yellow/brown HTB3 Brown/redPCB1 White/blue

Group CLB1 White/blackG3 Blue/blackSCB4 Green/yellowG1 Red

Note: Group A are alloys in common use.Group B are special purpose alloys.Group C are alloys in limited production.

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Table 16.1 Copper and copper alloy ingots and castings – comparison of BS1400 and BS EN 1982 Showing near equivalents where standardised in BS EN 1982 and originalcompositional symbols for guidance where no near equivalent is included. See Table 16.2 for full details of composition and properties.

Nearest equivalent inold BS 1400 orBS4577

BS EN or ISO symbolfor castings (1)

BS EN materialdesignationnumber forcastings (2)

BS EN relevant casting processes and designations (3)






Cooper and Copper-chromium (High conductivity coppers)HCCl Cu–C CC040A ✓ ✓CC1–TF CuCr1–C CC140A ✓ ✓A4/1 G–CuNiPA3/2 G–CuNi2SiA3/1 G–CuCo2BeA4/2 G–CuBeCopper–zinc (Brasses)DZR1 CuZn35Pb2Al–C CC752SDZR2 CuZn33Pb2Si–C CC751S ✓

CuZn37Pb2Ni1AlFe–C CC753S ✓PCB1 G–CuZn40PbDCB1 CuZn38Al–C CC767S ✓DCB2 G–CuZn37SnDCB3 CuZn39Pb1Al–C CC754S ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓– CuZn39Pb1AlB–C CC755SSCB1 G–CuZn25Pb3Sn2SCB2 G–CuZn30Pb3SCB3 CuZn33Pb2–C CC750S ✓ ✓SCB4 G–CuZn36SnSCB5 G–CuZn10SnSCB6 CuZn15As–C CC760S ✓– CuZn16Si4–C CC761S ✓ ✓ ✓– CuZn32Al2Mn2Fe1–C CC763S ✓ ✓– CuZn34Mn3Al2Fe1–C CC764S ✓ ✓ ✓HTB1 CuZn35Mn2Al1Fe1–C CC765S ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓HTB2 G–CuZn36Al4FeMnHTB3 CuZn25Al5Mn4Fe3–C CC762S ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓– CuZn37Al1–C CC766S ✓Copper–tin (Gunmetals and Phosphor-bronzes)CT1 CuSn10–C CC480K ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓PB1 CuSn11P–C CC481K ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓– CuSn11Pb2–C CC482K ✓ ✓ ✓

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PB2 CuSn12–C CC483K ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓CT2 CuSn12Ni2–C CC484K ✓ ✓ ✓PB4 G–CuSn10PbPLPB1 G–CuSn7PbPCopper–tin–lead (Gunmetals and Leaded bronzes)LG1 CuSn3Zn8Pb5–C CC490K ✓ ✓ ✓LG2 CuSn5Zn5Pb5–C CC491K ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓LG3 G–CuSn7Pb4Zn2LG4 CuSn7Zn2Pb3–C CC492K ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓– CuSn7Zn4Pb7–C CC493K ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓LB1 CuSn7Pb15–C CC496K ✓ ✓ ✓LB2 CuSn10Pb10–C CC495K ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓LB3 G–CuSn10Pb5LB4 CuSn5Pb9–C CC494K ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓LB5 CuSn5Pb20–C CC497K ✓ ✓ ✓G1 G–CuSn10Zn2G2 G–CuSn8Zn4PbG3 G–CuSn7Ni5Zn3Copper–aluminium (Aluminium bronzes)– CuAl9–C CC330G ✓ ✓AB1 CuAl10Fe2–C CC331G ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

CuAl10Ni3Fe2–C CC332G ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓AB2 CuAl10Fe5Ni5–C CC333G ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓– CuAl11Fe6Ni6–C CC334G ✓ ✓ ✓AB3 G–CuAl6Si2FeCopper–manganese–aluminiumCMA1 CuMn11Al8Fe3Ni3–C CC212E ✓CMA2 G–CuMn13Al9Fe3Ni3Copper–nickel (cupro-nickels)– CuNi10Fe1Mn1–C CC380H ✓ ✓ ✓– CuNi30Fe1Mn1–C CC381H ✓ ✓CN1 CuNi30Cr2FeMnSi–C CC382H ✓CN2 CuNi30Fe1Mn1NbSi–C CC383H ✓

(1) Symbol finishes with B for material in ingot form.(2) Number begins CB for material in ingot form.(3) GM – permanent mould casting. GS – sand casting. GZ – centrifugal. GP – pressure diecasting. GC – continuous casting.Method of casting affects properties significantly.Note: Ingots are not specified for high conductivity coppers.

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232 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

Melting copper and copper-based alloys

The melting of copper and copper-based alloys presents special problems.Molten copper dissolves both oxygen and hydrogen and on solidification, theoxygen and hydrogen can combine to form water vapour which causesporosity in the casting, Figs 16.1–16.4. Without the presence of oxygen,hydrogen alone may also cause gas porosity. Alloys containing aluminiumform oxide skins which can cause problems in castings. In other alloys, tracesof aluminium can cause defects and residual aluminium must be removed.Special melting and metal treatment techniques have been developed to dealwith these effects. These include fluxing, degassing and deoxidationtreatments. Foseco supplies products for each of these treatments.

Foseco products for the melting and treatment of copper andits alloys

ALBRAL Fluxes for treatment of alloys containing Al, they dissolveand remove alumina.

CUPREX Oxidising fluxes for preventing hydrogen pick-up duringmelting, Table 16.3.

Figure 16.1 Solubility of hydrogen in copper. (From Neff, D.V. (1989) Hydrogenand oxygen in copper, AFS Trans., 97, 439–450.)

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Figure 16.2 Effect of alloying elements on hydrogen solubility in copper melts.(From Neff, D.V. loc. cit.)

Figure 16.3 Copper–copper oxide phase diagram. (From Neff, D.V. loc. cit.)

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CUPRIT Neutral or reducing fluxes, they protect alloys fromoxidation and reduce zinc loss, Table 16.4.

DEOXIDISINGTUBES For deoxidising copper and its alloys, Table 16.6.ELIMINAL Flux for removing aluminium from melts.MDU Mobile Degassing Unit for the removal of hydrogen.LOGAS 50 Briquettes for the removal of hydrogen, Table 16.5.PLUMBRAL Covering and scavenging flux for treating high lead

alloys.RECUPEX Fluxes for melting copper alloy swarf, skimmings and

scrap.RECUPEX 250 Reducing, protective flux for use when metal is held

molten for a long time, e.g. during continuous casting.SLAX 20 Slag coagulant.

Figure 16.4 Equilibrium between hydrogen and oxygen in copper melts. (FromNeff, D.V.)

Table 16.3 CUPREX oxidising fluxes and their applications

Product Form Applicationrate (%)

Alloys Slag

CUPREX 1 Blocks 1 Commercial copper, gunmetal Fluid

CUPREX 100 Powder 0.5–1 Tin/lead bronzes (<10% Pb) andcopper–nickel alloys


CUPREX 160 Powder 1–2 Commercial copper, bronzes, gunmetal,Ni–brass alloys melted in crucible orreverberatory furnaces


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Copper and copper alloy castings 235

Table 16.4 CUPRIT reducing fluxes and their applications

Metal Furnace CUPRITtype

Recommended procedure

BrassBrazing metalsGilding metals

Crucible 1 Use 1% addition rate of CUPRIT.Place briquettes in the bottom ofthe hot crucible and charge metalon top. Leave the slag intact untilthe crucible is withdrawn from thefurnace.


Add 1% CUPRIT at an early stagein melting. Leave slag intact untilthe crucible is withdrawn.


1 Place briquettes at the bottom ofthe hot furnace and add thecharge. Use 1% CUPRIT.

Electric 49 Add 0.5% CUPRIT in two stages,add the major portion to the heeland the remainder for finaldrossing-off. Skim before pouring.

HC copper CrucibleElectric

81 Add 1% CUPRIT at an early stagein melting. Leave the slag intactuntil the metal is tapped or thecrucible withdrawn.

BrassBrazing metalsGilding metalsComm. copper

Electriclow freq.induction

81 0.75% CUPRIT is needed. Add0.6% together with charge, stir inthe balance before drossing-off.More flux may be needed if thecharge consists of swarf.

BrassBrazing metalsGilding metalsAl–bronzeSi–bronzeMn–bronze

All typesof reverb.furnace

81 Add 0.5% at the beginning ofmelting. During melting add moreto maintain a flux cover. 1% totalmay suffice depending on thesurface of molten metal exposed.

Table 16.5 LOGAS 50 degassing tablets

Unit No. 1A 3BMelt wt. treated kg 0–50 250–380

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CUPREX oxidising fluxes and their applications

CUPREX formulations evolve oxygen to produce oxidising conditions and ascavenging gas to remove most of the dissolved hydrogen, thus preventingthe steam reaction which causes porosity in castings. CUPREX also forms aflux cover to prevent the pick-up of more hydrogen from the furnaceatmosphere and remove non-metallic material, Table 16.3.

CUPRIT neutral or reducing fluxes

The CUPRIT range is produced in briquette and powder form:

Briquettes CUPRIT 1Powder CUPRIT 49, 81, 103

CUPRIT briquettes are pre-weighed while the powders are available in pre-weighed packets or in bulk. The main functions of CUPRIT are:

To form a protective blanket over the metal during melting to preventcontamination of the melt from the furnace atmosphere and to protectalloying elements, especially zinc, from oxidation, thereby suppressingzinc fume and the formation of showers of zinc oxide in the air.

Table 16.6 Grades of DEOXIDISING TUBES and their use


Weight of melt (kg)

25 50 75 100 200 400


DS 2 × DS3 3 × DS4 6 × DS3 6 × DS4 3 × DS6 6 × DS6

HCC (highconduct.)


1 × DS1 +1 × CB3

1 × DS2 +2 × CB3

1 × DS3 +3 × CB3

2 × DS4 +1 × CB6

2 × DS4 +2 × CB6

1 × DS6 +4 × CB6

Brass DS 1 × DS1 1 × DS2 1 × DS3 1 × DS4 2 × DS4 1 × DS6

Bronze &gunmetal

DS 1 × DS2 1 × DS3 1 × DS4 1 × DS5 3 × DS4 4 × DS5

Al-bronze &Mn–bronze

E 1 × E1 2 × E1 3 × E1 2 × E3 4 × E3 8 × E3



1 × E3 +1 × DS2

2 × E3 +1 × DS4

3 × E3 +2 × DS3

4 × E3 +2 × DS6

8 × E3 +1 × DS6

16 × E3 +2 × DS6

Nickel–silverfor hot & coldworking

NS 1 × NS4 2 × NS4 3 × NS4 1 × NS6 2 × NS6 4 × NS6

Ni–bronzeCu–Ni alloys

MG 2 × MG5 3 × MG5 2 × MG6 3 × MG6 6 × MG6 12MG6

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To dissolve impurities from the melt.To form an inert atmosphere for the melting of high conductivitycopper (CUPRIT 81 flux).To provide a mould and launder cover for the direct-chill casting ofbrass and copper (CUPRIT 103 flux).

Rotary degassing of copper and its alloys

The Mobile Degassing Unit (Fig. 6.2) is effective for removing hydrogenfrom copper melts and should be used in the way described for aluminiumalloys in Chapter 6.

LOGAS degassing units

LOGAS degassing units comprise a mixture of chemicals which, on contactwith molten metal, decompose to release a steady stream of non-reactivegas. LOGAS is carefully dried and packed in foil, so the gas bubbles containvery little hydrogen and are able to flush out hydrogen from the melt.

Deoxidants for copper and its alloys

The ideal deoxidant should function as follows:

1 It should combine with all the oxygen present to form a fluid slag.2 Deoxidation products should not be entrained in the solidified casting.3 Residual deoxidant should not adversely affect the physical properties of

the alloy and should prevent further oxidation during pouring.

Phosphorus satisfies most of these requirements, but a residual content of0.025% is necessary to ensure adequate deoxidation. This can seriously affectthe conductivity of pure copper and causes embrittlement of high nickelbearing alloys.

Alternative deoxidants are:

MAGNESIUM: Very effective and it eliminates the harmful effects ofsulphur, but the oxide formed tends to remain entrapped in the metalat grain boundaries, causing embrittlement.MANGANESE: An excellent deoxidant, present in DEOXIDISINGTUBES E. Manganese imparts some grain refinement.CALCIUM: A good deoxidant, although metal fluidity is slightlyreduced.SILICON: Deoxidises well but the oxide formed may affect the surfaceappearance and pressure tightness of the casting.

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BORON: A satisfactory deoxidant having some grain-refining action.Excess can cause embrittlement.DEOXIDISING TUBES L are also available for commercial and h.c.copper, Ni–bronze, Cu–Ni alloys and Al–bronze. They contain lithiumand remove hydrogen as well as deoxidise.

Copper-based alloy castings are usually made from charges using pre-alloyed ingot together with foundry returns (runners, risers and scrapcastings). Such internal scrap must be carefully segregated to avoid mixingof metal of different specifications. With successive remelting there will be atendency to lose volatile elements, particularly zinc, and to pick upcontaminants such as iron. The level of residual phosphorus may vary,depending on the deoxidation practice used, and it must be carefullymonitored.

The alloys are frequently melted in gas-fired furnaces, usually cruciblefurnaces. Medium frequency induction fumaces are also used with silica oralumina linings. Clay–graphite or silicon carbide crucibles can also be used,the electrical conductivity of the crucible allowing it to absorb inductionpower, yielding higher crucible temperatures and reduced stirring in themelt.

The melting and treatment of each of the main alloy types will be dealtwith in turn.

Melting and treatment of high conductivity copper

The quality of high conductivity copper is measured by its electricalconductivity. Pure copper in the annealed condition has a specific electricalresistance of 1.72 microhms per cubic cm at 20°C. This is said to have 100%electrical conductivity IACS (International Annealed Copper Standardunits). Cast copper can have a conductivity of 90% IACS and has bothelectrical and thermal applications since high electrical conductivity alsoimplies high thermal conductivity. Many of the impurities likely to bepresent in copper lower its electrical conductivity seriously, Table 16.7.

Cu–C (HCC1) copper is used for water-cooled tuyeres and electrodeclamps, it must have 86% IACS minimum so must be of high purity withonly small additions of Cr or Ag to extend the freezing range and makecasting easier.

For less onerous duties, copper having tin or zinc up to 2% may be used.A degree of conductivity is sacrificed to allow better casting properties andfor ease of machining.

Where greater hardness and strength are required, copper–chromiumcastings CC1-TF may be used. This alloy requires to be heat treated (1 hourat 900°C, followed by quenching to room temperature and reheating to500°C for 1–5 hrs) to realise its full properties.

High purity copper is particularly prone to gas porosity problems dueboth to hydrogen and the hydrogen/oxygen reaction which occurs if any

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oxygen is present in the molten metal. Steps must be taken, during melting,to exclude both hydrogen and oxygen from the melt. The principlesinvolved are:

Melt quickly, using the lowest temperature possible, under a reducingcover fluxPurge with an inert gas to remove hydrogenAdd deoxidants to remove residual oxygen, ensuring that residualdeoxidant does not reduce the conductivity


The charge materials must be carefully selected to avoid impurities whichcan reduce the conductivity. Before charging, the copper must be clean anddegreased to avoid any hydrogen-containing contaminants. Clean and drycrucibles, lids, plungers and slag stoppers must be used. The crucible shouldbe preheated before charging to minimise the time that the copper is solidand unprotected by flux. Melt down under a reducing cover of CUPRIT 81;the flux should be placed in the bottom of the crucible prior to charging. 1 kgof CUPRIT 81 is needed per 100 kg of metal.

Table 16.7 The effect of impurities and alloying elements on theelectrical conductivity of pure copper

Impurity % % IACS

Aluminium 0.1 85Antimony 0.1 90Arsenic 0.1 75Beryllium 0.1 85Cadmium 1.0 90Chromium 1.0 80Calcium 0.1 98Iron 0.1 70Magnesium 0.1 94Manganese 0.1 88Nickel 0.1 95Phosphorus 0.1 50Silicon 0.1 65Silver 1.0 97Tin 1.0 55Zinc 1.0 90

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Hydrogen is removed from the melt by bubbling an inert gas through themelt. This can be done using argon or nitrogen using the Mobile DegassingUnit (see Chapter 6) or less effectively by injecting gas through a graphitetube immersed deep into the melt. 50–70 litres of gas are needed for each100 kg of copper.

An alternative way to degas is to plunge LOGAS 50 briquettes into themelt. LOGAS is a granular material, strongly bonded and formed into aweighed unit with high surface area/volume ratio to ensure maximumcontact area with the liquid metal. On contact with the metal, LOGAS 50decomposes releasing a steady stream of non-reactive gas which flushes outthe hydrogen. LOGAS 50 units are packed in foil, they are of annular shapehaving a central hole into which a refractory-coated steel plunger can beinserted, Table 16.5.

Treatment takes from 3 to 10 minutes depending on the size of the melt.Some loss of temperature occurs during treatment, so the initial treatmenttemperature must be chosen accordingly. The minimum temperaturepracticable should be used.


A number of deoxidants are available for copper (Table 16.6). They combinewith the dissolved oxygen in the metal forming stable oxides which float outof the melt. Phosphorus is the most widely used deoxidant for copper andits alloys because of its effectiveness and low cost. It must be used sparinglywith high conductivity copper since any residual phosphorus left in solutionseriously lowers the conductivity of the copper (Table 16.7).

The recommended practice is to use phosphorus to remove most of thedissolved oxygen and to complete the deoxidation with a calcium boride orlithium-based deoxidant.

The precise quantity of deoxidant needed depends on the melting practiceused. Simple tests can be made in the foundry to observe the solidificationcharacteristics of the melt. Open-topped cylindrical test moulds havingimpressions about 75 mm high by 50 mm diameter are needed. They can beformed in a cold-setting resin or silicate sand mixture. When the melt isready for deoxidation, a sample of the copper should be ladled into one ofthe moulds and allowed to solidify. If the head rises appreciably as shownin Fig. 16.5a very gassy metal is indicated. DEOXIDISING TUBES DScontaining phosphorus must be plunged and further test castings made. Atthe point when the quantity of phosphorus added results in a shallow sinkin the head, as in Fig. 16.5 b, it can be assumed that the residual phosphoruscontent of the melt is nil and a small amount, about 0.008% of oxygen,remains.

Deoxidation is now completed by plunging DEOXIDISING TUBES CB orL, adding sufficient to produce a test casting having a head with a deep sink

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as in Fig. 16.5 c. The melt is now in a condition to produce castings free fromporosity. The approximate additions needed are shown below:

Weight of melt


25 kg 50 kg 75 kg 100 kg 200 kg 400 kg

DS & 1 � DS1 1 � DS2 1 � DS3 2 � DS4 2 � DS4 1 � DS6CB 1 � CB3 2 � CB3 3 � CB3 1 � CB6 2 � CB6 4 � CB6

DEOXIDISING TUBES L, containing lithium, can be used as the finaldeoxidant in place of DEOXIDISING TUBES CB. An application rate of0.018–0.02% of product should be used. In addition to being an excellentdeoxidant, lithium also removes traces of hydrogen. This is found to reducethe incidence of cracks in complex cast shapes.

Casting conditions

HC copper, being almost pure copper, has an extremely short freezing range.It is very weak at the point of solidification so that moulds and cores mustnot be too strong. Resin bonded sand is suitable and the resin percentagemust be as low as possible, the minimum necessary for handling the mouldand cores. Gating should be designed to minimise turbulence on pouring, inorder to avoid the possibility of oxygen pick-up, Figs 16.6 16.7 (see Chapter7). Feeding of the castings follows the practice used for steel castings (seeChapter 17).

Figure 16.5 The appearance of test castings: (a) Gassy metal. (b) Partiallydeoxidised. (c) Fully deoxidised.

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Recommended casting temperatures

Light castings < 15 mm section 1250°CMedium castings 15–40 mm section 1200°CHeavy castings >40 mm section 1150°C

Melting and treatment of high conductivitycopper alloys


Silver additions should be made in the form of Cu–Ag master alloy andintroduced into the melt after degassing but prior to deoxidation. The samedual deoxidation process used for pure copper is recommended.

Figure 16.6 Gating high conductivity or commercialcopper castings, single ingate.The simplest form of gating for small to medium sizecastings.1. Tapered sprue to reduce formation of air bubbles.2. Deep basin to receive first turbulent impact of metal.3. Ingate tapering out to reduce metal velocity. Note

position of ingate at top of sprue basin.

Figure 16.7 Gating high conductivity orcommercial copper castings, multiple ingates.For castings of large surface area where morethan one ingate helps to fill mould uniformly.1. Sprue and basin as in Fig. 5.6.2. Progressively narrowing runner to keeprunner bar full; this reduces dross formation.Note runner bar extention to trap dross.

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Copper–cadmiumDegassing and deoxidation by the dual treatment must be completed beforecadmium is added. The molten copper can be tapped directly onto purecadmium metal as the metal is transferred from the melting furnace to apouring ladle. The use of a Cu–Cd master alloy is preferable, since lowercadmium losses occur. Molten cadmium evolves toxic brown fumes so goodventilation is needed.

Copper–chromiumCu–Cr master alloy should be added after degassing but before deoxida-tion. The chromium alloy should be thoroughly stirred in to ensure ahom*ogeneous solution. A chromium loss of 10–30% may be expecteddepending on the state of oxidation of the melt. Phosphorus additionsshould only be made if a test casting shows a rising head. Normally thechromium addition and a final deoxidation with calcium-boride or lithiumis sufficient. Any residual phosphorus left in the alloy will upset its responseto heat treatment.

Commercial copper

Commercial copper castings contain up to 2% of tin and/or zinc for ease ofcasting and machining. The conductivity is reduced to a minimum of 55%IACS but this is adequate for many applications. A simpler fluxing anddeoxidising technique can be used. Melting can be carried out underoxidising conditions and phosphorus alone can be used for deoxidation.Hydrogen degassing is not usually necessary since CUPREX oxidisingfluxes evolve oxygen and scavenging gases which eliminate most of thehydrogen.


Melt down under an oxidising cover of CUPREX (either CUPREX 1 blocksor CUPREX 100 powder), Table 16.3. Four 250 g blocks should be used for100 kg of metal (1%). The CUPREX should be placed in the bottom of theempty crucible which is preheated to redness. In other furnaces, add theCUPREX at an early stage in melting. The fluid slag must be removed beforedeoxidation, using SLAX to thicken the slag if necessary. Deoxidise beforepouring using DEOXIDISING TUBES DS at the following rate:

Wt. of melt (kg) 25 50 75 100 200 400No. of tubes 2 � DS3 3 � DS4 6 � DS3 6 � DS4 3 � DS6 6 � DS6

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Casting conditions

See recommendations for HC copper.

Recommended casting temperatures

Light castings <15 mm section 1250°CMedium castings 15–40 mm section 1200°CHeavy castings >40 mm section 1150°C

Melting and treatment of brasses, copper–zinc alloys

Effect of added elements

Aluminium: Unless added for a definite purpose, as in diecasting brass, itshould be absent. It improves fluidity and definition, which is valuable indiecastings, but it oxidises readily causing oxide films and inclusions whichmay cause porosity and unsoundness in sand castings.

Iron: Small quantities have a grain-refining effect and increase hardness andtensile strength.

Lead: Improves machinability. Lead is insoluble in brass and exists asglobules, which should be dispersed as uniformly as possible. It must not beallowed to segregate.

Manganese: Sometimes used as a deoxidant, its effect is similar to iron.

Nickel: Improves the mechanical properties and increases corrosion resist-ance. It also has a tendency towards grain refinement.

Phosphorus: Combines with any iron present, increasing hardness. Reducesgrain growth and improves fluidity.

Silicon: Makes founding more difficult but improves corrosion resistanceand fluidity.

Tin: Raises tensile strength and hardness at the expense of ductility andimproves corrosion resistance and fluidity.

Principles of melting and treating brasses

Zinc vapour pressure in molten brass is sufficient to prevent ingress ofhydrogen into the metal, so a neutral or reducing atmosphere is notdeleterious. An oxidising atmosphere must be avoided since it would cause

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loss of zinc though oxidation. Zinc can also be lost through volatilisation, soa liquid flux cover is needed. To avoid zinc loss, the charge should be meltedas quickly as possible and not be allowed to overheat.

Removal of impurities

ELIMINAL is a powdered flux range designed to reduce aluminium (andsilicon) in copper-based alloys. Up to 0.5% Al may be removed from brass bymeans of ELIMINAL 2. Where higher levels exist, it is recommended thatthe charge is diluted with Al-free material to bring the Al content down to0.5% or less. If the Al content is around 0.5%, the charge should be melteddown under a cover of 0.5% by weight of ELIMINAL. This will also protectthe zinc content of the melt. Before pouring, the metal should be brought toa temperature slightly higher than that required normally and 0.5% ofELIMINAL should be rabbled in or plunged to ensure maximum mixing,which is essential for efficient removal. The treatment is repeated until theAl content is reduced to the desired level. The metal is deoxidisedimmediately before pouring.

When melts contain 0.4%Al, ELIMINAL removes about 40% of its ownweight of AlWhen melts contain 0.2%Al, ELIMINAL removes about 25% of its ownweight of AlWhen melts contain 0.1%Al, ELIMINAL removes about 20% of its ownweight of Al

When aluminium has been removed to a low level, ELIMINAL will thenremove silicon and manganese from copper alloys but at a slower rate thanaluminium.

Melting brasses for sand castings

1 Heat up the crucible or furnace.2 Place in the bottom of crucible or furnace CUPRIT 1 blocks equal to 1 kg

per 100 kg of metal to be melted (Table 16.4).3 Charge ingots and scrap and melt down as rapidly as possible,

maintaining an intact cover of fused flux. CUPRIT 49 powder may beused instead of blocks. This should be added at the same rate as soon asthe first part of the charge reaches a pasty condition.

4 Bring the metal up to pouring temperature and avoid overheating.5 Immediately prior to pouring, plunge DEOXIDISING TUBES DS at the

rate of one DS2 tube per 50 kg of metal and hold immersed for a fewseconds. (The plunging tool must be preheated and coated with FIRIT orHOLCOTE 110 to protect the plunger and prevent contamination.)

6 When the metal is at the correct pouring temperature SLAX 20 may beadded to reduce “flaring”, the surface slag should be held back and themetal poured from underneath it. This will reduce “flaring” to theminimum.

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CUPRIT blocks are recommended for use in reverberatory and similarhearth furnaces, since powder fluxes can be carried away by the draughtfrom the burners.

Casting conditions (sand castings)

Brasses may be cast easily in green sand or chemically bonded sand moulds.Pinhole porosity may be a problem, often revealed when the casting ispolished. It occurs particularly at higher pouring temperatures and can beavoided by application of a graphite-containing coating, such as ISOMOL185, to the moulds and cores.

Running, gating and feeding

The running of brass castings does not present any real problem. Excessiveturbulence in the mould should be avoided. Methods best suited to longfreezing range alloys should be used (see Chapter 7), with unpressurised oronly slightly pressurised systems based on ratios such as 1:4:6 or 1:4:4. Thistype of sprue/runner/ingate system can provide a useful source of feedmetal to the casting as long as the gate remains unfrozen. Indeed, manythousands of castings (shell mouldings in particular) such as taps, valves,co*cks etc. are made in this way without any supplementary form of feeding.The alloys go through a mushy stage during freezing and thin sections,below 10 mm, will often form a dense skin, free from porosity, while thecentre of the section displays dispersed shrinkage porosity. So the castingsmay be pressure-tight throughout.

Recommended casting temperatures

<15 mm 15–40 mm >40 mm

60/40–65/35 alloys 1100°C 1050°C 1020°C80/20–70/30 alloys 1150 1100 1070

Melting diecasting brasses

The diecasting brasses CuZn38Al-C (DCB1), CuZn39Pb1Al-C and CuZn29-AlB-C (DCB3) are cast by the gravity die (permanent mould) technique. Thealloys contain aluminium which oxidises during melting forming a skin of

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oxide which results in sluggish pouring, so it is necessary to melt under aspecial flux such as the ALBRAL range. ALBRAL fluxes contain chemicalswhich dissolve alumina, removing it from the metal by flotation. The surfacelayer formed may be either a dry dross or a liquid slag, depending on thegrade of ALBRAL used. From an efficiency aspect, a liquid slag performsbest, but there may be difficulties in removing it in some operations. Thefollowing table indicates the types of ALBRAL available and their method ofapplication.

ALBRAL fluxes for removing alumina

Product Furnacetype


Additionduring melting

Additionbefore pouring

ALBRAL 2 Crucible,reverb.

Fluid Up to 1% toform a cover

0.25–0.5% plungeand rabble

ALBRAL 3 Bale out,induction

Dry ditto ditto

For melting diecasting brasses:

1 Preheat the crucible or furnace.2 Charge ingots and scrap and commence melting.3 When part of the charge becomes pasty, sprinkle ALBRAL 3 (1 kg for

100 kg of metal) over the surface.4 Continue charging and melt under the protective cover as rapidly as

possible.5 When the metal is at pouring temperature, add a further quantity of

ALBRAL 3 (0.5 kg for 100 kg of metal) and with a perforated saucerplunger, plunge the flux to the bottom of the melt, then with a rotarymovement of the plunger, “wash” the flux in, bringing it into intimatecontact with all parts of the melt in order to cleanse it of aluminaparticles.

6 After 2–3 minutes, withdraw the plunger and allow the melt to settle.7 Deoxidise with DEOXIDISING TUBES DS (one DS 2 tube for 50 kg of

metal).8 When the metal is at the correct temperature (1100°C), Iadle out

as required, pushing the surface dross aside to leave a clean workingarea.

9 From time to time, after fresh metal has been added, skim away the drossand add fresh ALBRAL 3, washing in as before. Similarly, DEOXIDISINGTUBES DS should be plunged occasionally to maintain maximumfluidity.

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Recommended casting temperatures

Pouring temperatures range from 1150 to 1200°C and the die should be ofheat-resisting cast iron or steel, die lives of 500–50 000 pours may beexpected, depending on the complexity of the casting.

The dies should be provided with venting grooves to allow thedisplacement of air as the metal enters and overflow cavities to permit aflow-through of metal.

The dies should be sprayed with a water-based DYCOTE 36 which servesto:

Lubricate the die to facilitate ejectionCool the diePrevent welding between the casting and the dieProvide an insulating coating which promotes the running of thecasting

The dies should be preheated to 350–400°C before casting to limit thethermal shock and to avoid misruns.

Pressure diecasting

Alloys CuZn39Pb1Al-C, CuZn29AIB-C (DCB3) and silicon brass,CuZn33Pb2Si-C, are the most frequently cast by pressure diecasting, sincethey have low melting points, minimising the deterioration of the die. Diesoperate at a temperature of around 500°C, higher than in aluminiumdiecasting. Less die cooling is needed than for aluminium because heatlosses are greater at the higher temperature.

Dissolved gas is not normally a problem in diecasting, hence degassing isnot normally applied, but the melt must be kept clean from oxides, drossand inclusions.

Melting bronzes and gunmetals

Bronzes and gunmetals may be melted in crucibles, reverberatory furnacesor induction furnaces. Hydrogen is the main source of porosity problems, itmay be derived from the products of combustion of the furnace gases, fromwater vapour in the atmosphere and from water in refractories and on scrapmetal. Hydrogen is less soluble in copper alloys than in pure copper (Fig.16.2) but it can cause severe porosity in castings due to the steam reactionwith dissolved oxygen in the melt during solidification. For this reason it isoften advisable to both degas and deoxidise bronze or gunmetal meltsbefore casting. The technique used is the oxidation–deoxidation meltingprocess. Oxidising conditions are maintained during melting, to minimise

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the hydrogen pick-up. The metal is degassed either by Rotary Degassingwith nitrogen or by plunging LOGAS 50 briquettes, as described in Chapter6, then it is deoxidised using phosphorus in the form of DEOXIDISINGTUBES DS before casting.

Aluminium is a common and very deleterious impurity in sand castgunmetals and bronzes. As little as 0.01% is enough to cause leakage ofcastings, because aluminium oxide films and stringers become trapped inthe solidifying casting. ELIMINAL can be used to remove aluminium fromthe molten alloy (see page 245).

Melting for sand castings

1 Preheat the crucible or furnace.2 Place CUPREX 1 blocks in the bottom of the hot crucible (1% of the charge

weight).3 Charge ingot and scrap.4 Melt and bring to pouring temperature as quickly as possible. CUPREX

evolves oxidising and scavenging gases which remove hydrogen, the fluxcover protects the melt from further hydrogen absorption.

5 If extra degassing is needed, for example, if the charge materials are oilyand dirty, degas by Rotary Degassing or plunge LOGAS 50 briquettes (seepage 240).

6 Immediately before casting deoxidise the melt thoroughly by plungingDEOXIDISING TUBES DS at the rate shown in Table 16.6.

7 Check the correct pouring temperature, skim and cast without delay.

Recommended casting temperatures

Cu–Sn–Zn–Pb <15 mm 15–40 mm >40 mm

83/3/9/5 1180°C 1140°C 1100°C85/5/5/5 1200 1150 112086/7/5/2 1200 1160 112088/10/2 1200 1170 113090/10 (P–bronze) 1120 1100 1030

Running and feeding

Methods best suited to long freezing-range alloys should be used, withunpressurised or only slightly pressurised systems based on ratios such as

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1:4:6 or 1:4:4. This type of sprue/runner/ingate system can provide a usefulsource of feed metal to the casting as long as the gate remains unfrozen.Where additional feed is required, generous feeders are required on theheavier sections, as is usual for long freezing-range alloys (see Chapter 7).

Melting aluminium bronze

Melt down under a fluid cover of ALBRAL 2 to minimise oxidation andcleanse the melt of aluminium oxide films, then deoxidise.

Up to 1% of ALBRAL 2 is used to form the cover, then when the metal isat pouring temperature, plunge and rabble a further 0.25–0.5% of ALBRAL2. After 2–3 minutes, leave the metal to settle then deoxidise by plungingDEOXIDISING TUBES E, at the rate given in Table 16.6. Deoxidationtreatment coalesces suspended non-metallics and improves fluidity.

Recommended casting temperatures

Light castings under 13 mm section 1250°CMedium 13–38 mm 1200°CHeavy over 38 mm 1150°C

Melting manganese bronze

High Tensile Brass, CuZn35Mn2Al1Fe-C, CuZn25Al5Mn4Fe3-C (HTB1,HTB3)

Melt as for aluminium bronze (above). Finally deoxidise with DEOXIDIS-ING TUBES E at the rate given in Table 16.6.

Recommended casting temperatures

Light castings under 13 mm section 1080°CMedium 13–38 mm 1040°CHeavy over 38 mm 1000°C

Melting high lead bronze

PLUMBRAL flux provides a cover during melting, which preventsoxidation losses. The plunging of PLUMBRAL before pouring scavenges themelt, removing impurities and assisting in the dispersion of the leadphase.

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In crucible melting 0.5% by weight PLUMBRAL is added as soon asmelting begins. A further 0.5% is added about 5 minutes before deoxidisingthe melt. Before pouring, the fluid slag formed is skimmed off, thickening itwith dry silica sand if necessary.

In tilting, rotary or reverberatory furnaces, 0.5% of PLUMBRAL is addedwhen the charge begins to melt. A further 0.5% is placed in the bottom of thepreheated ladle, along with deoxidants, and the metal tapped onto them.Before pouring, the slag may be thickened with a coagulant to form a crustand the metal poured from beneath it.

Melting copper–nickel alloys

Nickel increases the solubility of hydrogen in copper melts, so it is necessaryto melt under an oxidising cover of CUPREX, followed by degassing withthe Rotary Degassing Unit or LOGAS 50 to eliminate the hydrogen, thenfinally to deoxidise.

For a 100 kg melt, use 2 kg of CUPREX 1 blocks, degas with one LOGAS50 briquette and deoxidise with DEOXIDISING TUBES MG (3 MG6 tubesfor 100 kg). Note that Cu–Ni alloys may be embrittled by phosphorus, soDEOXIDISING TUBES DS should not be used.

Recommended pouring temperatures

Light castings, under 15 mm section 1400°CMedium castings, 15–40 mm section 1350°CHeavy castings, over 40 mm section 1280°C

Filtration of copper-based alloys

Copper-based alloys, particularly those containing aluminium such as theAl–bronzes and some of the brasses, benefit greatly from filtration in themould. SEDEX ceramic foam filters are recommended, see Chapter 8.

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Chapter 17

Feeding systems


During the cooling and solidification of most metals and alloys, there is areduction in the metal volume known as shrinkage. Unless measures aretaken which recognise this phenomenon, the solidified casting will exhibitgross shrinkage porosity which can make it unsuitable for the service forwhich it was designed. To some extent, grey and ductile cast irons areexceptions, because the graphite formed on solidification expands and cancompensate for the metal shrinkage. However, even with these alloys,measures may need to be taken to avoid shrinkage porosity.

To avoid shrinkage porosity, it is necessary to ensure that there is asufficient supply of additional molten metal, available as the casting issolidifying, to fill the cavities that would otherwise form. This is known as“feeding the casting” and the reservoir that supplies the feed metal is knownas a feeder, feeder head or a riser. The feeder must be designed so that thefeed metal is liquid at the time that it is needed, which means that the feedermust freeze later than the casting itself. The feeder must also containsufficient volume of metal, liquid at the time it is required, to satisfy theshrinkage demands of the casting. Finally, since liquid metal from the feedercannot reach for an indefinite distance into the casting, it follows that onefeeder may only be capable of feeding part of the whole casting. The feedingdistance must therefore be calculated to determine the number of feedersrequired to feed any given casting.

The application of the theory of heat transfer and solidification allows thecalculation of minimum feeder dimensions for castings which ensuressound castings and maximum metal utilisation.

Natural feeders

Feeders moulded in the same material that forms the mould for the casting,usually sand, are known as natural feeders. As soon as the mould and feederhave been filled with molten metal, heat is lost through the feeder top andside surfaces and solidification of the feeder commences. A correctlydimensioned feeder in a sand mould has a characteristic solidificationpattern: that for steel is shown in Fig. 17.1, the shrinkage cavity is in the formof a cone, the volume of which represents only about 14% of the original

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volume of the feeder, and some of this volume has been used to feed thefeeder itself, so that in practice only about 10% of the original feeder volumeis available to feed the casting. The remainder has to be removed from thecasting as residual feeder metal and can only be used for remelting.

Aided feeders

If by the use of “feeding aids” the rate of heat loss from the feeder can beslowed down relative to the casting, then the solidification of the feeder willbe delayed and the volume of feed metal available will be increased. Thetime by which solidification is delayed is a measure of the efficiency of thefeeding aid. The shape of the characteristic, conical, feeder shrinkage cavitywill also change and in the ideal case, where all the heat from the feeder islost only to the casting, a flat feeder solidification pattern will be obtained,Fig. 17.2. As much as 76% of an aided feeder is available for feeding thecasting compared with only 10% for a natural sand feeder. This increased

Figure 17.1 Solidification pattern of a feeder for a steel casting.

Figure 17.2 Ideal feeder solidification pattern where all the heat from the feederhas been lost to the casting (schematic).

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efficiency means greatly reduced feeder dimensions with the followingadvantages for the foundry:

A greater weight of castings can be produced from a given weight ofliquid metalSmaller moulds can be used, saving on moulding sand binder costsA reduction in the time needed to remove the feeder from the casting ispossibleMore castings can be fitted into the moulding boxLess metal melted to produce a given volume of castingsMaximum casting weight potential is increased

Feeding systems

Side wall feeding aids are used to line the walls of the feeder cavity and soreduce the heat loss into the moulding material. For optimum feedingperformance, it is also necessary to use top surface feeding aids. These arenormally supplied in powder form and are referred to as anti-piping or hot-topping compounds. Figure 17.3 illustrates how the use of side wall and topsurface feeding aids extends the solidification times.

Calculating the number of feeders–feeding distance

A compact casting can usually be fed by a single feeder. In many castings ofcomplex design the shape is easily divided into obvious natural zones forfeeding, each centred on a heavy casting section separated from the

Figure 17.3 Extension of solidification times with side wall and top surfacefeeding products for a steel cylinder 250 mm dia. and 200 mm high.

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remainder of the casting by more restricted members. Each individualcasting section can then be fed by a separately calculated feeder and thecasting shape becomes the main factor which determines the number offeeders required.

In the case of many extended castings, however, for example the rim of agear wheel blank, the feeding range is the factor which limits the function ofeach feeder, and the distance that a feeder can feed, the “feeding distance”,must be calculated.

The feeding distance from the outer edge of a feeder into a casting sectionconsists of two components:

The end effect (E), produced by the rapid cooling caused by thepresence of edges and cornersAn effect (A), produced because the proximity of the feeder retardsfreezing of the adjacent part of the casting, Fig. 17.4

Figure 17.4 Feeding distance in steel castings: (a) Plate (width:thickness >5:1(b) Bar (width:thickness <5:1).

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Where a casting requires more than one feeder the distance between feedersis measured from the edge of the feeder, not from its centre; and when thefeeder is surrounded by a feeder sleeve the distance between feeders ismeasured from the outside diameter of the sleeve.

The effective distance between feeders can be increased by locating a chillagainst the casting mid-way between the two feeders (X1) and the naturalend effect can be increased by locating a chill against the natural end (X).Chills should be of square or rectangular section with the thicknessapproximately half the thickness of the section being chilled.

There are therefore four possible situations:

Sections with natural end effect only (A + E)Sections with natural end effect plus end chill (A + E + X))Sections with no end effect (A)Sections with no end effect plus chill (A + X1)

Figure 17.4 shows the basis for calculating feeding distance in steel castingsand all other ferrous alloys which freeze white, e.g. malleable and high alloyirons.

Ductile and grey iron castings

Alloy composition, casting section, mould materials and mould hardness allplay a part in determining the actual feeding distance. The Tables 17.1 and17.2 are guidelines for the specified conditions; variations from theseconditions will result in other feeding distances;

Carbon equivalent 4.3%Mould material green sandMould hardness 90°B scale

Non-ferrous castings

Table 17.3 gives a feeding distance factor for some of the non-ferrous alloys;this factor is used in the calculation of an approximate feeding distance.

With reference to Fig. 17.4, FD is used in the following manner:

Bars (width:thickness <5:1) Plates (width:thickness >5:1)

A = 1.5t � FD 2t � FDE = (6�t – 1.5t) � FD 2.5t � FDX = t � FD 0.5t � FDX1 = (6�t – 0.5t) � FD 3t � FD

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Table 17.1 Feeding distance for ductile iron castings

Sectionthicknesst (cm)

Feeding distance (cm)

Bars(width = thickness)

A + E A + E+ X

A A + X1

Plates(width = 5 times thickness)

A + E A + E+ X

A A + X1

1 19 21 17 19 19 21 17 192 37 41 33 37 31 35 27 313 50 56 44 50 34 40 28 344 55 63 47 55 41 49 33 415 57 67 47 57 52 62 42 526 62 74 50 62 62 74 50 627 72 86 58 72 72 86 58 728 83 99 67 83 83 99 67 839 93 111 75 93 93 111 75 93

10 104 124 84 104 104 124 84 10411 114 136 92 114 114 136 92 11412 124 148 100 124 124 148 100 12413 135 161 109 135 135 161 109 13514 145 173 117 145 145 173 117 14515 155 183 125 155 155 185 125 155

The calculation of feeder dimensions

The majority of foundrymen, even today, decide on feeder dimensions onthe basis of experience; however, the application of calculation based onestablished theory and experimental data ensures the most efficient designof natural and aided feeders. In this section some guidance is given forcalculating feeder dimensions from first principles, whereas on page 286there is a description of the various aids such as tables, nomograms andcomputer programs developed by Foseco to make the determination offeeder dimensions much easier.

The modulus concept

Although this concept has some shortcomings it is, with the exception ofcomputer programs, the most widely used, acceptable and accurate methodfor calculating feeder dimensions.

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Table 17.2 Feeding distance for grey iron castings

Sectionthicknesst (cm)

Feeding distance (cm)

Bars(width = thickness)

A + E A + E+ X

A A + X1

Plates(width = 5 times thickness)

A + E A + E+ X

A A + X1

1 27 30 24 27 27 30 24 272 53 76 47 53 44 50 39 443 71 80 63 71 49 57 40 494 79 90 67 79 59 70 47 595 81 96 67 81 74 89 60 746 89 106 71 89 89 106 71 897 103 123 83 103 103 123 83 1038 119 141 96 119 119 141 96 1199 133 159 107 133 133 159 107 133

10 149 177 120 149 149 177 120 14911 163 194 131 163 163 194 131 16312 177 211 143 177 177 211 143 17713 193 230 156 193 193 230 156 19314 207 247 167 207 207 247 167 20715 221 261 179 221 221 264 179 221

Table 17.3 Feeding distance factor fornon-ferrous alloys

Casting alloy Feeding distance factor (FD)

Al (99.99%) 2.50Al 4.5% Cu 1.50Al 7% Si 1.50Al 12% Si 2.50Cu pure 2.00Cu 30% Ni 0.50Brass 1.25Al bronze 1.25Ni Al bronze 0.50Sn bronze 0.75

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The solidification time of a casting section is given by Chvorinov’s rule.where

tc = kVc2/Ac

2 = kMc2 (1)


tc is the solidification time of the casting sectionVc is the volume of the casting sectionAc is the surface area of the casting section actually in direct contact

with the material of the mouldk is a constant which is governed by the units of measurement being

used, the thermal characteristics of the mould material and theproperties of the alloy being cast.

Mc is the ratio of the volume of the casting section to its cooling surface areaand is known as the casting’s Geometric Modulus. It is expressed in units oflength:

Mc = Vc/Ac (2)

The modulus formulae for some common casting shapes are shown in Fig.17.5.

Generally, foundrymen, for the purpose of feeder size determination, arenot directly interested in the exact solidification time but only that the feedersolidifies over a longer time than the casting. Having calculated themodulus of the casting section, therefore, the modulus of the feeder iscalculated as:

MF = 1.2 � Mc (3)

where MF is the modulus of the feeder required to feed a casting sectionhaving a modulus of Mc. This equation applies to natural feeders for mostalloys. For grey and ductile iron castings, because there is a graphiteexpansion phase during solidification, the safety factor of 1.2 is considerablyreduced and safety factors of 0.6 and 0.8 respectively are common.

The modulus extension factor (MEF)

The object of using feeding aids is to slow down the rate of heat loss fromthe surface of the feeder. It is possible to calculate how the improved thermalproperties of the feeding aid compared with sand can reduce the feedersize.

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Figure 17.5 Modulus formulae for some common shapes.

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From equation (1) the solidification time for a feeder is expressed as:

tF = kMF2 (4)

the constant k is composed of two parts:

The thermal characteristics of the mould material surrounding thewhole of the feederThe properties of the metal within the feeder

k can therefore be reduced to its two constituent components so that:

k = cf 2


c is a constant depending on the properties of the metal being castf2 is a constant depending on the properties of the mould material.

There is no significance in the fact that this constant is expressed as a squareother than mathematical convenience.

Equation (4) can now be rewritten

tF = C(fMF)2 (5)

The expression (fMF) is known as the Apparent Modulus and f as theModulus Extension Factor of the mould material surrounding all of thefeeder’s surfaces.

This approach provides a quantitative means of evaluating and compar-ing different feeding aids which should be designed to have the maximumpossible Modulus Extension Factor compatible with the other propertiesnecessary for a satisfactory product. In practice it is not customary todetermine the absolute values of the constants relating solidification time tothe modulus as these are seldom of interest.

Of greater concern is the improvement which can be expected from avariety of feeder lining materials when compared with the results obtainedfrom the same size of feeder lined with the conventional moulding material– sand. For this purpose the Modulus Extension Factor (f) for sand isequated to unity and this serves as a basis for comparing other materials.


Using this information it is possible to consider as an example a sound steelcasting fed by one cylindrical feeder moulded in sand with a radius (r) of16 cm and a height (h) of 32 cm. Because the feeder is attached to the steelcasting, the bottom circular face of the feeder is a non-cooling face and theGeometric Modulus (MF) of the feeder moulded in sand therefore is:

MF (sand) =� r2h

2�rh + �r2

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because in the example chosen h = 32 cm; r = 16 cm and h = 2r:

MF (sand) = 2r/5 = 6.4 cm

If in place of sand, a feeding aid system with a Modulus Extension Factor (f)of, for example, 1.6 were to be used to line the feeder cavity and to cover thetop surface of the molten steel in the feeder, then the aided feeder wouldremain liquid for the same time as the sand-lined feeder if the ApparentModulus of the aided feeder were to be equal to the Geometric Modulus ofthe sand-lined feeder, i.e. for the equal solidification times:

MF (sand) = fMF (aided) (7)

so that the Geometric Modulus of the aided feeder would be:

MF (aided) =MF (sand)


or in the case chosen as the example:

MF (aided) = 6.4/1.6 = 4.0 cm

a cylinder where h = 2r having a Geometric Modulus of 4.0 cm would be20 cm diameter � 20 cm high.

The use of the feeding aid system quoted in this example thereforerepresents a reduction of approximately 75% in the feeder volume needed toachieve the same solidification time. The values for Modulus ExtensionFactors vary widely according to the type of feeding aid, the size and shapeof the feeder sleeve and even the shape of the casting being fed. Fosecopublishes tables showing the dimensions of sleeves available together withthe Geometric and approximate Apparent Modulus of each sleeve.

Determination of feeding requirements

Steel, malleable iron, white irons, light alloys andcopper-based alloy castings

1. Calculate casting and feeder modulus

(a) Divide the casting into sections and determine the important volume-to-surface ratios according to Fig. 17.5:

Modulus =Volume

Cooling surface

Mc = Vc/Ac

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Feeding systems 263

(b) Determine the required feeder modulus (Mf) using the factor 1.2:

MF = Mc � 1.2

(c) Provisional determination of the feeder from the feeder sleeve tablespublished by Foseco companies.

2. Calculate the feed volume requirement

Feeders, whose dimensions obtained above satisfy modulus requirements,do not necessarily always satisfy the total feed metal demand of the castingsection. This must always be checked and if the feeder is found to containinsufficient available feed metal the feeder dimensions must be increased.Generally it is preferable to retain the feeder diameter dictated by modulusconsiderations and increase the feeder height. Sometimes it is moreconvenient to increase the feeder diameter in place of or as well as height.Never reduce the feeder diameter below that necessary to meet modulusrequirements. The following data is necessary:

(a) The proportion of feed metal available from the feeder which meetsmodulus requirements (C%). Safe values although not necessarily themost efficient are:

33% if a Foseco sleeve is being used16% if it is a live natural feeder (i.e. one through which metal has toflow before it reaches the casting cavity in the mould)10–14% for other natural feeders

(b) The shrinkage of the alloy to be cast (S%)The shrinkage values for the principal casting alloys are given in Table17.4.

(c) The weight of metal in the feeder under consideration (Wf).The total weight of casting (Wc) which can be fed from a feeder ofweight WF is:

Wc = C/100 � 100/S � WF (11)

If the total weight of casting section (WT) which requires feeding isgreater than WC then increase the dimensions of the feeder until:


i.e. WF = WT � 100/C � S/100 (12)

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264 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

3. Calculate the dimensions of the feeder neck

(a) Top feedersNo calculation of feeder neck dimensions is required. If possible, feedersleeves should be used with breaker cores.

(b) Side feedersThe required feeder neck dimensions are obtained from the calculationof the neck modulus (MN) by applying the ratios:

MC:MN:MF = 1.0:1.1:1.2

then using either the endless bar equation (Fig. 17.5) or the diagram inFig. 17.6

Table 17.4 Shrinkage of principalcasting alloys

Casting alloy Shrinkage (%)

Carbon steel 6.0Alloyed steel 9.0High alloy steel 10.0Malleable iron 5.0Al 8.0AlCu4Ni2Mg 5.3AlSi12 3.5AlSi5Cu2Mg 4.2AlSi9Mg 3.4AlSi5Cu1 4.9AlSi5Cu2 5.2AlCu4 8.8AlSi10 5.0AlSi7NiMg 4.5AlMg5Si 6.7AlSi7Cu2Mg 6.5AlCu5 6.0AlMg1Si 4.7AlZn5Mg 4.7Cu (pure) 4.0Brass 6.5Bronze 7.5Al Bronze 4.0Sn Bronze 4.5

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Feeding systems 265

Figure 17.6 Determination of feeder-neck dimensions.

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266 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

Grey and ductile irons

1. Calculate the casting modulus

Divide the casting into sections and determine the important volume-to-cooling surface area ratios according to Fig. 17.5:

Modulus =Volume

Cooling surface


2. Calculate the feeder modulus

(a) The graphite expansion which occurs during solidification of thesealloys means that grey/ductile iron castings do not shrink for the fulltime during which liquid metal is present. The shrinking time (ST) isonly a proportion of the total solidification time. This proportion,expressed as a percentage, is determined from the central and left-handsides of Fig. 17.7, which is used in the following manner.

(b) Using the known carbon content, move parallel to the carbon line to theappropriate (Si + P) content at point A. Draw a line vertically until itintersects the casting modulus line at point B. Extend a line horizontallyto the left until it intersects at point D with the line representing theestimated temperature of the iron in the mould. Read off shrinking time(ST) as a percentage of solidification time.

Effective feeder modulus is determined by:

MF = MC � 1.2�ST/100

(c) Provisional determination of the feeder from feeder sleeve tablespublished by Foseco companies.

3. Calculate the feed volume requirement

Feeders, whose dimensions (obtained from the previous pages) satisfymodulus requirements, do not necessarily always satisfy the total feed metaldemand of the casting section. This must always be checked and if thefeeder is found to contain insufficient available feed metal the feederdimensions must be increased. Generally it is preferable to retain the feederdiameter dictated by modulus considerations and increase the feeder height.Sometimes it is more convenient to increase the feeder diameter in place ofor as well as height. Never reduce the feeder diameter below that necessaryto meet modulus requirements.

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Feeding systems 267

The following data is necessary:

(a) The proportion of feed metal available from the feeder which meetsmodulus requirements (C%). Safe values although not necessarily themost effective are:

33% if a Foseco sleeve is being used16% if it is a live natural feeder (i.e. one through which metal has toflow before it reaches the casting cavity in the mould)10% for other natural feeders

(b) The shrinkage of the alloy to be cast. This is determined using the centraland right-hand portion of Fig. 17.7. From point B draw a horizontal lineuntil it meets the temperature of the metal in the mould (this must beestimated from the pouring temperature and is usually about 50°C less

Figure 17.7 Determination of shrinkage time and shrinkage for grey and ductileiron castings.

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268 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

than the pouring temperature). Read expansion or shrinkage (S)expressed as a percentage on the horizontal axis.

(c) Mould wall movement (M%) depends on the hardness of the mould andcan vary from zero for hard silicate or resin moulds to 2% for green sandmoulds with a mould hardness of 85° (B scale). Add the mould wallmovement from the expansion to give a final value of S. If this is positiveor zero the casting will not need feeding.

(d) The weight of metal in the feeder under consideration (WF). The totalweight of casting (WC) which can be fed from a feeder of weight WFis

WC = C/100 � 100/S � WF (11)

If the total weight of casting section (Wt) which requires feeding isgreater than WC then increase the dimensions of the feeder until:


i.e. WF = WT � 100/C � S/100 (12)

4. Calculate the dimensions of the feeder neck

(a) Top feedersNo calculation of feeder-neck dimensions are required. If possible feedersleeves should be used with breaker cores.

(b) Side feedersThe required feeder-neck dimensions are obtained from the calculationof the neck modulus (MN) by applying the ratios:

MC:MN:MF = 1.0:1.1 �ST/100:1.2�ST/100

then using either the endless bar equation (Fig. 17.5 g) or the diagram inFig. 17.6.

Foseco feeding systems


Foseco provides complete feeding systems for foundries, comprising:

Sleeves – insulating and exothermic for all metalsBreaker cores – to aid removal of the feeder from the castingApplication technology – to suit the particular moulds and mouldingmachine usedAids to the calculation of feeder requirements

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Feeding systems 269

Range of feeder products

The Foseco range of products comprises:


Type Applicationcasting alloy


KALMIN S Insulating Al, Cu baseiron, steel

extend solidification time by2.0–2.2


Insulating andexothermic

iron, steel extend solidification time by2.5–2.7

FEEDEX HD Highlyexothermic

iron, steel small riser-to-casting contactarea use where applicationarea is limited

KALMINEX Insulating andexothermic

iron, steel for large diameter feeders

KALBORD Insulating iron, steelcopper base

in form of jointed mats forlarge feeders

KALPAD Insulating iron, steelcopper base

prefabricated boards orshapes

KAPEX Insulating Al, Cu baseiron, steel

prefabricated feeder lids,replace hot-toppingcompounds

KALMIN S, KALMINEX 2000, FEEDEX HD and KALMINEX products aresupplied as prefabricated sleeves in a wide range of sizes and shapes, withor without breaker cores.

KALMIN S feeder sleeves

By using a high proportion of light refractory raw materials, a density of0.45 g/cm3 is achieved, ensuring highly insulating properties. KALMIN S

Figure 17.8 Foseco sleeve types.

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Figure 17.9 Example of sleeve support on a moulding machine pattern plate.

Figure 17.10 An insertable KALMINEX sleeve with breaker core attached and atypical sleeve pattern.

Figure 17.11 The KALSERT system in operation. KALMINEX sleeves beinginserted into green sand moulds on an automatic moulding line.

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Feeding systems 271

sleeves are particularly suitable for aluminium, copper-base and iron alloysand castings since the raw materials used are neutral to both the castingalloys and to the moulding sand. KALMIN S sleeves are supplied as“parallel conical”, “opposite conical”, or cylindrical sleeves for either ram-up application or insertion into cope or drag, Figs 17.8, 17.9, 17.10 and17.11. They can be applied in the following moulding systems:

Moulding method KALMIN S feeder sleeve type

Insert sleeves into the turned-overcope mould especially in automaticmoulding lines

Parallel conical insert sleevesin conjunction with FosecoSleeve Patterns

Insertion of the feeder sleeve fromthe top of the cope mould into thecavity created by means of a suitablesleeve pattern which is drawn aftermoulding

Opposite conical sleeve

Ram-up on the pattern plate in amachine moulding or ahand-moulding operation

Parallel conical insert feedersleeve, opposite conical feedersleeve or cylindrical sleeve

Insert sleeve in a vertically partedmoulding system

Parallel conical insert and/oropposite conical feeder sleeve

Insert sleeves into shell moulds Parallel conical insert and/oropposite conical feeder sleeve

Application of feeder sleeves in adrag mould over a feeder base orbridge core

Parallel conical feeder sleeveas floating sleeve system

KALMIN S feeder sleeves extend the solidification times by a factor of2.0–2.2 compared to natural sand feeders of the same size. From theseresults, Modulus Extension Factors (MEFs) of 1.4–1.5 have been calcu-lated. Though KALMIN S feeder sleeves can give more than 33% of theirfeeder volume to the solidifying casting, it is recommended that amaximum of one-third of the feed metal volume should be fed into thecasting so that the residual feeder modulus is adequate in relation to thecasting modulus at the end of solidification. For this reason, it isrecommended to consider modulus as well as solidification shrinkage inorder to determine the correct feeder. Foseco provides tables allowingKALMIN S feeders to be selected with the desired modulus, volume(capacity) and dimensions.

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272 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

KALMINEX 2000 feeder sleeves

KALMINEX 2000 is a highly insulating and exothermic feeder sleevematerial in the form of prefabricated sleeves for iron and steel casting in themodulus range between 1.0 and 3.2 cm. For light and other non-ferrousalloys the KALMINEX 2000 feeder sleeve material is not recommended. Themanufacturing process specifically developed for this unique feeder sleevematerial not only ensures a low density of 0.59 g/cm and, therefore, a highgrade of insulation but also an additional exothermic reaction peaking at1600°C. Due to the strength of the KALMINEX 2000 feeder sleeves, they canoften be rammed up directly on the pattern plate on many mouldingmachines.

KALMINEX 2000 feeder sleeves can be applied in the following mouldingsystems:

Application method KALMINEX 2000 feeder shape

Insert sleeves into the turned-overcope mould especially inautomatic moulding lines

Parallel conical insert sleeves inconjunction with FOSECO SleevePatterns

Ram-up on the pattern plate in amachine moulding or ahand-moulding system

Parallel conical insert feeder sleeve,opposite conical feeder sleeve orcylindrical sleeve

Insert sleeve in a vertically partedmoulding system

Parallel conical insert and/oropposite conical feeder sleeve

Insert sleeve into shell moulds Parallel conical insert and/oropposite conical feeder sleeve

Application of feeder sleeves in adrag mould over a feeder base oron a bridge core

Parallel conical feeder sleeve asfloating sleeve system

When determining the solidification times with KALMINEX 2000 feedersleeves it has been found that they extend the solidification time by a factorof 2.5–2.7 compared to a natural sand feeder of the same size. From theseresults Modulus Extension Factors (MEFs) have been calculated between1.58 and 1.64. Foseco provides tables allowing KALMINEX 2000 feeders tobe selected with the desired modulus, volume (capacity) and dimensions.

Under specific practical conditions it has been found that the KALMINEX2000 feeder sleeves can render 64% of their volume to the solidifying casting.When using feeders with the correct modulus it is necessary to take intoaccount that the modulus of the residual feeder – if more than 33% of thefeeder volume is fed into the casting – may not be adequate in relation to the

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Feeding systems 273

casting modulus towards the end of the solidification. Therefore, it isessential to calculate shrinkage as well as modulus in order to determine thecorrect feeder sleeve.

FEEDEX HD V-sleeves

FEEDEX HD V feeder sleeves are used for iron and steel casting alloys.FEEDEX HD is a fast-igniting, highly exothermic and pressure-resistantfeeder sleeve material. The sleeves possess a small feeder volume, a massivewall, but only a small riser-to-casting contact area, Fig. 17.12. They are,therefore, specially suited for use for “spot feeding” on casting sectionswhich have a limited feeder sleeve application area. The sleeves are locatedonto the pattern plate using special locating pins, the majority are suppliedwith shell-moulded breaker cores. Owing to their small aperture, thesebreaker cores are not recommended for steel casting.

FEEDEX HD V-sleeves are particularly useful for ductile iron castings sincewith their low volume shrinkage of below 3%, a modulus-controlledKALMIN or KALMINEX 2000 feeder will often have more liquid metal thanis necessary. The very high modulus and relatively low volume of FEEDEXHDV gives improved yield. In many ductile iron applications, the smallbreaker core aperture of the feeder means that the feeder is separated from thecasting during the shakeout operation and the cleaning cost is reduced.

Figure 17.12 FEEDEX HD V-sleeve.

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274 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

Figure 17.13 The application of FEEDEX HD V-sleeves to ductile iron castings.

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Feeding systems 275

When used in ductile iron applications, it is important to note that thehigh temperature reached in the highly exothermic feeder can cause residualmagnesium in the iron to be oxidised so that there may be a danger ofdenodularisation on the casting–feeder interface. To avoid this, residual Mgshould be greater than 0.045%, inoculation practice should be optimised andthick breaker cores used. Note that when calculating FEEDEX metal volume,only 50% of the capacity should be assumed since part of the metal in thefeeder will be lamellar due to oxidation of the Mg in the feeder cavity.

Figure 17.13 shows examples of the use of FEEDEX HD V-sleeves onductile iron castings.

KALMINEX feeder sleeves

KALMINEX exothermic-insulating feeder sleeves are used for all iron andsteel casting alloys. They are supplied with feeder diameters from 80 to850 mm for the modulus range between 2.4 and 22.0 cm and are suitable forlarger-sized castings.

The manufacturing process specifically developed for this exothermic-insulating product and the selection of specific raw materials give a totalclosed pore volume of nearly 50%. The excellent heat insulation resultingfrom the low density (compared with moulding sand) is enhanced by anexothermic reaction.

When determining the solidification times with KALMINEX feedersleeves it has been found that they extend the solidification time by a factorof 2.0–2.4 compared to the natural sand feeders of the same size. From theseresults Modulus Extension Factors (MEFs) of 1.4–1.55 have been found.Under practical conditions it has been found that KALMINEX feeders whenadequately covered with KAPEX lids or a suitable APC (anti-pipingcompound) may render up to 64% of their contents into the casting. Whenusing feeders with the correct modulus it is necessary to take into accountthat the modulus of the residual feeder – if more than 33% of the feedervolume is fed into the casting – may not be adequate in relation to thecasting modulus towards the end of the solidification. Therefore it isessential to calculate shrinkage as well as modulus when determining thesize of the feeder sleeves.

Foseco provides tables allowing KALMINEX feeders to be selected withthe desired modulus, volume (capacity) and dimensions. Several differentshapes of KALMINEX feeders are available, Fig. 17.14a,b,c. Breaker cores aregenerally made of chromite sand, although they can be produced in silicasand.

KALBORD insulating material

Although in theory there is no upper limit of inside diameter for usingprefabricated feeder lining shapes for inside diameters above about 500 mm,

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276 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

Figure 17.14 (a) KALMINEX cylindrical feeder sleeve with breaker core andKAPEX lid. (b) KALMINEX TA sleeve.

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Feeding systems 277

manufacture, transport and storage become increasingly inconvenient. Forthis reason Foseco has developed KALBORD flexible insulating material inthe form of jointed mats. They can be easily wrapped around a feederpattern or made up into conventional sleeves as required for the productionof insulating feeders for very large steel, iron and copper-based alloycastings, Fig. 17.15.

KALBORD mats are available with 30 mm and 60 mm thicknesses inwidths up to 400 mm and lengths 1020 or 1570 mm. Their excellent flexibilitypermits the lining of irregular feeder shapes. The mat is most easilyseparated or shortened with a saw blade.

Produced from high heat insulating materials, 30 mm mats achieve a 1.3fold and 60 mm mats a 1.4 fold extension of the modulus. It is recommendedthat KALBORD feeders are covered with FERRUX anti-piping powder.

Figure 17.14 (c) KALMINEX oval sleeve.

Figure 17.15 KALBORD jointed mats.

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KALPAD board 1001

50050 50



KALPAD jointed mat 1002





KALPAD pad 1012

278 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

KALPAD prefabricated boards and shapes

KALPAD has been developed by Foseco to provide a lightweight, highlyrefractory insulating material to avoid metal padding and to promotedirectional solidification. If KALPAD insulating shapes are used the desiredshape of the casting need not be altered. This increases yield and reducesfettling and machining costs. For this purpose KALPAD is used in copper-based metal and steel foundries and particularly in malleable iron and greyiron mass production.

Owing to a special manufacturing process and the use of alumina mineralfibres KALPAD shapes have a density of 0.45 g/cm3 with more than 60% ofthe volume being closed pores which are the reason for the high insulationand refractoriness. During pouring KALPAD produces only negligiblefumes and behaves neutrally towards moulding materials and castingmetals.

When evaluating solidification times on KALPAD padded castingsections it has been found that they extend the solidification time by a factorof 2.25–2.5 compared with conventionally moulded castings. From theseresults Modulus Extension Factors (MEFs) of 1.5–1.58 have been calculated.It is recommended to use a factor of 1.5 if KALPAD shapes of 20–25 mmthickness are applied. The dimensions of KALPAD boards and shapes areshown in Fig. 17.16.

Figure 17.16 KALPAD prefabricated boards and shapes.

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Feeding systems 279

KAPEX prefabricated feeder lids

KAPEX insulating feeder lids, Fig. 17.14a, are an improvement over the hot-topping powders in foundry use, being dust and fume free and givingrepeatable feeding results. They can be applied to all feeders eitherexothermic, insulating or natural. The lids have an insulator density of0.5 g/cm3 and are purely insulating. Owing to their neutral behaviourtowards moulding material and casting metal they are used in light metaland copper-based foundries as well as in high alloy steel foundries.

KAPEX KALMINEX 2000 lids are also available.

Breaker cores

Breaker cores for the reduction of the feeder-to-casting contact area enablefeeders to be broken off or knocked off from many types of castings. In thecase of very tough casting alloys where it is not possible to simply break offor knock off the feeder, the advantage of using breaker cores lies in thereduction of fettling and grinding costs for the removal of the feeder.

Besides the conventional types of breaker cores based on silica sand(Croning) and chromite sand, special breaker cores with a very smallaperture are also in use in repetition iron foundries. These special breakercores as shown in Table 17.5 are made from highly refractory ceramic.

Experience has shown that at least 70% of the breaker core area should bein contact with the casting, in order to level out the temperatures of themetal and the breaker core from the superheat upon or before reachingliquidus.

Some of the standard forms of breaker core available from Foseco areshown in Fig. 17.17. Foseco feeder sleeves can be ordered with or withoutbreaker cores attached.

Table 17.5 Application of breaker cores

Breaker corematerial

Casting metal Feeder diameter(mm)

Silica sand Steel 35–120Silica sand Grey iron, s.g. iron, non-ferrous metals 35–300Ceramic Grey iron, s.g. iron, non-ferrous metals 40–120Chromite sand Steel 80–500Chromite sand Grey iron, s.g. iron 200–500

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Ø D1




Ø d1Ø d2


t T

Ø D2

Ø D1


20°Ø d1Ø d2


t T

Ø D2




Ø D1Ø d2

Ø N1

T a

10°Ø D2Ø N2

1 to 1.5 for all types

Ø D1



Ø d1



Ø D2

280 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

The application of feeder sleeves

On large individual patterns

Sleeves of the correct dimensions are set on the individual pattern in thepredetermined location and the mould is rammed around the sleeves. Thebase of the sleeve should not come into direct contact with the casting but beset on a sand step at least 10 mm thick or the sleeve should be fitted with abreaker core.

On pattern plates on moulding machines

If the pattern plate is accessible to the machine operator, the feeder sleeve islocated by hand on the pattern plate. To avoid damage during machinemoulding, sleeves should be supported by standing them on a patterndummy or peg at the correct location and having the correct shape andheight. Figure 17.9 shows one such arrangement.

Insert sleeves

Automatic moulding machines are capable of high output rates, machineoperators are often no longer required, and in any case the pattern is nolonger accessible. Foseco has recognised these changes and has developedinsert sleeve application systems allowing fully automatic machine users toretain all the advantages of employing feeder sleeves without slowing downthe moulding cycle.

A prefabricated feeder sleeve with strictly controlled dimensionaltolerances is inserted into a cavity formed during the moulding operation by

Figure 17.17 Standard forms of breaker cores.

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Cope pattern

Drag pattern

Bottom view

Ø D0


M2° 2°

Feeding systems 281

a sleeve pattern of precise dimensions located on the pattern plate, Figs17.10 and 17.11.

The insert sleeve patterns are fixed by screwing them onto the castingpattern and they provide the cavity for the insert sleeve. Owing to thespecial sealing and wedging system no metal can penetrate behind theinserted sleeves and these cannot fall out from their seat during closing andhandling of the mould.

The design of the insert patterns also forms highly insulating air chambersbehind the inserted sleeves. This additional insulation increases the moduliof the insert sleeve feeders as follows:

FEEDEX insert sleeves HDP +5%KALMINEX 2000 insert sleeves ZP +5%KALMIN S insert sleeves KSP +4%

The insert sleeve patterns have a solid aluminium core with mountingthread and a highly wear-resistant resin profile. Insert sleeve patterns areavailable corresponding to the various types of insert sleeves.

Floating feeder sleeves

This is a relatively simple application technique with low feeder sleeveapplication cost since feeder sleeves are simply placed on the drag partingline. The method is applicable for all moulding machines having ahorizontal mould parting line. No problems are encountered regarding

Figure 17.18 Sleeve pattern for a floating sleeve.

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Feeder sleeve




ting Ingate



282 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

strength, springback etc. of the feeder sleeve. On high pressure mouldinglines, cheaper and non-polluting insulating KALMIN sleeves can beapplied.

A two-part sleeve pattern is used with an integrated feeder base andfeeder neck, Fig. 17.18. The drag sleeve pattern is secured onto the dragpattern plate which creates a suitable location and positioning cavity for thecorresponding feeder sleeve. The feeder sleeve is simply positioned on thislocation cavity, Fig. 17.19a. The cavity created by means of the cope sleevepattern ensures location of the feeder sleeve while closing the mould. Afterpouring, the feeder sleeve floats along with the liquid metal, secures andseals itself tight into the mould wall cavity created by means of the copesleeve pattern, Fig. 17.19b.

The floating sleeve patterns incorporate maximum feeder-neck dimen-sions applicable to iron castings. For steel, light alloys and non-ferrousalloys, neck modulus can be modified to usual casting modulus equal toneck modulus. For full details, refer to Foseco leaflets.

Shell mould application

Sleeves may also be inserted into shell moulds. The principle is the same asfor green sand moulding, special sleeve patterns are available which formridges in the sleeve cavity which grip the inserted sleeve, Fig. 17.20.

DISA insert sleeve patterns

Insert sleeves can be applied equally to moulds with a vertical parting, suchas those made on the Disamatic moulding machine. The sleeve pattern isdivided – but off centre – one part being slightly smaller than the other. The

(a) (b)

Figure 17.19 Floating sleeve functional principle.

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H1 H



D01x top

x bottom




y bottom

y top



Feeding systems 283

two parts are mounted on opposite sides of the Disamatic pattern plateswith the sleeve located in the larger cavity and held in place by the exactvertical fit of the sleeve in the mould. When the mould is closed the secondhalf holds the sleeve fully in position.

Application to cores

Feeder sleeves may also be inserted into cores. For example, ductile ironhubs are often fed by one or more side feeders located externally to theflange but the most efficient feeding method is by means of a sleeve locatedin the central core and connected to the casting at the point where the feedmetal is really needed. The sleeve fits into the core and is held down by thecope when the mould is closed; the result is an improvement in yield,cleaning costs and casting soundness.

Williams Cores

The purpose of Williams Cores is to provide an aperture in the skin of thefeeder so that the atmospheric pressure has access to the feed metal to

Figure 17.20 Sleeve pattern for shell mould application.

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Ø D Ø D1



Ø d


Ø d

Ø d1

Shape II (with flange)Shape I (without flange)

284 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

promote the feeding of the casting. Williams Cores are supplied in a rangeof sizes up to 66 mm diameter D, Fig. 17.21, in FEEDEX exothermic material.KALMIN S and KALMINEX 2000 parallel conical insert sleeves aremanufactured with a Williams Wedge incorporated into the design, Fig.17.8.

FERRUX anti-piping compounds for iron and steelcastings

The FERRUX range includes anti-piping compounds of all types withreactions in contact with the molten metal which vary from very sensitive,highly exothermic to purely insulating. Described as examples are threegrades of FERRUX manufactured in the UK which cover the requirements ofthe complete range of all ferrous alloys cast in all feeder diameter sizes.

All three grades have an exothermic reaction and one of them, FERRUX707F, by expanding in use, incorporates the most modern technology. Theexamples detailed below therefore should only be considered as typical ofthe types of FERRUX grades and the technology which is available.

The anti-piping compound, pre-weighed and bagged, should be added inthe bag to the surface of the metal immediately after pouring has beencompleted. It is advisable to design the feeder to pour slightly short so thata space can be left between the surface of the metal and the top of the mould.FERRUX will then be contained in this space. The recommended applicationrate is a layer which has a thickness equivalent to one-tenth of the diameteror 25 mm whichever is the greater. If after application the powder is notevenly distributed then the upper surface should be raked flat; normally thiswill not be found to be necessary.

Figure 17.21 Williams Cores.

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Feeding systems 285


This is a carbon-free, sensitive, fast reacting exothermic anti-pipingcompound of high heat output. After the exothermic reaction has ceased, afirm crust remains on top of the feeder. It is particularly recommended foruse on feeders where rapid sculling takes place and where carboncontamination is to be avoided. Feeders where FERRUX 16 is most oftenemployed are in the diameter range 25–200 mm.


This is an exothermic anti-piping compound of medium sensitivity. It isideal for general steel foundry use on feeders of 150 mm diameter andupwards. It may also be used on iron casting feeders where the crust formedafter the exothermic reaction has ceased, forms a good insulation againstheat losses. The crust can be broken for topping up large castings. Theabsence of carbonaceous materials in the product ensures that no carboncontamination of the feed metal will occur.


This is a medium sensitivity, exothermic anti-piping compound whichexpands during its reaction to approximately twice its original volume, toproduce a residue of outstanding thermal insulation. In spite of theexothermic reaction, FERRUX 707F is virtually fume free and, in addition,because of the expansion and the product’s lower density, the originalweight of FERRUX 707F which has to be used for effective thermalinsulation is usually only about half that of non-expanding grades. The lowcarbon content of this product will not normally affect metal quality in anysignificant way. FERRUX 707F is most generally employed for steel and ironfeeders of 150 mm diameter and upwards.

Metal-producing top surface covers

THERMEXO is a powdered, exothermic feeding product which reacts oncontact with the feeder metal to produce liquid iron at a temperature ofabout 2000°C. The product is designed for emergencies in case of metalshortage.

Even in the best foundries, occasionally the weight of metal left in theladle is overestimated and a casting is poured short. The addition of a metal-producing compound may save the casting by providing the extra feedmetal necessary. In such cases the foundry has nothing to lose by to try ametal-producing compound and it is for emergency reasons that every steelfoundry should have a stock of THERMEXO.

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286 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

FEEDOL anti-piping compounds for all non-ferrousalloys

The lower casting temperatures and the differing chemical requirements fornon-ferrous alloys necessitate a completely different range of anti-pipingcompounds than that used on ferrous castings. FEEDOL is the name givento Foseco’s range of anti-piping compounds for non-ferrous castings. As anexample, two of the principal FEEDOL grades manufactured in the UK aredescribed in detail below.


This is a mildly exothermic mixture suitable for all grades of copper andcopper alloys. The formulation does not contain aluminium and there istherefore no risk of contamination where aluminium is an undesirableimpurity. After the exothermic reaction has ceased, FEEDOL 1 leaves apowdery residue through which further feeder metal can be poured ifnecessary. FEEDOL 1 is useful for feeders up to 200 mm diameter. For verylarge copper-based alloy castings such as, for example, marine propellers,FERRUX 707F is to be recommended.


This is a very sensitive and strongly exothermic compound recommendedfor use with aluminium alloys. After the completion of the exothermicreactions the residue forms a rigid insulating crust. FEEDOL 9 isrecommended for aluminium alloy feeders of all sizes.

Aids to the calculation of FEEDER requirements


Tables have been drawn up which will convert natural feeders to sleevedfeeders for steel castings. No knowledge of methoding is required; all that isnecessary to know are answers to the following questions:

(a) What are the dimensions of the natural feeder?(b) What is the weight of the casting section being fed?(c) What is the alloy composition?(d) Is the casting with the natural feeder sound?

The tables will do the rest. The conversion, however, is very primitive for ifthe natural feeder is too large then the sleeved feeder will also be too large,

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Feeding systems 287

and conversely if the natural feeder is too small and causes shrinkage so willthe sleeved feeder.

Similarly a simple table has been compiled for ductile iron castings. It issimple to use and requires no expert knowledge of methoding practice.Although in most cases the recommendation if followed will give a suitablefeeder sleeve it is not necessarily the optimum size for a given castingsection. The table compiled by Foseco in the UK is shown in Table 17.6.


A series of nomograms which relate the casting modulus, which has to becalculated, and the weight of the casting section to a suitable size of feedersleeve has been developed. Two examples are shown in Fig. 17.22. Suchnomograms have distinct disadvantages, they do not take into accountmany of the variables commonly found in steel foundries; they are,however, a significant step forward for feeder recommendations can bemade without the need to know the original natural feeder dimensions.


FEEDERCALC is a Foseco copyrighted PC computer program whichenables the foundry engineer to make rapid, accurate calculations of castingweights, feeder sizes, feeder-neck dimensions and feeding distances and to

Table 17.6 Feeding guide for ductile iron castings

Weight of castingsection �kg�

Sleeve type no.�weight�

Sleeve unit no.insert tapered

270.0 16/15 (19.5 kg) KC3830180.0 14/15 (13.9 kg) KC3826130.0 12/15 (9.8 kg) KC3324

82.0 10/13 (5.7 kg) KC316860.0 9/12 (4.8 kg) KC359637.0 8/11 (3.0 kg) KC316426.0 7/10 (2.2 kg) KC316014.0 6/9 (1.4 kg) KC3156

8.9 5/8 (0.92 kg) KC31526.8 4/95 (0.77 kg) KC31484.5 4/7 (0.55 kg) KC31441.7 3.5/5 (0.23 kg) KC3998

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288 Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook

make cost analyses to quickly determine the most cost-effective feedingsystem for any given casting. The program is available in versions for ironcastings and also for steel castings. A non-ferrous program is notavailable.

Calculating feeder sizes for aluminium alloy castings

Steel and ductile iron foundries use all the calculation methods available todetermine the most effective feeders for their castings. FEEDERCALC iswidely used and there is growing use of solidification modelling usingcomputer programs such as SOLSTAR, MAGMASOFT etc. to simulatesolidification with the casting in different positions before the casting ismade.

Aluminium and other non-ferrous foundries do not usually use suchcalculation methods but instead rely to a large extent on the generalprinciples described in Chapter 7 and experience to determine feeder sizeand position. The reason for this is mainly the difficulty of predicting thesolidification pattern of long freezing range alloys, particularly if hydrogengas is evolved as the casting freezes.

Figure 17.22 Examples of nomograms used to determine suitable feeder sleevedimensions.

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Accuracy, dimensional, 22Acid demand value of sand, 151

measurement of, 153Adhesives for core assembly, 215AFS Grain Fineness Number,

calculation of, 16Age hardening of aluminium alloys, 44Air set sands, see Self-hardeningALBRAL fluxes for removal of alumina

from brasses, 247Alkaline phenolic resins, 183Aluminium alloys, 25

alloys for aerospace, 35BS-EN European Standards, 25British Standard BS 1490: 1988 alloys,

31, 32, 33casting characteristics, 37applications, 38colour codes, 39mechanical properties, 33

bronze, 250casting processes, 25, 39chill casting see also Gravity, low

pressure, 25melting and metal treatment, 83, 87

comparison of National Standards, 39degassing, 72effect of alloying elements, 39grain refinement, 70, 77gravity diecasting, 124heat treatment 42

furnaces, 43suffixes, 42

hydrogen pickup, 47, 71hydrogen solubility, 71LM series, see British Standard BS

1490 alloyslow pressure diecasting, 118magnesium alloys (Al–Mg alloys),

melting, treatment, 86mechanical properties:

BS-EN alloys, 30BS 1490 alloys, 33

melting, 46fluxes see Fluxesfurnaces see Furnacesraw materials, 47

melting and treatment, standardprocedures, 83

aluminium–magnesium alloys, 86eutectic alloys, 84gravity diecasting alloys, 87hyper-eutectic alloys, 85medium silicon alloys, 84pressure diecasting alloys, 87

modification, 79oxidation of liquid alloys, 46oxide films, 46oxide inclusions, 46porosity, 71, 95, 96pressure diecasting, see Pressure

diecastingreclamation of swarf, 57sand casting alloys, melting and

treatment, 83specifications, 25

Aluminium bronze, 250Aluminium castings:

automotive applications, 23casting processes, 39defects in, 23design strength, 23variability of mechanical properties,

23Aluminium–silicon alloys:

eutectic alloys, 40hypereutectic alloys, 41medium silicon alloys, 41

Aluminium–silicon phase diagram, 40Amine catalyst, 182Angle of repose of silica sand, 151Antimony modification of aluminium

alloys, 83Anti-piping compounds, see FERRUXAreas and volumes of circles, spheres,

cylinders etc., 6

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290 Index

Atomic weights of metals, 7Average grain size, calculation, 15

Bench life of self-hardening sand, 168,169

BENTOKOL green sand additive, 157,158

Bentonite, 157Binders, chemical, 167

self-hardening, 167resin, 180silicate, 210

triggered hardening, 185gas hardened resin binders, 186heat hardened resin binders, 185silicate, CO2 hardened, 205

Boiling points of metals, 7Brasses, see Copper alloysBreakdown agents for silicates, 208Breaker cores, 279Brinell hardness of metals, 8Bulk densities of common materials, 10Buoyancy forces on cores, 18, 20

Calcium bentonite, 157Calcium boride deoxidant for copper,

240, 241Calculation of feeder requirements,

aids forFEEDERCALC, 287Nomograms, 287Tables, 286

Calibration of mixers, 171CARSET ester hardener, 212CARSIL blended silicate, 208Ceramic foam filters, 99Cereals, additive for green sand, 159Chelford sand, properties, 151Chemically bonded sand, 167

testing, 169Chem-Trend lubricants for pressure

dies, 116Chill casting, see Gravity, Low pressure

diecastingChromite sand, 156Chvorinov’s rule for solidification time,

259Clamping, moulds, 173Clay, additives for green sand, 157

Coal dust additive for green sand, 158CO2 gassed resin cores, see ECOLOTECCO2 silicate process, 205

gas consumption, 207Cold box coremaking process, 193

environmental problems, 194, 203Cold-setting process: see Self settingColour coding of alloys:

aluminium ingots, 39copper ingots, 227

Colours, standard colours of patterns,17

Commercial copper castings, 243Computer modelling of flow in gravity

dies, 132Computer modelling of solidification,

288Consistency, dimensional, 21Contraction allowances, 11Control of green sand, 164Conversion tables:

SI, metric and non-metric, 2Stress values, SI, metric, imperial, 5

Cooling of aluminium in ladles, 65Cooling green sand, 162Copper and copper alloys, 225

applications, 225, 230brasses, 244

effect of added elements, 244gravity diecasting, 246melting and treatment, 244pressure diecasting, 248running, gating and feeding, 246

bronzes and gunmetals, 248aluminium bronze, 250lead bronze, 250manganese bronze, 250melting, 248specifications, 228

BS EN alloys, 228, 230colour code for ingots, 227commercial copper, 243copper–cadmium, 243copper–chromium, 243copper–nickel , 251copper–silver, 242copper–zinc see Brassesdegassing, 237deoxidants, 237effect of alloying elements on

conductivity, 239

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Index 291

Copper and copper alloys–Continuedfiltration of, 251fluxes:

oxidising, CUPREX, 236reducing, CUPRIT, 236

Foseco products for melting andtreatment, 232

gating of copper castings, 89, 242gravity diecasting brasses, 246high conductivity:

copper, 238copper alloys, 242gating, 242

hydrogen solubility, 232melting and treatment, 232, 238oxygen in copper, 232specifications, 228

Copper Development Association, 227Core assembly moulding, 140Coremaking processes, comparison, 199Core print support, 19Cores, buoyancy of, 18, 20CORFIX adhesives, 188, 215CORSEAL sealant, 215Corundum growth in furnaces, 54Cosworth process, 53, 141COVERAL fluxes for aluminium, 58Croning process, see Shell processCrucible furnaces for melting

aluminium, 51CUPREX oxidising fluxes for copper

melting, 234, 236CUPRIT reducing fluxes for copper

melting, 235

Defects in aluminium castings, 23Degassing aluminium alloys

DEGASER tablets, 72Rotary degassing, 72, 75

Density:casting alloys, 9common materials, 10metals, 7

Deoxidants for copper, 237DEOXIDISING TUBES for copper

alloys, 236DEXIL silicate breakdown agent, 209Dextrine, additive for green sandDie casting:

low pressure see Low pressurediecasting

gravity see Gravity diecastingpressure see Pressure diecasting

Die coatings:application of, 131gravity and low pressure, 127high pressure 116insulation properties, 130

Die design, pressure diecasting, 109Dielectric heating of cores, 185Die life:

gravity diecasting, 126low pressure, 121pressure diecasting, 109

Dimensional tolerances of castings, 22Directional solidification, 97Direct pouring of aluminium alloys,

104DISA flaskless moulding, 136, 139DISA insert sleeves, 282DMEA (dimethyl ethyl amine)193Drossing-off fluxes for aluminium, 57Dust control in foundries, 18DYCASTAL powder for aluminium

gravity diecasting, 87DYCOTE die coatings, 127, 129

ECOLOTEC resin process, 195Electrical conductivity of copper alloys,

239ELIMINAL flux for removing

aluminium from brasses, 245Errors, dimensional, 21ESHAMINE cold box resin, 193ESHANOL furane binders, 180Ester hardened silicate, 210


Ethyl silicate, 167Eutectic Al–Si alloys, treatment of, 84Evaporative casting process, see Lost

foamExpandable polystyrene, 144

FDU (foundry degassing unit)73FEEDERCALC, 287Feeding of castings:

aids to calculation of feederrequirements, 286

application of sleeves, 280

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292 Index

Feeding of castings–Continuedfeeder dimensions, calculation of, 257feeder neck calculation, 264feeders:

aided, 253natural, 252side wall, 254

feeding distance, 255, 258feeding non-ferrous castings,

principles, 94, 97feeding systems, 252, 254feed volume calculation, 266modulus, 257

extension factor, 259natural feeders, 253nomograms for calculation of

feeders, 287tables for calculation of feeders, 286

Foseco feeding systems, 268breaker cores, 279feeder sleeves:

application, 268, 280DISA insert sleeves, 282FEEDEX HD V, 273Floating, 281Insert, 280KALMIN S, 269KALMINEX 2000, 272Shell moulds, 282

FEEDOL anti-piping compound, 286FERRUX anti-piping compound, 284KALBORD insulating material, 275KALPAD boards and shapes, 278KAPEX feeder lids, 279Williams cores, 283

FENOTEC ADTI anti-fusion additive,179, 184

FENOTEC alkaline phenolic resin:gas cured, 198self setting, 183

Filters, ceramic foam, 100SEDEX, for copper alloys, 251SIVEX FC:

for aluminium, 100for magnesium, 223prints for, 102

STELEX for magnesium, 223Filtration of castings:

aluminium alloys, 99copper alloys, 251magnesium alloys, 223

Flask-less moulding, 139Floating sleeves, 281Fluxes:

aluminium, 56drossing off, 57furnace cleaning, 60granular fluxes, 61modifying, 60protecting, 56

copper, 234, 236magnesium, 221

Forces:buoyancy on cores, 18opening forces on moulds, 19

FOSCAST refractory cement, 69Foseco-Morval foam patterns, 145Foundry Degassing Unit for

aluminium, 72Foundry layout for self-hardening

moulds, 173, 175Furane resins, 180Furnaces, for melting aluminium:

corundum growth in furnaces, 54crucible 51dosing, 54holding, 52induction, 48reverberatory, 49shaft, 50

FUROTEC furane binders, 180

Gas triggered sand bonding processes,193

Gating of castings:aluminium alloys, 89copper alloys, 90magnesium alloys, 223

Gating systems, principles, 89Gating with filters, 93Grain Fineness Number (AFS)16Grain refinement of aluminium alloys,

77by master alloys, 77, 79by NUCLEANT flux tablets, 77

Grain refinement of magnesium, 218Grain shape of sand, 150Grain size:

calculation of AFS grain finenessnumber, 16

calculation of average grain size, 15

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Index 293

Granular COVERAL fluxes foraluminium, 61

Gravity diecasting of aluminium alloys,124

coatings for, 127computer simulation, 132cores for, 127die life, 126machines, 125melting and metal treatment, 87, 127running and feeding, 126

Green sand, 136, 156additives, 157

BENTOKOL, 157, 158clay, 157coal dust, 158dextrine, 159MIXAD, 160starch 159

cooling rate of aluminium castings,136

parting agents, 166solidification times of aluminium

castings, 125Green sand system, 160

control , 164properties, 163sand cooling, 162sand mill, 161sand testing, 165

Gunmetals, see Bronzes

Haltern sand, 152Heat treatment of aluminium alloys, 42Heat triggered sand bonding processes,

185Hexachloroethane, 72Hexamine, 187High conductivity copper alloys,

melting and treatment, 242High conductivity copper, melting and

treatment, 238Holding furnaces for aluminium, 52Hot box process, 189Hydrogen:

in aluminium melts, 70in copper alloys, 232

Hydrogen solubility in aluminium, 71Hypereutectic Al–Si alloys:

melting and treatment, 79

IACS electrical conductivity of copperalloys, 239

Imperial-metric conversions, 2Induction furnaces see FurnacesInhibitors in sand for casting

magnesium, 222Insert sleeves, 280Insulating ladles for aluminium, 65INSURAL refractory for aluminium, 63

for ladles, 65, 68for launders, 67for low pressure die casting, 122

Iron oxide additions to preventnitrogen defects, 190

Isocyanate resins seePhenolic-isocyanate

KALBORD insulating material, 275KALMIN pouring cups, 188KALMIN S sleeves, 269KALMINEX sleeves, 275KALMINEX 2000 sleeves, 272KALPAD boards and shapes, 278KALPUR combined sleeve and filter,

105KAPEX feeder lids, 279

Ladles for aluminium, 63Latent heat of fusion of metals, 7Launders, INSURAL for aluminium, 69Lead bronze, 250Lithium deoxidation for copper, 238LM aluminium alloys, 31Locking force, pressure diecasting, 109LOGAS degassing units for copper

alloys, 235Lost Foam Process, 144Low pressure diecasting, 119

cores for, 121die coating, 121die design, 120INSURAL refractory applications,

122machines, 119use of filters, 122

Lubricants for pressure dies, 116Lustrous carbon, 183LUTRON moulding sand, 166

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294 Index

Magmasoft, 98, 288Magnesium casting, 217

alloys, 217feeding, 223filtration, 223grain refinement, 218gravity diecasting, 223inhibitors, 218melting, 218, 220pressure diecasting 217, 223running and gating, 223

MAGREX flux for melting magnesium,221

Manganese bronze, 250Manifold casting, modelling, 98MDI (methylene diphenyl

diisocyanate)182MDU (mobile degassing unit)72MEKP (methyl ethyl ketone

peroxide)197Melting see specific alloysMelting furnaces, see FurnacesMelting point of metals, 7Metallostatic force, 20Metals, tables of physical properties, 7Metal Treatment Station for aluminium,

75Methyl formate cured resin, 198Microwave heating of cores, 185MIXAD additive for green sand, 160Mixers for self-hardening sand, 171

calibration of mixers, 171Mobile Degassing Unit (MDU)72Modelling mould filling, 98Modelling, solidification, 228Modification of aluminium alloys, 79

antimony modification, 83sodium modification, 81

NAVAC, 82salts treatment, 81

strontium modification, 82Modulus, 257

extension factor, 259Morval, see Foseco-MorvalMoulding sand for fine finish, 166Moulding machines, green sand, 137Moulds, opening forces on, 19

NAVAC sodium modifier foraluminium, 81

Newton, 3, 4

Nitrogen defects from cores, 190No-bake process: see Self-settingNon-silica sands, 154Novolak resin, 187NUCLEANT grain refinement tablets

for aluminium, 77

Oil sand cores, 191Olivine sand, 156Opening forces on moulds, 19Oxide films in liquid aluminium alloys,

46Oxygen in copper, 233

Parting agents for green sand, 166Pascal, 3Patternmakers’ contraction allowances,

11Patterns, standard colours, 17Permanent mould casting: see Gravity

diecastingPhenolic-isocyanate resins, 182Phosphoric acid, 181Phosphorus for deoxidising copper, 237Physical properties of metals, 7Pinhole porosity in aluminium alloys,

71PLUMBRAL flux for high lead copper

alloys, 250Plunger lubricants, 116POLITEC cold box resin, 193Polystyrene, see Expandable

polystyrenePore-free diecasting, 113Porosity in aluminium alloys, 71Porosity, shrinkage, 252Pouring bush design, 90Pouring cups, KALMIN, 188Pre-coated sand, 187Pressure diecasting:

aluminium alloys, 108applications, 114die coating, 116die design, 109die life, 109locking force, 109machines, 108metal handling, 115melting and treatment, 87, 115pore-free, 113process control 111

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Index 295

Pressure diecasting–Continuedsemi-solid, 114squeeze casting, 113vacuum, 113

magnesium, 223Properties of metals, 7

Radioactivity in zircon sand, 155Raw materials for melting aluminium,

47Reclamation of sand, 175

mechanical attrition of sand, 176thermal, 177typical usage of reclaimed sand, 178

alkali phenolic sand, 179furane sand, 178resin shell sand, 179silicate ester sand, 179

VELOSET sandreclamation process,179

wet, 176, 180Refractories for aluminium ladles, 63Release agents for self-hardening sand,

173Resin binder systems, self hardening,

180Resistance (electrical) of metals, 8Reverberatory furnace, for aluminium

melting, 49Risers, see Feeding of castingsRotary degassing copper alloys, 237Runner design, 91Running and gating green sand

castings, 136

SAFETY-LUBE products, 116Sand:

acid demand of, 151, 153Chelford, 151chromite, 156German, 152grain shape, 150green sand, see Green sand, 156non-silica, 154olivine, 156reclamation, see Reclamation of sandsafe handling of silica sand, 152segregation of, 153silica, 149

thermal characteristics, 153sintering point, 154zircon, 154

radioactivity of, 155Sand casting processes, 135Sand reclamation see Reclamation, 175Sealants for cores, see Core sealantsSEDEX ceramic foam filters, 251Segregation of sand, 153Self-hardening process, 167

effect of temperature, 173foundry layout, 173, 175mould design, 174pattern equipment, 172release agents, 173sand reclamation, 175sand quality, 172testing self-hardening sand, 169

Semi-solid casting, 114SEPAROL parting agent for green sand,

166Shaw process, 167Shell mould sleeves, 282Shell resin process, 179Shrinkage distribution, 96Shrinkage of casting alloys, 13, 264Shrinkage porosity, 252Sieve sizes, comparison, 14SI International System of Units, 1Silica sand, 149Silica sol, 167Silicon in aluminium alloys, 39Simulation modelling of mould filling,

98Sintering point of silica sand, 154SIVEX FC filters for aluminium alloys,

100, 103Sleeve-filter units see KALPURSO2 cured epoxy resin, 198SO2 process, 196Sodium modification of aluminium

alloys, 81

Sodium silicate, 204sand bonding process, 204

breakdown agents, 208CO2 process, 205ester hardener, 211, 212see also CARSET, CARSIL,

SOLOSIL, VELOSETester-silicate process, 210

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296 Index

Solidification mechanisms:long freezing range alloys, 95short freezing range alloys, 95

Solidification modelling, 288Solidification times of aluminium

castings madeby various processes, 125SOLOSIL blended silicate, 209SOLSTAR solidification simulation, 288Solution treatment of aluminium alloys,

47Specific heat capacity of metals, 7Specific surface area of silica sand, 150,

151Sprue design, 90Squeeze casting, 113Starch additive for green sand, 159Steam reaction in copper, 232, 234Stress conversion table, 5Stress relieving of aluminium alloys, 43STRIPCOTE AL release agent, 173, 193Strip time of self-hardening sand, 168,

169, 171Strontium modification of aluminium

alloys, 82STYROMOL coatings for Lost Foam

casting, 146Sulphonic acid, 181Sulphur hexafluoride protection for

magnesium, 221

TAK sealant, 215TEA (trimethylamine)193

Temperature losses in aluminiumladles, 65, 68

Terminal velocity of sand grains, 18Thermal conductivity of metals, 8Thermal reclamation of sand, 177THERMEXO top surface cover, 285Titanium boride grain refiner, 77Tolerances, dimensional of castings, 21Top pouring of aluminium alloys, 105,

107Treatment of aluminium melts, 70

UBE indirect squeeze casting, 113Urethane resins, see Phenolic-isocyanate

Vacuum diecasting, 113VELOSET ester hardener, 179, 212

sand reclamation, 179, 213Volume shrinkage of casting alloys, 13

Warm box process, 190Wet reclamation of sand, 176, 180Williams cores, 283Work time of self-hardening sand, 168,

169, 170

Zinc loss from brass, 245Zircon sand, 154

radioactivity of, 155

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Figure 7.7 Flow modelling of a gravity diecast air intake manifold: (a) The originalgating system. (b) At 0.8 seconds, there is high velocity and turbulence in thesprue. Also hot spots and cold areas likely to become misruns can be seen. (c) At1.6 seconds the runner bar is not yet full but metal is starting to enter the castingcavity. (d) At 1.8 seconds the runner bar is full and metal is jetting into ingatenumber 4. (e) At 3.0 seconds the casting is close to being full. The model hasbeen rotated to show two metal streams not just coming together, but colliding.The two streams, being covered with oxide, do not fuse fully causing the lack ofpressure tightness. In addition the risers are seen to be cold.

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Figure 7.8 Flow modelling of a gravity diecast air intake manifold direct pouredthrough a filter: (a) The manifold rigged for direct pouring through a foam filter. (b)At 0.4 seconds into the pour there is low velocity metal exiting the filter. (c) At 0.6seconds metal is flooding into the mould cavity at less than the critical 0.5 m/sec.(d) At 1.1 seconds the casting is partly full with no jetting apparent. (e) At 2.0seconds the metal is flowing smoothly outward from the central position with noopposing metal fronts. It can also be seen that there is potential for reducing thesize of the risers significantly. (f) The direct poured manifold. The defect has beeneliminated.

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