Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


COME AND SEE IF THERE IS ANYTHING YOU CAN USE GOLDTHAIT SONS The WHITE ANCHOR Marion's Great Laundry and Dye Works. Don't fail to take your linens, your clothing to the White. Anchor. The finest work in the city. Telephone 86.

JAMES E. BROWN. Call me up and make your wants known. "There Are Fakirs in India" Who do not Smoke EL RACIMO CIGARS Because they can't get them. Your dealer sells them.

E. R. WEBSTER CO. Wholesale. Agents Oincinnati.

WTF The Perfection Cooking Kettle. Made of Steel Enameled German Ware, better than granite, agate, porcelain or onyx, with safety handle and cover. -Manutactured in Germany and tested "by the government officials. Very durable. Will peel nor crack.

Entirely free from substances injurious to health. Fruits or vegetables may be burned to a crisp, and the kettle blackened and apparently ruined, and yet with washing the vessel is left as good -as-new. -This-kettle also contains a steamer, which contributes largely to its usefulness as a cooking eight-quart. kettle. of this.

weighs but three -pounds, much less than the iron vessels of the sane size. It is pontively the only ware that does not scale off, buru or lose its color as effects of all kinds of cooking. It is sold by agents only, and the ladies of Marion are requested to give them a hearing when they call. Other vessels of the same material may be obtained of the ald6t Joseph Neef: a Pioneer Neet bad in the school established at" the Falls of the Schuylkill about 100 pupila, most of them boarders, who taught physiology, botany, geology, natural history, languages, mathematics and other branches, out the ald of 81 single text-book, 6 purely natural method boing followed. boys from the Falls," as they were- known to without exception.

after being in the school for a "short time, work the metic, converse with equal east In several. languages; and many who were- his pupils- have- sald in after rears that the amount of formation and practical knowledge gained while under Nerf's care had always been of benefit to then. In 1813 be removed to Green, 1p Delaware county, Pennsylvania. Darld Glasgow Farragut was one of his pupils at this place. From here the school was moved to Louisville at the earnest solicitation of several Kentucky patrons, In 1826, when Robert Owen, "of Now Lanark.

Scotland, began big famous socialistic experiment nt New Harmony. Indiana, Mr. Neet took charge of the educational departmcut of his community. In 1829 the 1 Mr. Need remored to Cincinnati, and later 10 Steubenville, Ohio, where he gaged in his Inst school, He died at Now Harmony in -Popular Science Monthly.

J. AT A INDIANA DISPATCHES. Affairs of the State Properly P'resented For Hasty Perusal. SUICIDE OF A GOSHEN MAN. He Dies In Now York lotel From the of Opium- Brazils Court of 10: quiry.

at Work- Meyeling Tory Big Wager- Policeman Accused of Pasting Counterfeit BRAZIL Ang. Ed William Richmond and William Densler, the two last railroad men, were arrested -yesterday and taken before the court of inquiry established for the purpose of investigating every depredation committed during the strike here, The defendants are accused of participating in the work of driving nonunion railroaders out of the city. The A. R. U.

has passed resoJutions condemning the Sunday assaults! Plucky Six-Year-Old Boy, NEW ALBANY, -Aug. Wagner of Louisville, was killed on the Air Line as he: was walking across a trestle with 6-year old nephew. The boy saved his life by hanging from the end of a cross-tie. Wagner was knocked from the trestle the creek bottom, 60 feet below. The boy was suspended by the hands for five minutes before being rescued by the trainmen.

Lost Two WABASII, Aug. E. Hess of this, county was, yesterday, granted license to wed Miss Villa Sparling. Ag County Clerk Patterson issued the authority Mr. Hess sadly remarked: is the third time I baye engaged to be married.

Twice before, after the wedding day had been fixed, my afflanced took sick and died. Policeman In Bad: Business. INDIANAPOLIS, Aug. 7. -Merchant Toliceman Reno has been arrested on a charge of passing a $3 bill on a streetcar conductor after being aware that it was counterfeit, It is claimed that he had previously presented the bill at two and received the information that it was bad.

Goshen Man Sulcides In New York. NEW YORK, Aug. 7. -Martin D. Yates of Goshen, was found dead in his bed at the Windsor hotel yesterday, having committed suicide by opium.

Yates, who had been a guest at the hotel for a week, is supposed to have been wealthy, Six Days: Ahead 'of Times HAMMOND, Aug. 7. -Frank C. Delvin, the 'cyclist who: left Boston July 21 on a wager of $10,000 to make 8 record to from Boston in 45 daya, arrived here at 6 o'clock last evening in excellent condition six days ahead of time. Fire at Lebanon? LEBANON, Aug.

-A fire which for. a time threateued to destroy the "entire business portion of this -city occurred here yesterday, It originated in A tho" third story of the old Heath elevator and. did $8,000 damage. Both Legs Cut Of. ROCKFORT, Aug.

7. -Isaac Wright, 73 years old, one of the best known farmers in Spencer county was struck by A train on a railway crossing while riding in buggy and both: legs, were cut off. He cannot live. Chandler on the Warpath. NOBLESVILLE, Aug.

F. Chandler, separated from his wife, in an effort to secure possession of their child, shot Miss Bird Davis in the kner, got a bullet himin self jail. from his brother law and is now Tax Commission. INDIANAPOLIS. Aug.

7. -The state tax commission is in session: The intontion is to keep valurs up to last year'a ard as nearly Murdered For. Money, WINNIPEO, Aug. Roy, a prospector well known throughout the Canadian northwest. was foully murdered in his near Edmonton yesterday.

His head was crushed in with a club and he had been stabbed through the heart. Was known to have had large sums of money and everything of value in liis tent. was taken. Charged With Frame. JERSEY 'CITY, Aug.

7. -Osmer W. Raper, president, secretary. treasurer and general manager of the Mutual Land and. Building association, was arrested last night on charges of receiving money under false pretenses.

Raper has been indicted by the grand jury. MRS. LANG ALIVE. Chicago's Mysterious Corpao Not the Falladelphila Woman. PHILADELPHIA, Aug.

Cecil A. Lang, who disuppeared from this city and was supposed to have been buried in Chicago under the name of Sampson, the body being claimed by Mr. Lang as one of her two husbands, has been hoard from. Sho isn't -dead and was never 1 in Chicago. With the evident intention of concealing her whereabouts.

Mrs. Lang has neglected to put any date or addruss in her letter, Bloody Tragedy." NEW YORK, Aug. night on the steamer C. 11. Northam, which plice between port and New Haven, James Gorman, the coxswain of the United States war yeagel Minnesota, stabbed Maggio Fitzgerald, a warried woman, in the presence of her two little girl: and then attempted commit suicide by cutting his throat.

Both are seriously wounded. Jealously the cause, It' you want a good flour buy "Maid of the Mist." Guaranteed te be good. CLIMAX BAKING PUREST AND BEST I LESS THAN HALF THE PRICE OF OTHER BRANDS HALVES, QUARTERS SOLD IN CANS ONLY. Correspondent INDIANAPOLIS COMMISSION CO Indianapolia, Ind R. J.

G. CORNER, Commission Broker, 414 South Adams Street. Opposite Spencer House. New York Stocks, Chicago Grain and Provision, Continuous Market. Private Leased Wires.

D. and W. Affaire NEW YORK. Aug. mortgage bondholders of the D.

and W. who purchased the road May 10 for 000, elected W. 11. Smith president and decided not to further proceed with a enlan of reorganization. Express Selling Lottery- Tickets ST.

Louis, Aug. 7. -Jesse Waters, agent Southern Express company, was arrested last night charged, with having sold tickets in the Honduras Lottery company at his office in this city: Standing by the President. CHARLESTON, S. Aug.

7. -City and county Democracy in convention denounce abuse and tirades against Cleveland by the Tillmanites and promise their "matchless leader" undivided support, Farinera Fight It Out. ROLFE, Ang. 7 Herman Barnes and Joseph Wiley, farmers, had a quarrel and agreed to fight it out to a finish. The battle was a bloody affair and Barnes was so badly hurt that he died.

Senator Daniels' Son Killed. LYNCH Va. Ang. 7. -The 8-year'old son of.

United States Monator Daniel was dashed to death by a horse while his head dragged on the ground, his foot being caught in the stirrup. INDIANA NOTES campmeeting at Anderson will close this week. Anderson running race dates have been changed to Sept. and 20. Samuel Blystone, near Boylestown, reports that he threshed 615 bushels of oats, machine measure, from 10 acres.

Willian Trasler of Laporte county, dur-. ing a dance near Tracey, stabbed a man named Martin and was arrested for attempted murder. -At the Muncie colored Nev. Jason Bundy- was. knocked down by One of an Indianapolis quartet he had emfurnish music ima dispute aboutsalary.

-Pence has once more been established at Linton and Island City, the managers of the Island City coal mines signing an agreement that the mines shall be oper. ated by white labor. Frank Everly of Kosciusko county was found dead near Warsaw with his head crushed in. It was explained that he had fallen in front of a traction engine. W.

D. -Frawley, owner of the engine, and one of his employes nained Black have been ar rested as responsible for the death. Samuel Smith, under arrest at Bedford, attempted to secure relense by cutting vein in his arm, from which he sucked the blood until his mouth way full, to con: vey the that he was seized of internal hemorrhage. The scheme worked benutifully. Smith was conveyal to his home, apparontly to die.

Then ho at -tempted to escape, but wus recaptured. -SPORTING -NOTES 5. Boston piled up 13 runs in the seventh inning yesterday. Indianapolis, on the home grounds, meets Detroit today. Prestilent Robinson of the Cleveland club denies that there is to be a tranafer to Buffalo.

Hercules Athletic, club opened in Cmlast night. -Police stopped a fight. between- Danny Needham and Louis Groeninger in the fifth round. Philadelphia league club's grandstand and bleachers burned yesterday. Sovch firemen were injured.

Loss 680,000, Omnibus company's stables adjoining lost $18,000. Directly made a new. 2-year-old pacing record yesterday, lowering the Agures At Buffalo to 1801 Vacation. Before taking vour summer vacation, deposit your valnables in Rogue Thom Safety Boxes 2.50 a year." j31d1m The Washington- relay race IN maKing good time. DON'T FAIL TO VISIT OUR GREAT Carpet and Drapery Sale In progress for the next-30 days.

Sweeping reductions in al I grades. Hemp Carpets at 10- per yard. Ingrain Carpets at 15c. per yard. Brussels Carpets at 40 and soc per yard.

Door Drapery Swiss at loc per yard. Chenile Curtains at 25c per pair. It will be your loss if you (ail to visit this great sale at WATSON McINTIRE, Vashington and Fifth Streets. Just Received A full line of Pants Patterns in the Latest Styles, which we offer you at a bargain for the next thirty days. Pants worth $10 and $12 at this sale at.

$8. Pants worth 87, 57.50 and $8 at- this sale for $6. Only for 30 days. Call and see them. Borgwald, the Tailor, Fifth and Washington Streets, Up Stairs.

Room 1 MADAM RUINE RAPOPORT, -THE EUROPEANClairvoyant CAN BE CONSULTED ON ALL QUESTIONS OF LIFE AT THE CUMMINS HOUSE, 510 South Adams Street. ASKS NO QUESTIONS. and Tells advises your you Name, in Past, Business Future, and Love Matters She has led thousands to Wealth and Happiness who bad before, been struggling with poverty and distress. Hundreds of Clairvoyants, Mediums. and Fortune Tellers may your city, but none can equal the Madam, She reads your fate wonderful from 9-a.

m. to- 8- p. Callers received Sunday. HE 4 3d6t. me 'In a Death Trap.

MARKET QUOTATIONS. Chicago, CHICAGO, Milwaukee A and St. Taul train road Prices: For and Cattte: Ang. freight. on LAY on Aug.

6. last night a North avenue streetcar at the Fortieth street crossing and Indianapolis. the following were injured: Mrs. Mary WHEAT Rainier, fatally; Peter Hanson, seriously; Conductor S. Larson and Driver John CATTLE--Receipts light; shipments none.

Miller of the car slightly. Market steady. Good to choice shipping and export steers, Arrested For Killing an Engineer. $3.90 4 4.33; medium to good shipping steers, common to fair steers, Aug -May- choice steers, 0 good field, a striking brakeman of the Chicago to choice heifers, fair to meand Eastern Illinois road, has been ar- dium common a light rested for the shooting of Engineer heifers, fair to good medium to cows, choice cow, Byrnes in his cab a week ago, on the 2.50. charge of murder.

The officers have the HoGs -Receipta light; shipments light. testimony, of eye witnesses that he is the Market Arm. assassin. Good to choice medium and heavy, $5.15 mixed and heavy packing, $5.00 (k Royal Wedding. 5.15, good to choice $5.15 ST.

PETERSBURG, Aug. mar- 5.20; common ilghtweights, 15: roughs. riage of the -Grand Alexander SHEEP-Receipts light; shipments none. Michalovitch and Grand duch*ess No quotable change. Xenia, daughter of the czar, wag cele- Good to extra lambs, com-: brated yesterday in the imperial palace mon to good lambA, good to at P'eterhoff in the presence of the im- choice sheep, common fair to medium family and sheep, sheep, other royalty.

$1.50, Was Not Drowned. Chicago Grain and SHARON SPRINGS, N. Aug. WHEAT--Sept. opened 54c, closed George Crocker of Cooperstown, sup-.

Muy opened closed posed to have been drowned six years opened closed ago, has reappeared here. He makes no May OATS- opened opened closed closed and explanation. His wife has remarried May opened closed 35 is now living in Dos Moines. PoRK--Sept. opened $13.15, closed Jan.

opened $12.55, closed $13.00. $13.15. Freight Train's. Long Fall. LARD--Sept.

opened $7.15, closed $7.17. WALLA WALLA. Aug. Jan. opened $6.00, closed 87.05.

RIBS- opened $0.82, cloaed 10 82 freight train on tho Oregon railway' Was Jan. opened $0.40, closed $6.60. wrecked at Alto bridge. Seventeen cars Closing cash markets: Whent corti went off the bridge. which high.

oats pork $18.15, lard Conductor and two brakemen were badly ribs $0.87. though not fatally injured. Notice. W. C.T.

U. Meetings We wish all our customers to know The T. U. meetings are in the that both our wagons will be running midst of a dozen meetings being held on Monday next and that- our bread in the suburbs of the city. Three will be on sale at the Columbian Cafe.

have already been held in West Marion, JOSEYH FRIST. and three in South Marion and the following are yet to be held. Sunday "Atteution, Old Soldiers. morning, lighland avenue, at the All old soldiers G. A.

R. Post close of Sunday School. Sunday and are requested to be present at's meetMonday evening, U. B. church, West ing at U.

A. R. ball on. Saturday, Aug. Marion.

Tuesday evening, First 11tb, 1894, at 2 p. for the purpose Friends' church, Wednesday and of electing- the Grant Thursday evening, Ninth street church. County Battalion to go to- Pittsburg, The object of these meetings to create public sentiment will de- By order of committee. inand a Temperance Instruc- Chairman. tion law for Indiana, as every state in the union has it but Avo, and Indians 14 Funerals.

one of the five. The meetings are con- Carriages and caba furnished for sam ducted by, Mrs. Cammack who: has at $3 cash by Rettig's livery and Holmade a study of the effect of alcohol man Reeves's transfer stable. on.the human agates -ands her lectures by means of Temperance Physiological charts which make the Those Having Money, to Loan truths very potent. Good audience Will And it to their adrantage to see is desired.

as her work is very educa. Bogue Thom Co. 119d1m tional. MRS. VOTAW.

s4d3t Try Ousters fresh roasted coffee. 3 9 A All Europe Under Arms. After the dreadful Franco-German war of 1870-1871 the principle of prolonged military service and of diminIshed annual contingonts was given The monstrous principle unl: versal service wits adopted instead. By this principle the whole nation is untor arms. country is no longer' IL country: people longer DeOple; a nation now nothing but.

an army, and a country is only a barrack. Everybody sur'lo qui vive. If war brenks out Today all professions- become do-. sorted. all functions abandoned; the life of the nation stops that pational activity may be sald to begin again only with the blood that is shed.

Morrover, before two hostile armies, that 1N, Two nations which are enemies, join in conbat, each of the two armira, that is. each of the two infinite hordes which traverse their several countries to meet eventually on the field battle, willl leave behind it a country in famine. its factories allent, and its trade Again, enormous stocks nt food supplies must be aCcumulated on the frontlora where the two armies are likoly to meet: but before reaching these Inexhaustible mathe armies must be fed while crossing their own territories, and that that. before exca the, first gun is dred, each army will have expended enormous and loft in its train towns and villages stripped of men and beasts, the cities in famine, the country without a single tiller of the fold. Magazine.

4 14 I.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Mr. See Jast

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